Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ The Samurai ( Chapter 5 )
Here's chapter 5
chapter 5: The Samurai
Emerald and the others are ready to leave, Emerald bid's farewell to the castle and set's off
Emerald-i hope we return soon
Blade-don't worry, we will
Hamtaro-where will we go
Blade-don't know...if we reach my village, i could let you stay there
then a cat confronts them
Blade-get back everyone
Blade-i will
the cat attacks
Blade-COME ON!!
then a hamster attacks the cat from nowhere
the cat fell, the hamster was an all black hamster with a Samurai-like hairstyle and had a red stripe going around his chest
Blade-who's he
the samurai attacks the cat again, the cat finally left
Hamtaro-phew..glad he's gone
Blade-yeah, hey thanks for what you did
Samurai-you should be careful next time
Blade-maybe we should
Samurai-if you want, i could join your party
Blade-sure...but...could you tell us your name
Samurai-my name is Heishiro Mitsurugi
Blade-ok, come along
to be continued
Character Profile: Mitsurugi
Name- Heishiro Mitsurugi
Age-29 (human) 4 (hamster)
Birthday-June 8th
Blood Type-AB
Main Weapon Name- (part 4) Korefuji (parts 5-8) Shishi-Oh
Magic s/he is able to use-none
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