Hana Kimi Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Screw It ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to Hana-Kimi or its characters.
Sano sat on a bench, breathing labored, arms resting against his knees as he took a moment to collect
himself. Sure, Mizuki was always getting herself into trouble, but that didn't necessarily mean that she
would run into the rapist, right? And even if she did, the streets were still relatively crowded... it's not
like she'd go somewhere secluded with a total stranger, would she...?

Sano groaned, smothering his face in his hands. 'She would. She would. She would, she would, she

As much as he loved every aspect of his girlfriend... she was far too trusting for her own good.

Sano desperately wished that he could afford a cell phone, because at that moment he would give
anything to hear some news. He knew that Nakatsu was out there as well, searching restlessly for
Ashiya, but still...

He had a feeling, in the pit of his stomach, that he was too late...


Nakatsu was still running, even though his lungs burned and his legs felt like jelly. For a soccer
superstar, he certainly felt terribly out of shape at that moment.

It didn't matter, though. He'd run to the ends of the earth to find Mizuki.

Taking a sharp turn, Nakatsu suddenly stopped in his tracks. Was that...? And with...? In his arms?!?!


Mizuki couldn't help the tears that continued to fall, soaking into her savior's t-shirt and making him

She weighed practically nothing, but still he shifted her weight occasionally, making sure she stayed
awake. He didn't know too much about first-aid, but he did know if was probably a bad idea to let her
sleep when there was a good possibility she had a concussion. "So..." he started, thinking that perhaps
conversation would help, "You're a girl, eh?"

Mizuki laughed suddenly, a great, heaving sob that sent her into another fit of tears. "Yeah..." she
sniffled, "I'm a girl."

"Well, listen..." he hesitated, "I need to take you to the hospital, so I'm sorry, but..."

"No!" Mizuki protested, struggling suddenly in his grip, "You can't do that! I'll be kicked out of

"I'm sorry, Ashiya, I really am... but you've been through something really traumatic, and it's important
that you're checked out..."

"He didn't do anything," her voice was soft and pleading, "You came before he had the chance."

"Please, let me take you to the hospital..."

"There's someone I can go to at school," she confided, "You're awfully nice now that you know that I'm
a girl," she pointed out, trying to change the subject.

He sighed, desperately wishing he hadn't decided to take a late-night stroll that evening, "I... I can't be
mean to you after what you just went through. Besides... was I really that bad?"

"Worse," Mizuki giggled, sounding like her old self for a moment. "You were terrible. Your sisters are
really nice, though."

He smiled fondly, "You think you can walk now?"

Mizuki hesitated, "I can try.." and began to struggle out of his grip.

"Hey, now!" he readjusted her, making sure his jacket stayed tightly around her figure, "You weigh
practically nothing. If you're not sure, then let me carry you."

Mizuki settled once again into his arms, closing her eyes and breathing in deeply the scent of sweat and
cologne. Somehow... he smelled quite a bit like Sano. She felt her breath blow out in a sigh; she
couldn't help her disappointment that Sano had not been her rescuer.

Her breath hitched. She couldn't help her disappointment that she had not been able to rescue herself.

Mizuki blushed, realizing that she had not thanked him for his help, "Thank you..."

"I'm just glad I decided to take that walk tonight," he smiled, contradicting his earlier thoughts.

"Me, too," Mizuki admitted softly, "I'm very grateful."

He blushed, "Yeah, well... we're almost to Osaka. Your friends will be worried about you. Especially
Sano, I'm sure."

Mizuki made a face, "I don't know. We've been arguing."

"About what?"

Mizuki felt the tears rolling down her cheeks once more, "Actually... about how I can't defend
myself..." She closed her eyes, breathing deeply, "I guess Sano was right, after all. I need someone to
protect me, I can't even take care of myself on a daily basis."

"You can't really believe that," his voice was thoughtful.

"I don't--"

"Ashiya, you've been the only girl in an all-boy's school for over a year now, and the only person that
knows your secret is your roommate," he looked down at her, "not only does that take an amazing
amount of courage, but it also takes skill and strength."

"Actually, the school doctor, Dr. Umeda, knows," she placed a thoughtful finger against her lips, "And
Nakatsu knows."

"How does that dolt know?" he followed her movement without really noticing, "And the school
doctor? Don't tell me that you let him examine you?"

"No!" Mizuki exclaimed, "He just... knew. It was like he could sense I didn't have a--you know," she
smiled sheepishly, "And Nakatsu found out because he kind of walked in on me while I was... topless."

The young man stumbled, a hot blush spreading across his face. It had occurred to him at that moment
that he, too, had seen Mizuki without anything on...

"The fact is, you do fend off guys on a daily basis, they're just not quite as disgusting as that asshole
back there," he whispered, trying to fend off his embarrassment.

Mizuki blushed, looking away. Her heart was pounding and she wasn't sure how to respond.

"Ashiya, I want you to know that if you ever need some time away, you're welcome to stay with me
and my family," he found himself speaking without even considering the words, but found himself
pleased with the result.

Mizuki froze, surprised and overwhelmed by the offer. She opened her mouth to speak, was unable to
mutter even a sound.

"Just think about it."

"Mizuki! Mizuki!"

Mizuki turned, her fears forgotten and her face lighting up as she spotted Nakatsu running toward them.

"Nakatsu! I'm so happy to see you!" tears gathered in her eyes, relief finally flooding her entire body
and making her weak once more.

"Hey, now!" her rescuer shifted her in his arms as she began to fall backward, "Come on, Mizuki, stay
with me!"
"Mizuki!" Nakatsu leaned against his knees, breathing heavily, "What the hell happened?" he

"I found her passed out, naked, with a guy in uniform on top of her. I knocked him out and headed back
toward Osaka," his explanation was succinct as he cradled Mizuki's head carefully in his hand.

"Did you call the police?" Nakatsu asked, accepting the explanation.

"No phone," he looked at Nakatsu, gesturing toward him with his head, "Give me your pants."


"It's not exactly summer, idiot. My jacket isn't enough for her."

"Why don't you give her your pants, then?" Nakatsu grumbled, but complied nevertheless.

"She's already wearing my jacket, I need some clothing," he took the offered pants, "Thanks. Help me
get these on her."

Nakatsu helped to lay Mizuki out and cradled her head in his arms as the other teen pulled the pants on
her, poking a hole in the belt in order to keep it cinched.

"Where's Sano?"

"Looking for her," Nakatsu gestured towards Mizuki, who had since fallen unconscious.

"Well, let's get her back to her room, and then we can go search for him," his eyes widened as he
stood and he smiled maliciously, "Heart boxers?"

"Shut up. By the way, where are Mizuki's clothes?"

"I left them there. They were mostly torn up, and they'd only be reminders of what had happened."

"Why... why are you helping us?"

"Sano might be my enemy," Kagurazaka replied, "But she's one of my sister's friends." He looked at
her fondly, "And.. I think, one of mine, too."
Author's Notes:
Yes, short chapter, I know... sorry. (sheepish smile)
Congratulations to everyone who guessed Mizuki's rescuer correctly!
And could this possibly be another rival for Mizuki's love?? We shall see...
Oh, and before anyone brings it up.. I used the term "enemy" at the end on purpose. Yeah, it's a strong
word... but with everything they'll be competing over, I think it's a good way to describe their
relationship... for now.
Many thanks to my beta, Jess.
Additional author's notes:
My deepest, deepest apologies. If you'd look on fanfiction.net you'd have seen this chapter at the
beginning of the year... I cannot believe I forgot to update this website!
All of your reviews mean the world to me, and I promise I am working on this story. So much crap

going in life right now... chapter 7 is in progress, but it is unfortunately taking the backburner to a
couple of other projects right now. I've recently started getting back into writing original stuff, and it's
making me so incredibly happy you don't even know.
If you have any interest in weird short stories or weirder poems check me out on fictionpress.com
under Nina Inertz.
Again, I apologize for making you guys wait so long. Rereading your wonderful reviews just lifted my
spirits more than you know. I'll try and do my best for you. **raises fist in exaggerated manner**