Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Evil ❯ Dexter's Plan ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Love and Evil

Chapter 5: Dexter's Plan

(Amanda and Dexter are sitting in the Dark Circle living room. They are not alone; Shadow is sitting in the darkness reading a book from the dim light of a lamp)

Amanda: Here is my plan! We will attack the Ham-Hams while they sleep the chop up their bodies and sell them for cash! MWAHAHAHA!

Dexter: As evil as that is I don't think that is the right approach…

Amanda: Have you got any better ideas then?!

Dexter: In a matter of fact I do…

(Amanda jumps onto her feet)

Amanda: Well out with it four-eyes!

Dexter: We will go to them and say to them that the Dark Circle surrender!

(Shadow looks up from her book and stares at Dexter)


Dexter: Calm yourself, Amanda. Of course we won't really surrender! We will lure then here and kill them!

Amanda: I like it, Dexter! And I will be the one who kills them; you will just do the talking!

(Amanda emits powerful electricity in her cheeks and laughs evilly)

Shadow: Kids……

(Shadow goes back to read her book)


(Meanwhile, at the Ham-Ham clubhouse, Hamtaro, Boss and Oxnard are sitting at the table watching Stan train)

Hamtaro: Stan is sure training hard.

Boss: The guy is wasting his time. There is no way he is going to beat the Dark Circle! They are just too powerful

Hamtaro: Don't say that, Boss. We can beat them if we all stick together!

(Stan throws a punch at the punching bag, hitting it so hard it flies into the wall making a great dent)

Boss: Hey! I haven't got this clubhouse insured yet!

(Stan ignores him as he walks over to a table, picks up a cloth and wipes his sweating forehead)

Stan: Oxnard! Another bag!

Oxnard: Coming right up, Stan!
(Oxnard runs to a box and takes out a punching bag and ties it to the slide and sits back down. Stan starts up his training again)

Hamtaro: I think Stan is getting stronger.
(Boss picks up the punching bag that hit the wall)

Boss: He is also getting very stubborn if you ask me. That guy really needs to chill!

(Dexter enters the clubhouse with a note in his paw)

Dexter: Ham-Hams! I bring good news! Delighting news, in fact!

Boss: What is it? Has Howdy fallen down the well again?

Dexter: -_- NO YOU F….I mean of course not. The Dark Circle has decided to surrender!

Hamtaro: Heke?!

Boss: Heke?!

Oxnard: Heke?!

(Stan stops his training and turns his head to face Dexter)

Stan: What did you just say, dude?

Dexter: The Dark Circle has decided to surrender and are inviting us over to their castle to apologize to us.

Hamtaro: Really? They want to apologize for all the mean things they did to us?

Dexter: YES! So let's go already!

Boss: Hang on, Hams. This might be a trap.

Dexter: HMP!

To be continued……