Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ blade's quest ❯ dagger's birthday ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'll be waiting for a review. Here's chapter 5

Disclaimer: I do not own Hamtaro, Ritsuko Kawai does, and I do not own Chaos(the one from xenosaga), Namco does.

Chapter 5: dagger's birthday

Blade and Chaos enter the tunnels of the clubhouse

Blade-(I'm sure she'll love it)

Blade enters the clubhouse

Blade-Hi guys




Blade-can I talk to you for a moment


Dagger goes with blade

Stan-what does he want to tell Dagger

Maxwell-probably something secret

Meanwhile outside the clubhouse

Dagger-now what did you want to talk to me about?

Blade-well…. *gives Dagger his gift* happy birthday

Dagger-wow! Thank you blade.

Blade-open it up

Dagger- *open's the case* wow! I love it

Blade-me and Chaos got it for you

Dagger-Chaos….he's here too

Chaos- *comes out of the bushes* hi dagger

Dagger-hi chaos *hugs blade* oh blade, this is wonderful. Thank you

Blade-you're welcome

While blade was giving dagger his gift, a hamster was spying on them

???-soon, your day shall come, blade

who is this mysterious hamster? to be continued….