Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ blade's quest ❯ finding blade ( Chapter 3 )
How come I haven't gotten any reviews at all. Please review. Here's chapter 3, plus a new character
Chapter 3: finding blade
Boss-So how come you're all alone
Blade-my human abandoned me
Bijou-abandoned you?! Why would he do….
Blade-(interrupting bijou)she
Bijou-sorry, why did she abandon you
Blade-I don't know, it's not like I did anything wrong. She just left me there
Sandy-that's so terrible!
Blade-I know
Boss-don't worry about it, just forget everything that happened
Blade-I guess
Boss-you could spend the night with me
Blade-ok then
The ham-hams were busy talking to blade while the girls went out to get more seeds. They finally have enough for everyone
Bijou-I think that's enough
???-where is he
They find a hamster that looks similar to bijou except she has purple ribbons instead of blue
bijou-excuse me, but what are you looking for
???-my friend has gone missing, do you know where he is
sandy-like, what's his name?
???-His name is blade
bijou-are you his girlfriend or something
???-yeah….wait. you know where he is
sandy-yep we sure do
???-great thanks
Bijou-by the way, what's your name
???-it's dagger
Pashmina-he's with us dagger, come on
Dagger-ok then
The girls take Dagger to where blade is
Blade-what's taking bijou so long
Cappy-she has been gone a while now
Then bijou enters in
Blade-hey bijou
Bijou-We got a little surprise for you
Bijou-look who's here
Dagger step's in. blade was very surprised
Blade-dagger, your back
Blade went over to give dagger a hug
Dagger-blade, I missed you
Blade-I missed you too
To be continued….
Character data-dagger
Birthday-February 17th
Blood type-AB
Main weapon name-ham-rod
Skills-healing and summon
Magic s/he is able to learn-cure, life, protect, shell, esuna, dispel, holy
Summon spells(this is for summoners only)- Shiva, ifrit, bahamut, and doomtrain
Please review.