Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Hamtaro Generation II ❯ Watxh over Penelope my ambitious Sota ( Chapter 7 )
Hamtaro Generation
Watch over Penelope, my ambitious Sota
It was quiet summer day and everyone decided to visit Aaron and Sota at there home in Willow cave. While Sota was playing with Penelope, Aaron and the others got to talking.
Aaron: So T.W left yesterday?
Hamtaro: Yep, I wonder if he's arrived yet.
Aaron: I wish I could've gone but our species would've been conspicuous at the airport.
Hakeru: He understands; he is very wise you know.
Pashmina: And to think if he had not found you hurt in the forest, we might not have met and became friends.
Aaron: How true, but I'm grateful it did happen.
They look over to see Sota and Penelope playing happily.
Aaron: Even though we have lots of fun, it's nice to see Sota with someone close to his own age. They sure love each other's company.
Pashmina: Which leaves me to explain my news, my human and I will be out for the day tomorrow and I need someone to watch Penelope.
Aaron: I'd do it but tomorrow I have to meet with the forest council to discuss important events and Sota's too young to accompany me. I need someone to watch him as well.
Sota couldn't help but overhear and he was mad-
Sota: Come one Aaron, I'm not child anymore. I'm a big kid and I can handle myself, I can look after Penelope.
Aaron: Now Sota, you've never baby-sat before, there's still a lot you don't know.
Sota: Remember that time you got sick and I took care of everything?
Aaron: Yeah but that was a long time ago, It has been awhile since you took charge can you really remember all there is to do?
Sota: Yep I have got it all inside my head so please Aaron, please.
Aaron: Well if Pashmina agrees-
Pashmina: I guess it'd be okay, is it alright Penelope?
Penelope was jumping up and down shouting "Ookwee!" in excitement.
Sota: Then it's settled, I'll look after Penelope. I promise I'll take good care of her and our cave.
Soon the next day at willow cave Aaron left for the council and Pashmina was saying goodbye to Penelope.
Pashmina: Now Penelope be careful and do whatever Sota says, you'll be just fine.
(Really nervous)
Penelope: Ookwee.
Pashmina: Now Sota remember to make sure Penelope doesn't get into mischief.
Sota: Don't worry Pashmina, you have a great time and I'll make sure Penelope's safe and greatly enjoys herself.
Pashmina: Ok and thanks again, I really appreciate this. Well Bye-Q!
Aaron: You two be safe now!
Sota: We will!
The two waved goodbye and Sota's big job begins.
Sota: So what should we do first?
Penelope: Ookwee! Ookwee!
Sota: Now I'm beginning to understand how demanding this is, I forgot you only know 2 words. Can you maybe use your body to tell me what you're saying?
Penelope did one better and ran to Sota's toy chest and pulled out a box.
Sota: Hey slow down, where's the fire?
(Waving the box) Penelope: Ookwee! Ookwee! Ookwee!
Sota: You want to do the puzzle, okay then let's play.
So the two friends played with the puzzle and together was able to solve it, it was a picture of a wolf pack.
Sota: Well we did it, what should we play next?
Penelope got up from the floor and ran to the cave entrance and pointed outside-
Sota ran up to her and figured it out-
Sota: So you want to go for a walk? Then let's go, just follow me and don't stray off.
So the two friends walked up to a grassy hill and looked out at the wonderful view.
Sota: Great idea Penelope isn't this great!
(^^) Penelope: Ookwee!
Just then, her tummy started to roar-
(Blushing) Penelope: Ookwee.
Sota: I guess it's time to eat; luckily, I brought you a snack.
He took out a baby bottle of milk from his handbag-
Sota: Here Penelope, drink up!
But Penelope didn't want to sip the bottle.
Sota: Come on Penelope you have to eat.
But still Penelope would sip the bottle, just then Hakeru walked up to them.
Sota: Hello Hakeru.
Hakeru: Hi Sota, hi Penelope.
Sota: I think I'm having a problem, Penelope's hungry but she won't eat.
Hakeru: That's strange I wonder why not?
She went up to see the problem and saw it when she saw the baby bottle.
Hakeru: What's this baby bottle for?
Sota: It's supposed to be her snack but she won't take it.
Hakeru laughed with great elation greatly confusing Sota.
(Question mark over his head) Sota: What's so funny?
Hakeru: Well only babies drink from baby bottles and while Penelope's young she's not so much a baby anymore, she can eat more big kid foods like you can.
She reaches into her handbag and takes out a large plate of Sunflower pasta wrapped tight in plastic wrap.
Hakeru: I brought this Sunflower pasta thinking you and Penelope might like it, and from the whole snack confusion going on I'm glad I stopped by.
Sota: We're glad you stopped by too.
Penelope: Ookwee!
Soon the three friends enjoyed a great meal; Sota slobbered all over his face and was clean again.
Sota: That was great Hakeru, thanks.
(Sighs) Penelope: Ookwee!
Sota: I'm sorry Penelope, I'm new at this babysitting thing, can you forgive me?
Penelope: Ookwee, Ookwee.
She gives Sota a big hug, which made him blush.
Hakeru: I guess that's yes, well I better be going. I'll see ya later.
After putting the plate and plastic wrap away, she quickly heads back down the hill.
Sota: So what do you want to do now Penelope?
Penelope gets really excited and starts to march in place pretending to be playing a trumpet.
Sota: A parade, what a great idea and I know the perfect song. Follow me!
As they marched through the woods, a song was stirred and you could almost hear the music.
(Singing) Sota: Over there, over there. Send the word, send the word over there, that the ranks are coming, the ranks are coming. The drummer's rum-tumming everywhere, send a prayer, send a flare.
Send the word, send the word to beware, that the ranks are coming, the ranks are coming. The drums rum-p-pumming everywhere, send a flare. Send a prayer, send the word, send the word over there.
Soon after marching for quite some time they soon reached a small town, Sota read the sign which said-
"Welcome to little Germany"
Sota: I remember this town, Aaron said it's a smaller version of the real Germany so T.W won't be here but let's explore it anyway. What do ya say?
Penelope nods.
Sota: Okay, just hop on.
Penelope jumps on to Sota's back and they enter the town which was kind of quiet, the people that went by paid no mind to them as they know animal share the town with them, soon after much traveling they reach a blue building which looked like a Baghdad palace.
Sota: I wonder who lives here.
He read the sign, which said-
"This is the snow cathedral, landmark of the little Germany's first snow."
Sota: So this is where the town's first snow took place, interesting let's check it out.
So as they were about to enter the cathedral when they looked to see actual snowfall.
Sota: What? Snow, it's way too early for snow.
Penelope: Ookwee.
Sota: It sure is pretty though, but it only seems to be snowing on this building.
Just then, a giant snowflake came to the ground in front of them and lit up, curious Sota walked on top of it and it started to lift back up in the sky carrying them with it.
Sota: What's going on, where's it taking us?
Penelope: Ookwee!
As they rose high above the cathedral they entered into the clouds and heard a beautiful song-
Song: Konayuki mau machi ni yagate kirei na hana saku kisetsu ni anata o omou
tsuki no negai mizu ni tokete shiroi namikimichi mitsuketa hoshikuzu no uta
(The two fly on the large snowflake feeling crisp and strong)
nanairo no hashi o wataru kaze shitte ita yo ne kimochi tsunagu ureshisa Sugar Snow
komarasetari waraiattari ano yuki no shirosa wasurenai otona ni natte
During the instrumental-
Sota: This is so cool! I've never seen snowfall up close like this. Have you?
Penelope shakes her head "no" and continue to enjoy their view of the sky.
Song: Kikoeru kana yuki no aizu kujikesou na toki wa mado ake mimi o sumashite
kumo no kishibe asai nemuri tooku de shizuka ni anata o mimamottetai
(Just then they see a winged shadowy figure ahead of them)
nakusanaide sunao na hitomi ni utsusu akogare kanau asu wa kuru kara Sugar Love
konayuki mau machi ni yagate kirei na hana saku kisetsu ni anata o omou kokoro o tokasu AI wa YUME wa sono mune ni aru no
The song ends on a sweet note as the two look at the mysterious figure before them, as the snowflake comes to a stop.
Sota: Hello there. I'm Sota and atop my back is Penelope.
Penelope: Ookwee!
Sota: Did you make this snowfall?
Figure: Yes, I did, I practice here in the warm season so I'm sharp come winter. You see I'm a snow fairy.
Sota: A snow fairy?
Snow fairy: Yes and I admit I wanted to give you visitors a show. I also want you to have this-
She played her magic flute and two crystals appeared and floated them over to Penelope and Sota.
Snow fairy: I want you to have them, there snowflake gems.
Sota: Thanks miss snow fairy.
Penelope: Ookwee!
Later on everyone met back in the meadow and Penelope was happy to see Pashmina.
Pashmina: I missed you but it seems Sota did a good job, thanks a lot for looking after her.
Sota: No prob, anytime. We also have a surprise for both of you.
He then took out 4 snowflake crystals.
Aaron: Where did you get those?
Sota: A fairy who makes snowfall gave them to us, there made partly with ice and crystal so it won't melt, 2 of them are yours.
Pashmina: That was so nice of you.
Sota: It was nice of you to trust me with your best friend.
Penelope then went over to Sota and gave him a big hug.
(Blushing) Sota: Aww.
As they laughed a bit, they didn't notice the snow fairy flying high back to fairy world.
Preview of next episode
Sota: Though I love playing with Penelope, it takes a real big kid like me to be a baby sitter.
Aaron: I know, when you were born I had to do a lot to make sure you had all you needed.
Sota: Well thanks, I couldn't say it then but thanks.
Aaron: You're welcome.
Pashmina: I wonder what Penelope's planning to do next.
Sota: Next time
Penelope's grand adventure, the journey to find Sota
Pashmina: She's certainly got spirit.
Penelope: Ookwee!
And now please enjoy-
It was black and a spotlight shines on Boss who was sitting on a stool feeling low and didn't notice the audience, then a spotlight shines on a table with a phone on it and it started to ring.
Boss: Heke?
He looked up to see the phone beside him and answers it-
Boss: Hello? Oh T.W Hamha!
(On the phone) T.W: Hamha! I'm still aboard Asura's plane, I know you're sad I'm not there but you have to start the show.
Boss looked to see the audience-
Boss: We started already?! Ok I'll talk to you later. Bye-q!
He hangs up the phone and everything goes white-
(Title screen) Leave it to Boss "Keep your memories alive!"
As the title screen fades, we see it's nighttime and Boss was in bed asleep dreaming of T.W when he suddenly wakes up.
Boss: Why am I having these powerful dreams? I don't think I can go back to sleep.
He gets out of bed and starts pacing, a few minutes had passed and all that pacing wore a groove in the floor. Boss looked up and realized what had happened and said-
Boss: Oh boy, I'll have to fill up this hole tomorrow.
He climbs out of it and leaves his bedroom, soon he finds himself out in the field outside his home looking out at the horizon with a breezy wind brushing up against him making his ears wiggle. After a while, the moon changed positions and he fell asleep in the tall grass but then heard a sound and quickly got up. It turns out it was Hakeru and the two take a walk.
Boss: So you couldn't sleep either?
Hakeru: Nah, I tried but I couldn't feel right.
Boss: Same here, do you think it's because-
Hakeru: Well it's no surprise to me, I'm happy T.W is going after his dream but it's hard not to be sad that he's gone.
Soon after much walking, they see T.W's house up ahead.
Boss: His house seems so lonely.
T.W: Yeah, ever since I met him I felt something special. Something that no word can describe, I never felt this strongly about anyone in my life with the exception of my late owner and my namesake Hakeru.
Boss: Really?
Hakeru: Yes, I just want things to go back to the way they were, all happy and bright once more.
As the wind blew her pigtails in a swirl she remembers the first time she saw him-
We flashback to when the two first met.
Everyone took a few steps back as the mysterious ham-girl awoken.
Girl-ham: Oh, what happened? Where am I?
T.W: You're in my home. I found you hurt and my friends and I took care of you.
Girl-ham: Now I remember I was in a truck heading-
Everyone was waiting for her to go on but she paused for a moment.
Hamtaro: Go on.
Before anyone could say anything, she got up and headed for the door.
T.W: Hey, you have to take it easy. Do you want to make that arm worse?
Girl-ham: Thank you all for saving me but I have to go now. Maybe we'll meet again someday and I'll tell you my story.
Everyone watched in concern as she left out the front door T.W more than anyone did as he heads out the door after her leaving the hams-hams confused.
Hamtaro: I wonder why she ran off like that.
(Narrating) Hakeru: At first I was nervous as I never saw other hamsters before, but he was persistent and while I wouldn't have told my life story to just anyone, I felt I could trust him. I soon came to find that he would give me a thrill ride that I'd never forget.
T.W: We're here now but don't take off the blindfold until I tell you.
Hakeru: Okay
T.W opened the door leading Hakeru into a dark room.
T.W: Ok you can take the blindfold off now.
Hakeru removed the blindfold, the room lighted up party favors blaring and all the ham hams leap out and shout-
Everyone: Surprise!
T.W: Surprise Hakeru.
Hakeru: What's all this about?
Hamtaro: We all wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood.
Bijou: With a big party.
Sandy: That has games and prizes.
Stan: Music and dancing,
Oxnard: and lots and lots of food!
Boss: We're proud to welcome you to our clubhouse as an honorary ham-ham.
Hamtaro: Welcome to the club Hakeru.
Hakeru was overjoyed and proud that she a wonderful new life of friends and family that she knew she'd treasure forever.
Hakeru: Thanks everyone for everything you've done.
Hakeru then walks up to T.W blushing the whole way.
Hakeru: Especially you T.W. you've made me happier then I ever remembered.
She then kissed T.W on the cheek he blushed with pride and honor.
T.W: Um. Schmubby wubby.
He was completely overwhelmed yet tried to sustain himself.
Boss: Whoa, someone has a crush.
Howdy: its shumbby wubby city.
T.W and Hakeru blushed
both: Is not!
They looked at each other blushing from ear to ear they were so uncomfortable they just laughed forgetting there worries and fears.
The flashback ends to see a greatly blushed Hakeru.
Hakeru: I knew from then on that I'd never be alone again as I now had a team to count on.
Boss thought of those words and remembers the first time he met T.W-
We flashback again-
Boss: And I'm Boss Field Hamster extraordinaire! Nice to meet ya. (Puts out paw)
T.W: Uh... likewise. (Shakes Boss's paw)
Then he recalls the time-
T.W: (sips) so was there anything particular you wanted to discuss with me?
Boss: Well I. Do you think you could do me a huge favor?
T.W: Well If can.
Boss: See it's about Bijou. Do you remember her?
T.W: Yes, she seems nice.
Boss: Oh she is anyway it's like this
Boss had went on explaining to T.W his super crush on Bijou and that he wanted T.W to give him some pointers in kitchen.
Boss: You see awhile ago we went to check this museum in town and I promised I'd make Bijou her lunch that day but it was a disaster. So with our big picnic tomorrow I want to make it up to her so I thought you could help me out.
T.W: Let me prioritize this you want me to give you cooking lessons?
Boss: Yep so, what do you say give a ham some help here?
T.W: I'd like too help but I'm still fairly a beginner I mostly get my ideas from cookbooks and changing the ingredients to my liking.
Boss: Please don't you have at least one recipe you can teach me!
T.W: Well there's one I've been working on... now she's originally from France right.
Boss: Yeah.
T.W: Perfect come with me.
T.W and Boss went upstairs to the walk-in closet were some of his things in boxes.
T.W: Now were did I put it.
After sorting trough a few boxes, he found an old tattered book.
T.W: Okay here it is my experimental cookbook. I write things I like to eat and find new ways to make them here. In other words this were I figure how much of what I need to make a dish.
Boss: So is there something in here I could learn to cook for Bijou?
T.W: (Flips though the book) just maybe... Aha! Here it is! It's the latest recipe I'm currently developing, Sunflower frozen yogurt.
Sunflower seed sprinkles on the outside, strawberry-flavored frozen yogurt on the inside. I've done sketches and made test batches of the final product but so far nothing.
But that's were you come in if we work together we could find out what's missing in the balance, you'll have something for Bijou, and I'll have perfected my latest masterpiece for I plan to pass my perfected culinary essence to my children and my children's children and so on.
Boss: You have kids?
T.W: No silly I was talking about the future, I hope to make these recipes and the cafe a family tradition.
We fast forward a little
T.W: You bet your ribbons it's true. You know you really are as your name implies. A loud, rude, bossy and annoying bully. You are truly the most impossible hamster I've ever met how can I be expected to trust you again goodbye!
T.W stormed off home.
Then a little further-
T.W: There ready guys!
Everyone took one
Hamtaro: Licks krmp krmp it's even better the second time.
T.W: Probably because you helped make it.
Oxnard: That must be it because it seems to taste better than it did yesterday.
Boss walked up to the tray but there were none left
Boss: Hey, there isn't one for me.
T.W: He he, yes there is.
Goes to the freezer and takes out another frozen yogurt on a plate
T.W: I made this one especially for you. I put crushed sunflower seeds as well as crushed pumpkin seeds both toasted and chunks of walnuts. Hamtaro told me there you're favorite. Just think of it as an extra I'm sorry.
Boss: Thanks you really are a good friend.
T.W: That means a lot to me. I hope we stay friends forever.
Boss: You bet.
He then remembers the time when T.W explained his origin and was feeling down-
T.W: So why are you here?
Boss pulled up a stool from a nearby table and sat right in front of him.
Boss: I figured you needed a friend to talk to.
T.W: You consider me a friend?
Boss: Sure, why wouldn't I? We may argue a lot but who doesn't plus I know how you feel more than you know.
T.W began to tear up and look towards the window besides his bed.
T.W: How could you? Maybe you've been alone more than I have but I- my family is breaking all around me.
We speed things up a bit-
(Sniffling) T.W: That's the memory I dream of, of what I wanted it to be like. It was all I had to combat the true reality that it will never be like that!
My dreams are all I have. How could you know what I'm feeling?!
T.W broke out in tears unsure of his heart, Boss took off his hat at held at his chest seeing the seriousness of all this.
Boss: Hey I know you've had it rough but so have we all at one point, I know I felt like that many a time.
T.W looked up from his covers soaked in tears and listened closely.
Boss: You see I never really knew my parents at least from what I remember; I've kind of always been on my own. So you might want to give yourself some credit. At least you know one of your parents and you have your grandma.
T.W; I am thankful as much as I can but-
Don't you see?! I just wish my mom was well and we could start having fun and for my dad to try being a dad! Despite my processional wishes, I really want a loving family and friends but I'm sure you and the other hams are going to be great friends.
I just-
T.W then without thinking gave Boss a large hug and the tighter he hugged his tears began to dry up and he felt lighthearted. T.W had actually fallen asleep under Boss's strong body mumbling in his sleep.
(Asleep) T.W: Ah papa!
Boss was kind of embarrassed even though there was no one else but himself and T.W and thought to himself-
(Thinking) Boss: You don't think- nah!
(Narrating) Boss: But it's true, I kind of do think of him as a son. A son I have to watch out for him.
Hakeru: Really? I kind of thought there was something between you two.
Boss: Did I say that out loud?
Hakeru: Yep?
In the last scene-
T.W was snug in his bed, Boss made sure he was well tucked in and quietly left the room. Before he close the door completely he said-
Boss: Sleep tight son.
Then he quietly closed the door and we look outside to see a clear rainless night and while it was night, you could see a lovely rainbow over the moon
The flashback ends to see Boss with a calm look on his face.
Boss: Well now, you know my secret but please don't tell the others.
Hakeru: I won't as long as you don't tell anyone my love for T.W-
Boss: But everyone knows that.
Hakeru: I know I just wanted to say it.
The two laugh a bit and look up and see a shooting star fall down-
(At the same time) Boss: Hey! Come back soon T.W! Hakeru: Hey! Come back soon T.W!
We fade out, we fade in to see Boss talking on the phone to T.W-
Boss: So your nearly there, that's great.
(On the phone) T.W: I'm really excited, so how'd the show go?
Boss: Just fine, we all miss you and want you to come home soon.
(On the phone) T.W: I will, well I'll talk to you later. Bye-q!
He hung up the phone.
Boss: And bye-q to all of you.
He waves goodbye and we iris out.
I hope you enjoyed, please review in 2 parts, 1 part the episode of Sota babysitting Penelope and the second part about the mini-movie.