Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Boss and Bijou's Reconcile ❯ Our vacation extends! Ham-Ham Arcade day two ( Chapter 31 )
The next morning was late blooming, the sun wasn't even out yet and the hams were slowly getting up to a new day of surprises. After handing their morning rituals they sat at table wondering how they would spend day two of their extended vacation.
Hamtaro: So does anyone have any ideas on what to do today?
Bijou: I thought we could ride the merry-go-round.
Hamtaro: That's sounds good, any other ideas?
Sondra: There was this Go-kart place I wanted to try, and there was this snack stand I saw on our way to the hospital.
Hamtaro: That's three great ideas, anyone else?
Hakeru: Aside from the tournament I wanted to see more of this park. I'm sure I'll find something that interests me.
Ari: I to am looking forward to my next match, I yearn to know how to achieve that power again.
Boss: Say where's T.W?
Oxnard: I saw his room empty so he must be around somewhere.
Just then a scrumptious aroma entered the room.
Hakeru: Hiff, hiff, hiff. Hiff I smell something good.
Soon everyone was hiffing, wondering what the smell could be.
In fact the smell was coming from the kitchen. As said yesterday T.W was busily cooking away.
(Reading a recipe)
T.W: Now let's see that's 4 eggs-
(Cracks 4 eggs into a bowl)
5 cups flour
(Measures 5 cups and put them into a large bowl along with eggs)
2 cups milk
(Measures 2 cups milk and adds it in)
A ½ teaspoon Vanilla
He then dunks that in along with some cinnamon, sugar, and a sprinkle of sage, he mixed it all up with a wooden spoon until it was all well incorporated.
He then carried the bowlful of mixture to the family-size waffle iron built in to the counter. He poured a little bit of the batter in a metal indent of a mini-round waffle shape until all 55 indents were full and the bowl was empty. He then put the bowl and spoon in the sink full of hot bubbly water. He then went to his cutting board and shaped out a rectangular pizza crust. He then added the Tomato sauce, freshly made mozzarella cheese and vegetables.
He then used a Pizza spatula and picked it up and put it on a pizza stone in a wood-burning oven. He then filled some stay hot thermoses with some leftover stew and in the little pocket on each some rice crackers. Then he took a large fat fish that was vacuumed saved in plastic put in his back pack along with sticks and his special seasoning made from the herbs he gathered on Soroto Village. He then made sure he had glass soda bottles of Orange juice for everyone as well as napkins and the picnic blanket all safely in the picnic basket.
He then went back to the waffle iron, he opened it up and a warm toasty steaming noise showed and smelled the sight of golden brown and delicious waffles. He took a fork and popped each one out onto a warm platter. Then he took some melted butter and lightly smeared it over the waffles, he then went to the stovetop oven and with oven mitts on opened it and got out three while trays of cookies. Soon after much preparation the picnic lunch was packed and breakfast was ready to be served.
T.W went back to the room were all his friends were sitting at the table glad to know what was smelling so good. He sat the huge tray down and it was a marvelous sight. Waffles and syrup, peaches sectioned and peeled, glasses of hot apple cider all around and a sweet bouquet of flowers topped it all off.
Hamtaro: This looks great T.W as always.
Oxnard: I can't wait!
Hakeru: Quite impressive.
T.W: I cook it's what I do.
Asura: This is the most proper breakfast I've had since pilot academy.
Ari: I don't usually eat much for breakfast, but in this case I may start to. After all breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
T.W: I'll get the plates, be right back.
Soon after every tool a dish of maple syrup and some waffles along with a peach slice and a napkin and a glass of cider. Soon after a moment of grace and thanking T.W again they started enjoy a delightful breakfast.
T.W: So what were you guys talking about?
Hakeru: We were discussing what were going to do today at the carnival today.
Henrietta: Do you have any suggestions?
T.W: Well let's see, well I'd like to have our lunch in the park in town square aside from that anything you guys want to do.
Asura: Well if we're all agreed I'll go fire up the Rouroni.
T.W: If you don't mind Asura I'll provide the transportation.
Asura: You fly?
T.W: Well sort of.
Soon after breakfast and everyone cleared the dishes in the sink, T.W asked Annette for a big and long laundry basket. Soon everyone went outside and T.W rigged up the laundry basket with the umbrella and rope form his backpack. Soon everyone got in and they were ready for takeoff.
Asura: So you're telling me that this umbrella is magic and will fly us to the fair?
T.W: Yep, it's true.
Annette: Well I hope you all have fun. Could you bring us back some popcorn but not already popped?
Boss: Sure.
Gari: And could you bring back some of the picnic?
Hakeru: We'll be sure to save some, in fact why don't we come back and pick you up and will go back to the park for a picnic dinner.
Gari: Can we maman?
Annette: I think we can get away by tonight.
T.W: Great, now that we got that settled let day two of our Ham-Ham Arcade adventure begin, umbrella extend!!
The umbrella grew and floated off into the air heading over the roof of the Osibaka and on to the horizon.
Annette: Bye you guys! See you at dinner!
Gari: Have lots of fun for me!
The makeshift balloon flew gracefully across the sky surfing against the wind; the hams are overcome by the beauty that surrounds them.
Asura: This is certainly the coolest way to fly, second only to my Rouroni.
T.W: Of course, I couldn't come between a ham and his plane.
Boss: This is so cool.
Sandy: I'll say, it's like we're flying a kite high up only we're inside.
Stan: Whoever thought there was such beauty and tranquility in this world that wasn't in the form of a girl.
Hakeru: Amazing isn't it?
She gave him a coy smile and looked to another side of the balloon; Stan was blushing but didn't notice and soon the redness faded away.
Rami: I usually prefer the sheer ruggedness of the open road, only having a reliable car or just my own to feet along the trail of tera firma, but this is a nice change.
T.W: I know and it's even better when you have more than yourself to share it with.
Ari: Very true.
Bijou: You know if you look at the clouds with your imagination they become such lovely shapes, like over there!
Bijou points to an upcoming cloud that looks in the shape of the Eiffel Tower.
Bijou: It looks just like Le tower Eiffel, the Eiffel Tower. Being up here is like a real dream.
Boss: You said it Bijou.
As the balloon glided over the Ham-Ham Conference and saw the Arcade in the distance everyone was in high spirits for their next adventure. Soon the balloon landed down in the parking area and the umbrella retracted to normal ham size. After untying it from the ropes and untied the ropes from the handles, T.W then put both back into his backpack.
Chapter 32 Our vacation extends! Ham-Ham Arcade day two
After showing there tickets they enter the gates and start their second day of adventure. There first stop was the merry-go-round, everyone got on a horse and held on tight. The operator turned a switch and the It started to move. Sondra and Rami shared a horse, Ari and Asura were in a bench, and Pashmina and Penelope were on a white unicorn. Stan was on a proud thoroughbred and attached to the wagon was Sandy and Maxwell, Dexter and Howdy were on opposite sides of a bench, T.W and Hakeru rode atop a brown steed and on the carriage it was pulling was Boss all by himself. Finally on a Pegasus were Hamtaro and Bijou who by now was feeling better than ever.
Soon after that everyone went to the go-kart tracks, after buying some passes the hams suited up in racing clothes and safety pads. From under Bijou's Periwinkle helmet you can see her pigtails with her blue hair ribbons and a Violet jumpsuit. Pashmina had a pink helmet and her special pink scarf and matching jumpsuit, Penelope wore a yellow helmet and matching jumpsuit over her yellow blanket, both Stan and Sandy wore an orange helmet with tiger stripes and matching orange jumpsuits.
Dexter wore a grey helmet and jumpsuit with black racing gloves, Howdy had a brown helmet and jumpsuit and instead of his usual red apron her wore a dark grey one with a car wheel on it, Rami wore a dark red helmet and jumpsuit and racing glasses, Sondra wore a black helmet and jumpsuit and a dice earring on her right ear, Asura still had on his pilot hat and a army style green jumpsuit with matching gloves, T.W had on a Candy apple red helmet and jumpsuit and a pink heart pin on his left jumpsuit pocket, Hakeru wore a chestnut shell brown helmet and jumpsuit with car wheel berets in her hair.
Boss wore a yellow helmet with the same red and green designs on his helmet along with a black jumpsuit, and finally Hamtaro had on a Vermillion helmet and matching jumpsuit.
Ari, Maxwell, Oxnard and Cappy decided to just watch and announce a race the hams decided to start. Jo also stayed off the tracks so he could take some pictures and his setup cameras from inside a broadcast tower overlooking the racetrack so they could later splice the shots of the race.
After getting some go-karts from the garage and rode those to the track starting line.
Ari: Hello everyone and welcome to the first annual Ham-Ham grand prix, I'm Ari along with my right hand hams Cappy and Oxnard bringing you all the action!
Oxnard: Thanks Ari, we certainly have quite the line up today, here's hoping to our cameraham Jo can keep up with the action. Now let's introduce our racers.
All the hams reached the starting line in the following order-
(While pulling up)
Cappy: First we see the dynamic duo of Pashmina and Penelope, while sporting looks truly all there own they do a lot together including both racing for the first time.
Pashmina was at the wheel and Penelope was her navigator, since she knew few Pashmina gave her a control pad that will help. Every time she's asked for the best direction Penelope will move the joystick to the direction Pashmina should go and a light inside the car will show what she picked and go that way.
Next we see Rami and Sondra pulling up.
Ari: Next we have at the wheel Rami and his right hand Sondra, best friends for many a season Rami's passion for the road and Sondra's spirit make them a tough team to beat today!
Then coming up right behind them were Stan and Sandy.
Oxnard: Now pulling in we have Stan and Sandy, born together but feel different shows that there threat to the outcome of this race is very uncertain.
Sandy was at the wheel and Stan was just along for the ride trying to look cool as always. Then coming right at the starting line was Asura.
Cappy: Now we see Asura gearing for takeoff, will he somehow be able to use his knowledge of flight to get a grip on the tracks?
Asura had a different go-kart then everyone else, it was streamlined for speed, and it seemed to have wings on the sides and had the words "H-7 Rouroni" on it.
Oxnard: It appears Asura's go-kart is a striking resemblance to an airplane and not just any plane but the H-7 Rouroni!
Asura: You'd be right Oxy; I used a remote control to bring the Rouroni here and transformed it to its go-kart mode. And look!
Asura pressed a button and it began to hover.
Sandy: Whoa, now that's cool.
Asura: It sure is and it's all right isn't it.
Cappy: Well we judges slash announcers say we give it the ok as long as you follow the ground rules.
Asura: Sure will!
Zooming up behind Asura was Dexter and behind him was Howdy all gearing their engines fiercely.
Ari: Howdy and Dexter just pulled up and are in high spirits to win today.
Next Bijou, T.W and Hakeru came to the track with their engines rattling.
Maxwell: Bijou who recently recovered from an unknown sickness is now ready to tear up the tracks, also coming in is T.W and Hakeru who are also racing for the first time.
Cappy: It seems we have a lot of first timers here today but coming next is someone who claims he's done everything twice!
Whirring down the track next was none other than Boss who was hoping to really impress Bijou by winning the race.
Cappy: It's our very own Bossman who seems to be quite anxious for the race to start; I know I am but were finally down to our last racers who look to be hitting the tracks now.
Yes indeed it was Hamtaro and Bijou who were just talking their place on the tracks.
Oxnard: Well here they are finally, my best bud Hamtaro and Bijou who look to win it all today.
Maxwell: True enough but out of these 11 racers and 3 latch-ons one wonders who will be our champion/champions?
Cappy: Well there's only one way to find out, but first let's quickly explain where our players will be racing on.
Today our racers are driving from the starting line here in the stadium to up in the stone mountains, then downhill through a peaceful farmland right back to the finish line; our cameras have been stationed through this area and displayed on our screens so we can monitor the entire race. The one who gets to the finish line first will be our winner. In case we can't tell of a clear cut winner our cameraham Jo will have a photo finish picture to determine our winner.
Maxwell: Now quickly before we start we'd like to explain the rules.
All racers must complete the entire course to win. Bumping is allowed but not neat watery areas or on cliffs. Use common sense. If a crash occurs the race stops as we'll tend to the racer and or his/her partners for injuries, if not to serious the race will continue. Just remember the first 4.
Now with that out of the way let the Ham-Ham grand prix begin. Ladies and gentlemen start your engines!
Everyone started their engines with their game faces on ready and wearing to go.
As the judges begin the countdown the lights move down to the next color-
Ari: 5!
Cappy: 4!
Maxwell: 3!
Oxnard: 2!
Jo: 1!
Light moves to green-
All: GO!
Everyone hits the gas and the race begins.
Ari: And there off! We now see Boss has just pulled away for first place with T.W right on his heels, Pashmina and Penelope are right behind them both in third, Bijou is tied with Stan and Sandy for fifth place with Rami and Sondra passing them vying for fourth place. Also tied in fourth place with Rami and Sondra is Hakeru who seems to be having real fun out there!
Oxnard: Asura keeps a steady pace for the sixth spot and look Hamtaro just passed him landing him in seventh, and finally bringing up the rear are Howdy and Dexter who seem to be swerving in and out tying for last place.
The 11 karts trek out of the stadium and onto the stone mountains, by now Boss and T.W tied for first place with Pashmina and Penelope came up to second place.
Pashmina: Okay the rails tell us to go left.
Penelope: Okwee!
Penelope look at the map and moved the joy stick left to confirm it and Pashmina made a sharp turn left keeping their lock on second place in tact.
Cappy: Pashmina and her navigator Penelope have just moved to second place with Sandy and Stan moving to third place.
Oxnard: Hamtaro has moved to fourth place and Bijou and Asura are tied for fifth, Hakeru, Howdy and Dexter are tied for last place and while Howdy and Dexter are arguing over whose fault it is Hakeru is just enjoying the ride.
Soon our racers reach a little grassland on the mountain slowing a bit for the downhill. Penelope pushes a button that lights up the letters "Slow up" on the console screen.
Pashmina: Slow up? Ok navigator!
Pashmina slows up for the downhill and still locks in her second place, on the alternate path and tying for third place were Asura, Hakeru and Hamtaro who were in a deadlock line. Dexter, Howdy and Sandy and Stan who were all honking their horns hoping to break away.
Maxwell: It seems this race has now begun to heat up, though I haven't seen Bijou yet.
Then the screen above the right of the stadium shows Bijou now tying for first place.
Oxnard: There she is and she's now tied with Boss and T.W for first place, Pashmina and Penelope and Asura have now token the second place spot, with everyone else kind of huddled together as we head for the downhill.
Then the karts started treading downhill, everything was at a diagonal angle as everyone's kart speeded up, T.W moved way out in front clinching the first spot, because the downhill track was so narrow no one could really make a move the standings are as followed
T.W was way out in front making him first
Boss and Bijou were in second along with Pashmina and Penelope
Hamtaro, Sandy and Stan were tied for third
Rami and Sondra tied with Hakeru for fourth
Lastly Dexter and Howdy were both in last place.
Maxwell: Wait a minute where's Asura? Did he crash?
No in fact he didn't as the screen showed he was gliding in the air.
Cappy: It seems he flying above the downhill track, is that legal Max?
Maxwell: Yes as long as he stays over the railed tracks.
Oxnard: It seems he's right above Hamtaro which puts him in third place.
Everyone watched from overhead as Asura glided at a steady pace keeping in third place.
Soon the downhill was over and the karts still on the ground now had room to maneuver, Hamtaro moved ahead to tie with T.W for first place, with a few turns of the joystick Penelope navigated Pashmina who was affixed to the road bumped there way though tying with Boss and Bijou in second place, with Rami at the wheel and Sondra cheering him on found themselves up to third.
Now as the karts zip by the farmland they all soon reach the halfway mark in which they stop to check out everything and fuel up again. After checking out the car top to bottom and refuel the karts and themselves they return to the tracks and set off and T.W continues his lead with Boss, Bijou and Hamtaro right on his tail. Everyone else soon followed and the race continued with brunt force.
Ari: Now were nearing the final leg of the track as our racers return to the stadium.
Everyone soon was back in the heat of the race; it was really close as the karts reached the finish line.
Maxwell: This is it, it looks real close!
The karts all collide with each other, just the a ramp popped up sending the karts flying in the air as they landed there were explosions in the dirt but it was in controlled areas as the karts passed the finish line. Jo took lots of pictures as everyone passed the finish line.
Ari: Wow that was quite a finish, I couldn't tell who won.
Maxwell: It's most definitely a photo finish.
Soon after looking at the pictures and video from the race they soon reached a decision.
Cappy: Well everyone as you know this was a tough call but thanks to Jo we now know who won.
Everyone looked at the screen to see Rami and Sondra as well as Bijou and Hamtaro all finish first.
Ari: So in a 4 way tie are Rami and Sondra as well as Bijou and Hamtaro!
Everyone applauded as they walked towards the awards podium. After getting an extension we see Rami and Sondra and Bijou and Hamtaro all in the number 1 spot and won a gold trophy and a car wheel pin, Boss and T.W claim the second place spot and won a silver trophy and their jumpsuit personalized. T.W had "Super love" Sewn on the back and Boss had "#1" on his, and Asura and Pashmina and Penelope in the third spot and won a tiny bronze trophy and a ribbon.
Everyone else won leather badges which they wore on there chests, and everyone else put there prizes and racing clothes in there backpacks.
Ari: All prizes we're donated by Honda's Go-kart track, for Cappy, Jo and Maxwell I'm Ari saying goodbye until next time at the 2nd annual Ham-Ham grand prix.
Soon everyone got hungry from all that racing so while playing a quick game of all around hacky sack our ham friends return to the laundry basket. After fixing it up again T.W told the umbrella to extend and it soon went flying through the air.
It finally landed in the flower patch of Le Sol Park where everyone set up for lunch. T.W stacked some sticks into a big long pile, he then took 2 and rubbed them together and lit the fire. He put rocks all around to contain the flames and got out the picnic basket.
T.W: You guys are gonna love this!
T.W then got all the stuff he was cooking, cookie-sized Belgium waffles, thermoses of leftover stew, rice balls, a extra large veggie deep dish pizza, soda bottles filled with Orange juice, croissant sandwiches and a wide assortment of cookies.
All: Wow!
T.W: I love this job.
Soon after plating everything up they soon started to enjoy a nice lunch.
Hamtaro: I don't know how you do it T.W, this is all too much.
T.W: Don't be silly we'll need all we can get so will be fully charged to have fun.
Ari: That's true and Hakeru and I need to bulk up so we can hold our own in the tournament. I've heard this Irizu is pretty tough.
Hakeru: Than I better have seconds!
Boss ground threw an apple and devoured a thermos of stew, and ate a big slice of pizza feeling quite full but had enough room for a walnut cookie.
Boss: We have enough it seems for 2 days. Maybe when we get we're going to have to up our fitness program.
T.W: Eh- I really wouldn't worry the flavor mostly come herbs and natural stuff aside from fat.
Ari: This is certainly the best picnic lunch I've been on. I swear this amount of food could feed my entire village three times over.
T.W: Well maybe I went overboard, but I couldn't help myself I just knew I'd be cooking for a lot so I played it by ear.
Jo: Well my pictures of everything have turned out great; it will be perfect for our memory journal.
T.W: You're what?!
Liz: Memory journal, back when we were little kids we made a journal that shows our times together, you remember Bijou don't you?
Bijou: Of course I do, I remember the very first page we wrote.
Jo: Well you wrote it really none of us could write yet, but we all drew the illustrations. It's still in our secret hiding place; do you want to take a look?
Liz: I know I'm game!
Henrietta: So am I! Do you want to join us Bijou? It'd be fun.
Bijou: Sure.
Henrietta: We'll be right back. We want to show you as well!
So as everyone continued eating the four old friends walk pass the flower patch and over in the sunflower field went to an old Cherry tree. Henrietta reached into a hollow hole and pulled out a dusty old book with pink cherry blossoms on the cover and on one of the tassels was an old maple leaf tied to a string.
Henrietta: I remember this leaf; this was how we all met!
Jo: That was quite the day!
They all flashback to 2 years ago on the day of the cherry blossom festival in this very park, we see a young Jo in high spirits for the festivities, he was hoping to win a artist's dream of oil paints and canvas to last a year. He was looking around for inspiration when he saw a green maple leaf float by.
Young Jo: A leaf falling, at this time of year? This will be a great idea for a painting! I'll call it "An early autumn."
So Jo climbed up a nearby tree to try and catch it when Liz came over.
Liz: Jo what are you doing?! You have to hurry if you want to enter the artists contest.
Jo: I am hurrying Elizabeth, I just have to get this leaf and-
Liz: I told you not to call me that in public! Now come down from there, if mom catches you we'll never hear the end of it.
Jo: Oh alright!
Then Jo lost his footing and fell of the branch as the leaf floated away.
Liz: Jo!
Liz ran as fast as she could and dove in to grab him just before he hit the ground.
Liz: Are you alright?
Jo: I think so, thanks.
Liz then picks herself up holding him in her arms.
Liz: You're luck you didn't get hurt, you've only just started to climb you know.
Jo: I know, I know it's just I needed that leaf as my inspiration for my painting.
Liz: A flying leaf at this time of year?!
Jo: That's what I said, look up there!
Liz looks up to see there was indeed a green maple leaf floating around.
Liz: Wow you were right, this could win you those paints and canvas yet.
Liz took a step and lost her balance as she fell letting go of Jo sending him flying as she rolled down the hill
Jo went flying into the air when he grabbed onto a nearby tree branch and climbed on. He then noticed the green maple leaf and followed it alongside the tree branch.
Jo: Come back inspiration!
Jo then jumped from the branch and grabbed onto the leaf, he was about to fall but he grabbed both sides and when the leaf flipped over the green part showed atop and the wind pumped up under leaf and Jo began to float along the sky like a parachute only it stays high in the air.
Meanwhile by a stream Bijou and Henrietta were having a celebratory picnic in honor of the cherry blossom festival. Cherry crumble cake, cherries jubilee, cherry lemonade and regular cherries and apples quite the feast you might say.
Young Henrietta: This picnic was a great idea Bijou, we can still go enjoy the festival but it's nice to have this quiet lunch as well.
Young Bijou: I agree, though maybe it's a little too quiet, I wish something exciting would happen.
It seems Bijou's wish is about to come true as Henrietta sees Jo flying through the air riding that green maple leaf.
Henrietta: Hey look, I think your wish just came true.
Bijou: Huh?!
Just then the wind died down and Jo floated down in front of them.
Jo: Hello.
Henrietta: Hey there, are you some kind of world traveler?
Jo: No, not at all.
Jo bends down to look at some interesting blades of grass.
Jo: I'm just a simple painter who likes to find action and expression and capture it own paper and canvas the best I can.
Bijou and Henrietta just looked at each other kind of confused. They didn't know what to say to that.
Just then Liz came rolling towards and before they could get out of the way she crashed into them knocking over the beautiful picnic. They soon found themselves stuck in the picnic blanket and were squirming in all different directions, until they popped out and wiggled their way out.
(Running around dizzy)
Liz: Everything's spinning.
Henrietta: Gosh did a tornado hit us?!
Bijou: I think it was a log of some sort.
Jo: No that's just my sister.
Bijou and Henrietta turned to see Liz snapping out of her dizzy spell. And regaining her footing and turned to see her brother and two mystery girls.
Liz: So there you are, I'm sorry I lost my grip and slipped on the hill. Are you ok?
Jo: Sure I'm fine, I was chasing that leaf and jumped from a tree and floated through the air until I landed here, then I met these girls on a picnic when you came rolling by crashing into everyone.
Liz: Boy you must have hit your head hard.
Henrietta: No it's the truth, me and my friend here we're having our picnic and we saw him flying on a leaf like a parachute, he then landed in front of us and telling us something about artwork when you came rolling trampling our picnic getting us stuck.
Bijou: I saw it as well.
Liz: Well you've certainly had adventure, well I'm sorry I ruined your picnic maybe you'd like to go to the festival with us?
Henrietta: Sure think nothing of it, we were going to leave anyhow.
So after cleaning up the mess and putting everything salvageable back in the basket the four acquaintances make there way back to the festival.
Henrietta: My name's Henrietta and Bijou over there is my very best friend.
Bijou: Hello.
Liz: It's nice to meet you, I'm Liz and you've already met my little brother Jo.
Jo: It's nice to know you both, you seem quite beautiful.
Bijou: Well thank you Jo, that's very nice of you.
Henrietta: Yeah say more!
Everyone laughed as they reached the festival which was in full swing, able to save the crumb cake Bijou and Henrietta shared with Jo and Liz who found it quite tasty. Soon afterwards it was time for the art contest, Jo soon went to his easel and began to paint his newfound inspiration. After a couple of hours had passed he soon was nearly finished, all he needed were the cherry blossoms fluttering in the wind and he'd be done.
Jo: Oh no!
Henrietta: What's wrong?
Jo: I need pink but I don't have any with me and I used the last of the white for the clouds so I can't make pink either.
Bijou: I've got an idea, hand me a paint brush.
Jo: Ok but hurry!
Bijou went back to the buffet table and dipped the brush into some whipped cream, she then went back and gave it to Jo, he mixed with the red and made pink.
Jo: Oh thank you so much, now I can finish.
He then took a small paintbrush and painted the fluttering cherry blossoms in harmony with the intruding green maple leaf. With treetops from down below it was a new perspective then anyone had ever seen
When the judges saw the painting they were flabbergasted, it was the most detailed work they ever saw for someone of Jo's age. It had a feel of fantasy and realiuism made it feel very real.
Judge: Very detailed and beautiful what's your inspiration?
Jo held up the green maple leaf that inspired him, the judge seemed confused.
Jo: I call this painting "An early autumn" and this is the leaf that inspired me.
Judge: I see, no wonder you could get such a re-creation of the leaf flowing in the breeze.
Soon afterwards after much consideration the winner was decided. Unfortunately Jo didn't win but interestingly enough the winner came up to him and offered to split the year's supply of oil paints and canvas.
Jo: Ah but why are you doing this?!
Azuku: Because I feel you deserved to win, I saw your painting and it was more involved then mine. Plus I can see you gained more from simply entering than winning, so here.
He gave Jo a coupon good for half of the prize and left quickly out of the park.
Jo: I didn't even get a chance to say thank you. I don't even know his name.
Liz: I'm sure you'll get another chance someday.
Jo: Well he's right all that happened today was a blessing, just think Liz if I hadn't been chasing that leaf and you hadn't slipped and everything else we never would have met Bijou and Henrietta and I might not have made the painting I'll be proud to hang in my room. I'm so glad all this happened aren't you?
Liz: Well when you think of it that way you have a point. Maybe we can be each other's girlfriend.
Henrietta: That sounds cool.
Bijou: I agree we should all hang out sometime.
Jo: What about me?
Liz: Yeah of course you without you none of us would have met.
Jo: Great then, I'll be right back.
Jo went to the buffet table and got a tray of champagne glasses of Cherry juice and offered each one to everyone and then took one himself.
Jo: I propose a toast, to new friends!
They were kind of confused but soon caught on and clinked the glasses together in a toast.
(Glasses clink)
All: To new friends!
The flashback ends and we find them back in the secret cave inside the cherry tree.
Jo: That was a great day wasn't it?
Bijou: Yes it was. I remember a year passed after that we decided to make this book.
Soon we flashback again to a year later and they were under a hill imagining the clouds in odd shapes.
Bijou: Hey that one looks like an apple.
In deed you could see above them was a cloud apple.
Liz: I see it, and I see one shaped as- I don't believe it!
Henrietta: What?
She pointed up and everyone soon gasped to see a cloud shaped like a cherry blossom petal.
Bijou: It looks just like a cherry blossom.
Liz: And it was on the cherry blossom festival we met last year. Oh where's Jo he'd want to see this.
Soon afterwards they saw Jo coming up the hill.
Jo: Hamha everyone!
Liz: Were have you been?!
Jo: Well on the way over I stopped at Andy's for a giant carob covered sunflower seed on a stick and while I was eating I saw a cloud that looked like a maple leaf. That's when I remembered that tomorrow marks the first anniversary that we all met and became friends. So on the way over I thought "We should do something special."
Henrietta: Like what?
Jo: Well on my way to the park I passed by a crafts shop and I saw this blank journal for sale. I figure why don't we chip in our seeds and buy it? Then we can decorated it and add pictures and stuff and make it our memory journal.
Liz: Then that way we'll always remember all we've been though.
Jo: So what do you say?
Henrietta: I think it's a great idea.
Liz: So do I!
Jo: Well Bijou?
Bijou: I'm with you, this is a good idea.
So in full agreement they head down to the crafts shop and buy the journal along with some crayons, colored pencils and glue. Along with a sharp number 2 pencil they returned to the park and went their secret cave in the cherry tree,
Jo: Okay guys let's get started.
So they filled the ounce blank book with picture and words that Bijou wrote for herself and for everyone else seeing as she was the only one at the time who could read or write. Soon the book was filled all the memories except one, the day they met. They went back to the first page and worked especially hard until it was nearly finished.
Bijou: It looks great!
Liz: It sure does.
Henrietta: And we can leave it here so we all can look at it whenever we want.
Jo: You know on the back of the front cover I think I know a poem we can put in, I just thought of it. Bijou could write it in?
Bijou: Sure.
So Bijou grabbed her trusty number two and began to write what Jo had said, then everything got white and the flashback ends to see the four friends with the book in front of them.
Liz: So you made up that poem yourself?
Jo: Yep I thought of the day we met and it came to me.
Bijou: Why don't we open the book and you could read it.
Jo: That'll be great now that I can read.
So they open the book to see crayon drawings of themselves and words of narration alongside. On the back of the front cover inside the book was the poem written beautifully in cursive, Jo cleared his throat and read-
Jo: One spring day a simple maple leaf flew above my head, it tickled my nose and whiskers with vainly lines that swung in and out from a vine. Who would have thought a simple strand of nature's hair would chance me to meet friends so fair. One had a hat and a pendant kept close to her chest, the other a white snow fur and ribbons of blue, they match the kindness in her aquamarine eyes that seem to glisten in the sun. It was interestingly on cherry blossom festival day us four met and we had fun that day I would not soon forget.
As the seasons changed we grew and changed our actions different but our friendship just the same. After a year of birthdays and holidays we shared we knew that we wanted those memories to always be there. So with an old book, some crayons, a pencil and glue we'd keep our memories in this our journal and as our friendship grew we'd add more until it was full. We'd keep it safe inside a secret tree where would find it when we needed and look how far we've come now-
Liz is reliable and strong
Jo is the artistic dreamer
Henrietta was kind and watchful
And Bijou was sweet and wise
And though one day we might be separated and all seems forgotten, we can always come to this tree and remember our roots, so we see we're not alone we're all together in spirit.
Liz: It's means even more now than it did before.
Jo: I think it captures all of us beautifully.
Henrietta: I know it's like the poem said "And though one day we might be separated and all seems forgotten, we can always come to this tree and remember our roots, so we see we're not alone we're all together." but even so it's to be together in both body and spirit.
Bijou: I agree.
Soon afterwards they return to the picnic site as everyone had finished eating and putting everything away, once that was done they our friends the book and told of their many adventures. Soon after returning the book to their special place they joined the others back in the basket and floated back to the park heading for Yurushi stadium.
At Yurushi stadium the crowd was heating up with anticipation as the opening of the second day of the tournament was well underway.
DJ Hamada: Welcome to day two of 5th annual Ham-Ham Arcade martial arts tournament, I'm DJ Hamada. Well after yesterday's closing match between Ari and Tomo I wouldn't be surprised that things only get more intense.
Soon overhead of the tournament ring the umbrella balloon soon lowered down.
Opano: Now let's get our 5th match underway, first up from a small village in Asia who's said to have a mystic aura around him, let's give it up for Irizu!
Soon Irizu made his way to the ring, he had yellowish fur and purplish black eyes, his height was that of Maxwell's but he was stouter and had a Bo staff strapped to his back.
(Screen shows a head shot of Irizu and his stats)
DJ Hamada: Irizu is quite an unknown in this tournament; the only signature move we know of is his Eagle breaker.
The crowd cheers as he enters the ring.
Opano: Next up an upstart newcomer, who dominated the early rounds of competition, please welcome Hakeru!
(From above in the balloon)
Hakeru: Well I guess I'll have to jump.
Ari: Isn't that a dangerous?
Hakeru: Yeah but my training allows me to do this, see you below!
Hakeru leaped from the balloon and with a few flips lands right in the ring with a graceful kneeling landing.
DJ Hamada: Wow! That was quite an entrance!
Hakeru: So you're my next opponent. Well good luck to you.
Irizu: Well if you show off as good as you fight I may need it.
(Screen shows a head shot of Hakeru and his stats)
DJ Hamada: Well Hakeru has been this tournament's little darling with an attitude to match. Her super heart joust saw Marello seeing hearts.
Soon after landing in the parking lot our friends quickly made their way to the stadium, they got to there seats just in time as the fight was just about to start.
Opano: Ok you two on my mark-
It was a long time coming but the first round of the semifinals was in full swing. With her friends and her rivals watching and cheering her own was Hakeru ready for what Irizu ready to dish out?
Preview of next chapter
Hakeru: Ok here's the deal, Irizu and I face off in the semi-finals and complete intensity ensues, I wonder can I win against him?
Next time-
The 5 round royal, Hakeru vs. Irizu
Hakeru: You don't want to miss it!
Well I would have made this longer but you've been waiting so long and it took longer to decide what would happen next.
PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!