Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Love Battles on the Floor Again ❯ battles to the finals nightmare pt ( Chapter 23 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was now time for Hamtaro and Bijou to face Jam and Roll. The girls were already stretching near their machine waiting for the guys to show up. "Well, good luck to you, Bijou." said Roll.
"Oui, same to vous." said Bijou.
The guys were walking towards the machine. "I'm gonna give exactly what I expect from you; everything in the arsenal and then some." said Jam.
"Don't worry about that, you'll get it." said Hamtaro. "But I have to warn you, there's no song you can possibly put on me that I won't perservere over."
"Is that so?"
"Yes, yes it is so."
Jam and Hamtaro joined their partners and hit the floor. "Okay everyone, it's ironic how the final match of the day will be the final match of the semifinals." said the MC. "Good luck to all four of you."
The quartet shook hands. "Okay you hams, let's be fair here and use new songs." said Jam.
"I'm game," said Bijou. "But I dare you to do your worst, Jam."
"Hamtaro and I have been on the fastest and trickiest songs throughout this tournament. Nothing has broken our endurance, and noe one shall."
"Is that so? Allow me to test your endurance...."
"Be my guest."
"Okay, clear the floor you guys."
Hamtaro, Bijou and Roll stepped off the floors, then Jam entered a specific step patter on all four parts. This of course was monitored by the world champs. I wonder what he's doing.... thought Emi.
"Hey Rage, do you know what he's doing?" asked Kit-n-Kat.
"No Idea." answered Rage
Interesting, the world champs have no clue eh, interesting. thought Jam and then stepped off the floors. "Well everyone, good luck." said Jam.
"Let's do it." said Roll.
"Hey Jam, just what exactly did you do?" asked Hamtaro."
"Simple, I've set the difficulty to Nightmare Mode." Jam answered.
"Nightmare Mode?" asked the other hams.
Jam kept his ears open. "I never heard of nightmare mode, have you?" asked Kit-n-Kat.
"Nope, this one's new to me." answered Emi.
"I didn't even know there was a Nightmare difficulty." said Rage.
Huh, this is a first. "One last thing you guys: Highest grade of all four of us picks next song." said Jam.
"Cool." said Hamtaro.
"First turn honors are Bijou's."
Bijou scrolled through the library of songs and came across one, "Hmm, this one sounds nice." she said. "So it's called Bee huh? this will do nicely."
"Um, are you sure you wanna start us off with this song, Bijou?" asked Hamtaro with a bit of doubt. "I don't think this would be a good song to open up on."
"Hamtaroo, it can't be any worse than the full version of Mr. Larpus and we got B-grades on that."
The hams continued to talk. "That sounds like an interesting song." said Emi.
"I'm picturing a remade version of the song Flight of the Bumblebee." said Rage.
"It probably is," said Kit-n-Kat, "but it should prove formidable on this Nightmare Mode."
"I agree, let's see if this Nightmare Mode lives up to it's name." said Emi.
"We'll be okay, just trust me." said Bijou.
"Okay, if you say so..." said Hamtaro.
So Bee was the first song. This can't all that bad... thought Bijou.
"I've got a bad feeling about this song." said Hamtaro.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one."
As the music began to play, it did sound like the Bumblebee song played on the violin, but when the notes came up.... "Holy crap, look how close those notes are..." said Roll.
"I knew this song was a bad idea." said Hamtaro.
"It'll get better." said Bijou.
And then, then the notes shot up the screen as the routine began. "Aw man, these notes are flying to the screen's top." said Hamtaro.
"At least they aren't all bunched up." said Jam.
"Which one would be worse?"
"Thanks a lot for picking a hard song off the bat, Bijou." said Roll.
"Things will get better, just watch..." said Bijou, slightly panicked.
Even the world champs are having some problems. "Man, my eyes hurt." said Kit-n-Kat.
"I can't believe this is Nightmare Mode, it really lives up to its name." said Emi.
"Hey Rage, what do you think?"
No answer.
"Rage? Rage? Yoo hoo, earth to Rage...."
"Is he okay?" Kit-n-Kat turned to see Rage. "Whoa, I'm glad I don't look like this."
Emi turned to see Rage, his jaw was hanging and his eyes were big. You could look at him and couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. "Rage, you need a jaw loosener?"
"Kit, that's not funny."
Jeez, I don't know how someone can move to a beat like this. was the only thought going through Rage's mind at that moment.
"Bijou, let's not do this song again." said Hamtaro.
"Believe me, I'll pass it up from now on." said Bijou.
"Is it getting better yet?" asked a panicked Roll.
"No, but I'm sure it will...." answered Bijou.
Meanwhile, Emi and Kit-n-Kat were able to regain Rage's senses. "Dude, you okay?" asked Kit-n-Kat.
"Y-yeah, I'm good now, I was just thinking.... yeah, just thinking, that's all." Rage answered with a sweatdrop on the back of his forehead.
"Thinking about what, how you just froze in time there?!" yelled Emi.
"No, I was thinking about this Nightmare level."
"I'm sure you'll fill us in."
"Think about it for a minute, that red ham over there knew about the one mode that we never even seen executed until today. That means a lot of something."
"He's 'The One'." said Kit-n-Kat.
"Either that, or he found out about this mode over the internet." said Emi.
"What the hell is the internet?" asked Rage.
"How the hell should I know, do I look human to you?"
The song never got better and when it ended however, everyone passed... Too bad everyone had a "D" grade. Jam even had to hit the inhaler after that one. "Well... this has.... made me stronger...." said Jam.
"Why do you.... say that?" asked Hamtaro.
"Because I'm not dead."
"I'm too tired to laugh." said Bijou.
"As you should..... this is... all your fault." said Roll.
"Save it, Roll... jusst pick the next song." said Jam.
After everyone caught their breath, Roll chose the song Essa Maneira for the second routine. "You know, I've had my instincts about that red hamster." said Kit-n-Kat. "He was just acting too coy."
"Really now?" asked Rage.
"Well I'll sure give him a piece of my mind after he's done."
"The BPM on this song is moderate, so it shouldn't be so difficult." said Roll.
"You forgot what difficulty you're on Roll, BPM has little meaning on a high level of difficulty." said Jam.
"I forgot, thanks for that insight, Jam."
This song started out with quick gallops and soon went into freezes. This isn't so bad. thought Hamtaro.
"See, this is a good song for a breather." said Roll.
"Well zhen what is zhat?" asked Bijou?"
Soon as the "breather" was over, it was time for the tricky stuff. The world champs were once again put into awe by the prowess of Nightmare Mode. Man, is any song safe? thought Rage.
"Is anything safe on this level?" asked Kit-n-Kat.
"Hey, that was my line." said Rage.
"Then why didn't you say it before I did?"
"Nightmare Mode is starting to scare me." said Emi.
This song went by quickly and Jam pulled off an "A" to the other three "B"s. "Looks like third turn honors are mine." said Jam.
"So, what's next on the menu, Jam?" asked Roll.
Then hams took their stage and the music began. "Hamtaro, Bijou, make this one count, or you can kiss the finals goodbye." Jam warned. This first beat was a freeze.... then it got crazy. It only started, but trouble was already had for the hams. I can see why this is called Tears now. thought Roll.
"Kuso!" Bijou yelled, he guage had drained.
"I should've picked another song, not like it mattered though..." thought Jam.
"I wish I can hold out." said Hamtaro.
"You know, this song is hard on Nightmare." said Rage.
"Yeah," agreed Emi, "and I like Tears too....."
Meanwhile, Roll had her guage drained and it was just the boys. "I'm actually doing it, things are going great for me now." said Hamtaro.
"We're facing our demon today." said Jam.
"I don't know about you, but I'm tired."
"Same here."
On the guys danced to this hectic version of a great song, no sign of quit in the other. The world champs even watched on in awe as Hamtaro and Jam finished the stage. "Well, at least they made it." said Emi.
"Yup." added Kit-n-Kat.
"It's over." said Hamtaro.
"Yup, and thank the gods for that." added Jam.
Despite the fact thaaat they finished the song, they both failed the level. The girls were bummed out about it, but at least Hamtaro was happy with his best. Even Jam was contented with the performance he gave, "That, was my first try on this difficulty.... Never again would I do this unless I improve my speed." he said.
"Hold on a minute, since we're out of this tournament, what does that mean for the winners of the other side?" asked Roll.
"She's got a point Jam, does zhe other team automatically win?" asked Bijou.
"Sadly, yes." Jam answered. "But I'm happy for them and I'm happy for the performance I gave."
"Well I'm glad you're okay with this, but there are some things that need to be cleared up."
The four hams turned to see Kit-n-Kat. "Tell me something, how did you know about this Nightmare Mode when none of us ever heard of it?"
Jam looked at Rage and Emi, then turned back to Kit-n-Kat. "Eh, no matter." he answered, the walked away.
"Enough of your games, tell us the truth here. Are you 'The One' or not?" No response came from Jam, he just continued to walk away. "Don't act like you didn't hear me, buster. Answer my question!"
"You know, for a little guy, you sure have a big mouth."
"Quit beating around the bush and answer the question!"
"Kit, let it go." said Emi.
"I refuse. Throughout this whole ball this guy.... um, Jam right?"
"Thanks. Jam here has been acting really sly and a bit too coy. Enough of the head games and spill it already! Are you, or are you not 'The One'?!"
Out of nowhere, came a powerful hissing. "Where's that sound coming from?" asked Emi.
"It's coming from Jam's back." answered Bijou.
"From his back?"
"That's right. The sun's light has a glimmer I bet."
"Okay, you lost me."
Jam, without turning around, removed his pack, exposing the sun on his back which was glowing. "What's up with his back?" asked Rage.
"The sunspot on his back is glowing." answered Hamtaro. "Something's clouded here."
"Not something, someone." Jam corrected.
"Okay, what's up already, just answer Kit-n-Kaat's question so he can finally get off your back." ordered Rage.
"You know what's sad?" Jam began. "It's sad that you even have to ask a question like that to me. But I knew it all along, you world champs, like the rest of the hams here witnessed for the very first time Nightmare Mode. You would even have the guts to ask me about a difficulty that you didn't even know about? I thought by this very match-up, you already knew.
"I see now that you actually had to ask about knowing about the hardest level of difficulty... It's sad in a way, because I thought you guys knew about this mode, but you never heard of it until today."
"Wait, how did you..." Emi trailed off.
"I am a seer, a messenger, one that has sharp senses to identify these things. There is nothing you can hide from me, for I know and see all."
"That's a bunch of bull-"
"You still haven't gotten it, so I better explain it to you... seeing as you've just admitted that you're slow. I heard you three talk about Nightmare Mode while Bijou was selecting the first song; I noticed How Rage just conked out and tried to cover it up by saying that he was thinking; I knew that despite your skill as world champs, that you knew not of this level. But you still had to ask?" Jam gave a smirk. "My mission here is now complete."
"Wait a minute Jam, just what was your mision?" asked Hamtaro.
"My mission is as it always is, to show the way. But the real question is why?" Jam turned around to face them. "Why did I wait until the semis to unveil this lesson?"
"I'm sure you'll tell us." said Kit-n-Kat.
"You see, Chronos had already written your fate in the stars, Roll and I would've been taking that world title from Rage and Emi, but I chose to unveil this hard path early and save your titles. Why? titles have no meaning to me. Even if I was in the singles competition, which was what I wanted to go in, I alone would be the new world singles champ. and from what you three have seen today, I know that none of you world champs would've been able to successfully defend on the 'Nightmare level' at all. Isn't that right, Rage?"
Rage held his head down. "Ironically enough, Emi and I would have lost." he answered.
"Now you understand what I have told and shown to you, for 'Even when defeated, one can claim victory over his adversaries.' Hamtaro."
"In a confusing was, I understand."
"Good. Tomorrow, after the ball has come to a close, you'll be giving out awards to the participants right? I'll be back then, perhaps to claim an awards for myself..."
With that, Jam started walking away from the arcade. "Man, for a young hamster, he has a sage's wisdom." said Emi.
"You don't even knoe a quarter of it." said Hamtaro.
Suddenly, Jam stopped thirty-five feet away. "Kit-n-Kat, I almost forgot about you." he said.
"Wh-what do you mean by that?" Kit-n-Kat asked with a bit of hesitation.
Jam chuckled. "You're fiesty, I admire that... even if you are a girl."
Another shocker hit the doubles champs. "Wait a minute, you got him all wrong." said Rage. "Kit's a guy."
"Wrong, Kit-n-Kat is a girl."
"How does a girl whip out a jimmy and take a leak while standing up?"
"Stop it Rage, he's right." Kit-n-Kat admitted. "He really can see all..."
Kit-n-Kat removed the cloak and exposed the young male hamster underneath. "See, Rage was right, Kit-n-Kat's a boy after all." said Emi, then she gave a raspberry."
"Yes, but I was born a girl." The young hamster re-cloaked. "You see, I was born a female hermaphrodite, but after having an operation, I had all my females parts removed and lived on as a bull. Only myself and my parents knew a bout that, until today...."
"Well, you're still loved and respected, regardless of your gender, Kit." reassured Emi.
Jam put his pack on and continued walking out the arcade. "Yallah, Roll."
Roll followed Jam and soon after, everyone who had relevance to the ball left the arcade. For tomorrow, the final battles begin.