Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams goning online! Enter the world ❯ Welcome to Murasha town! Raishiuko and the hams follow their own paths ( Chapter 2 )
I decided to replace the more confusing chapter 2 with this one. So let me know what you thought of both when chap 3 comes out.
Chapter 2 Welcome to Murasha town! Raishiuko and the hams follow their own paths
With everyone gathered at Laura's computer, the ham hams try to figure out a way to get into the game.
Boss: Let's see. *jumps on a few keys* Every time I step on one of these things a letter appears on the screen thingy.
Maxwell: That's a computer monitor. It's used to view the activities of the computer itself.
Cappy: There are a lot of things on the screen, like that weird looking globe.
Maxwell: That's the internet, where people explore websites, and download different things for their computer.
Hamtaro: I bet that symbol with the DI on it has to be where Laura is.
T.W.: That's the icon. I've seen it before. People click on it to get in.
Hakeru: But how do we get in from here?
They think.
Pashmina: Look at the monitor!
As she moves the mouse, the little mouse arrow on the screen moves. The hams are amazed.
Hamtaro: How'd you do that?
Pashmina: I was moving this thing.
Maxwell: Oh that's a mouse.
Howdy: A mouse? No way. Mice have ears this big *extends ears*, and have a nose, unless this is a flat mouse.
Dexter: I think he means for the computer.
Maxwell: That's right. The mouse moves the arrow on the screen, and pressing the
Buttons on it, you click on something to access into it.
Sandy: That's kinda cool.
T.W.: I think all we have to do is just click on that globe icon.
Hamtaro: Okay! Let's move the mouse!
The ham hams move the mouse over to the DI icon.
Maxwell: Now we double click it.
Boss: No problem!
He jumps on top and presses the left twice. A menu appears.
Computer: Welcome back Hamtaro!
The others gasp.
Bijou: It knows who you are.
Hamtaro: Um. Excuse me whoever you are. But we would like to come into the game.
No response.
Pretty please?
No response.
Hakeru: It certainly not a polite one.
Stan: Hey man! Let us in dude!
No response.
Boss: Allow me. *to computer* If you don't let us in we'll open you up and break
You down!
No response.
Hamtaro: Well this could be a problem.
Boss: I'll say, this guy's tough
T.W: Like threatening someone is the way to get what you want. If it were me I certainly wouldn't let you in.
Boss: What's that supposed to mean?!
The two snarl at each other.
Hakeru: Oh knock it off you two we've got to figure out a way in.
Cappy: Let me try.
He trips over a key and lands on the enter key. The monitor glows.
Pashmina: Look at the pretty glow.
Penelope: Ookwee!
Hamtaro: This is what happened to Laura when going into the game.
I think we're about to...
They all get sucked up into the computer. Shows them falling into a cyber-matrix.
Meanwhile back with Laura (a.k.a. Raishiuko) and Onaka, they are at the Murasha cafe.
Raishiuko (Laura): Wow! There are so many people here!
Shows many people in different forms (human, creature, whatever), talking and chatting.
Onaka: They are all players like you, you'll find different kinds of people gather here.
Raishiuko: Alright. Though I wonder when I'll see Kana.
Onaka: Oh I'm sure she'll be fine. Let me take you somewhere. I've got someplace to show you, it's something to help you into the game.
Raishiuko: Okay.
They leave the cafe and go down a deserted ally.
Raishiuko: So what's the special thing you want to show me?
Onaka: I'm taking you on a training adventure so you can practice basic skills.
Raishiuko: A training adventure?
The two stop at a door at the end of the alley and enter inside.
Raishiuko and Onaka go down a flight of stairs. It was dark at first but Onaka made a lantern appear and gave it to Raishiuko and they continued down.
Raishiuko: So what basic skills do I have to learn?
Onaka: You have to learn about magic and combat, though you don't have any weapons yet you have the cards.
Raishiuko: Cards?
Onaka: You know the cards that came with your game? Look in you bag.
Raishiuko: My bag?
Raishiuko looked to see a bag on her shoulder and looked inside to see the cards she left on the desk.
Raishiuko: How did these get in here?
Onaka: That's the item bag I made for you, even though you left the cards on the desk back in your world they must've somehow reached this one. Anyway these cards are you manor of defense and offense in this training ground. You see the slot in your C.R.A.P-C?
Raishiuko looked to see a slot.
Raishiuko: Yeah.
Onaka: You slash cards through for special powers, try slashing one.
Raishiuko: Ok!
She took out a card with a detailed picture of a bow and arrows with wings on them.
Raishiuko: Ok let's give it a try.
She then slashed the card threw reader and the unit glowed and a bow appeared and she had a case of arrows on her back.
Onaka: You can use the arrows the defeat ennimies, speaking of which here comes some now!
Just then some odd looking wasps appeared, Laura screamed and by instinct took out and arrow and shouted-
Raishiuko: Purity arrow, FIRE!!!
She shot the arrow and defeated the wasp in one shot, the arrow the glowed and went back to Raishiuko's hands.
Onaka: Whoa, not bad for your first try.
Raishiuko: I know, but it's like I already knew what to do, like I had a sixth sense.
Somewhere outside of Murasha Town, the ham-hams lay unconscious. A hamster with Silver fur and red stripes comes by. Hamtaro and the others wake up.
Hamtaro: Wha, where are we?
???: You're in the digital world now!
They get up and see the stranger hamster.
???: Hello. Welcome to Digital Life!
Who is this mysterious hamster, Friend or foe? And what will become of Raishiuko as she is taken to a mysterious dungeon by Onaka, and what was the sixth sense Laura felt?
Find out next time on Ham-ham's Going Online! Enter the World!
We hope you enjoyed it!