Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos's true love ❯ here's Yusuke ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 4 plus a new character

Chapter 4:here's Yusuke

Continuing from chapter 3

Chaos-how come you can't just set us up on a date *cover's his mouth*

Blade-hey….great idea

Chaos-(me and my big mouth)

Blade-now which Restaurant can we put you in?

The bushes rustle

Blade-what the….

???-where did he go

chaos and blade saw 3 thugs who were after someone

thug 1-he's gotta be somewhere

thug 2-he's hiding, that coward

thug 1-you gotta show up sometime kid

thug 3-yea, where are you

the three leave while blade and chaos were hiding

blade-is he gone

chaos-looks that way

blade and chaos step out

blade-phew, that was close

chaos-it's ok, you can come out now

the hamster step's out. He is a bit similar to cappy, but he doesn't have the hat and is a bit taller

blade-I've never seen you before

chaos-who are you?

Hamster-my name is Yusuke, and those three were after me

Blade-for what

Yusuke-there thugs, that's what they do

Blade-that ain't nice

Yusuke-tell me about it….so what are you up to

Blade-nothing, just talking

Yusuke-ok, see you later


Yusuke-see ya

Yusuke leaves

Blade-now….which restaurant will you go to

To be continued

Character profile-Yusuke




Birthday-June 26th

Blood type-AB

Weapon-katar 2x

Main weapon name-manas & ayus


Magic s/he is able to use-float, dispel, bio, might, flare

Summon spells-Quezacotl, leviathan, Odin

Authors note-Yusuke is not the one from yu yu hakusho; he is my own creation

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