Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos's true love ❯ hello ( Chapter 7 )
Here's chapter 7; this is my first shot at a song fic, so no flame's yet
Chapter 7: Hello
Continuing from chapter 6
Blade-we should get going
Daniel-do you need any of my help
Blade-if you want
Daniel-I'd be very helpful
Chaos-let's continue
They continue down the path till they reach a train station
Daniel-this train will take you to dark circle HQ
Blade-thanks….wait a minute
Blade-how do you know they're from the dark circle
Daniel-the truck had the same emblem as dark circle, so I'm suggesting that's where they're headed
Blade noticed Hamtaro all mad
Blade-what's up with you
Hamtaro-the dark circle is the worst group I've seen
Hamtaro-they brainwash other hamsters
Isaru-that isn't good
Blade-don't worry, we'll destroy them
Hamtaro-I hope so
Daniel-let's board the train
They all boarded the train and went to separate rooms
Chaos-I hope sparkle's ok
He starts singing
Playground school bell rings, again
Rain clouds come to play, again
Has No one's told you she's not creepy, hello, I'm your mind
Giving you someone to talk to, hello
If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me I'm not broken, hello, I'm the lie
Living for you so you can't hide, don't cry
Don't try to wake me I'm not sleeping, hello, I'm still here
All of what's left of yesterday
Blade was near the door clapping, chaos left it halfway open
Blade-nice song
Chaos-you were listening
Blade-yep, we'll be arriving soon
Chaos-I hope she's ok
Blade-I hope so too
To be continued
Please review, oh and BTW, the song hello is by evanescence. I just wanna let you know