Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ HamBlade: a tale of action, romance and betrayal ❯ The Darkness In Boss' Heart Sprouts the Seed of Evil ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: mechag 
It was nearly time to go home. The hams were just catching their breath in the clubhouse from the battle they had fought. Hamtaro and Bijou were holding hands. Boss began to tense up. "Thank you for saving me Hamtaro", Bijou said smiling. Boss began to shake. Hamtaro and Bijou hugged. Boss began to sweat. Hamtaro and Bijou rubbed their cheeks together. Boss began to pant. His tiny veins began to swell. After everyone left Boss sighed sayin "I need air". Boss went outside and stared at the full moon. "somthin buggin you Boss?" said a voice just behind him. Boss turned around to see Shadow. "So you're still alive", Boss said. "and kickin", replied Shadow. "C,mon Boss tell me whats wrong" Is it that meanie Hamtaro?" Boss turned around and spoke up. "Hamtaro is no meanie he's my best friend and I wouldn't do anything to hurt him". "Would a true friend steal your girl?", said Shadow. Boss began to tense up again. "C'mon Boss", said Shadow. "Before Hamtaro came here it was always your way or the highway. Don't you hate how he challenges your leadership? I can give you the power to exterminate that pest. C'mon Boss you know you want to..." "ALRIGHT", yelled Boss. "GIVE ME THAT POWER! Hey what's the catch. "You have to serve as my second in command", replied Shadow. "Works for me" said Boss. "Will I still keep my free will?" "Most of it" "Fine BRING ON THAT POWER!" "You might feel a little sting. Suddenly Shadow stabbed Boss with the trident. Boss felt the most horible pain ever. His whole body burned. After awhile it was over. "Now what are you going to do to Hamtaro?" asked Shadow. "I will ERADICATE HIM!
The next day the Ham-Hams noticed something strange about Boss. He was bigger, had spikey fur, his claws were A LOT sharper and his eyes were yellow and bloodshot. "Wow Boss", said Howdy in his joke tone. "You sure look like hell... litrily" "HOWDY", screamed Hamtaro. "That wasn't nice. "It's ok Hamtaro", said Boss. Boss' voice was different too. His voice was deeper and it sounded as if a ghost were talking. All of a sudden Boss slamed his fist on the table, narowly missing Hamtaro. "Whats wrong Boss are you ok?", Hamtaro asked sounding concerned. "Oh Hamtaro I'm better MUCH better" He slashed at Hamtaro but Oxnard got in the way. "OW!!", screamed Oxnard. "That Hurt!" "Listin twerp", wispered Boss. I don't really give a crap about your problems okay!" Oxnard began to cry. "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's bleeding real bad!!! "SHUT THE HECK UP!!" screamed Boss as he slashed Oxnard again in the same spot. Blood was oozing out of the wound. "Hamtaro" said Boss more calm. "We'll finish this in the tunnels" Boss ran in to the tunnels. "Whats gotten into Boss-man" said Stan in his usual macho tone. "i don't know" said Hamtaro confused. "I don't wanna know but I gotta know" Hamtaro sighed as he entered the tunnels and braced himself for the coming battle
Anime/Manga: Hamtaro Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Martial Arts / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.12.2003 | Updated On: 11.13.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 250 | Status: Completed

It was nearly time to go home. The hams were just catching their breath in the clubhouse from the battle they had fought. Hamtaro and Bijou were holding hands. Boss began to tense up. "Thank you for saving me Hamtaro", Bijou said smiling. Boss began to shake. Hamtaro and Bijou hugged. Boss began to sweat. Hamtaro and Bijou rubbed their cheeks together. Boss began to pant. His tiny veins began to swell. After everyone left Boss sighed sayin "I need air". Boss went outside and stared at the full moon. "somthin buggin you Boss?" said a voice just behind him. Boss turned around to see Shadow. "So you're still alive", Boss said. "and kickin", replied Shadow. "C,mon Boss tell me whats wrong" Is it that meanie Hamtaro?" Boss turned around and spoke up. "Hamtaro is no meanie he's my best friend and I wouldn't do anything to hurt him". "Would a true friend steal your girl?", said Shadow. Boss began to tense up again. "C'mon Boss", said Shadow. "Before Hamtaro came here it was always your way or the highway. Don't you hate how he challenges your leadership? I can give you the power to exterminate that pest. C'mon Boss you know you want to..." "ALRIGHT", yelled Boss. "GIVE ME THAT POWER! Hey what's the catch. "You have to serve as my second in command", replied Shadow. "Works for me" said Boss. "Will I still keep my free will?" "Most of it" "Fine BRING ON THAT POWER!" "You might feel a little sting. Suddenly Shadow stabbed Boss with the trident. Boss felt the most horible pain ever. His whole body burned. After awhile it was over. "Now what are you going to do to Hamtaro?" asked Shadow. "I will ERADICATE HIM!
The next day the Ham-Hams noticed something strange about Boss. He was bigger, had spikey fur, his claws were A LOT sharper and his eyes were yellow and bloodshot. "Wow Boss", said Howdy in his joke tone. "You sure look like hell... litrily" "HOWDY", screamed Hamtaro. "That wasn't nice. "It's ok Hamtaro", said Boss. Boss' voice was different too. His voice was deeper and it sounded as if a ghost were talking. All of a sudden Boss slamed his fist on the table, narowly missing Hamtaro. "Whats wrong Boss are you ok?", Hamtaro asked sounding concerned. "Oh Hamtaro I'm better MUCH better" He slashed at Hamtaro but Oxnard got in the way. "OW!!", screamed Oxnard. "That Hurt!" "Listin twerp", wispered Boss. I don't really give a crap about your problems okay!" Oxnard began to cry. "WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It's bleeding real bad!!! "SHUT THE HECK UP!!" screamed Boss as he slashed Oxnard again in the same spot. Blood was oozing out of the wound. "Hamtaro" said Boss more calm. "We'll finish this in the tunnels" Boss ran in to the tunnels. "Whats gotten into Boss-man" said Stan in his usual macho tone. "i don't know" said Hamtaro confused. "I don't wanna know but I gotta know" Hamtaro sighed as he entered the tunnels and braced himself for the coming battle
Anime/Manga: Hamtaro Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Martial Arts / Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 11.12.2003 | Updated On: 11.13.2003 | Pages: 1 | Words: 8 | Visits: 250 | Status: Completed