Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Boss and Bijou's Reconcile ❯ Will to be strong Boss's new challange! ( Chapter 8 )
Disclaimer: I pray these stories will be episodes and movies one day but there not but I still own all Generation-related characters!
If you know of any fanfic contests e-mail me I feel I could win! (Smiles)
Chapter 9
Open your heart Bijou: Boss begins his quest along the river sienne
Meanwhile in Paris it was sunset at the Osibaka inn and everybody was getting ready for tomorrow.
Gari was in the lobby of the inn scrubbing the floor on his hands and knees.
Ms. Enshi: Has he awakened yet?
Yes maman said Gari. He's coming around quite nicely. He's agreed to help us out as long as we give him room and board.
And a salary he'll need money to live on. Said Ms. Enshi.
Boss came down the somewhat twisting staircase in full uniform, wooden Japanese shoes, a burgundy Kimono with the Osibaka logo on it, and a matching headband. As always he kept his signature helmet on but was ready for work as he always is.
Boss: I'm ready to get started
Gari: Before we go any further I want you meet someone.
He escorts his mother from the register to his new friend.
Gari: Boss this is my mother Annette Enshi. Mom this is Boss.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Shire I hope I haven't taken away from your work."
It's no trouble at all just our duty to the community oh and its Ms. But you can call me Annette. I'm the owner of the Osibaka.
"I told my mother that your body is still recovering so you won't be doing anything too strenuous for awhile."
"You kidding after that race with the turkey I've only been wasting my body here." Said Boss as boastful as ever.
If I'm gonna work here I'm going to work hard or not at all.
All right then said Annette. You can start with hoeing the new patch of the vegetable garden. The tools are in the shed out back please tried to finish it before tomorrow.
"Sure no problem." With that Boss walks to the back door next to the register.
"Mom you saw how wiped out he was, this will truly compromise his body.
"Don't worry son I know what I'm doing said Annette."
"All right then but I'm going to draw a bath for him."
While Gari went to Boss's room to start a hot bath Annette was counting today's earnings.
"He is weak I know but he has a desire to be stronger she thought."
Boss had begun tilling the large patch of land and surprisingly despite his weakened state he had come a long way.
(Up and down)
Boss: Groo-ba, groo-ba, groo-ba, groo-ba.
Maybe Gari was right but I want to earn my keep here. While I was prepared to rough it it's nice to have new friends here. I've only got a week here so I have to find Henrietta soon.
Through the night Boss was hoeing until it was ready to plant. He even poked holes in just the right places to plant the seeds tomorrow.
"Well I guess I'm done for now I best be off to bed."
Boss tip toed through the back door and up the stairs so he wouldn't wake anyone up. He entered his room to find Gari still awake.
Gari shouldn't you be in bed?
"Yeah I just was worried my mom gave you too hard a job with your body the way it is."
Boss then laughed is his happy yet somewhat evil way.
Boss: You don't have to worry kid it was tough but I'm just fine you see?
"All right then I kept a bath hot for you if you want it Gari said as walked to the door."
"Thanks it's very late you should go to bed said Boss."
"Ok good night Gari said as he closed the door."
"Good night kiddo."
Boss then went to the washroom and enjoyed a nice, hot quiet bath.
"This place is great thought Boss."
It's kind of a shame to have to leave in a week. But I didn't come here to start a new life I came to bring a bit of Bijou's past into her new future.
Boss just soaked and in scrubbed in the tub a long time wondering what he'd do next. Meanwhile back in Usatokou Airport the hams just noticed a swift flying object heading towards them
Oxnard: Do you think it's the plane coming back from France?
Maxwell: It couldn't be it looks to small for a human.
Hamtaro: Wait a minute you guys I think it's-
The object got closer to reveal a hamster-sized plane and a familiar yet unfamiliar ham-pilot inside.
"Yep it's true it's a hamster plane!" Exclaimed Hamtaro
The plane swerved a bit and landed on the platform right in front of the hams, Asura stepped out surprised to see a group of ham-hams before him.
Asura: Yes can I help you?
Hamtaro: I hope so my name is Hamtaro and these are my friends and we were wondering if you could take us to France in your plane.
Asura: Sure I can but we haven't been introduced.
"I'm Asura Ham-pilot extraordinaire!"
What about you?
After the hams introduced themselves Asura explained that he needed some food and water to make the next trip.
Luckily the hams packed a bit more food then they needed and munched happily.
"So you see Asura we've been worried about our friend Boss he's been gone a long time and we want to go and find to make sure he's safe Hamtaro explained."
Asura: Boss you say I remember him now does he have brown and off-white fur, caries a backpack with a
Shovel strapped on, and wearing an
Odd-looking helmet. He also had a chip on his right ear.
"Yeah that's him have you seen him? Asked Hamtaro
Asura: Not only that I took him to France in my H-7 Rouroni. Said that was going to reunite Bijou here with someone that's all I know.
Bijou: It's Henrietta he's gone off to find her and it's my entire fault!
Tears streamed from her eyes feeling that if she just kept this to herself Boss would never have left. Just then Sandy walked up to her and gave her a baton.
"Here you need it more than I do right now, don't worry it's washable."
Bijou used the baton to dry her tears and blow her nose.
"Bijou it's your fault Boss left its' not anyone's fault Boss chose to leave to bring your friend back, he's doing this to make you happy not sad."
"I know thank you Sandy but I fear that Boss has another reason for doing this."
"I fear that he has feelings for me I can't return, When we get to Paris I have to tell him how I feel before he hurts himself over me Bijou thought."
Well I hope you enjoyed it! B/B fans better brace themselves my story's true motive will be revealed.
Please review!!!!