Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ All That Clanks ❯ The HamBots Attack ( Chapter 5 )
All That Clanks
Chapter 5: The HamBots Attack!
Panda: What did they do to me? Why they allowed me to create this immense Hambot army you see before you.
Sparkle: Come on Panda, snap out of it. You're not evil.
Panda: Shut up! Hambots, advance on her...
Hambots: Affirmative master Panda...
Sparkle: Keep those walking scrap metal away from me!
Hambot: Knock out gas..........
Sparkle: Hu- *knocked out*
Hambot: Activating net.......bzzt....
Sparkle: *is caught*
Panda: Excellent, my Hambots! Now activate your radars to………
Ham-Hams: *Heard from distance* PANDA! PANDA!
Panda: No need…
(The Ham-Hams are still searching for Panda)
Pashmina: Panda is no where to be found! This is bad.
(Suddenly, the hambots come from nowhere and surround the ham-hams)
Hams: Uh-oh...
Hambots: Located Ham-Hams.....bzzt.....activate guns.......
Penelope: *clings to Pashimina* Ookwee!
Stan: D-damnit...I feel so helpless...
Hambots: fire!
Hams: *All cover themselves and scream*
Hambots: Activating Sleeping gas.....bzzt.....
(The Hambots open their mouths, gas shoots out. The Ham-Hams start to get drowsy)
Maxwell: *yawn* any of you starting to get tired...?
Boss: Yeah...I also, sleep....night...mommy.
(All the Ham-Hams fall asleep. Panda appears behind the Hambots)
Panda: Excellent work hambots...
Hambot: bzzt....
Panda: Heke? Hmm..there appears to be slight malfunction in them.
Hambot: Bzzt.....
Panda: *flips open a switch and shuts down the hambot* I don't understand, these machines do the job. Yet they're not responding to my commands.
The other hambots: Error.......Error......
Panda: What the?
(The Hambots short-circuit)
Panda: Arrrgh! How could this happen! They were build perfectly…
(One of the HamBots walk up to Panda)
Panda: Hambot #3, report your status.
Hambot: #3: Somewhere over the rainbow.....bzzt.....
Panda: *sighs while shutting down the hambot* My master won't approve of this.
(Another one of the Hambots walk up to Panda)
Panda: Hambot #45 I hope your still functional.
Hambot #45: Reporting for duty, master Panda.....
Panda: Finally a functional one. Take the hams-hams to Master, I'll see what I can do with the other bots.
Hambot #45: *Walks over to the ham-hams.....then stops* .......bzzt.......ERROR!!!
Howdy: *wakes up and yawns* Oh man, where's a coffee maker?
Boss: *wakes up* Huh? What's wrong with the robots?