Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ The bounty Hunter ( Chapter 14 )
Here's chapter 14
Chapter 14: The Bounty Hunter
Blade and Co. arrive in Fire City
Zeena-well, here we are
Blade-wow, pretty amazing
Everyone notices the Volcano
Blade-wow, sot hat's the Volcano
Zeena-yep, and it's going to erupt any day now
Hamtaro-uhh....i don't feel like going, i think i'll find my own way home
Hamtaro-it'll be pretty easier than a town with a Volcano, so...Bye
Blade-Hold It!!
Hamtaro freezes
Blade-i see...your scared
Hamtaro-am not
Blade-if your not scared, then come on
Blade-what's it gonna be
a gunshot was heard
Zeena-what was that?!
Blade-looks like trouble
they go into the town
Hamster-please..wh-what do you want from us
???-tell me where this kid is
he take out a picture with Blade on it
Hamster-i've never seen him before
???-never seen him? Are you sure?
???-oh well...if you see him, kill him. Understand?
Hamster-i'll kill no one
???-wrong answer gunshot
Back to Blade and Zeena, the others went to a Hotel for saftey
Zeena-there it is again
Blade-it's coming from over there
Zeena-let's go
they head down a couple of Blocks to find an injured Hamster
she runs to the injured Hamster
Zeena-what happened, tell me
Blade-Bounty Hunter?!
Hamster-it...i-it was...Tu...Tun..ugh
the hamster collapses
Zeena-hey...sir, a-are you ok
Blade-i think he's dead
Zeena-who was responsible for this
to be continued
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