Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Flare and The Two Shards ❯ Home ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's Chapter 13, the last Chapter in Part 6

Chapter 13: home

Blade arrives at the Clubhouse. Blade goes in


No one was there

Blade-he must be asleep

Blade leaves and shuts the door


Laura is trying to sneak back into bed without waking up anyone. She successfully goes into her room. The clone wasn't in there

Laura-(I wonder if anyone noticed that I was gone?)

Laura sneaks into bed and shuts her eyes

Back to Blade

Seung Mina-well, got to go, but I promise to help you guys beat Ultima


Yusuke-I'll help to, just call me if your ready

Daniel-don't worry, you'll beat that thing


Seung Mina-well...see ya



Yusuke, Seung Mina, and Daniel leave

Blade-bye guys

Dagger-we should get some sleep


Matthew-well, goodnight


The End

this is the end of Part 6 of 8. i'm almost done with this part of the series. Please Review