Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams goning online! Enter the world ❯ The HH club's first quest, rescue Raishiuko and Osimaru! ( Chapter 9 )
Chapter 9
The HH club's first quest, rescue Raishiuko and Osimaru!
In the dark dungeon Raishiuko began to wonder about this game and if it's only a game.
Raishiuko: I wonder if we'll ever be able to go home
Solider: Well since were stuck here we might as well get acquainted, my name's Haidae, solider class.
Nike: Well it's nice to be on a first name basis I guess, I just wish it were somewhere else.
Hamtaro was starting to loose all hope of seeing Laura again when Onaka came up to him.
Onaka: Don't loose heart Hamtaro, we can still save her.
Hamtaro got up to see Onaka, Raishiuko's fairy guide floating above him.
Hamtaro: Who are you?
Onaka: I'm Onaka, Raishiuko's fairy guide, I've been assisting her throughout her playing of the game, but how did you get here?
Hamtaro explains to Onaka and everyone else how they we're trying to get in and got here through a power surge.
Onaka: So that's how you got here, and you say you were helped by a mysterious silver hamster?
Hamtaro: Yeah he registered us to his home since we don't have a place of our own here.
Then Ivit stepped forward.
Ivit: I knew something was amiss about that man, what should we do now?
T.W: Well I've tried to searching for them but wherever they are they've made sure we can't find them.
Fi: Fi! Fi!
Oxnard: What's with Fi?
Ivit: It's angered and saddened to be apart from your Kana, she found it in the training dungeon and they became friends, since it's still a baby he only knows simple emotions like happiness, confusion, anger and sadness and almost nothing in between.
Fi let out a strong screech and glowed a white glow.
Hamtaro: What's happening?!
Then Fi transformed from a tiny bird to a proud and strong Phoenix. It was Golden yellow and it's feathers glistens of red and orange giving the illusion that's it's on fire. It had piercing strong red eyes and a sharp and semi narrow beak, and talons that could expand and retract.
Hamtaro: Wow, he's huge!
T.W: According to the C.R.A.P-C he's 55 feet, 57 from wing to wing.
Fi: I will not let these evil tyrants harm Osimaru. I will tear them apart with my own claws!
Hamtaro backed away in shock-
Hamtaro: You can talk?!
T.W checks him out with the MSU on his C.R.A.P-C.
Name: Arcania Phoenix (a.k.a Fi)
Level: 27
Type: Legendary winged guardian
Boss: Wow the little guy sure grew up fast-
Stan: And strong.
Onaka: This is what a chibi phoenix grows up into, somehow Fi summoned enough energy to evolve to it's adult form.
Fi then got a faring look in his eyes.
Fi: Osimaru, I can sense her energy. I know where she is!
Oxnard: Where? Where?! Please Mr. Fi, tell me where Kana is.
Fi closed his eyes and saw through what might seem like a physic vision that Osimaru and the others were trapped in a dark dungeon. He then opened his eyes to reveal a shocking look on his face.
(Gasp with bated breath)
Fi: She's in a dungeon inside an old fortress. Somewhere near Vuchensa village.
Onaka: Vuchensa Village, that's up in the mountains.
Oxnard: Then that's were going!
Everyone was startled by Oxnard's commanding tone and Hamtaro turned to see a strong look on his face.
Hamtaro: Oxy?
Oxnard: Well come on Hamtaro, it's never like you to give up. I know I won't quit until Kana is safe again. After all she's the one who plays with me, the one who reads me bedtime stories and-
He takes out the seed he always carries.
Oxnard: This was the seed that Kana gave me the first day we met. It's so special I don't eat it. Instead I keep as a symbol of our friendship. Well if you feel you're not up to it fine but I'm not leaving this place until she's safe, even if I knew how to leave.
Oxnard then puts the seed away and walks towards the others who are still flabbergasted.
Hamtaro then realizes that he hasn't given up, ever and knew he wasn't going to start now. He turned to everyone and said-
Hamtaro: Well hams what are we waiting for, we have some rescuing to do!
Everyone's glad to see Hamtaro back to his chipper self and they gear to leave.
Fi: I'll do whatever I can to be of help, get on my back, I shall fly you there.
He then crouches down so the hams can get on his back.
Pashmina: Wait a minute, how are going to get out of here? Fi's too big to fit through the door.
(Droops her head)
Penelope: Okwee.
T.W then pulls out a card with a picture of some boxing gloves with pictures of rocks on each.
T.W: Earth breaker gloves!
Then they appear right on his hands, he jumps up high and hits the ceiling knocking loose the entire roof.
Fi: Well now I can get out but there's not enough room to flap my wings.
T.W: Don't worry I've got that covered too!
T.W then got out his Magic umbrella and opened it up.
T.W: Get on everyone!
After everyone was on Fi rose and the fairies floated right up.
T.W: Okay contact. Umbrella, extend!
The umbrella grew rapidly until they floated high in the air. As soon as the reached the roof Fi said-
Fi: Thank you, I can handle it from here. Hang on tight everybody!
T.W then retracted the umbrella as Fi flapped his large wings and flew over Yutona City heading north over Murasha town on there way to Vuchensa village.
Meanwhile back at the dungeon Osimaru was a little freaked out and her head felt warm.
Raishiuko: What's wrong?
Osimaru: I felt someone's presence far away, it reminded me of Fi but it was stronger and more mature.
Haidae: Who's Fi?
Osimaru: It's my pet chibi phoenix, I found in the training dungeon in Murasha town.
Haidae: Get out!
Nike: Now way!
Raishiuko: It's true, the Yackon boss was threatening it and Osimaru defended it and there was an instance where he saved her.
Haidae: Amazing, a chibi phoenix appearing in a training dungeon.
Nike: You're lucky, it's said that legendary creatures like chibi phoenixes are the strongest things in flight. As they grow up to be Arcania Phoenix. It's legend all over Digital life.
Osimaru: A legend?
Haidae: Yes. The chibi phoenix fully grown becomes an Arcania phoenix, it's said its beauty is only second to its incredible strength.
Osimaru: Maybe that presence from far away was Fi trying to find me through some psychic link.
Nike: Then it's true, it was rumored that Arcania phoenixes can have a near psychic link with there keepers. When we got kidnapped your Fi must've been so enraged it built up enough power to fully evolved to its adult form.
Osimaru: Them maybe he'll come and rescue us!
Raishiuko: We have to keep the faith; it's all we have now.
Meanwhile high in the skies above the hilltops Fi flew high and proud above the towns and villages with our ham friends riding atop his back.
Hamtaro: Are we nearly there Fi?
Fi: Very nearly, we just have to go a little over Vuchensa.
Just then some large demonic hawks came on the attacks.
(Swerves to avoid some beak attacks)
Fi: Curses!
Bijou: What are these things?!
Fi: Demonic hawks, there very dangerous.
T.W checks them out on the MSU
Name Demonic hawk
Level 24
Type: Fire/flying
T.W: It's tough but we can beat it! Hey Stan, catch!
He tosses a card his way and catches it.
Stan: What do I do with this?
T.W: Slash it on my signal!
He then takes out his umbrella again and attaching it to his backpack and floats on out
T.W: Okay mini-jukebox, play "Kaze!"
The song Kaze from Digimon tamers plays and the wind starts to come to T.W in an aura. T.W flipped out his microphone and began to control the wind with his voice.
(Singing into mike)
T.W: You'll become a strong wind passing through the clouds; these should be able to become true feelings
What is an adult? What is common sense? There's nothing more important.
Fly this feeling to the sky
Now, it's going through time-
So, your luck isn't stuck, Just waiting around leisurely
The winds send streams of fire hitting all the demonic hawks inflicting strong damage.
T.W: Take a chance! Go faster than anyone else to grasp for it, now heat up until you start to melt-
(T.W grew white angel wings on his back and put his umbrella away)
Show off the wings just formed at that very moment, everything will begin again, my heart.
During the instrumental T.W slashes an item card through the C.R.A.P-C.
T.W: Water braids!
A gust of wind comes by with the power of the water which does some serious elemental damage.
T.W: Become the wind of your dreams that engulfs the sky you should then become aware of the true light.
When society rises up again after an emotionless subject, it has a fake smile-
Breakin' a time in this town... I still haven't discovered it, but-
Never mind, but even so it'll go on forever.
Take a chance! The definite beat still in my heart, wants to feel that future.
Break through the middle of the dazzling light
At that moment, everything will change my heart.
During the long instrumental he then slashes another card-
T.W: Data modify, attack command. Full area delete!
Then the C.R.A.P-C glowed bright and points of beaming whit light attacked all the demonic defeating them all.
Hakeru: You did it! Great job!
Fi: Yeah but there's one more coming!
Everyone saw about 10 feet ahead was a real large Griffon.
T.W: I'm checking its stats now-
Name: Griffon
Level: 26
Type: Flying/unknown
T.W: The real battle starts now!
Boss: Let me lend a hand this time!
He runs fast and jumps off of Fi's head and prepares to strike-
Boss: Shadow Crash!
He got a clean hit with his axe and as he fell T.W caught and put him back on Fi's back.
T.W: Ok Stan, slash the card now!
Stan: Alright!
He slashes it through the reader and his maracas start glowing. He picks them up not sure what to do.
T.W: Now shake them hard and say thunder!
Stan: Okay dude.
He shakes them and calls for thunder, the clouds around the griffon got very dark and Lightning strikes him inflicting heavy damage.
Then Bijou takes a card and slashes it-
Bijou: Random gamble!
T.W's wings grow larger in size and a Fairy's hand mirror appears in his hand. He straps it to his belt and takes his
mike back out.
T.W: Hey! Take a chance! Go faster than anyone else to grasp for it, now heat up until you start to melt-
Show off the wings just formed at that very moment, everything will begin, my heart.
Onaka: Use the mirror to collect his soul!
T.W: I'm on it!
As the song reaches the final instrumental, T.W uses his staff to emit another electrical attack which finally defeated him.
Then before his body and soul disappear, T.W uses the hand mirror to collect his soul as his body is all but gone.
T.W's C.R.A.P-C: 222 EXP earned, now at level 19! New items acquired. Symphonic Violin and Double note charm!
Then a violin appears and T.W puts it in his backpack. T.W clasps the charm on his neck.
T.W's C.R.A.P-C: New technique acquired, Skies of Oak.
Boss's C.R.A.P-C: Gained 66 EXP. Now at level 21!
Bijou's C.R.A.P-C: 77 EXP, now at level 19!
Stan's C.R.A.P-C: Now at level 16!
Stan: Alright! Who's a baby now H-chick?!
Hakeru: Ok, Ok I take it back! JUST DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!
Stan: Heke?!
Plus the whole moved up a level so Boss was at level 22, T.W level 20, Bijou level 20, Hamtaro also level 20 and everyone else level 13.
Fi: A well fought match by all, and look we're here!
Everyone saw they were at the old fortress where Laura and Kana we're held prisoner. How will they rescue them?
Find out next time!