Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ blade's quest ❯ blade meets the ham-hams ( Chapter 2 )
Did you like my story so far? Good cause here's chapter 2?
Chapter 2:blade meets the ham-hams
We find our hero inside the ham-ham clubhouse
Where hamtaro is watching him. Then he starts to wake up
???-huh….where am I(notices hamtaro) did you bring me here
hamtaro-no bijou did
hamtaro-by the way, my name's hamtaro. What's yours
???-it's blade
hamtaro-nice to meet you blade
blade-nice to meet you too. So are you the only one here or are there others
hamtaro-there are others
blade-can you show me to them
blade-great(blade gets up, but realizes that his arm is ok now)what happened
blade-my arm, it was hurting before I got here….but now it's better. What happened
hamtaro-one of the ham-hams helpd you out
hamtaro took blade to where the ham-hams are
hamtaro-hey guys
hamtaro-look who woke up
blade stepped out side to where the ham-hams were
boss-hey, it's that guy
Maxwell-I'm glad he's finally better
The ham-hams introduced themselves to blade and blade introduced himself to the ham-hams
Blade-nice to meet you all
Pashmina-glad your ok
Boss-let's head in side, shall we
To be continued….
Character info-blade(for each chapter, I will include a
Character data for each new character. I will include skills, magic, weapons, etc. so this will be here at the end of each chapter with a new character)
Age-17(human years) 3(hamster years)
Birthday-august 6th (same as hamtaro and cappy's and me also(since he's my character))
Blood type-A
Main weapon name-broadsword
Skills-none at the moment
Magic s/he is able to learn-fire, blizzard, thunder, demi, slow
Review please.