Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos's true love ❯ chaos's true love ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I hope you like it cause here's the next chapter

Chapter 3: Chaos's true love

Chaos is now headed toward the ham-ham clubhouse, he enters


Blade-what took ya

Chaos-I was busy

Dagger-yeah sure

Chaos-I'm serious

Ziggy-well tell us what you did then

Chaos- (I can't tell them, I'll try something else) blade


Chaos-can I talk to you for a moment in private

Blade-why not here



Blade and chaos step outside

Blade-what is it

Chaos-can you keep a secret


Chaos-well…. I have this little crush an another hamster


Chaos-come with me

Chaos takes blade to the concert site

Chaos-It's here

They go near sparkle's dressing room, which is halfway open.

Chaos-there she is

Blade-so that's her….what's her name

Chaos- *blushes* sparkle

Blade-hmm….nice name

Chaos-yes indeed

Sparkle-hmm…. (notices blade and chaos) can I help you two

Blade-nothing….we were just finding the exit

Sparkle- *points south* it's over there

Blade-thanks, (to chaos)let's go chaos


Blade and chaos leave. They are now near the lake near the clubhouse

Blade-so let me get this straight, you're in love with sparkle


Blade-how do you know she won't like you

Chaos-what do you mean

Blade-think about it; she's really famous, she's wanted all over the world, and she has so many fan's I don't know where to count.

Chaos-it could work

Blade-if you want her so badly, get her something she'll like

Chaos-but what

Blade-that's your problem

To be continued

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