Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Boss and Bijou's Reconcile ❯ A promise to a friend Soon journey to the city of lights ( Chapter 4 )
The following morning everyone quickly met outside the tunnel to the clubhouse to start a search party to find Boss.
Hamtaro: I was sure Boss would come back by now.
Hakeru: T.W must still be out searching for him he never came home his bed's still made and his kitchen's never been used.
Bijou: I'm really starting to worry what if something terrible happened to Boss last night.
Cappy: We can't lose hope Boss wouldn't lose hope on us.
Maxwell: Cappy's right we should first put up posters all over the neighborhood.
Just then everyone noticed a floating basket coming in for a landing right in front of them.
Pashmina: Wait a minute what's that over there?
The basket softly landed in front of them.
Hamtaro: Hello is anyone in there?
T.W slowly opened his eyes and shook the sands from hid face. He leaned over the basket to see all his friends in front of him.
T.W: Oh I'm glad to see you guys I know were Boss are.
T.W had then gone on to explain that the list given to him by Elder ham was found at the airport and when the noticed that Boss's food stores were in the critical zone.
T.W: It all makes sense since Elder ham found this an airport and wanted to reunite Bijou and Henrietta he went on a plane to France to look for her.
Hamtaro: Then we have to go and bring him back.
Bijou: Well you can count me in. If I hadn't told you about Henrietta Boss never would have left.
T.W: But what about Maria? Won't she be coming back soon?
Bijou: I herd her mom say that'd she'll be with her dad a couple more weeks during spring break I can make the trip.
Pashmina: June and Kyle are going to visit their families for the week so we're going too right?
Penelope: Okwee!
Dexter: I'm coming most defiantly.
Howdy: Me too.
Sandy: Like you can bet I'll be there what about you bro?
Stan: I wouldn't miss it for the world. A friend needs help and what friend I would be if I back out now; (thinking) especially if it gets me the ladies that tame my wandering eye snickers.
Sandy: Did you say something?
Stan: Oh it's nothing.
Panda: Mimi will understand I'm sure, I'm going.
Bijou: What about you Hamtaro?
Hamtaro: I don't think I can go.
Everyone just stared at him not knowing what to say.
Hamtaro: Laura's going on another camping trip but only for 5 days if we didn't find Boss by then I'll have to leave.
Bijou: We can find him by then I people in France that can help us please change your mind.
Hamtaro: All right then off to France we go!
Everyone: Yeah!
Meanwhile Asura and Boss had arrived in Paris, France. They stood in awe in the beauty and historic aspects they saw before them.
Asura: It's more beautiful then any book could display.
Boss: You mean you've never been here before either?
Asura: No this is my first flight outside of pilot academy. You better prepare we'll be landing soon.
The small plane shows accents of grace and pride flying behind Paris's most beautiful landmarks. They twisted around the top of the Eiffel Tower, shot through the hidden detail on the counselees, and briefly sailed through a small collection of paintings of the louve.
Boss: This place is amazing I've never seen beauty like this back home except-
Asura: Except for what?
Except for Bijou the friend I told you about. I came here to find a friend she knew and bring her back home for a surprise visit. Though I told you this already right?
Asura: Yeah but it's nice to hear again, so you came all this way to reunite two old friends I'm somewhat of a sentimental myself. I also had a lover Losora was her name.
She had the hands of a peasant, the heart of an angel, and the eyes of a wanderer. Which she was she never stayed in the same place twice except one my hometown and more than twice I might add. I haven't heard from her in months I pray she's okay.
Oh I'm sorry I've been rambling on ever since I graduated pilot academy I rarely see my friends and family back home. Do you think we could be friends?
Boss: Sure we can back home my friends and I built a clubhouse at my place your welcome to join us anytime. You went to all this trouble for so it's the least I can do.
Asura: It's no trouble it's my job but I'll certainly accept you invitation. All right fasten those seat belts we'll be landing now.
The plane gently landed at a small dock just outside the city.
Asura: Here we are Paris, France everybody out!
Boss stepped out of the plane amazed he finally made it.
Asura: Well good luck and remember you only have one week here afterwards come see me okay?
Boss: Right.
Asura: I'll be heading back to Usatokou Airport but before I do I want to give you something.
Just so you don't have to huff it the whole way take this. The Euro-20 a compact bike I invented.
It's streamlined, smooth mountain tires, colorful detail, and a pop up second seat and pedals easily converts into a bicycle built for two makes it one of the best bikes out there you just strap it on your backpack. Think of it as a thank you for the food.
Boss: Thanks you're certainly handy with tools. I should introduce you to my friend Panda he's training to be carpenter. You two would get along great.
Asura: An inventor and a carpenter what a team that would be.
Boss: Well I better get going.
Asura: All right see ya soon!
Asura started up his plane and headed back to the airport.
Boss: Well I better get started.
So Boss began his great journey to find an old friend in the mysterious city of lights.