Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Evil ❯ Dark Imprisonment ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Love and Evil

Chapter 2: Dark Imprisonment

(The next morning, Amanda is sleeping on the cold, hard and dusty cell bed. The sound of the door to the dungeon is heard opening. Amanda slowly opens her eyes)

Amanda: *yawn* Hm……someone is coming!

(Footsteps are heard coming down the steps, Amanda jumps off the bed and runs to the bars and looks out)

Amanda: I hope they are bringing food! I would kill for a sunflower seed…..uh…prehapes I should rephrase that…

(Alice appears at the bottom of the stairs holding a sunflower seed in her paw, she walks towards the cells)

Amanda: Hey you! It's about time I got fed around here!

(Alice stops by Sparkles cell)

Alice: Here is your weekly sunflower seed, you little bitch.

(Alice chucks the sunflower seed in Sparkle's cell and walks back up the steps)

Amanda: HEY! What about me?! Don't I get a seed too?!

(Alice doesn't answer back, she disappears from view)


(The sound of the door dungeon slamming shut and locking is heard. Amanda walks over and sits down on the bed and folds her arms)

Amanda: HMP! I better have something to eat some or they will be sorry!

(A sunflower seed rolls into her cell)

Amanda: Heke? Oh boy!

(Amanda grabs the sunflower seed and starts eating it)

Amanda: *Krump, krump* This is delicious! But…..where did it…..THANK YOU CELLMATE!!

(Sparkle smiles weakly)

Amanda: Krump, Krump….

(One week later, Amanda is lying on the bed fast asleep, Sparkle still hasn't moved from her corner, she is very pale)

Amanda: ZuZuZuZuZuZu…..

(Alice appears by Amanda's cell holding the staff of Hamchi)

Alice: Hey Kid! Time to wake up!

(Amanda opens her eyes and yawns)

Amanda: It's you! A-a-a-re you finally letting me go?!

(Alice walks into the cell, Amanda backs away a bit)

Amanda: A-a-a-a-re you then?

(Alice doesn't answer as she points the staff at Amanda)

Amanda: Heke? What is…..

(Amanda gets cut off when strong hypnotic waves fired from the staff hit her. Amanda's eyes go half open)

Amanda: ……..

Alice: Come on you little brat. Your new master doesn't like to be kept waiting.

(Amanda nods and walks towards Amanda holding her paws out in "Sleep walk" style. Then Alice, followed by Amanda exit the dungeon and into the corridors of the Dark Circle castle)

Alice: I have never seen you with the Ham-Hams before. What is your name?

Amanda: …..Amanda…..

Alice: Amanda huh? You seem like a nice girl. Shame it will go to waste.

(Alice and Amanda came up to the double doors leading into ???? chamber, Alice knocks it)

????: *Heard from inside* Enter!

(The doors open, Alice pushes Amanda inside. Amanda lands bang on her face knocking her out of her trance. The doors slam shut behind her)

Amanda: Ow…..Heke?! How did I get here?!

(Amanda gets to her feet and looks around)

Amanda: I don't think I like this place…..

(A hamster approaches Amanda from behind)

????: Greetings, young Ham-Ham