Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos's true love ❯ love at first sight ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is now part 2 of 8

Chapter 1: love at first sight

Note: do not read this unless you have read part 1 of 8:blade's quest

Early in the morning, one day after Isaru arrived, hamtaro was headed towards the ham-ham clubhouse. He goes down the tunnel and enters

Hamtaro-hamha everyone

Blade-hey hamtaro

Hamtaro-where's chaos

Dagger-he went out

Isaru-he said he had something to do

Hamtaro-like what

Ziggy-I don't know

Meanwhile chaos was walking toward the playground

Chaos-I wonder what's going on in town

Hamster-hurry or we'll be late

Chaos-why are they in a hurry

Chaos follows the hamster and arrives at a concert

Chaos-excuse me


Chaos-could you tell me who's performing

Hamster-if you want to know talk to one of the security guards over there


Chaos goes to the nearest guard

Chaos-excuse me

Guard-can I help you

Chaos-who's performing

Guard-the famous pop star, sparkle, is performing.

Chaos-have you ever met her before

Guard-met her? I work for her

Chaos-you do?! Could you tell me some info about her

Guard-sure. (hmm….how am I going to describe her to this kid. Hmm….) she has beautiful brown and white fur, she has pretty pink ribbons and she has sparkling eyes

Chaos-thank you for the info, I bet she looks beautiful

Guard-she is actually

Chaos-can I see her, please?

Guard-backstage you mean? Sure…. I guess


Guard-follow me

The guard leads Chaos to the stage of the concert

Guard-here we are

Announcer-here she is….sparkle

Sparkle steps out onto the stage

Chaos-wow….she's more beautiful than I imagined

Guard-told ya she was beautiful


Sparkle sung and danced to the audience.

Chaos-I think I better go now

Guard-see ya later


Chaos left and went back to the clubhouse

Chaos-(wow….she's so beautiful)

To be continued

I will get morph's profile A.S.A.P

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