Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy Of Blade ❯ Hamtaro Captured ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 22

Chapter 22: Hamtaro Captured

Blade-Try and dodge this!! Fire Bomb!!!!

Blade throws the projectile and Hit's Heaven-Devil. Smoke fills the entire room

Candy-i can't see a thing

Matthew-what's going on? Did he win?

Blade-please tell me i got him

the smoke clears, but Heaven-Devil wasn't there

Blade-where did he go, he can't just dissapear after that attack


Blade-is that =Blade turns around= huh

Heaven-Devil is holding Hamataro

Blade-Hamtaro! Let him go, Now!!

HD-no, you tresspassed into my lair. So i get the honor of taking one of your friends

Blade-don't make me use that Fire Bomb again

HD-try it, you'll kill Hamtaro while doing it

Hamtaro-please, use something else


Heaven-Devil teleports out of his lair, taking Hamtaro with him

Blade-....that Bastard

Dagger-Blade...what do we do now

Blade-i'm afraid about what he's going to do to him....we have to keep moving

to be continued

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