Hamtaro Fan Fiction ❯ tournament of fate ❯ Round 2 ( Chapter 10 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Here's chapter 10

chapter 10: round 2

Joseph-now that round 1 has ended, let's move on to round 2

the randomizer reapears

Joseph-let's begin

Blade and Span have been taken off and there are only 14 people left. The randomizer starts

Joseph-the first battler in the 2nd round is....

the randomizer stops on Naemond

Joseph-Naemond, Naemond is the next battler


Joseph-next battler

the randomizer starts again

Joseph-the next battler is

the randomizer stops on patrick

joseph-patrick, patrick is the next battler

Patrick-awesome, get ready to lose Naemond


the two competitors go to the arena

Boss-this is very entertaining

Bijou-i don't like it at all

Chaos-why not

Bijou-because all they do is fight

Dagger-it's the entire point of fighting tournaments, you can't change it


Isaru-the second match is gonna be great

???-hi Isaru

Isaru turns around to see Angel



Isaru-what are you doing here

Angel-i came to see you battle



Isaru-thanks Angel

Back to Pat and Naemond

joseph-are both competitors ready



Naemond was holding a sword with lightning bolt like patterns and Patrick's weapon was a gigantic sword with a flat edge


Naemond charges for an attack

but Patrick reflected his blast

Naemond-Take This!!!!

Naemond launches his thunder attack, but Pat dodges

Patrick-i got a little something special for you


Patrick-Here's a nice present for you

Patrick launches his grenades at his opponent


Patrick scored a direct hit

Patrick-hahahahahahahaha, take that

the dust blew away, but naemond was still standing


Naemond was badly damaged though, marks were all over him

Patrick-(now's my chance) here we go

Patrick launched his attack and knocking naemond out

Joseph-round 2 over, the victor is Patrick


Blade-he didn't do half bad in my case

Hamtaro-i agree

Joseph-everyone report to the breifing room for the 3rd match

everyone left, meanwhile, Naemond was sent to the hospital wing

to be continued

i will re-edit chapter 4, plus on MediaMiner.org, i will put up everything about the blade series (coming soon)

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