Hana Kimi Fan Fiction ❯ Blunt Confessions ❯ YAAAY! ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Hana-Kimi. I do, however, own a bed, a dresser, a television, a mountain of clothing, several mountains of books, and up to volume 7 of the manga.

Mizuki heaved a loud sigh as she sipped her soda, her distress audible.

Julia looked at her best friend in worry. "What's wrong, Sweetie?"

Mizuki sputtered, "Don't call me that!"

Julia just giggled and continued eating her fries. "But, Mickey, you are my lover. What else am I supposed to call you?" She winked.

Mizuki promptly rolled her eyes. "Julia, you know that there isn't anything remotely romantic going on between us, and I would appreciate it if you wouldn't lead the others into believing that there is..."

She was interrupted by a wistful sigh, and looked to her right to see Rio with her hands cradling her chin, a dreamy look on her face. "You two are so cute," she said happily, "Julia is so lucky. I wish I had a boyfriend like you, Mizuki."

Mizuki blushed.

"Don't we all!" Julia laughed and slapped an arm around her best friend.

"Julia..." Mizuki's voice was pleading.

"Oh, lighten up, Honey-cakes," Julia giggled as Mizuki's face burned, "I know there's nothing going on between us. I just said that to get that ecchi Nakatsu off your back."

Rio sighed in disappointment, "I knew you were too good to be straight, Mizuki..."

Mizuki spit up her drink for the second time that evening, eyeing Rio in disbelief as Julia laughed until she fell to the floor, "No! Rio! I am straight!"

The girl looked up at her hopefully, "Really, Mizuki? You like girls?"

Mizuki hesitated, "I'm straight, yes. Definitely." 'Damn semantics.'

Julia picked herself up off the floor, "As entertaining as you are proving to be tonight, Sugar-Pie, it's about past our curfew. We need to get back to Rio's," Julia gave Mizuki a hug and light peck on the cheek, causing the cross-dresser to blush when her thoughts wandered to previous conversations.

"See you, Mizuki!" Rio called as they left.

"I should probably get back, too," Mizuki thought aloud. She left the fast-food restaurant and stepped into the chill night air.

*** @---------->-------- ***

"How was dinner with your girlfriend?" Sano asked as she arrived back at the dorm.

"No!" Mizuki protested, flustered, "Julia is not my girlfriend. She's my friend... and she's a girl... but she isn't my girlfriend!"

Sano smiled, "Alright, alright, I believe you." His eyes widened as a thought popped into his head, "You may want to let Nakatsu believe you're taken, though..."

"Why?" Mizuki asked.

"Well... because he's determined to win your heart. If he thinks you're taken, he may back off a little."

Mizuki blushed and scratched the back of her head, "Oh, yeah... heh. Julia said something pretty similar."

"Is that why she told everyone you two are going out?" Sano reached into a closet and pulled out fresh clothing.

Mizuki nodded, "I didn't know what to say at first... but I suppose it's a good thing that I didn't protest too much."

Sano nodded in agreement, "I'm going to take a quick shower," he waved as he walked toward the bathroom.

The young cross-dresser sighed heavily and began counting backwards, knowing exactly how long it would take Sano to finish his nightly routine. As she counted, she began to remove her clothing, getting ready to go to sleep.

"Oh, yeah, and Ashiya..." Sano's face paled as he saw his roommate, her shirt halfway up her stomach.

Mizuki promptly yanked her shirt back down. "Heh heh..." her smile was forced, "what is it, Sano?"

"N-nothing," he cleared his throat, "I'm just going to... take a shower... see ya..." the door closed slowly, and Mizuki let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding.

'That was close,' she thought. She continued to undress, now taking great care to put clothing back on as soon as possible. 'If he had come out a second later, I would have revealed my vest. He'd want to know what it was... that could have been bad.'

*** @----------->------- ***

'What would I have done if she had been undressed?' he was lathering his chest, his soap filled hands rubbing small circles. 'What would I have said?' his hands slid lower, working over the taut muscles in his stomach. 'What would she have said?' his fingers touched himself tentatively, unsure. 'What would she have done?' He found that he had made a fist around himself, his hand slowly running up and down his length. He squeezed more liquid soap onto his hand, creating a soft lubricant. His fist slowly ascended, finally meeting his pelvis, where he changed directions until he again met the tip of his length, feeling a very un-soap-like substance. 'Would she have been mad?' His hand worked faster. 'Would she have been relieved?' His breath became labored and he braced himself against the wall of the shower. 'Would she have relieved... me?' With this final thought, Sano watched with half-lidded eyes as a white, sticky substance splattered against the shower door.

*** @---------->------- ***

"Sano's taking an awfully long time in there," Mizuki thought aloud, "maybe I should see if he's OK?" she had already changed into her bed-clothes and climbed onto the top bunk, but she was determined to make sure that her room mate was safe. She could hear the water from the shower running, and that worried her even more.

"Sano?" she called near the door, "Sano, are you alright?"

She heard a muffled reply, "Fine! Fine, Ashiya!"

"Well, OK," she called back, a tad concerned with his dismissive demeanor, "I'm going to get into bed. Good night."


Mizuki retreated sullenly to her bed, crawling underneath the covers and cradling a stuffed penguin to her chest. "Night, night, Sigmund," she placed a light kiss upon the animal's head before dropping off into a peaceful slumber.

If she had been able to stay awake another ten minutes, she would have felt a soft kiss upon her own head, and the next day's events would have been completely unnecessary.

*** @-------->------- ***

"Julia and I are going to the movies that day," it was the fifth excuse Mizuki had been forced to fabricate, and she was becoming tired of lying to her friend.

"Well... how about three weeks from Saturday?" Nakatsu asked eagerly, "I could take you to that new movie that's coming out. That one from America? It would feel just like home!"

Mizuki grimaced, "Oh, then, well... I... why don't you let me check my calendar?" she had heard Julia say it often enough with boys she had no interest in.

Nakatsu looked crestfallen. "Yeah, sure."

He walked away with a look of complete dejection, and Mizuki felt her resistance crack. "I can't keep turning him down," she said to her herself, "eventually, he'll figure out that Julia and I aren't dating, and he'll be even more persistent."

"You should be careful what you say aloud, Mizuki."

Said teenager gave a startled yelp before turning around to see who the voice belonged to. "Dr. Umeda!" she gasped, "you frightened me!"

Hokuto Umeda sighed as he adjusted his glasses, "What if I had been Nakatsu? As simple-minded as he may be, even he would be able to figure out your diabolical plan after hearing that little emission."

Mizuki looked indignant, "It's not diabolical. I have noble intentions."

"Such as?"

"Not leading a young man in his prime into believing that he's homosexual based on one person."

"Is being homosexual a bad thing, Mizuki?"

"Of course not!"

"Then how is proving to him that he isn't homosexual noble?"

"Because it's just not who he is!"

"How do you know?"

"I know Nakatsu!"

"So do I, and I say he's gay."


Dr. Umeda's smile turned seductive, and he was suddenly face to face with his student, "Because this is an all-boy's school. How else are we supposed to have any fun?"

Mizuki blushed ten shades of red, "How dare you! You can't take advantage of Nakatsu like that! He's my friend and I care about him!" A movement behind her made her catch her breath, eyes wide in shock.

"Really, Mizuki? You care about me?" tears flew down his face, his way of showing joy.

Mizuki's icy stare pierced through that of any shield Dr. Umeda could erect, and he staggered backwards as her resentment rushed through him. 'Maybe that wasn't such a good idea...'

Mizuki turned around, frowning, "Yes, Nakatsu, I do care about you, but I care about you as a friend."

"If you care enough about me to defend me from Dr. Umeda, then you care a whole hell of a lot!

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Come on, Mizuki... please, one date?"

The track runner sighed. All of her energy had been exhausted. "OK, Nakatsu. One date."

"Great! I'll pick you up at 8!"

*** @---------->--------------- ***

"So you actually agreed to a date with that ecchi Nakatsu?" Julia asked, bewildered.

"I couldn't help it. He had me cornered. Him and that damn Umeda."

"Umeda actually helped him?" Sano asked, flipping through a sports magazine.

Mizuki shook her head, "I don't think he was purposely helping Nakatsu, I think he was just enjoying himself."

"Picking on the more vulnerable students, eh?"

"I think so."

Sano listened to the girls chat a while longer, realizing just how feminine the conversation had become. "I'm going to head over to the track," he announced suddenly, "a little bit of late night practice."

Mizuki beamed at him, the proud mother, or sister, or.... girlfriend... "Good for you, Sano. Maybe I'll join you later?"

"Yeah, sure," and he was gone.

Julia shook her head, "We have to figure out a way to let Nakatsu down easily, fix you up with Sano and let him know you're a girl!"

"But how could we possibly do that?" Mizuki looked unbelieving.

Julia hugged her friend from behind and began making soothing noises in her ear, "Just leave it to Auntie Julia, Mickey my darling."

The two girls talked and laughed about normal teenage things for the rest of the afternoon, until Julia needed to prepare for Mizuki's upcoming date.

They said their farewells, both upset they wouldn't be able to see each other again for a few lonely hours... until Mizuki went on a date with Nakatsu.

*** @---------->-------- ***

"Sano! Sano!"

The high-jumper stood from his stretching routine, searching for the voice that sought him out.

"Sano!" it was Julia, Ashiya's friend, and she looked out of breath.

"What is it?" he asked.

Julia grinned, "Mizuki and Nakatsu are going out on a date tonight!"

"I know," Sano replied, "I was there when he told you."

Julia looked thoughtful for a moment, "I don't seem to remember anyone else being there... oh, well. What's important is that you know, and that I know, and that we both know that those two aren't right for each other!"


"So you're not disagreeing..."

"I'm not disagreeing, but I also try and mind my own business."

"But Mizuki is your business!"

"Ashiya and I are just friends. He can do whatever he wants to."

"You and I both know that that isn't true. Listen... I'm just here as an informer. If you want to do anything, anything at all... they're going to be at the new Sushi restaurant in the mall. Then they're taking a nice, long walk."

"What do you want?"

Julia was grinning from ear to ear, "Nothing, nothing, I'm just the informer!" she turned to begin walking back to her own dorms when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around expectantly.

"What do you really want?"

Her smile softened, and she gently lifted Sano's hand from her shoulder, "I want Ashiya Mizuki's happiness."

*** @----------->----------- ***

"Sano's not here..." Mizuki commented as she opened the door to the room they shared. "He doesn't want to wish me good luck? Or... bad luck? Or declare his undying love before I go and find happiness with someone else?" a tear slipped down her cheek even as she realized just how stupid and naive she was sounding. She found her way to her closet and selected black slacks and a red dress-shirt. "What do guys wear on dates?" she thought, eyeing the clothing. "Especially with each other?"

"Ah, well," she sighed, and slipped off her previous outfit. She slid her nice clothing over her skin, reveling in the soft texture of silk.

"Hey, Mizuki, you ready?" Nakatsu suddenly entered her room, his mouth agape.

Mizuki blushed, "Yeah, Nakatsu, I'm ready," she gave him a teasing look, "please knock next time. I could have been undressed!" she laughed at the tell-tale sign of Nakatsu's imagination running wild. 'At least I can find joy in teasing him...' she thought wryly.

As the soccer star led Mizuki out of the school, his face still a mask of imagined joy, the petite cross-dresser couldn't help but allow her mind to wander. 'If I just pretend that he's Sano... No. That wouldn't be fair to Nakatsu.'

"Is something wrong, Mizuki?" Nakatsu asked, concerned.

Mizuki smiled wanly, "No, I'm fine. Sushi tonight, right?"

"Um, yeah."

The couple soon found themselves being seated at a small booth in the back of the sushi restaurant.

Mizuki sat down, cradling her chin in her palm. Her eyes looked distant, her thoughts obviously not in the present.

'I have to impress him,' Nakatsu held up a fist in determination, 'I must win his heart!'

"Spicy tuna?" he asked. 'Damn, damn, damn! Is that all you can think to say?'

Mizuki looked startled, jostled from her thoughts. "Oh... yes, alright."

Nakatsu ordered for them, and racked his brain for some sort of conversation starter. "So... Mizuki... what's America like?"

The track star smiled, "America is very nice. Boring at times... but very, very nice."

"I'd like to go to America sometime," Nakatsu announced, "maybe I could stay with you and your family?" 'That was a little soon, probably...'

"Um... maybe..." she sounded very unsure.

The rest of dinner was spent in perpetual silence, only occasionally broken by a stammered comment from Nakatsu.

"Did you enjoy your sushi?" he asked as he paid the bill.

"Oh, yes. Thank you," her eyes still looked distant, unfocused.

Nakatsu heaved a heavy sigh. "Come on. I promised you a walk."

Soon afterward Mizuki found herself taking a very familiar route. "This is where Sano and I usually take Yujiro..."

"Yeah. I thought you'd like to be somewhere comfortable... considering you probably aren't right now."


"It's that American, isn't it? I know she said you were dating but she just didn't seem your type..."

'She's not my type. She has two X chromosomes...'

"...please, Mizuki... you gotta give me a chance..."

"I really like you, Nakatsu..." his eyes brightened, and she hated to squash his hope, but... "but I love someone else. I'm sorry."

*** @------->------- ***

He hadn't meant to follow. He hadn't meant to spy. He hadn't meant to masturbate in the shower... 'Yeah, right.'

But now he was here. He was here and he couldn't stop himself from listening to their conversation.

"I really like you Nakatsu..."

His heart stopped. She liked him? Had he really misread all her signals? Had Julia been wrong?

"...but I love someone else. I'm sorry."

His heart began to beat again. It was possible. It was possible that he was the person she was talking about. 'Could she really love me?' he frowned, 'do I really love her?' He shook his head. He knew he shouldn't deny it. He knew he loved Ashiya Mizuki with his very being, yet... yet love was such a foreign emotion, he had good reason to doubt it. 'But for Ashiya, I'm willing to give it a try.'

*** @----------->---------- ***

He walked her to her door. She thanked him for a lovely evening. She closed the door on him without so much as a hug, and she heaved a sigh of relief when his face finally disappeared from view.

"That was rude, you know."

Mizuki gave a startled squeak and quickly turned around, only to come face to face with her roommate. "Sano!" she hissed, "you frightened me!"

"Sorry," he sat down on his bed, elbows resting on his knees. "But that was rude."

"What was rude?" she asked, confused.

"To slam the door in your date's face."

"I didn't slam the door!" she cried, flustered, "and he wasn't really my date! He was... a guy I went to dinner with."

"And a walk."

"And a walk... wait? How did you know we went for a walk?" she asked, suspicious.

"Julia told me."

"What else did she tell you?"

"That we're in love."

Mizuki's heart stopped. "What?"

"She told me we're in love. And I didn't believe her at first." He stood up and began walking toward Mizuki, who was ever-so-slowly backing away.

"At first?" her voice was breathless, her eyes wide.

"She said some very convincing things," he whispered, and winced as Mizuki's back suddenly hit the hall.

"Like what?" she couldn't believe her voice still worked. Her lungs felt as though they would give out.

"Things I already knew. Things I should have realized a long time ago," he placed his hands on either side of her head, and knelt so they were face to face.

Mizuki gulped audibly, "But we're both men."

"No, we're not."

Mizuki gasped as she suddenly felt Sano's hand underneath her shirt, reaching for the zipper of her vest. "What are you doing?"

"Proving two things to you," his voice was husky as he finally pulled the metal downward.

"What's that?" Mizuki found her own voice shaky with desire. 'I want this. Oh, Kami-sama, how I want this.'

"First, that you are indeed of the female persuasion," the vest fell from her to land in a heap on the floor, "and second... that I love you, Ashiya Mizuki."

Her gasp was loud in his ears, and he reveled in it. "I... I love you, too, Sano Izumi," she ignored the fact that he knew she was a girl for the moment, and basked in the feel of Sano's hand on her breast.

Sano crushed his mouth against his roommates, a passionate, yet chaste kiss. It was Mizuki who licked at his lips, begging for entrance. He gladly obliged, tongue darting in to taste her and explore her.

"Sano..." his name was a whisper on her lips.

He began to kiss down her throat, finding the hollow between her neck and shoulder and lightly sucking. All the while, his hand still massaged her breast, working the nipple into a tight bud.

Mizuki squirmed. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open in a soft, "Oh."

Sano finally released her breast, only to begin unbuttoning her top, placing light kisses where the shirt opened. When he reached the last button he dipped his tongue into her belly button, causing her to moan.

Mizuki shrugged her top off her shoulders impatiently and put her arms around Sano's neck, bringing him in for a breathless kiss. His tongue slipped past her lips, tasting her teeth, her pallet, and her own tongue.

When Sano lifted her, she unconsciously wrapped her legs around his waist, bringing her flush against him. When he began to kiss down her neck again, Mizuki thought she would explode.

"No... fair..." she panted.

Sano looked up at her with lust-filled eyes. "Huh?" he asked, confused.

"You're still fully clothed," her smile was wicked, a very un-Mizuki-like smile. She slipped down from around Sano's waist and began to yank his shirt over his head. When she had finally thrown the annoying garment across the room, she began lightly nipping and kissing across her lover's chest. She worked downward, over the muscles in his chest, across his tight stomach, until she finally reached his pants.

"Trade you your's for mine," Sano smiled as they each began working on the other's buttons.

After both had slipped out of their pants, they stood for a moment, staring at each other. Finally, Sano moved the distance between them and cupped Mizuki's cheek in his hand. "You're beautiful."

Mizuki's smile was soft as she blushed a deep red. "You're beautiful," she whispered.

Sano brought his arms around her, holding her close. "I can't believe this is real."

Mizuki raised on tip-toe to reach her lover's lips, kissing him softly. "I could never dream of anything that could make me so happy."

They stood for a moment, feeling each other, reveling in the knowledge that they could just hold each other. After a few minutes, however, Sano couldn't help his body's reaction.

Mizuki gasped.

"Sorry," his smile was sheepish.

"Don't be," Mizuki said, and she began to pull on his boxers. Taking the hint, Sano took the final step in undressing his roommate, and as they pulled each other's undergarments down, both trembled with the knowledge of what they were about to do.

Sano stepped into Mizuki, bending down to capture the tip of her breast within his mouth. He sucked gently, kneading the other with his hand. Mizuki's head flew back, her breath short and her thighs rubbing together unconsciously.

Sano's hand left her breast to travel downward, tickling it's way past her stomach to her dark curls. He cupped her groin, and as he moved his head to play with her other breast, he carefully inserted a finger into her passage.


He slowly withdrew his finger, only to add a second, expanding her and making her ready for him. He pulled his digits in and out, picking up speed as Mizuki's breathing became erratic. His thumb flicked across her nub, causing her to buck against his hand.

"Are you ready, Ashiya?" Sano asked, his lips against her ear.

Mizuki nodded meekly and began to dig her fingers into his shoulders as he slowly slid himself inside her.

Once he was sheathed inside her opening, he stood still, clinging to her as she adjusted. "Are you alright?"

Mizuki nodded, then said, "I'm OK. Just, please... don't stop."

Urged on by Mizuki's words, Sano began to gently pull himself out, only to shove himself in again.

Mizuki's breath caught as a tear slowly slid down her cheek, even as she felt a sticky wetness on her thighs.

"Are you sure?" Sano asked as he kissed her tear away.

She nodded, and soon soft mewling sounds came from her as her roommate and lover thrust his way past any reservations she might have had.

Sano was grunting and his face was shiny with sweat.


It was a soft whisper that pulled him over the edge, and he bit down into her neck to stop himself from screaming his release.

Mizuki also found completion, and stifled a shout of ecstasy.

The two teenaged lovers slid to the floor, exhausted and spent.

As soon as Sano recovered, he picked up a now sleeping Mizuki and placed her in his own bed.

"Good night, Mizuki," he smiled as he used her first name for the first time.

*** @--------------->---------- ***

"I'm so happy for you!" Julia's cry was heard across the campus, but she didn't care, "it's about time you two hooked up!"

Mizuki blushed and placed a finger to her lips. "I'm still trying to pass as a guy, Julia," she whispered, "please, don't blow it."

"Sorry," she didn't look sorry, but she was forgiven anyway.

"Thank you, Julia," Sano said, slightly embarrassed.

Julia laughed, "No problem! Like I said... all I want is my Mickey's happiness!" she pulled Mizuki into a hug, and placed her lips next to her friend's ear, "keep him, Mizuki," she whispered, "he really loves you."

Mizuki blushed even brighter and pulled away from the embrace. "Thanks, Julia, really," she brought her voice down again, "but remember about the other little part of our deal?"

Julia rolled her eyes. "Do I really have to?"

Mizuki nodded.

Julia heaved and exaggerated sigh and turned to leave.

"What deal did you guys make?" Sano asked as they began walking back to their dorm.

Mizuki surreptitiously placed her hand in her boyfriend's and gave it a light squeeze, "Oh, nothing, really... I let Julia break the news to Nakatsu, is all."

Sano's eyes nearly bugged out of his head, "What? Do you really think Nakatsu can keep your gender a secret?"

Mizuki nodded, "I trust him."

"Wait... what do you get out of it, then?" he asked.

The gleam in Mizuki's eye was frightening, and when she didn't answer him, Sano decided to let the matter lie.

*** @------------->------------ ***


"No, it's really true."


"Nope. Mizuki's actually a girl."

Nakatsu eyed the American girl with obvious distaste. "Bullshit. I would know if Mizuki was a girl."

"Don't you think you already did, unconsciously? She was the only guy you were attracted to, after all," Julia winked, taking joy in his discomfort.

Nakatsu mulled that thought over. "Damn," he said, "Mizuki's a girl," he turned to Julia, "so why are you telling me?"

"Mizuki said I could."

"Why would you want to do that?" he was suspicious now.

The same gleam that had entered Mizuki's eye now resided in Julia's, and just like Sano, Nakatsu was afraid.

"Because it gives me an excellent excuse to do this," and Julia pulled the soccer star into a tight embrace, her lips smashing against his in a sensual kiss.

As they parted, breathless, Nakatsu asked, "What was that for?"

Julia winked, "For Mizuki," and she strolled away, her posture confident. She turned around to see Nakatsu standing there, dumbfounded, "bye, bye, ecchi Nakatsu!"

"What did you call me? Get back here you stupid American!" and Nakatsu soon found out that Mizuki was not the only exceptionally fast runner to come from the United States.

*** @---------->------- ***

Standing a few yards away, Sano stared at the retreating couple. "Why would you ask her to do that?"

"Because," Mizuki's smile was gorgeous, "Julia helped push us in the right direction. I thought we should do the same for them."

*** @----------->--------- ***

Author's Notes:

1.) I apologize for the OOcness of Sano later on. But the fact is, he's never been that blunt in the manga, and I think that if he really got fed up with the whole situation, he would do something very similar to that.
2.) A note about Sigmund- Sigmund the stuffed penguin is not in the manga. He is modeled after my very own stuffed penguin which I love very, very much. If any of you are fans of Laurell K. Hamilton, you'll also notice that my penguin was named after Anita Blake's. ^_^
3.) Sorry it took me so long to get out another story. But this one was soooo long! At least for me... heh heh... I'm still having a lot of fun with Hana-Kimi fics, so if anyone has a couple request, I'd be glad to give it a try.
4.) Thank you again to all reviewers. You have no idea how much it means to me to have people reading and enjoying my stories, and then telling me! It's really a great ego booster and wonderful motivation.
5.) Finally... thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the fic!