Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Flare and The Two Shards ❯ Blade vs Flare ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 10.

Chapter 10: Blade vs Flare

Flare-you ready?!

Blade-always. I;m not gonna let you jerks get the Ice Shard

Flare-is that so, Fire Blade!!!

Blade dodges Flare's attack

Blade-Fire Blade!!

Fire Blade hits Flare

Flare-ahh. That felt so good, thank you

Blade-it had no effect!

Flare-exactly, because I was born from Fire. I'm the Guardian of Fire

Blade-the Guardian of Fire?....oh, I heard about him. It was in a book I read when I was little, it said that the Fire Guardian created Flames out vanquish his foes, he used his powers to protect everyone humans and Hamsters alike...but why would the Fire Guardian work with an evil group

Flare-because I'm not the true Fire Guardian. My Master Eli Si gave me powers to destroy

Blade-Eli Si

Laura-is he a Dark Bandit member too?

Daniel-no, but he's affiliated with them. He own another evil group called the Dark Cirlce

Laura-are they worse

Daniel-sort of. They use Mind controlling powers to hurt other Hamsters

Laura-that's terrible!

Seung Mina-no kidding

Blade-if your controlled by the Dark Circle, then allow me to break that control. Thunder Swirl

Flare floats and get's caught in Blade's Thunder Swirl attack


Blade-give up, I can use that as many times as I want

Flare-oh yeah, Fire Barrier!

A Wall of Flames surrounded Flare

Flare-try and get through this!


Yusuke-we're amost there

Matthew-we have to hurry, they Might have beaten us there


Yusuke stops

Yusuke-huh? What do you want

it was Warham and Bolt

Chaos-it's Bolt

Matthew-who are you?

Warham-I go by Warham. I'm....the Hate Maker

Bolt-uhh....Hate Maker

Warham-what's wrong with that?!?!

Bolt-I was thinking of Shadow warrior, rather than Hate Maker. Don't you think it's better, Harmony?

Warham-DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!!


Matthew-Harmony? Who's she?


Bolt points to Warham

bolt-well, she use to be, until Eli Si turned her over to us

Sparkle-so that girl is someone named Harmony

War Ham shoots a ball of magic at Matthew's team

Chaos-Sparkle, get down!!!

Everyone dodges

Warham-never call me Harmony, GOT IT!!!!!

Yusuke-man, she has a short temper

Matthew-we're ina hurry here, so let us pass

Bolt-you'll have to get through me first

Sparkle-let us pass, Please. we have to get to Blade at the Ice Shrine

Yusuke, Matthew, and Chaos-SPARKLE!!!!


Bolt-so they're at the Ice Shrine then, let's move


Bolt and Warham teleoprt to the Ice Shrine

Yusuke-nice going

Matthew-we told you to keep it a secret

Sparkle-sorry, it just slipped out

Yusuke-we better hurry, I don't care if they have teleport

Yusuke get's in his Land Sled

Yusuke-let's move!

Back to Blade

Blade-had enough, I have more attacks than you think

Flare-oh yeah, so do I

???-that's enough Flare

To Be Continued