Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Sharing my love for you ❯ Chapter 4
Something for the readers: Okay, now that I've finished doing the first ham-ham story, now it's time for me to get on with this one. But I'll be honest, I'm used to writing the "good stuff" because I read it. And after many reviews about updating soon (mostly from Jonathan the Caveham), I'm gonna get back into things, so get off me back people ('specially you, Jonny-boy). Anyway, I'm taking views on how they you want to see the breeding done, so say your piece with the reviews. And now, back to the story!
Hamtaro woke up and tried talking, but nothing cam out of his mouth when he tried to speak. It hurt him that Boss did this to him. Of all of the hams, Boss was one of his friends he could trust, someone who would lend him a hand or some support, someone who he was happy to call "friend" to....
Now, he wasn't so sure. Now, he had a whole new way of looking at Boss. Why would Boss do this to me? He never would do this to me. he thought. I thought we were friends.... Bijou, who woke up in the middle of the night, worried about Hamtaro's well being didn't get much sleep. He had to comfort her most of the night, then slept after she was lovingly lulled to sleep. What was he to do now... There wasn't much he could do, except wait for his voice to come back. But he thought about how he wanted to screw his company, but still refrained from doing so, even though he is slightly horny. He just enjoyed some pellets and ate. Meanwhile, the clubhouse was feeling the aftermath of yesterday. "Hey you guys, I went over to Bijou's house to apologize and she wasn't there." said Boss, "I want some answers... where's Bijou at, can anyone tell me?"
No one said a word, they were still mad at Boss from yesterday, well most of them were. "Sandy, you know something, don't you?" Boss asked again. Sandy shook her head, making Boss hang his head low. She knew where Bijou was and so did Pashmina, but they decided that they wouldn't tell Boss a thing so there wouldn't be any extra fighting between him and Hamtaro. "Look, if I don't know where to find Bijou, how am I supposed to tell her I'm sorry for my actions yesterday?" Boss was a persistent ham.
I'll never tell you, Boss. Sandy answered mentally, I'm going to make sure you totally take a major chill pill.
Telling will only fuel Boss' rage now. Pashmina thought. I agree with Sandy, it's best not to let Boss know about Bijou's residing are now.
"Look, I'm not saying this to hurt anyone, just tell me where she is." Still he got no answer, "is there anyone who doesn't blame me for what I did yesterday?"
"I don't blame you, Boss." answered Panda. "You were only being protective of Bijou like you always are."
"See, Panda believes me. Thank you, Panda."
"But Boss..."
"I, er, we all know you love Bijou. And even though you were only trying to protect her, you really, really, really overdid it."
"Wait, you just said that you didn't blame me."
"I don't, but you didn't have to do that to Hamtaro, Boss. Only a cat would've done that to him. If it's anyone you should be asking to forgive you, it's Hamtaro."
"Finally, a voice of reason." said Dexter.
"Oh, now you wanna say something.... Sorry Dex, that didn't come out right."
"Well of course it didn't. And until you finally calm your spirits down so that we think you're back to normal, you won't find out anything about Bijou."
"Yeah." added Cappy.
"Even if she is with Jingle."
"Time-out, Bijou's with Jingle?" asked Maxwell.
"Of course. I ran into her later on yesterday and she said she was going away for a while and went off to find Jingle."
"Well," Boss said with a sigh, "if she's with Jingle... then I guess I have nothing to worry about. I'm going to sleep, take care you hams." and off Boss went to his room.
When Boss was away, the girls looked at Dexter. "You mean she really left without Hamtaro?" asked Pashmina.
"Of course." Dexter answered.
Too bad Boss heard all of that and snuck away from his room. So Hamtaro is all alone, huh? he thought. It's time to finish what I started. With Bijou away and no one to see me, I'll ice off Hamtaro for good. Then once Bijou finds out, she'll be in tears and looking for comfort. And in the process, I'll take her place. Say sorry to Hamtaro? Bah!
Bijou had been next to Hamtaro's sleeping frame, still worried about his voice. At least he's asleep. she thought. I'll go see Maxwell. I hope he knows how to cure Hamtaro faster, ze silent treatment is killing moi. Eet's more like silent torture! Be strong Hamtaroo! And before short, she was gone.