Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Ham-Hams goning online! Enter the world ❯ Journey to the Tomb of Royalty, Boss's amazing upgrade! ( Chapter 14 )
Chapter 13
Journey to the Tomb of Royalty, Boss's amazing upgrade
T.W is at the entrance to the dungeon inside of the Marigold castle.
T.W: Okay. Let's see. How do I get inside? *tries to lift the lock on the door but can't* Gosh darn it! I'm not strong enough.
Sana: No one but royalty can open the lock here. *she and the others come* Allow me.
She casts a spell on the lock to lift it up and unlock the door.
Sana: There we go. You can enter now.
T.W: Um. Thanks.
They all enter, except Sana.
Raishiuko: I think you should stay here Sana. I think the Black Alliance maybe after you if you go in there.
Sana: I understand. Please be careful you guys.
They travel down the stairs and into the dungeon. Nike checks his C.R.A.P-C-.
Nike: Tomb of Royalty. That's the name of the dungeon.
Raishiuko: The queen must be in here somewhere. Along with the king's soul.
They go along a path and reach a room with many pathways.
Osimaru: What do we do now?
Nike: We should split up from here
Osimaru: Okay. I'll take Fi and Oxnard with me.
Raishiuko: I'll go with Nike.
Haidae: I'll go with the other guys.
Now the ham hams decide what to do.
Hamtaro: Okay! Who's going with who?
Sandy: I'll go with Maxwell.
Hakeru: I'll go with T.W. I'm keeping an eye on his
T.W: What?
Dexter: I'll go with Pashmina.
Howdy: No I'll go with Pashmina
Dexter: Me!
Howdy: Me!
Pashmina: On second thought I'll just go with Stan.
Dexter and Howdy: What?
Stan: Cool!
Boss: I'll go with Bijou.
Bijou: I'll go with Hamtaro!
Boss: But I...
Hamtaro: Okay.
After a few more pairings.
Hamtaro: Okay! We're ready!
Boss: No we're not! I don't have anyone to go with...
Onaka: Okay. Check your maps and use them to navigate through this place.
They all (except Boss) do so.
Ivit: Well I guess that's it. Let's get to work.
They all except Boss go into a tunnel. Boss doesn't go anywhere.
Boss: Errr! Why am I being ignored!? Why why why!!!???
He falls into a hole. Now with Raishiuko and Nike.
Raishiuko: This place is creepy.
Nike: The map says that this place is the final resting place for the royal family members of Marigold. Kings and Queens are here.
Raishiuko: Let's hope for no zombies.
Nike: I doubt there'll be any zom...
Then zombies come out of the tombstones.
MSU: Royal Zombie. Level 25. Type: Undead
Nike: No way them zombies gonna suck out my brain!
He takes his staff and waves it.
Nike: Burial!
The zombies sink into the ground.
Nike: Well that was easy.
Then the zombies return, along with more.
Raishiuko: Let's get out of here!
They run.
Everyone rejoins at the boss room.
Raishiuko: Hey look!
Everyone: The queen!
They go to the cage.
Raishiuko: Are you Queen Shasmer?
Shasmer: Huh? Yes I am. What are you doing here?
Hamtaro: We're here to save you.
He uses his tiny sword and picks into the lock. It unlocks the cell door.
Shasmer: You shouldn't be here. There's a terrible creature in here and you're all doomed unless you....*then the zombies come and form into one giant monster zombie* too late.
MSU: Zombie Master. Level 70. Type: Unknown
Raishiuko: Great. Someone with the same level as Mitro.
Hamtaro: This isn't gonna be good.
Back with Boss who is still falling down the hole, finally hits ground.
Boss: Ugh. Where am I?
Checks map but it's blank.
Boss: Gosh darn it. I have nothing.
He tries to get out of the room through where he came through but to no avail.
Boss: Darn it. *sits* *sigh* What's the point? I'll only be ignored anyway. I don't get why they won't care about me?
They haven't before.
Maybe they finally have decided that field hamsters don't mix with the likes of them. Oh well.
Then a door opens in the room.
Boss: Huh?
He goes into the room and finds a giant energy crystal.
Boss: Whoa. What the heck is that?
Crystal: Finder of the dark crystal. Are you ready to?
undergo one of the toughest challenges to be ever placed in your hands?
Boss: Who are you?
Crystal: I am Famfrit. Guardian of Darkness. You have found one of the 12 sacred crystals of Iris.
Boss: Okay.
Famfrit: When all of the 12 crystals have been activated, the Master Crystal shall rise.
Boss: Whoa.
Famfrit: Now that you have found me, I shall grant you
with powers unlike anything you've ever experienced. You shall be giver my power. And when the time is right, you shall advance further into the class of Warriors.
Boss: I see.
Famfrit: Now. Are you ready?
Boss: Okay. Hit me!
Then the crystal glows and a beam and hits Boss
Boss's C.R.A.P-C-: Secret Level Up! Boss now level 80! New abilities unlocked! Hades Fire! Shadow Engulfment! Blade of Darkness! And Acheron's Grief! You can now summon Famfrit with the cost of Five Star Cards!
He gets 5 star cards.
Famfrit: You can now summon me and collect the Five Star cards.
Boss: Thanks sir!
Famfrit: I shall take you to where you are needed.
Boss: I'm not sure if I'm needed at all.
Famfrit: You're troubled with your friends. Why is that?
Boss: No one in my group seems to notice me ever since I found Hamtaro's owner. And I feel like I don't belong with them because I'm a pure field ham. Even though another friend is and....
Famfrit: I see. Boss, you don't have to think that way. You know that they care for you.
Boss: But...
Famfrit: You shouldn't be thinking that just because you're a field hamster, don't mean that you're no different than them.
Boss: What do you mean?
Famfrit: You have something they also do; you aren't showing it that's all. Look in your heart and find out.
The crystal disappears. And a portal appears.
Boss: Inside my heart. What does he mean?
He enters the portal.
Back with the others, Hamtaro is still fighting but he gets knocked down. Everyone is down to nearly no HP.
Hamtaro: No.
Them Mitro appears.
Mitro: Why hello again. It's me.
Shasmer: Mitro.
Raishiuko: Mitro!
Mitro: Seems like you've failed into saving the queen. Now to finally rid this pest problem. Zombie Master! Finish the rodents off! Leave the humans for me.
Raishiuko: Don't you dare hurt my hamster!
Osimaru: Same for mine! And my Phoenix!
Mitro: I don't take orders from you. Now destroy them!
The monster is about to strike when it's arm gets hit by a beam of darkness and it falls.
Hamtaro: What was that?
Boss: Eh hem.
They see Boss with a new weapon, the Shadow Shocker. A giant axe with different dark orbs.
Boss: My turn.
He charges and starts using different attacks.
Boss: Hades Fire!
The orbs on his axe glow and they shoot beams at the monster. It permanently destroys the Zombie Masters arm.
Hamtaro: Whoa. Look at him go.
Bijou: He's going at it like he's like if it's nothing more than a pile of slime.
T.W: Go Boss!
Boss turns the zombie to goo, but it recovers.
Boss: Time for the big guns. *he takes out five star cards
and slashes them at once* Famfrit! Attack!
Then a giant creature appears with a giant pot over it's arm. It charges energy, and fires at the monster. Destroying it!
Everyone's C.R.A.P-C-: Group level up!
Boss is level 81. The rest go to 60.
Hamtaro: That was amazing Boss! You stopped the monster!
Boss: Gee thanks.
Bijou: You were very brave.
Boss blushes.
Howdy: He did something good for once.
Boss: Once?
T.W: You did it!
Tackles him with a big hug.
Boss: Hey knock it off.
With the humans.
Raishiuko: Wow. Boss defeated the monster.
Nike: I guess I was wrong about him. Good thing we're on his side. Otherwise whatever that thing was could of destroyed us.
Osimaru: You could be right.
Onaka: Was that, Famfrit?
Ivit: Boss has managed to summon Famfrit. You don't think he could be...
Fi: I haven't seen a power like that before
Shasmer: I don't know what to say. But thank you.
Mitro: Don't be celebrating just yet you fools! You might've been able to defeat the monster, but I still got the king's soul! And as soon as I get his power out, and you're Perfect Digital Cards, we will be victorious! And you'll soon fall, little mystery field rodent!
Boss: Hey I resent that!
Mitro disappears.
Now back in the throne room with Sana and Shasmer and the others.
Shasmer: All of you have been very brave in your rescue for me. For that I present to you rare digital cards.
Everyone gets some.
T.W: Thank you your highness.
Shasmer: But I must know. How was the little field hamster, able to possess a powerful spirit of Iris? Only chosen ones can use them.
Everyone but Boss: Spirit of Iris?
What are the spirits of Iris? What will Mitro do with the king's soul? And what else is there to do? Find out these questions and more next time.