Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ Breakout ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Escape

Blade was inside the dark circle jail cell and was about to become their mind slave

Blade-what do I do?

???-escape, that's what you do


There was a hamster in the cage next to him, he had blue and white fur and similar style patterns as jingle

Blade-who are you

???-I'm their next member, about to brainwashed, the name's Matthew

Blade-I'm blade

Guard-keep quiet in there, I'll be right back, don't get into any trouble

Guard leaves

Blade-I think we could be stuck here for our lives

Matthew-maybe, looks around you think there's a way that we can get out of here

Blade-I don't think there is one

Matthew-we can always make one

Matthew takes out a ham-sized pencil

Blade-that piece of junk

Matthew-watch and learn

Matthew-grabs the eraser and pulls it out, there is a string on the eraser


Matthew sticks the eraser into the key socket and steps back

Matthew-This should work

Matthew bites off the string and the eraser explodes, the eraser was disguised as a bomb

Matthew-let's go

Blade-don't tell me you had those on you the entire time


Blade-why didn't you use them from the start?

Matthew-you think I would have used it while those guards were still around


Matthew-let's go

To be continued

Character profile-Matthew




Birthday- April 16th

Blood type-O

Weapon-Chinese sword

Main weapon name-white storm


Magic s/he is able to use-none

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