Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ All That Clanks ❯ The Fall Of The HamWalker ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

All That Clanks

Chapter 8: The Fall of the HamWalker

Boss: No, Hamtaro, it's too dangerous! Let me-

Hamtaro: Sorry Boss…..but a hams got to do what a hams got to do!

(Hamtaro runs up inside the leg, the HamWalker then turns around)

Panda: *notices the Hams* What? Are you still alive?

Boss: oh no! He spotted us!

Dexter: RUN!

(Machine Guns are fired)

Maxwell: I got an idea..*falls dead*

Boss: Maxwell what are you doing?!

Maxwell: Play along......

(All the Ham-Hams drop dead)

Panda: Hmm...They're life signs are vital...

Maxwell: Oh for...

(All hams run off)

Dexter: Hamtaro is our only hope now...........

(Inside the robot)

Hamtaro: *paka paka paka* Man these wires are hard to chew through.

(Outside, the hamWalker is malfunctioning)

Panda: What the? What's going on?

Hamtaro: *paka Paka paka*

Panda: The...the HamWalker's wiring system is malfunctioning!

Hamtaro: *paka paka paka* (The wire snaps)

(The legs and arms fall of the HamWalker making the torso crash to the ground)

Boss: Hamtaro is still in that thing!

Hamtaro: *pops out* Don't worry I'm alright! ^_^ But i am worried about Panda

(Panda is lying unconscious although he has no Dark Circle symbol on his forehead anymore)

Mimi: *walks over to Panda and picks him up* Panda...

Panda: *wakes up* Mimi?

Mimi: Panda! *hugs him*

Pashmina: Well I guess Panda's back to normal now.

Penelope: Ookyou! *looks at Pashminas arm*

Pashmina: I'm alright Penelope. I'm sure it can be bandaged up.

Maxwell: I can't believe Panda almost killed his owner. I guess this proves how heartless the Dark Circle really is.

(Meanwhile at the Dark Circle's castle)

?????: WHAT?!! Panda has been freed from my spell!

Warham: (enters) Don't worry, Master. He was weak. By the way, Spat and Alice are sleeping in the corridor

?????: Hmm...well if forcing the ham-hams won't work, then I will "presuade" them to, Starting with the tall brown one. Considering his so called "loss".

Warham: Maxwell?

?????: Yes...bring him to me!

Warham: Yes, Master. *leaves*

(Warham is walking down a corridor, Alice and Spat are waking up)

Alice: *Yawn* what a nice nap! Where is Panda?

Warham: He broke free from Masters spell. Poor Spatty, Looks like your Haminator won't be re-built

Spat: Not Quite, Pfpt! I no longer need Panda. The Haminator will be built. A lot sooner than you expect. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! PFPFT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!