Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love Battles on the Floor Again ❯ an all nighter pays off ( Chapter 12 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Ah, tis good to have some love from da peeps, das so good. It means much to a kat like me. Well, the story must go on my peeps, so let's get back into it.
Maxwell arrived at the clubhouse and stared directly at the floor in which he would soon take to battle. Well, there's no choice left now. he thought. The only way to make this end is to do one thing.... study. And study I shall. Maxwell started up the game and set it to the tracks, then began to read ans study all the songs. It took a whole two hours, but he read all 1250 songs on the game, all of them on heavy. Well, now that I know how the steps go, it's time to move to them. It's a hell of a lot of songs, but they all shall be done. Now.... where to start, hmmm. Choices... With a deep breath, Maxwell stepped up and started on the floor, beginning with Pink Rose. For a majority of the night's remainder, Maxwell stepped to all 1250 songs on heavy. Every song he did until he got an 'A' or higher, which meant that certain songs had to be repeated. Finally, he was on the final song. Man, almost done. This one last song and then it's over, Xenon. Not just Xenon, the full version of Xenon. Well, let's get it over with....
Morning came and the hams entered the clubhouse. "Man, today I'm feeling good. I smell an 'A' from Drop Out today." said Stan.
"That would be totally cool." said Sandy.
"I wonder what's up with Maxwell though..." Pashmina trailed off.
"Yeah, I w-"
Soon, the hams turned to see Maxwell standing on the floor, looking at the quartet. "Hey, what took you guys so long?" asked Maxwell.
"And just when did you get here?" asked Sparkle.
"I've been here, now what took you so long? You had a couple of bathroom breaks along the way, huh?"
"Hey, some of us don't have big bladders okay?" said Sparkle, looking ready to cry.
"Now, now, don't cry Sparkle. I'll make sure he gets it where it counts," said Stan, comforting Sparkle.
"Make him pay on that floor."
"Don't worry, I'll do just that."
"Well get up here, we can do this now." said Maxwell.
"Hold your horses, I wanna calm Sparkle down first, then I'll take you down on the floor."
"Fine, I'll wait for you then."
Stan took Sparkle to a nearby seat, then the rest of the gang showed up. "Hey Maxwell, you're looking good. You look lighter before." said Tango.
"Well, I've been eating right." said Maxwell.
"Now if only you can do that instead of stuffing yer cheeks." said Pepper.
"Hey, I'm not a pig." said Oxnard.
"This is gonna be a real treat." said Hamtaro.
"Oui, oui." agreed Bijou.
Stan stepped up to meet Maxwell. "Okay, now it's time to send you to school." he said.
"Well then, teach me."
Jam stepped in from the evacuation tunnels as Stan chose the first song, The Legend of Max. "First lesson, Chaos is tricky, so be prepared for it." said Stan.
"Okay Teacher, I'll be ready for it." said Maxwell.
As the song began, everything started out good. Stan and Maxwell kept the combos equal. Sparkle was routing for Stan, of course and Sandy stayed neutral, the rest of the hams just watched on. Now let's see if you can fare for yourself well, Max. thought Jam.
"You're doing good, Maxwell, much better than I thought you would." said Stan.
"I'm glad you like it that much, teacher." said Maxwell. Poor Stan, what you don't know.... he then thought.
Very nice, but let's see if you can handle the chaos. thought Stan.
"This is fun."
"Very fun."
"So what do you think Sandy, major inprovement on Maxwell's behalf, huh?" asked Pashmina.
"Totally." answered Sandy.
"Maxwell ees very powerful, non?" asked Bijou.
"Maybe." answered Hamtaro.
"Powerful, how?" asked Sparkle.
"Yeah, I just don't see it." added Cappy.
"I am unsure, but zhere is power in Maxwell's steps." answered Bijou.
"He's stepping lightly for looking so powerful." said Pepper.
"At least she sees his power." Jam cut in.
"How?" asked Sparkle.
"Take a look at Max's movement. Even though it looks like and seems like he's stepping softly, there is power to his stepping."
"I still don't get it." said Hamtaro.
"Maxwell treads lightly, but he treads with power. And it makes sense, seeing as he was at it all night."
"Heke?" everyone asked.
"Of course, he pulled an all nighter."
"Geez Jam, does anything get past you?!" yelled Maxwell.
"Not much gets past me, now stay focused. You don't want all that studying you did to go to waste."
"Just How many songs did he study last night, Jam?" asked Sandy.
"All of them."
"All of them, there are hundreds of songs on this game." said Stan.
"1250 to be exact." Maxwell corrected Stan.
"Actually there are 1300, but others are extended versions of other songs." Jam set the records straight. "And there are still three hundred more
songs to update on that thing."
"1600 songs? That's murder!" yelled Boss.
After that was done, and everyone else got on the floor, the hams had their lunch. "You're getting much better at this, Pepper." said Pashmina.
"Well, thank-q kindly, sugar." said Pepper.
"Pretty soon, you and Oxnard can simply sweep things."
"Yeah, but I still need some work." said Oxnard.
"Well I wanna give it up for Maxwell, he really turned it out on the floor today." said Stan. "Let's give him a nice round of applause."
The hams gave their cheers. "Yes, good show you gave us Maxwell." said Dexter.
"Really now? So he's no longer a joke, that's music to my ears."
The hams turned to see the "Crew" walk over to them. "Looks like you just might stand a chance against me after all." Yami continued. "And to think, I wouldn't have a match..."
"Don't come here and start troublemaking." said Boss.
"We only want to have lunch with you all, if you don't mind..." said Noah.
"Fine, just don't ruin the meal, fakers." said Hamtaro.
"Not now, Hamtaro." said Boss.
"I agree." added Jam, "I would like to have a meal without the tensions of competition for once."
"And what does that mean?" asked Yami.
"I would like to enjoy a meal where everyone is on the same page, not a meal that says, 'Come tournament time, I'm gonna whoop on you.' or 'I'm gonna steal your girl.' or 'Your man is coming home with me.' or the rest of that crap. Let's just have a nice meal where we can all enjoy the food and call each other by their names for once."
"Listen to The One, making pitiful demands already." said Noah.
"Who's this 'The One' you guys keep talking about?" asked Sparkle.
"I'm glad she asked it." said Jam as he krumped his mackleberry.
"Noah doesn't know how to say Jam." said Hamtaro.
"You knockin' me, boy?" questioned Noah.
"Nope, I'm knocking no one."
"What am I, chopped escargo?" asked Bijou.
"Bad pun, Bijou, bad pun."
"So what you been working on, baby?" Ice asked Panda, who she pulled a seat up to.
"Building stuff, like always." answered Panda.
Ice fell over, "Not what I meant."
"You asked and I told you."
"So Dexter, what type of songs do you like?" asked Blossom.
"Songs with a good tempo." Dexter answered.
"Songs that he dances with me." added Pashmina.
"Did you know there are three cleffs in music, Pashmina?" asked Trav.
"Yup; Treble, Bass and Middle."
"I like the middle one, because you can never go wrong there."
"That's true, but sometimes a high note is lovely. I like those."
"So Cappy, you wanna tag up again, we make a good team?" asked Tango.
"Dunno, have to think about it." answered Cappy.
"Aw, come on."
"Oh that's right, I was gonna tag with Penelope later."
"Why, she's too youngs for you."
"Young, but incredibly skilled." Noah cut in. "That reminds me, have you made your mind up on our offer, Penelope."
"Ookyoo." Penelope answered as she shook her head.
"Is that a no?"
"She's still not sure." Pashmina cleared up.
"Well, I'll just check back in later."
"So Boss, when were you going to introduce Hamina there to the rest of us?" asked Jam.
"You know my name?" asked a shocked Hamina.
"Of course. What I wanna know is, why you shared Boss' room last night?"
Everyham turned to Boss and Hamina, but Stan's expression was the most lit up. "You had a girl in your room with you last night? All right, Boss!" he cheered.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, time-out. It's not what you think." said Boss.
Snoozer put in his two cents in the form of a jingle. "With an 'Uki-uki' here and an 'Uki-uki' there and a little bit of 'Uki-uki' all night long..."
Hamina's face turned red. "No that's uncalled for." said Boss. "Her burrow is mess up right now and she needs a few days before it'll be back to normal."
"That still doesn't explain why she was in your room last night, Boss." said Jam.
"With an 'Uki-uki' here and an 'Uki-uki' there and a little bit of 'Uki-uki' all night long..." (This is Snoozer again, peeps)
"Man, Boss is getting some action at night." said Stan.
"I wanna know how long this is going on?" asked Sparkle.
"I wanna know if vous duex shared ze same bed." said Bijou.
"A little bit of 'Uki-uki' all night long." this time, Tango hit the jingle.
I want that with Pepper. thought Oxnard.
"Hey, we aren't like that." said Boss. "Now if things go good over time, then we can get like that, but we're not like that now."
"That's not what I heard last night." said Jam.
"Okay, like, moving on to another subjects already..." Sandy said. "What brings you guys here anyway?"
"What, we can't all have a nice meal together?" Yami asked.
"Well... I didn't say that."
After the meal, the Comets still hung around. "So Jam, you're pretty much teaching all these ham how to become floormasters, right?" asked Ice.
"You can say that's pushing it." Jam answered.
"Well, how about we watch one of your lessons? You know, just to get a feel on what you're teaching exactly."
"That reminds me about today's lesson. Okay hams, gather 'round." The hams do just that, but the Comets simply watch from the sidelines, so to speak. Jam continued, "I have a very good thing for everyone today."
"All right, more routines." said Cappy.
"Yeah, what's up this time?" asked Pashmina.
"Reading, a lot of reading." Jam answered.
"Reading?!" the hams cried.
"Yup. Lemme pass out everyone's textbooks."
Every ham fell to the ground. "Do we have to stay here and watch them read about this game, Noah?" asked Trav.
"No way, we're out of here." answered Noah. "If this is how 'The One' trains his pupils, by the book, then there's no reason to even watch him teach."
Jam watched the Comets go away and once they were out of sight, he began to laugh. "I can't believe that worked." he said while laughing.
"I don't get the joke." said Howdy.
"That was only a phase to get those silly Comets to leave, amazing how it worked."
"Oh!" said the rest of the hams.
"Now, partner up with your partners for this tournament, it's time to work on your team skills."
That's exactly how it worked until it was time for the hams to leave. As the hams went their ways home, and Jam and Tango to their rooms, Boss and Hamina decided to have their time as well. "That Jam is dedicated, isn't he?" Hamina asked.
"That's just Jam." answered Boss. "He'll always be like that."
Blah, blah, blah...... The next morning, all the hams were excited on their way to the clubhouse, some more than others. "Man, tomorrow is the big day everyone." said Hamtaro. "I hope everyone is ready."
"I am," said a confident Stan, "but I still wanna get in some dances so I can have that last minute floor running."
"I'm just glad I was able to pull all this off." said Oxnard.
"I'm sure this is going to be fun." said Pepper.
But when the hams got there, they were looking at Boss and Panda who were tinkering with the floor. "Is something wrong with this game, Boss?" asked Tango.
"Disabled," Panda answered. "I can't believe this game is on disable mode."
"Well, undisable it, Panda." said Boss.
"I wish I knew how..."
"This is bad, with the dance floor disabled, we won't be able to practice on the floor today." said Cappy.
"That's the point." All the hams turned to see Jam. "Gather 'round you hams, it's time for a chat."
"So you disabled the game, how come?" asked Hamina.
"Because of tomorrow."
"But the tournament starts tomorrow." whined Cappy. "We need to practice some more last minute-"
"You need no more practice, all of you are doing fine."
"You know, for someone who eez getting us to run ze floor, I can't believe how you are acting right now." said Bijou.
"Yada, yada, yada. Listen hams, the reason why I disabled that is because today, you all are going to rest so that you can be at your full potentials. The last thing you guys need is to be all worn out today and have it cost you come tourney time. Now I know that the whole thing on how I've been schooling all of you isn't what you'd normally think, but the whole purpose of it is to get all of you to find and utilize your own individual styles of running the floor.
"Normally, a sensei would have his pupils learn the same style... and for what, to simply repeat his own shadow? Not much, if anything at all, gets learned that way. But to have each of you develop your own unique style, you all learn more this way."
"Because we're teaching ourselves and taking hints from you as they go." said Dexter.
"Show you rye, Dexter. Now, there's just one more thing left for me to do."
"What might that be?" asked Cappy.
"Gifts, of course."
"We get presents." said Hamtaro.
"We get presents." said Hamtaro.
"Don't worry, I got you one as well, Hamina."
"Really? Thank-q."
Jam walked to Penelope and picked her up, then headed back to the group. "First off, a gift for Little One." Jam began as he put Penelope down. He turned around so he pretty much shielded her and removed his backpack, exposing the sun on his back to the rest of the hams. "Okay, hold still and please don't scream." Jam took off Penelope's Yellow blanket and placed it aside, and pulled a new one from his pack. It was red with white music notes on it, then placed it on Penelope. After that he moved away from her to let the rest of the hams see.
"Hey, that's pretty cool." said Hamtaro.
"I don't think red is her color though..." said Sandy. "But you still look good, Penelope."
"Ookyoo." said a happy Penelope.
"Where's my gift?" asked Cappy.
"I got it, but first...." Jam removed Cappy's green hat.
"Hey, that's mine!"
"No it's not, but this one is." Jam put a silver hat on Cappy's head. "A new lid for Capster, here's your old lid too."
"This color is weird."
"It was either silver, or pink."
"Silver, definitely silver."
"Now for Bijou. I know how much you love blue ribbons, but you should like these ones too." Jam gave Bijou a small box with her ribbons inside of it.
"Merci, Jam. I'll wear zem tomorrow." said Bijou.
"Well, would you try them on today, I'm really hoping that I got the right size for you?" Jam asked.
"Well, it wouldn't hurt..." Bijou opened the box to reveal two pretty sunglow ribbons. "Well, zhey look pretty, but are a bit bright for me."
"Well, keep em' anyway. As for you Hamtaro, you can don one of these."
"Cool, a headband." said Hamtaro.
"Hold still, gotta tie it on you here..." Jam did just that, then headed over to Pahsmina. "Okay Pashy, they ran out of pink, but you'll like this color." Jam pulled out a gold scarf and placed it in Pashmina's paws.
"This feels soft." said Pashmina. "I could kiss you Jam."
"Left cheek, please."
Pashmina pecked Jam and then she put on her new scarf. "You had better have a good gift for me." said Dexter.
"Yup, some new ties for ya. One for every special event in your life." said Jam.
"Well, it's the thought that counts."
"Hey, if you don't want it, give em' back."
"I didn't say that, I just don't think I could have so many events..."
"Moving on.... Here Howdy, a new red apron for yee."
"Ooh, this looks nice." Howdy said as he held his gift. "What's with these lines and this symbol here?"
"It's a music scale."
"And some beat sticks for Stan."
"Nice sticks..." said Stan, "but what's with the red, white and green?"
"I was in Tijuana at the time. Sparkle, here are some new bands for your tails. Go ahead, try em' on."
"Hey, this is a nice color." said Sparkle.
"Yup, Poppy. They also have a design on them if you look at them properly."
Sparkle moved her hair bands around, "Oh wow, mics. Thanks Jam."
"Hey what about me, don't I gat anything?" asked Panda.
"Yup," Jam answered, "I got you a new tool set."
"That's nice, but I dont need anymore tools."
"I handyham never has enough tools."
"If you say so."
"Now for my farm ham.... where is it at...." Jam searched his pack. "Found it. Even you should enjoy this." Jam pulled out a red cloak for Pepper.
"This looks like the rag I wear now." said Pepper.
"That cloak you call a rag is nice, but it doesn't cover your head and tails like dis here cloak. A good hood is always fun to wear, it keeps your ears warm too."
"That's a nice point, good gift."
"And a gold seed for Ox."
"Yes, a gold seed." said Oxnard as he held his gift. He then took a bite out of it, "Ow!"
"That's a gold seed, Ox. You can't eat that, it's a charm of prosperity."
"Okay, I'll buy that."
"Sandy, can I see your ribbon, please?"
"Sure," Sandy answered, "catch."
Sandy tossed her ribbon Jam's way and he placed it in his pack, closed the pack, shook it twice, opened the pack and tossed the ribbon back to its owner. Only the Ribbon had white and a blue cloth on it instead of the red one. "Okay, like what did you do to my ribbon?" Sandy asked.
"Nothing, I just leveled it up." Jam answered. "Your ribbon now is a Kaze's ribbon. You can defend yourself better with that now, but be careful, Kaze's ribbons usually are gusting."
"Um, okay. I'll like, totally take your word for it."
"What about me?" asked Maxwell.
"You gave me a hard time, you gets no gift."
"Just kidding. Here you go."
"O-kay, what is it?"
"It's called a PAD, you're smart, so you can figure out what it does."
"Um, thanks..."
"Bossham Boss, I got you some digging stuff, when you wanna do some more remodling to the clubhouse here, jic."
"Well, I've been meaning to buy a new spade. I'll apreciate this."
"Here's something for you, Hamina."
".....Hamster Jimmies?!" Hamina yelled.
"Oopsie, those are mine." Jam took those jimmies back. "Guys can never be too careful, right Boss?"
"Don't look at me, I dunno what you're talking about." Boss answered.
"Sure you don't." said Stan.
"Moving on," Jam continued. "I got this for you."
"Cool, it's a focus band, this'll come in handy."
"Good, well now that all of you knwo just how good you are, I want you all to remember one very important things before you head onto the floors in the morrow."
"And what's that?" asked Bijou.
"Remember that this is just a game, so have fun, enjoy yourselves, know your limits and keep your cool."
"Those are nice words." said Hamtaro.
"And also, they closed the arcade at the fun park, so you all have to wait it out 'til the morrow. That's all hams and I'll see you all then. Let's go Tango."
"But what about my gift?" asked Tango. "And do I have to go now?"
"Yes, you know what your sister said."
"Oh, all right. Catch you later, hams."
With that, Jam and Tango left the clubhouse. "I still think Jam and Tango are steady." said Pashmina.
"Not me, I think Jam's not even interested in Tango." said Stan.
"You're just being mean." said Sparkle.
That night the hams all went to bed early, wanting to make sure they would be refreshed and ready for the next days of events that will take place.