Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ The Dark Bandit's (continued) ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 10

Chapter 10: The Dark Bandits (continued)

an alarm sounds

Bolt-great, now the guards are after us

Morph-let's leave

Bolt not until we get what we need, you have to be brave

Morph-but bolt

Bolt-here, take this

he gives Morph a dagger

Bolt-don't worry, i'm on your side


meanwhile, chaos and Blade were headed towards Bolt and Morph

Blade-we need to help him



Chaos-it's them

Blade-it is?....wait, i remember you

Morph-so, i finally found you

Blade-give me back my thunder shard

Morph-no, you'll have to battle me first


to be continued

sorry if it's short, i ran out of ideas

please review