Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ Stopping the Dark Circle ❯ Hawk Attacks! ( Chapter 2 )
Strawberry was about to go to the clubhouse but stopped suddenly. She looked in another direction, thinking for awhile.
Strawberry (thinking): Hmm... It wouldn't hurt to take a pit stop.
So she went behind the large tree to a place that was covered in daisies. She then knocked four times and a dirt lid slowly lifts open. She slid down it and came to her gems and treasure. She took some and put in the bag, so she could change the gems into fine jewelry. Then she closed her secret place and peeked in the clubhouse to see all the ham-hams surrounding Panda who was making something big!
It was metal and the top was pointy, if only she could see what more of it was.
????: Whatcha doing Strawberry?
Strawberry: Eek! She turned around to see Cappy.
Strawberry: Um...I'm just looking.
The other ham-hams heard her scream and made her come in.
Strawberry: Um...what's that huge thing you making Panda?
Panda: This is my most wonderful invention!
Well what ever it was, it was huge! But when Strawberry went to see how heavy it was...it was light like a feather.
Strawberry: What material is this?
Panda: Well it actually is fake metal. So when we face those ugly suckers, we'll beat them good!
Ham-hams: Yeah!!
Strawberry saw the shape, it was a sword that had a huge mirror on the front and back.
Strawberry: What're those mirrors for?
Panda: Oh, they're for when they use their energy balls at us. And the mirrors bounce back at them!
Strawberry started to sweat badly and she couldn't stop. She tried to turn around so no one could see but too late!
Cappy: Why are sweating Strawberry!
Bijou: Do you haves a feverz?
Penelope: Ookwee!
Strawberry: No! I'm alright.
But they made her lay down any way.
Strawberry just sat there thinking.
Strawberry (thinking): What should I do? If I told those bad guys, H-hamtaro and his pals will be goners! But I'm not on anyone's side...right? I'm not bad or good. The more she thought the more she got scared. So finally she left the clubhouse and went outside.
She was half way to the dark circle cave when she heard a male voice. Looking up to see and male hamster with nice hair.
Strawberry: Sorry I don't feel like buying anything right now! (She thought he was a salesmen guy)
Unknown guy: So you're the thief...eh?
Strawberry: Thief...what?
Unknown dude: Silence! Do not lie to me, girl! Those bags at your side are proof.
Strawberry: What? I found rocks and then rubrub them into gems!
Once she blinked he was gone. She looked all around for him but nowhere.
But she felt a hard pain on her side, she looked down and saw a (not large) but like medium/tiny slice on her side.
Strawberry: Ugh! She grabbed her side so not so much blood came out.
Unknown dude: Hahahahahaha! Serves you right!!! Then he ran off into the clubhouse tree. (He lives there in the treetop.
Strawberry used her healing spell to heal most of it but not all. She could survive but the pain and some blood dripped out of her wound. When she made it, all of the Dark circle ham hams were there talking and then when their eyes set on her and the wound they knew something bad happened.
Strawberry fell to her knees from the blow that dude made. The pain was so intense she couldn't talk straight.
Strawberry (Pain): A d-dangerous h-hamster i-is g-g-guarding the cl...clu...clubhou...clubhouse..............
She blacked out laying on the floor in pain.
Alice: What happened to her?
Stings: looks like shes been attacked with a sword!
Bulky: Serves her right the little pip-squeak!
Cyborg: The young one is still alive.
Spat goes over to Strawberry
Spat: Who attacked you, Pfft!
Strawberry: S-some w-w-weird m-male h-hamster..... h-he l-ives in the t-treetop in t-the tree of the c-c-clubhouse....................
She then fell unconscious, the pain was so hurtful and she lost some blood. (She still alive) Every body part went limp.
Unknown dude was watching the seen faraway. His name was Hawk cuz his eyes could see faraway.
Unknown dude: Hahahahahahahahahahaaa!!!!! Serves all of you right!!!! Now she'll suffer from my sword!!!!!!!
The Dark Circle looks at Strawberry.
Moprh: is she...dead?
Cyborg goes over to her body
Cyborg: no. The young one is still alive.
Spat: Serves her right!
The dark Circle members leave the cave
Strawberry is dreaming while she fell unconscious. She was walking in a dark place and she could barely see her own paws. Then a light came, it was so bright she could barely see. An angel came from the light, which was Harmony.
Strawberry: Ugh...not you again.
Harmony: Hey! I'm not that bad.
Strawberry: Except when you say "tee hee".
Harmony: Do you want to here what I came to say?
Strawberry: OK...
Harmony: You've been tricked Strawberry!
Strawberry: What? By who?
Harmony: The person who longed for.
Strawberry: Spat?
Harmony: Yes...I'm afraid so.
Strawberry: B-but Spat would never hurt me!
Harmony: Well now he did! Don't trust him!
Strawberry burst in tears.
Strawberry: NO! It's a lie!
Harmony: I'm afraid not.... he has to choose a path, and if he chose love he would get killed.
Strawberry: Then I'll help him!
Harmony: Please don't...I don't want to see you heart get crushed.
The unconscious body of Strawberry starts to glow then float up to the heavens...except someone saw the whole thing...Morph!
Strawberry awakes in the heavens to see Harmony.
She burst into tears and runs into the arms of Harmony...crying for a long time.
Morph: Hey! Guess what I saw?!
Morph is running from the cave
Bulky: what?
Morph: it's Strawberry! She.... she's dead.
Alice: what?
Morph: I saw her body float up to the heavens!
Spat: strawberry's dead?!
Morph nods. Spat is speechless, and without another word flew up to the tree tops looking for the one who killed Strawberry
Strawberry: Can I go back down now.
Harmony not listening.
Harmony: Ooo, come see this Strawberry!
Strawberry: What? She looks through the cloud to see the dark circle hamsters looking around.
Harmony: They think you're dead just because I made you come up to the heavens.
Strawberry: What?! I'm NOT dead!!!!!!
Harmony (giggling): They're all so stupid.
Strawberry: Gasp-p! That's that guy who slashed me! She looked at her side, which was fully healed.
The unknown dude was well hidden in trees so no one could see him.
Strawberry: I want to back down there now!
Harmony: Hold your horses let me find you a cowl.
Strawberry: Whats that?
Harmony: It's a cape!!!!!!
Hawk looks down at Spat trying to find him.
Hawk (chuckles to himself): Maybe I should go.
He leaves the tree...and walks behind bushes so they won't notice.
As he was walking he steps on a stick.
Stick: CRACK!
Hawk: OOPS!
Spat: Aha!
Spat spots Hawk in the bush. Hawk tries to run away. Spat throws his pitchfork thingy at him. The pitch forks bonks him on the head.
Hawk: Ouchy! What was that for?
He pulls out his sword.
Up in the heavens.
Strawberry picks up a pretty pebble and tosses it in her paw. But somehow she dropped it.
Harmony: Be careful with that pebble.
Strawberry: Why? She sounded scared.
Harmony: If it fall on anyone they will come to the heavens.
Strawberry: OOPS.
Harmony: What did you do?
They both lunge over the cloud to see where the pebble landed on. It landed on Morph! He started to disappear and no one really saw him.
Strawberry: Oh no! Can't you send him back?
Harmony: I can send him back when he gets here.
There was a loud noise behind. Looking to see it was Morph, bug-eyed.
Strawberry (trying to act normal): Ugh! Can't an angel have rest!
Harmony: You're not dead!
Strawberry: Shutup!
Spat: you will pay for killing Strawberry, pfft!
Hawk: Mwhahahaha! Oh, I'm soooooo scared!
Hawk runs towards Spat and slashes him with the sword.
Spat: ARH!
Blood is gushing from Spat. Spat slowly falls to the ground while Hawk laughing evilly.
To Be Continued!