Hand Maid May Fan Fiction ❯ Let's Give Him Our... ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
The following fanfic may not be suitable for young readers since it contains subjects that one might find offensive. Reader's discretion is advised. The views portrayed herein do not represent the views of TNK, Pioneer, Wonderswan, and their respective owners.

Nanbara: AHEM! You're forgetting someone.

Oh, you're right. No actual, living cyberdolls have been harmed in the creation of this fanfic.

Nanbara: HE-Y!!


Cyberdoll Kei is basically a mega-computer in human form. In the form of a sexy, blue-haired goddess I mean. She had been sent from Cyberdyne Industries to help retrieve Cyberdoll May. But later on she ends up falling for her owner Kazuya Saotome; a tech college student who ordered her by accident and was unable to pay the large bill. The ability to fall in love was something strange and new to Kei; and she had a hard time trying to calculate something that's known as "feeling." That will be the least of her concern, however...

Tadokoro: OH MY GOD!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE LUCK WE HAVE!! We get to have our way with this beautiful, blue-haired goddess!
Daimon: And to think that she'd been living under Kazuya's roof for all this time!

Kei can be found in a darkened room of the technical college that Kazuya goes to; providing service to his two friends Tadokoro (the blonde), and Daimon (the short-haired athlete). Two large hands, one from each guy, grope at her breasts which hide within her light-blue sweater. She lightly fondles the two large cocks that are in front of her whilst she switches between their heads in order to lick at them.

Kei then proceeds to take turns deepthroating each of their peckers. But her deepthroating causes Tadokoro to reach his peak. She senses this and prepares for a mouthful of cum. Her right hand can feel his balls tighten she slows her sucking and feels a stream of sticky white hit the back of her throat. For a normal human this might cause a reflex and some choking. But Kei readily accepts this form of "appreciation" as she swallows every last drop of this studly dude's pearl cream.

Tadokoro groans from the ecstatic feeling of cumming in the mouth of a goddess and slumps to the floor while Kei start to work on Daimon. He holds her by the shoulders as Kei rapidly pumps on his meaty cock and licks at his swollen head. And after a while Daimon starts to moan as shudder as he reaches his peak. His jizz shoots from out of the pisser of his cock and all over Kei's face and glasses.

Afterwards Tadakoro and Daimon help wipe the seed off of Kei's face before she removes her sweater. The two guys gasp at the strapless white cotton bra holding her large breasts.

Tadokoro: I call dibs on the front!

Kei smiles from the energized cheerfulness of the two guys as she lays along the floor. She removes her bra and lets Tadokoro sit on her stomach so he can fit his large cock between her melons. He proceeds to buck his cock between her breasts as Kei holds him by his butt. Meanwhile, Daimon goes between her legs and massages his hand along her panty crotch. He can feel the wetness seeping from her pussy and along the cotton fabric.

Kei: Please! Daimon! Fuck me! Put your large cock inside of me!

But our stud #2 wants to draw this out as long as he can. So he slowly removes her panties and slides them down her long, sexy legs. Tadokoro manages to get off on her again, and his jizz shoots from his cock and along Kei's face.

Tadokoro slumps from the lack of energy, but he feels Daimon tapping his shoulder as he tells him to get off of Kei. So he moves aside as Daimon positions himself between Kei's legs. He rubs the head of his cock along Kei's waiting pussy; the light sound of wet slurping can be heard. Then, he slowly pushes his cock into her pussy. Kei can feel his large cock invading her pussy and starts to moan from the new sensation. And as Daimon manages to get all of his cock into her pussy, he lets the feeling of wet pussy take him to dreamland before he starts pounding himself into her.

Kei starts to howl in pleasure; a feeling that her supercomputer mind can't calculate but her body has no problems understanding. Daimon grabs her by the waist and continues to thrust himself into her for good, long minutes. Kei can only howl and shut her eyes as she grips her hands onto Daimon's arms. After a while Daimon finally thrusts himself something powerful as he grunts out loudly and hits an orgasm. His cock shoots into her womb enough semen to repopulate Russia ten times over.


And standing outside, near the door of the room that Kei and her manhandlers are in... ...is a saddened and heartbroken Kazuya Saotome.


Hand Maid May
"Let's Give Him Our Breasts!"


Later on, two of Kazuya's friends have been waiting out side for him. Kasumi Tani, the girl next door who acts like a boy but gives him an ample amount of fan service. And Cyberdoll Sara; with her immense love for ramen and her Hiroshima accent, she was in charge of getting Cyberdoll May back before being roped into Kotaro Nanbara's grip and falling in love with Kazuya.

Between the two of them, they know good and well why Kazuya had been so saddened. It was... ...like two hours ago.


Kazuya had been returning home from his usual schooling and early afternoon supermarket shopping. He passed the door of Mr. Shikishima; the shadowy figure who never pays his rent on time. But when he gets near his door, sounds of sex can be heard. Sounds of May loudly protesting can also be heard. Thinking that someone's raping May, he barges in to hopefully save the day.

He was right. Someone was raping May. That someone was none other than Kotaro Nanbara, Kazuya's self-proclaimed rival.

Kazuya goes into shock as Nanbara continues to slam his large member into May's tight pussy. And May was still protesting despite the fact that she's enjoying every inch of Nanbara's cock.

Nanbara: Well well well, Saotome! It seems that your maidbot enjoys having some cock thrown into her pussy, doesn't she? It's amazing how I, the gentleman and porn star extraordinaire Kotaro Nanbara, the multi-million-dollar majesty who couldn't compete with you in gaining attention from sexy babes, can succeed in something as mundane as becoming a living dildo to the same type of women that you have the knack of attracting!

By that time, May was on her third orgasm and going towards her fourth.

And at that point, Kazuya was turning white. Normally, a guy who finds his rival doing his girl would either try to beat the living snot out of him or join them in a threesome. But Kazuya just stood there... In shock... Kasumi was there; from outside Kazuya's window. Sara was also there, coming inside as she ate the latest in ramen cuisine. Nanbara was in complete control over May as he continues to pound the life out of her.

With tears in his eyes, Kazuya ran from that scene. He wanted to run as far away from it as he possibly can. And Nanbara, taking this as his success, pulls his cock out of May's pussy with a slurp and lets his cock loose with a flurry of jizz that nearly covers and drowns May. Nanbara laughs with a mighty roar as his cock continues to spray his jizz all over her.

Kasumi and Sara decided to chase after him. ...before rightfully beating the living snot out of Nanbara, of course...


Kazuya went to the tech college to see Kei after what happened. He knows that he can't ask Kasumi, and he didn't even think about Sara. However, Kei was nowhere to be found. Even though she's hear for work today, he expected the worst. He went to one of "those rooms." And he opened the door a bit to find his friends having their way with Kei. Even though it would make Kei completely happy to join in on a foursome, that wouldn't be fair to his friends. And besides, that's not Kazuya's style. Kazuya was in love with May, and doesn't see himself as the group-sex kind of guy.

He hangs his head low as he trudges towards the outside entrance. But then he looks up to find Kasumi calling him, with Sara right next to her. Kazuya can see the two ladies together; smiling and glad to see that he couldn't be sad for too long. So they decided to walk towards Kasumi's house together.


Kasumi: If I were you, I could've kicked Nanbara's ass all the way from here to his villa!
Sara: Yeah. He tried that shit on me before. And besides, May's a standard product that doesn't have any sort of protection from his type of advances.
Kazuya: You mean to say that anybody who wants to can just take advantage of her like that?
Sara: Well... Initial May-type products have something called "the area where a tail should be?" I don't know if it's true... But if you touch here there, she becomes defenseless. At least that's what the rumor is.
Kasumi: It's some "old wives tale." You shouldn't take it so seriously. And besides, it only works in perverted videos and magazines.
Sara: (Putting her arm around Kazuya and slightly rubbing her body along his.) But, as you know, I'd rather give my body to hard-working guys like you anyday. And even though I don't have that area where I should have a tail, I'll let you touch it.
Kazuya: (Getting all red and flustered.) Well, uh, gee... That's uh...
Kasumi: (As close to Kazuya as Sara.) And what about me; the rent collector of Kasumi House who's known for her good looks?
Kazuya: But are you sure this is alright for you?
Kasumi: Well, it's not like I didn't see this coming, you know. Sara and I talked about it...


Kasumi: But there's no way I can compete with you cyberdolls. You're all over the place with your sexiness and stuff.
Sara: But Kazuya is a man, you know. And with such a cute girl living next door to him, I bet that he wants you as much as he wanted the rest of us cyberdolls. Tell you what: I'll lead, and you can follow.
Kasumi: Oka~y...
Sara: Besides, he probably wants to do it with you more than he does with me. You just have to put a little more trust in him, that's all.

[End Flashback]

The trio finally makes it to Kasumi's home. And it's a good thing that Chigusa, Kasumi's mom, is still on vacation at some onsen resort in the mountains.

Sara lays her sexy self on Kasumi's bed. Kasumi, her face red with embarrassment, lays next to her and tries to tough it out. As soon as Sara tells Kazuya that it's okay, he starts to turn into a perverted monster with his eyes glowing behind his glasses and his cock making itself visible within his pants crotch. Sara then turns to Kasumi and notices her disgust with this idea.

Sara tells Kazuya to take off his clothes. He flings off his shirt and pants as Sara reaches into his underwear to remove his cock from hiding. And while it's not as large as Nanbara's (his cock being highly exaggerated, mind you), Kazuya's cock is still a good size and is actually cute for a male's genital. Kasumi's face is red in exasperation and fails to understand how men can actually enjoy getting their genitals licked.

Sara takes off her top and tells him to place his cock between her breasts. And as he sits on her, his hands can finally feel what real breasts are (even though they're cyberdoll breasts). His hands feels the softness and warmth of Sara's breasts, and his cock slides between her magnificent mammeries. He can feel from his cock the sheer pleasure of being sandwiched within the cleavage of her soft mounds of flesh.

Kasumi gets red and embarrassed as she witnesses Sara having her breasts played with while her tongue licks along the head of Kazuya's cock. She starts to feel... Well... She starts to feel warm. She's also feeling wet between her legs and along her panty crotch.

Sara: Would you like Kazuya to play with your breasts as well, Kasumi?
Kasumi: HUH?! Well... ...uh...
Sara: Don't be shy, dear. Go ahead and take off that top of yours. I bet that Kazuya will be very pleased with what you can show him.

And with that, Kasumi slowly and shyly takes off her top. All the while Kazuya eyes her as Sara handjobs his cock. The piece of clothing falls onto the floor as Kasumi covers herself with her arms.

Kazuya: Kasumi... Can I see them...? Please...?

A sweatdrop appears in back of Kasumi's head, followed by a blood vessel, as Kasumi gets annoyed from hearing "clumsy Saotome" ask her to see what guys shouldn't see.

Sara: It's okay, sweaty.

Kasumi's mouth forms an angered sneer; taking what Sara said as some form of challenge, she moves closer to Kazuya. This causes the other two to wonder what's up with her.

Kasumi: Kazuya. You will not be late with the rent ever again. Do you hear me?!
Kazuya: Y-yes ma'am!

Kasumi's anger slowly subdues itself. And then she takes Kazuya's hand. She lets him touch her breasts, and he takes his cue by lightly grasping and fondling it a bit.

Kasumi: My breasts... ...they're not as big as May or Sara...
Kazuya: They're fine, Kasumi. You don't have to worry about them.
Kasumi: They're "fine," are they?! So why's your thing between Sara's then?!
Sara: Well, do you want his cock between yours?
Kasumi: Well, ad, uh, what I meant to way was... I mean...

For Kazuya, it's now not a good idea to open his mouth anymore as Kasumi starts backing away.

Sara: Let me show you what a man likes, my dear.

And with that, Sara proceeds to give Kazuya her full service. She sucks on the head of his cock, with her tongue licking around and about its mushroomed meatiness, as her hands move her breasts up and down his shaft. Kazuya's hips start bucking as his hands press her tits together and Sara's arms wrap around his legs. Kasumi can only watch in shock as Kazuya continues to titty-fuck the suntanned cyberdoll.

Sara's tits manage to bring Kazuya into an orgasm as his body quakes. His cock lifts itself from her cleavage, and she grabs a hold of it as she opens her mouth and extends her tongue. Streams of hot, sticky, white semen blasts from his cock and along Sara's face; missing her mouth entirely. Kasumi turns a ghostly white as she sees Sara sloppily slurping her tongue along the head of his cock to cause him some after-orgasms and keep him happy.

Kazuya and Sara turn to Kasumi; her left hand covering her wide open mouth and her right hand currently rubbing her pussy within her panty crotch.

Sara: It's your turn now, dear.
Kasumi: Huh?! WHAT?! It is?!
Sara: I got an idea. Kazuya dear, why don't you lay on the bed. Okay?

Kazuya, finally getting his release, does as he's ordered as he waits patiently for what happens next. Sara then walks over to Kasumi, sits beside her, and starts whispering into her ear.

Sara: Do you want him to make you cum? I bet this is what you've been wanting for a long time.

Kasumi finally agrees. So she walks over towards Kazuya and lays her butt in front of his face. Kazuya takes his cue and starts to play with her drenched panty crotch. Kasumi can feel his hand feel up her area and ends up shaking and moaning to his touches. She then looks at Kazuya's manhood which is staring to regain its stiffness. She cautiously grabs a light hold of it and starts moving her hand up and down. She hears a moan from Kazuya and starts to believe that this is where a man gets pleasure from. Her head turns toward Sara who's just smiling and sitting back as she lets the couple have their fun. Kasumi told her that she's not into women, and Sara says that she fully understands.

Kazuya slides the piece of fabric away from Kasumi's crotch and starts to finger her snatch. Kasumi starts to wince as he touches and massages her pussy. It's not like she hadn't masturbated before, and it wasn't as if she didn't dream of Kazuya doing this to her. But it feels so weird. And in front of another woman. She then feels her virgin pussy being invaded by two of Kazuya's fingers, and a feeling of warmth and queasiness travels all over her body.

She falls on top of him, his cock still in her hand, as Kazuya starts licking along her clit and fingering her pussy. Slight moans and groans start escaping Kasumi's mouth as he ends up taking total control of her. Meanwhile Sara is on the floor fingering herself; dipping her hand into her sex as she massages her breasts...

Kazuya picks up the pace as he flicks his tongue at her clit and shoves his hand into her pussy. And Kasumi shuts her eyes tight as she starts cumming. A flash of white heat surrounds her as she arches her body and screams in ecstasy. Kazuya can feel her wetness drool along his hand, out of her sex, and onto his face.

Kasumi falls on top of him and tries to catch her breath. Sara then crawls to Kasumi's side and starts playing with Kazuya's now limp cock. Kasumi opens her eyes to see Sara lick as his member and fondle it with her cum-drenched hand. With a smile on her face, Kasumi asks her to move aside as she gives it a try. "How hard can it be?" she thought... Kazuya, with girlcum all over his face, can feel a different hand grabbing on his cock. He can also feels the head of his cock surrounded by warmth and swirled about by a rough tongue. It must be Kasumi blowing him. His cock reaches full mast once again; surprising Kasumi at the process.

Kasumi pretty much understands how it goes: Lick and suck on his cock, jerk on it with your hand, fondle his balls, and his body will react somehow when he's ready to cum. She decides to let him cum in her mouth so she can swallow it. No big deal, right? She proceeds with her plan. She licks the back of his cockhead and gives it a rapid handjob; with Sara usually joining her and licking along its peehole. Kazuya can be heard moaning loudly and saying that he's about to cum. Kasumi then takes his cockhead into her mouth. His pelvis shoves forward, and light blasts of jizz hit the inside of her mouth and pool along the bottom. After he winds down, Kasumi's tongue swirls his cum around in order to get its flavor. The taste is weird; slightly salty and slightly sweet. But she said she's gonna swallow his cum, so she can't back out.

Sara watches as Kasumi swallows his spunk down her throat. But her eyes end up meeting Sara's eyes. Sara's hot, steamy, sexy eyes. OH CRAP!! Kasumi told Sara that she's not interested...! In women... Kasumi can feel her pussy being slurped upon by Kazuya once again; causing her body to become warm and sweaty. And Sara's right in front of her, smiling, eager to pleasure Kasumi as well as Kazuya. Kasumi's body gets heavy; her breathing slows and her nipples harden.

Sara head goes forward... And Kasumi kisses her in the mouth. Her mind goes into shock and disbelief that she's actually doing it. But then... Slowly and surely... She would get into it... She slowly closes her eyes, and her tongue would reach out for Sara's tongue.

Kazuya starts to wonder what's going on. He then looks up to see Kasumi kissing Sara. His face goes red with a non-vocal "WOW!!" And his cock would rise up once again to salute the two ladies of liberty. Sara's hand reaches out and takes a hold of his cock whilst she continues to kiss Kasumi. And she does the same with her hand. Kazuya can feel the hands of the sexy suntanned chick and the sexy girl-next-door get his cock ready for "part 2."

Kasumi (with only her skirt and soaked panties on) lays on top of Sara (who's still wearing her chinese outfit sans the top piece and underwear). Kazuya's gonna put it in Kasumi first and take her virginity. He slides the head of his cock up and down her vaginal folds. And as soon as he gains enough wetness, he slides it in and causes Kasumi to wince and whine. He can then feel the barrier of her sex. So he thrusts harder, but he tries not to thrust too hard and hurt her.

Sara, smiling like the Cheshire Cat from "Alice In Wonderland," holds her steady as he tells Kazuya that it's okay. Meanwhile, Kasumi spreads her legs wider and thrusts her butt downwards in anticipation. So, with one final thrust, Kazuya's cock breaks through her hymen; sending a shockwave of pain through Kasumi's body. She starts howling in pain, and Kazuya stops thrusting. But Sara tells him to continue. Her hands move down to grab his butt and forces him to keep thrusting. Kazuya ends up laying on top of Kasumi as he continues thrusting. And Kasumi feels cramped, warm, and a lot of pain. But the pain slowly goes away as her whole pussy starts feeling his cock.

A mixture of blood and sex juice escape from her pussy and along Kazuya's cock. The liquid drips off of his balls and onto Sara's crotch as they continue to thrust each other. Kazuya would end up cumming first as his jizz streams from out of its pisser and through the cervix of Kasumi's pussy. She can feel her cervix being bumrushed, and the reaction from Kazuya's orgasm spreads all over her body as she screams lightly. She ends up having an orgasm as well.

Kazuya tiredly slumps downward. He wants to get some sleep. But his job is not finished since he has to fuck Sara as well. The two girls take turns kissing Kazuya and each other. And Kasumi rolls herself off of Sara; her sex sore from the new invasion. Kazuya positions himself between Sara's sexy long legs; jerking himself off in order to prepare for another invasion. But Sara tells him not to rush. Her tan-dark hand takes a light hold of his cock and slowly slides up and down on it.

Kazuya moves upward and sees Sara's smile not even flinching. Her hand guides his cock to her entrance and slides the head of his cock along its wetness. Kazuya then lays by her side and starts playing with her breasts. And as Sara continues to play with his cock, Kazuya moves back on top of her and licks along the nipples of her ample titties. Slowly but surely, his cock starts to harden again. And his pelvis starts making some involuntary thrusts.

Sara uses the fingers from her other hand to open up her pussy like she's putting in a tampon. And despite Kazuya's cock being way larger than any tampon, he slides all the way in. Kazuya can feel how tight and wet she is; even though Kasumi's a little bit tighter and especially since Sara's a cyberdoll. But he starts thrusting nonetheless, and he can see Sara's face tensing up.

Kasumi wakes up from her mild slumber to see the other two pleasure each other. Kazuya continues thrusting; his hands on the bed and his legs under Sara's, allowing him to fuck her pussy better. Sara reacts instinctively; her legs wrapped around his waist, her hands grabbing a hold of his shoulders, and loud moans leave her mouth from the assault. She would be the one to cum first. Her eyes cross as her body arches and her pussy starts clamping down on Kazuya's cock. The extra tightness causes Kazuya to cum as well. He gives her a final blast of hot white jizz into her womb before collapsing onto her...


Surrounded by steam and covered with sweat; our three characters of this story, all happy and spent, end up sleeping on the bed together that day...


Cyberdoll Kei leaves the tech college with a smile on her face. She also leaves a trail of corpses within the building. Nearly dead bodies of guys who wanted to "have their turn" with Kei and ended up begging more than what they bargained for.

Kei: Wow! I did not realize that having intercourse with the opposite sex would be so exhilarating!


Nanbara's scream can be heard from his villa where he took May.


Unfortunately, Mr. Nanbara didn't realize that he had fucked May out of her warranty. So, after having a short circuit from one of his "cock assaults," she's now paperweight in human form.


Chigusa: Do you good people not know of the term "protection?"

Meanwhile, as the Tani household, Kasumi's mother holds a packet of condoms like it was the holy bible itself. Sara, Kazuya, and Kasumi end up bowing down on the floor in hopes of gaining any forgiveness. Chigusa had caught the three in bed when she returned from her vacation early. And now they end up facing her wrath.
