Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Stings Strikes Back ❯ Chipp ( Chapter 3 )
Here's Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Chipp
The Dark Circle Crew was in the Battle arena. They want to see Chipp in action
Eli Si-alright, we are now prepared for battle, ready Chipp?
chipp was wearing a Arm Blade on his Right arm
Eli Si releases a Cat
Eli Si-your task, defeat this Cat
Chipp- no problem
Shadow-he seems confident
Eli Si-go!
The cat attacks Chipp
Chipp-Don't blink
Chipp moves at Lightning speed
Chipp was moving at high speeds, faster than a car going 60 MPH
Shadow-he's so fast
Chipp stops
Chipp-this is my Attacking Power
Chipp's Arm Blade engulfs in Flames
Bulky-i'm impressed
Spat-perhaps he is a lot of help
Shadow-those skills, he can't have....
Chipp attacks the Cat
Chipp uses the flame and kills the cat
Eli Si-amazing, your good enough to kill Blade
Chipp-heh heh, thanks
Shadow-excuse me, Chipp
Shadow-you must tell me. Those skills, would those skills be, by any chance....an ability called Ki
Chipp-I learned some Ki
Eli Si-what's Ki?
Shadow-Ki is a legendary form of fighting using Magic and Martial Arts. Only a select few can have this skill
Chipp-yep, and i'm one of them
Shadow-so am I
Chipp-your able to use Ki too?
Eli Si-alright, Shadow, Chipp, Stings, Go and find Blade and Hamtaro
Chipp, Shadow, and Stings-yes sir
the Ham-Hams were all talking, except Blade, Dagger, and Chaos
Blade-it's time
Dagger and Chaos-right
Blade-Everyone, I need to tell you something Important
everyone turns to Blade
Blade-i'm sorry, but Me Dagger, and Chaos are leaving
Blade-i'm heading out to find the other Shards. It's better off if I do it without you guys
Hamtaro-you can't leave
Blade-I have to, sorry
Hamtaro-at least let me come
the Ham-hams were surprised
Boss-what about Laura
Blade-he's right, Laura will be worried if you come with me
Hamtaro-oh, right
Blade-i'll visit if possible
Dagger-it was nice meeting you all
Chaos-see you soon everyone
Blade, Dagger, and Chaos leave
Cappy-they're gone
Hamtaro-what about the Dark Circle. Who's gonna Protect us?
Isaru-we could help
Bijou-what if all of them come
Isaru-well....i don't know
To Be Continued
(Authors Note: I do not own Chipp or the ability Ki, those belong to Sammy Studios) Please Review