Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Destiny in the Worlds ❯ Chapter ONE ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
» § « Chapter 1 » § « Standing at the top of the rickety old stair case Sirius watched his godson with a deep frown. He was worried about the young boy; something was off about the child and he didn't like it. Since he had been brought to Sirius' ancestral home he had noticed some startling differences in the young boy. Harry he knew was generally a quiet boy, but this new cold aloofness was a little extreme. Dumbledore has assured him that he probably was still grieving over the death of the young boy at the Tri-Wizard tournament only a few months ago. While that was plausible that didn't explain the other differences he was noticing about the boy; most of them were more physical, small and harder to detect if you weren't like Remus and himself. About three days ago Harry's scent had begun to change. Remus had noticed it first and it had taken Sirius changing into his animagus form to pick up on it. Harry's scent now had a very strong acidic tone to it, almost chemical in nature; it had been very light at first, but everyday it got steadily stronger. Harry wasn't the only one with that new acidic scent, three of the Weasley children also had that scent to them. Another sign was the almost inhuman hearing Harry had exhibited yesterday; Molly and Arthur had been talking several rooms away from where the children were working on their last little bit of summer homework. Sirius had been sitting with them trying to help Ron on his transfiguration homework when Harry had raised his head instantly looking in the direction the other adults were frowning. "Don't they know it's rude to speak about someone behind their back." After asking what Harry meant he had mimicked word for word what Molly and Arthur had said several rooms away. Even in his animagus form Sirius wouldn't have been able to hear that conversation that far away. That seemed to be the only time though as Sirius had tested it a few hours later and Harry hadn't moved from where he was sitting reading. The biggest change had shown its self only a few hours ago; a bored Harry and Ron had set up a wizard's chess game in the kitchen. Normally Ron always boasted about being able to take on anyone at Wizards chess normally with a groaning Harry glaring at him knowing the boy was going to wipe the wall with him. This time though...Ron lost...EVERY GAME. Harry had sat there every time with this almost bored look on his face; as if Ron was no challenge for him and the sputtering red head was boring him. A dark frown crossed Sirius face, there was one thing that seemed to be constant when these little incidents happened. Harry's eyes would seem to glow and the pupils were always long and narrow; almost as if they were starting to resemble a feline eye. When these little 'spells' would end his eyes would stop glowing and the pupils would return to normal and the normal Harry would seem to come back. Each time this happened the normal Harry disappeared more and more leaving them with the cold boy that was currently sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast before they headed off to King's cross. Harry wasn't the only one that seemed to be acting strange, Molly and Arthur both noticed three of their children were starting to act a little off. Fred and George were the most obvious; while Sirius didn't know the Weasley's all that well aside from the few days they had been here already he could see the family was noticing the differences. Arthur said that the boys as long as they had been able to speak had acted the same way making it almost impossible to tell the two apart. Now the two boys were becoming so different Molly had no trouble telling them apart. Fred seemed to be gaining unlimited amount of energy and had taken to doing Squats of all things whenever he was standing still for any length of time. When asked why he was doing squats Fred would just get this really confused look on his face and shrug before going back to them. George, well he was the biggest Molly said. He had gained this almost laziness to him in everything he did, from the way he dressed to the very way he talked, and he had a tendency to say "yo" after almost every sentence now. If he was carrying his wand around he almost always had it lying against his right shoulder. Ginny was the next, hers were more subtle mainly her sudden boost in confidence around everyone and when she stood she always cocked her hip slightly and laid her arms across her stomach crossing them lightly so each hand rested on the opposite elbow. She had also a slightly more bubbly personality but if they were talking about something serious she became scary bright with being able to detect flaws or holes in the stories. But just like with Harry they seemed to come in waves, and usually only lasted for a few seconds to the longest of 20 minutes so far. After that the children would seem to return to normal. There was one incident though that still to this day had Sirius in stitches. Snape had shown up prior to breakfast to report something to the Order and was still there when the children had awoken and come down for breakfast. The first thing Sirius had noticed was the silent long strides of Harry's gate as he walked in, next had been the elongated pupils and brilliant glowing green eyes. Harry ignoring everyone as he had come to doing lately sat down and first thing he reached for was the small dish of candy; when Harry was in "X" mode as it was dubbed by Remus he had a strong affinity for anything sugar. Severus noticing that Harry was completely ignoring everyone including the chattering Ron he had made some smart ass comment that had Sirius about to jump across the table and strangle the man. Harry had simply said Sirius name and that caused him to freeze. Not looking up from where he had been unwrapping a sweet Harry had uttered the few words that would change the whole day for the better. "Really Severus, I would have thought that a man of your station would no longer need to resort to insults that a child would use to gain attention from inattentive parents. It appears that I overestimated your intelligence." The look on Snape's face as Harry said that in a monotone voice had sent Sirius rolling to the ground clutching his sides. Hearing quiet footsteps Sirius pulled himself from his thoughts turning slightly. Instantly he was pulling his wand leveling it down on the man walking up the stairs towards him. The figure stopped, long moon-spun silver hair falling along their back glinting from the light cast by the candles along the stairwell. Long arched bangs framed an almost feminine face that housed…'Glowing green eyes with feline-like pupils...' Sirius felt his blood freeze in his veins as he looked down at the man now staring at him with confusion in those brilliant green eyes. "Sirius...Are you alright?" The man flickered before vanishing revealing Harry standing there his normal eyes staring at the wand. "Getting a little jumpy aren't you?" He laughed softly and moved past Sirius patting him on the shoulder gently before heading to collect his trunk. 'Just what the bloody hell did I just see?' » § « Leaning up against one of the many trees' that dotted the forests edge Genesis absently flicked through the pages of his most prized possession. He knew his beloved play by heart and could recite it at a moment's notice; but even then simply reading the words brought such joy to his miserable existence. Hearing footsteps he snapped the book shut with his normal dramatic flair tucking it back into his jacket. "What did you find?" He asked turning to regard the smaller man as he walked out from between the trees, Dark Nation faithfully following in his footsteps. "If there are dark creatures in these woods they sense Jenova cells and don't come near." Black gloved fingers easily stowed the massive fusion sword in its leather harness at his back. "Has Vincent returned yet?" Genesis shook his head going back to looking out across the sweeping lawns at the massive castle that stood on a cliff some distance away. "Don't worry Cloud, as Tseng always used to say...“You can take the man from the Turks, you can never take the Turk from the man.” He won't be seen." Cloud frowned gloved fingers unconsciously reaching up wrapping around the single gold band that hung off a Damascus chain against his chest. Seeing this Genesis looked away a small pang running through his chest, "Don't worry Cloud...We'll find your Turk tonight and soon you'll be calling me to come rescue you from the bed." Cloud snorted and shook his head unable to help the small smile that crossed his face. "We we're NOT that bad." Genesis rolled his eyes dramatically slanting Cloud a knowing gaze, "You broke your bed when he got home from a week long mission." A bright blush turned Cloud the same color as the duster covering Genesis body. "Shut up…" Laughing softly Genesis turned his attention to where he saw a sleek black wolf racing across the grounds, a rust colored feline-like lion keeping perfect pace with him. "See told you he wouldn't be caught." Once in the safety of the tree line the Wolf turned back into Vincent with a soft pop. Running a gloved finger through his hair Vincent stood up straight his clawed hand come to rest on his hip as he regarded his two friends. "The children of the school will be arriving via train in a few hours; they will be holding a feast for when they arrive and the new students are assigned to houses. It will be difficult for us to enter even in animagus form to find those that we have not already discovered. I believe that if we concentrate after the sorting we will have an easier time getting one of our own in there." Nodding Genesis, more than likely Vincent would be their inside man, even in animagus form the man seemed to become the very shadows. "Were you able to get the camera's up…Forget I asked..." Genesis held up his hands getting the Turk death glare from the Ex-Turk. How could he forget the number rule of surviving ShinRa...Never insinuate a Turk didn't complete their mission, it was likely to be the last thing you ever did. "They work?" Cloud asked; Vincent nodded causing Genesis to pout seeing Cloud has basically asked the same thing and didn't get the death glare. "The magick around the school made the modern camera's we have useless, I had to break out the old ShinRa security cameras." "I thought those died nearly four thousand years ago." "They did the Makoro battery cells ran out in them." Vincent sent Genesis a look causing the auburn haired ex-SOLDIER to roll his eyes. Of course, the school was saturated in Magick...Magick was the result of human pulling upon their inner Life-Stream harnessing the power much as they had done with Materia; and the camera's were powered by Makoro...Concentrated Life-Stream... "What is security like inside the castle?" Vincent actually snorted turning his back on the castle, "Scarlett's security was better than this school's security." The two Jenova projects snorted shooting the dark gunman an amused look. "That bad huh?" Genesis looked back to the castle a dark smile crossing his face. "Good...They will never know what hit them." » § « It felt strange moving through the Hogwarts express by himself; every year since the first train ride he had Ron and Hermione behind him as he moved looking for an empty compartment. Today it was just him looking for someplace to sit; it was amazing how hard it was when it was just yourself and you nearly missed the train. Feeling something deep in him reacting he looked up a small sneer crossing his face seeing Malfoy sauntering down the small isle way of the train compartment, prefect badge pinned to his robes. Instantly Harry looked for Crabbe and Goyle; shockingly neither of his hulking body guards could be seen anywhere around him. Instead just a single figure followed behind him almost like a silent wraith. 'Wait...Wasn't Blaise Zabini darker four months ago?' While the arrogant Slytherin was normally very reclusive and kept to himself Harry could have sword he remember the boy being several skin shades darker than he was at the current moment. "His hair is longer too...And straight." Blaise hair which Harry had always remembered as being short cropped was now long enough that he was wearing it in a short pony tail at the back of his head. Harry looked over the boy seeing he moved with a very quiet grace; he got the great impression of a panther stalking through the forest. Seeing Malfoy had spotted him he readied himself for the fight he knew was about to come. He was shocked when Blaise set a hand on Malfoy's shoulder causing the blond Slytherin to look back. Blaise simply shook his head removing his hand from Malfoy's shoulder giving him an expected look. Glaring Malfoy nodded and moved past Harry without a single word. Blinking in shock Harry almost didn't catch the softly spoken words from the young Slytherin following Draco. "Behave yourself Koneko." Eyes instantly starting to glow pupils slamming into slits Harry whirled around seeing Blaise looking back at him with a small knowing smile. Instantly Harry was hit with a vision from his dreams; a young oriental man dressed in a high end black suit, long black hair tied back into a pony tail following silently behind a blond teen in all white giving the same smile. "Behave yourself Koneko..." Turning back around to follow after Malfoy Blaise smile knowingly black eyes glinting with a very old light in them; so it wasn't just his Turks that were back, SOLDIER was here as well. Not just any SOLDIER too, the Wizardry world's Golden boy was ShinRa's Silver demon her star General. This was going to prove to be a very interesting year a very interesting year indeed. Blinking rapidly Harry shook his head violently trying to get his mind to start working once more. What the hell was going on around here? First he was having these weird dreams, then Fred, George and Ginny started acting weird. Now Draco and Blaise were acting strange as well, what was next Neville was going to start spouting off about dreams and honor? Stopping short Harry frowned; where the hell had that thought come from? Okay this was just getting weird; shaking his head again he really had to wonder if he was going insane. Walking farther down the train he stopped at a compartment; 'Speak of the Devil…' Inside the compartment was Neville curled up by the window reading over a Herbology book. Sitting across from him with massive dual colored glasses was the ever eccentric Luna; a copy of the Quibbler once more upside down in her hands. He was surprise though to see Dean sitting on the other side of Neville his eyes simply staring straight ahead of him. What was even more shocking was George was sitting next to dean chatting up a storm with the young Gryffindor only nodding every here and there. Fred was currently reading over a Quidditch magazine next to Luna. As if sensing someone was looking at her Luna looked up and smiled waving to him. Unable to help it Harry smiled in return and pushed the door open moving into the very crowded compartment. "Hey guys." The whole group looked up each wearing different varying smiles (Dean's could hardly be called a smile, just a slight tilt of the lips.) "Yo Harry!" George said before going back to his very fast conversation with dean about Quidditch. "How long has he been talking?" Harry asked sitting down next to Fred who looked up from his magazine. "It's more like when has he not stopped talking, he is worse than a puppy." Neville said not looking up from his book. He suddenly blinked and looked up confused, "Why did I say that?" "No idea yo." George shrugged and lay back in his chair kicking his feet up so they rested between Harry and Fred. Setting his book down Neville frowned looking at all of those sitting in the compartment. "This is strange, I have been doing this all summer...Saying things I have no idea why I am. I actually gave my uncle a lecture on honor and dreams a couple days ago." 'Angeal? What happened?' 'Hmm, Later I received one of his famous lectures.' 'About what?' 'Always the same; Discipline, Dreams, Honor, et cetera.' 'Oh...One of those...' Harry could hear those words in his head; his own voice once more slightly deeper and another...The same voice of the black haired boy from his dreams. Leaning forward Harry set his chin on steeple fingers his green eyes roving over the figures around him. "Have any of you noticed anything strange this summer...Like acting a way we normally never would?" Every head raised in the room and turned to look at Harry, wariness building in all their eyes. "Everyone seems different this year, well some of us." Luna was the only one not looking up from her book; though it was hard to tell with the glasses she wore. "You are all sitting differently which is showing something has changed in you…All but Seamus." "It's weird ya know, went over to Dean's over summer and one day he was his normal self and then next day he's…" He made a motion at the Dean currently sitting next to him. "He don't talk..." Dean merely shrugged never once did he utter a word. "See what I mean." The frustration was evident in Seamus voice. "Fred and George no longer appear to be one person split between two bodies...But two very separate people." Luna finally looked up from her book removing her glasses. The group startled slightly seeing exactly how sharp and focused they were, gone was the dreamy expression she always wore. "Harry you seem to have a more regal bearing about you; powerful confident..." Harry flushed slightly at that and looked away, a small frown taking shape though as he thought of two others. "Malfoy and Zabini are also different...It was almost like Blaise could control Draco with just a touch." Neville frowned closing his book and laying It against his bag on the ground. "That's strange, Blaise never really associates with anyone...He tolerates Malfoy." "Exactly, but today when they passed by me he was following behind Malfoy almost like a Muggle security guard." "Who sold us all the Makoro laced drugs...I want more." The group all blinked and looked to George who was now looking as confused as ever. "George, what is Makoro?" Harry asked though something about that word pulled at something in his mind. "I...I have no idea." » § « Sitting behind his large desk Albus Dumbledore read over the letter once more from a concerned Molly Weasley. The owl had arrived not too long ago and expressed concerns about three of her brood and the way they were acting. Normally this would not concern Albus; what concerned him was that this was taking place at the exact same time Sirius had approached him about Harry exhibiting similar behavior changes. The boy had reportedly heard a voice reciting a passage from the ballad LOVELESS; that in itself was strange as LOVELESS was not a common ballad told among the Wizarding world. In fact outside certain groups it's script was lost forever; only those that studied history extensively would have come across the book containing the four short verses that had been uncovered in Japan several hundred years ago. Standing up Albus moved over to his large bookshelf pulling out his own tattered book of Ancient Poems And Ballads. Flipping it open he moved back towards his desk fingers tracing over the fading writing, "When the war of the beast brings about the worlds end, the Goddess descends from the sky. Wings of light and dark spread afar. She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting." "Albus?" looking up from his book Albus regarded the four professors gathered around his desk. Moving back to his desk he sat down gracefully, blue eyes twinkling behind his half moon glasses. "Are you familiar with a ballad titled LOVELESS?" He asked causing the four head's of house to shift sending each other questioning glances. "I do not believe so Albus. What does this have to do with Potter?" Minerva asked looking to the ancient Headmaster. Setting the book down Albus regarded the four before him through steepled fingers. "LOVELESS was a balled unearthed from the remains of an ancient city in Japan some four hundred years ago by a young wizard which it was then translated. While it is popular among the historians of Japan it is not as you can tell well known amongst the rest of the world. It consists of four acts and is thus believed to be unfinished as a Fifth Act was never found." The four head of house waited patiently knowing this had something to do with why they were called up so close to the welcoming feast. Opening the book once more he found the right passage and handed it to Severus before handing a separate piece of parchment to Minerva. Written on it were the exact words Harry had said that had started the Weasley's concern. "Severus, act four if you would be so kind…Minerva." He motioned towards the note in her hands, confused she looked down as Severus started to read. "My friend, the fates are cruel, there are no dreams, no honor remains. The arrow has left the bow of the goddess. My soul corrupted by vengeance hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey in my own salvation, and your eternal slumber." Severus closed the book and set it back on the desk. "That's seriously dark." Sprout said looking at the book sitting on the desk. "It's also identical to what is written in Miss. Granger's hand writing…But there is more." Dumbledore nodded motioning to the letter with his hand. "Those are words that Mr. Potter recited from memory after claiming to have heard a voice while standing in the Weasley's house. The last part he claimed was the Fifth Act written by a man that had believed he was living the ballad. He states he had never even heard of the ballad before reciting it perfectly…Now this would not be worrying as I would assume he was hiding the fact he enjoyed books." His eyes seemed to twinkle more at this with three of the professors sitting in front of him smiling knowingly. "But Molly has stated he has started showing disturbing new personality traits, all of which began to manifest in early July. When Sirius approached me about the mood change I assumed because of what he was describing that young Mr. Potter was simply grieving...But..." Picking up the letter he looked down to what Molly had written and Sirius had thrown in. "She describes it as Harry will go through periods of complete personality change that last from only a few short seconds to ten minutes at its longest. He becomes extremely quiet and distant ignoring all those around him; his attitude becomes aloof and impersonal. His speech pattern changes becoming more fluid and using words he normally never would. He exhibits a very strong analytical mind that seems to manifest around battle and strategic tactics as he was able to beat Ronald every time within a few moves where a week prior Ronald would beat him every time." Dumbledore smooth the letter out in front of him absently. "He has shown a quick wit." He sent an amused look at a very un-amused Severus. "Showing an intelligence that outshines even Miss. Granger." He looked at his four heads his face becoming serious. "I would assume that this has something to do with Voldemort." He ignored the flinches of the four Professors before him. "But Mr. Potter has not been the only one exhibiting flashes of complete personality difference. Molly has reported that three of her children have also exhibited it, Fred and George are the most obvious. During these flashes that last for up to twenty minutes Fred is reported to lose a good portion of his attention span, become easily distracted and hyper active. He exhibits extreme energy so much so that he has been found performing hundreds of squats at random spots across the house; when asked he looks confused before shrugging and returning to them. He has exhibited strange quarks using words he would never use, walking with his arms thrown behind his head or scratching the back of his head and becoming easily excitable." The four professors pulled different faces though all were thinking the same thing. A hyperactive short attention span Weasley twin...They were all in deep trouble this year. Chuckling Albus turned back to his letters. "George during these same spells, which seem to happen alongside Fred's now speaks in a lazy drawl, using extensive slang that no one has ever heard before and says "yo" after almost every sentence. His dress has changed to the point where he dresses lazily like he no longer cares for his appearance. He has taken to attaching a leather strap around his wand that attached around his wrist and when he stands still he rest it against his right shoulder and bounces it. She states that while that is disturbing all in its self he has shown a mind almost as analytical as Harry's during these spells, very little misses his attention now and he can spot flaws in the most perfectly laid plans before even Mrs. Granger can. Ginny has shown new traits...Though hers are not nearly as obvious Molly says." Albus shook his head. "Analytical mind; increased confidence and a stance change are all that Molly has noted." "Voldemort has not made any mention of doing anything to those close to the boy." Severus said knowing he would get a lecture from Albus if he called him You-Know-Who. "I would assume Voldemort if it were those very close to Harry, but Ron and Hermione seem to be unaffected; and people that aren't around Harry are exhibiting strange behaviors as well, I received letter from Mrs. Longbottom and Mrs. Thomas about Neville and Dean. Both have also exhibited strange behaviors. Mr. Thomas not nearly as noticeable, his mother says that he will not talk unless he absolutely needs to and has grown a strange affinity for wearing sunglasses all the time." Flitwick snickered, he couldn't help it that was just so strange out of all the symptoms that had been described so far. "I quiet agree." Albus chuckled to himself before turning to Mrs. Longbottoms note. "Neville has shown more disturbing changes…His self confidence has gone through the roof along with his magickal power. This summer he performed an accidental elemental magick, wandless." This caught all four professors' attention; it was well known Neville struggled greatly with spells with a wand. "He shot a fireball through his bedroom wall on accident when he was practicing wand movements for his charms homework. It is said he has also grown a very strong sense of Pride and Honor even going so far as to lecturing people on those subjects if they do something he believes is dishonorable." He sent an amused look at Severus; honestly he would pay to see the young boy stand up to the Professor. Severus frowned knowing what that damn twinkle in his eye was; he cursed the old man six ways till Sunday. "Those are the only one that I have received notes on, though I have received word from other Order members that Blaise Zabini's physical appearance has begun to change. No one has been able to get close enough to the boy to tell if he has also suffered personality changes...I want all of you to keep an eye on the students any that show signs of extreme personality changes inform me." Nodding the four stood up recognizing a dismissal. "Minerva." Stopping Minerva moved back to the desk as the other three moved out of the room. "Tonight, after the sorting go through in your animagus form and walk among the students; Sirius and Remus both reported that the four at the house all gained an acidic scent to their normal scent. Almost like they had been dumped in a radioactive tub." Sirius had stated in the letter Molly wrote that the scent that hung on the four had been similar to the scent he picked up around old Nuclear reactors. "Of course Albus, I'll go through once I have taken the sorting hat away." Dumbledore nodded and turned back to the book the twinkling leaving his eyes. For the first time he didn't have an answer for what was going on and he didn't like not knowing what was going on. » § « Slipping into the great hall Vincent instantly pressed himself into the deep shadows his form seeming to meld with them even as he padded forward on pawed feet. He had his ears pinned back against his head against the noise of all these loud children talking all at once; it also helped keep the earpiece in place. He had broken out one of the old Makoro powered wireless earpieces that the Turks had used after Meteor Fall when they were far less in numbers and more spread out. Cloud and Genesis were back at the large abandoned house they had discovered away from the village monitoring the cameras. The village seemed to believe it was haunted, which meant no one went around it. The house provided the perfect hiding spot until they were ready to make the move on Hogwarts. They would sneak into the castle and live so they could help those reincarnated to regain their memories and train for the battle ahead. Seeing the coast was clear Vincent slipped under the first table, Slytherin from what he understood from watching the sorting through the doors. It was a very tight fit if he wanted to keep from giving himself away and getting kicked. Padding down the line of students he kept his nose going, so far other than really bad and strong perfumes and colognes no Makoro. He was about ¾ of the way down the table when he stopped instantly hit by two different Makoro signatures. One was very faint, only light enhancements...Rufus...The other was stronger, not nearly as strong as Genesis or Cloud's; not SOLDIER...Turk. Moving up to the two which were sitting next to each other he nearly yelped in surprise when a hand shot out over his muzzle strong fingers instantly locking it shut. Before Vincent could react the persons index finger moved to rest over his nose where it tapped out a beat. Instantly Vincent recognized the silent communication of a Turk. You are getting sloppy Valentine...What would Veld say. Shaking his head he found the hand still had a very strong grip on his muzzle; he didn't know if he was more shocked he had been seen or that someone seemed to have regained their sense of self before Sephiroth awoke. Meet me out by the forest after the feast, careful McGonagall is a cat on the prowl. The hand then lifted from his muzzle before running over his head gently and up to the ear the earpiece was. Resting against the small mic that was attached he tapped out a beat that made Vincent smile before continuing off on his hunt. » § « Back in the Shrieking Shack Cloud was watching the screen the earphones plugged into his ears; he was just starting to wonder what was taking Vincent so long to finish with the green clad students when he heard it. A beat used only by Turks that he had learned once he had started to date their leader. Hearing the beat he instantly felt his heart stop, tears slipped down his cheeks unnoticed. Hearing a strange beat on Vincent ear piece Genesis looked over to Cloud his own eyes widened in horror. "Cloud?" Rubbing his eyes Cloud quickly point to the screen where he saw one of the green robed boys sitting right next to the boy he pinned as Rufus lifting his hand up from under the table and returned to eating. "It's Tseng! And he's awake!" Cloud looked up at him with one of the happiest smiles he has seen on the boys face in thousands of years. "That beat was Turk communication, it said 'Ran'un, I'll see you soon...Love you.'" Unable to keep the grin off his own face Genesis wrapped his arms around the reclusive blond and hugged him tightly. "I told you your Turk was too damn stubborn to stay away for long." » § « Back at Hogwarts Vincent had managed to make it through two tables of students, other than the Turk and Rufus no one else had the smell of Makoro. He knew though that he was getting close to SOLDIER members as he could make out the faint scent of Jenova attached to the overpowering scent of Makoro wafting in from the far table. The closer he got the harder it was to discern if it was them he was smelling or another reincarnate. He was just reaching the end of the yellow table when he came nose to nose with a tabby cat with strange square markings around her eyes. 'Chikushō Tseng!' He thought out desperately, he didn't realize the cat part was literal. » § « Gasping Cloud threw his headphones to the table and stood up grabbing his own wand from the bedside table. This instantly had Genesis attention "That was a animagus...Vincent's going to get caught." "Chikushō...Go...I'll keep watch here and radio in." Cloud nodded knowing Genesis would stand out to much, though he wasn't much better. Running through to the small hole they had created to get in via their animagus form a brilliant golden Fenrir burst from the house its four paws pounding on the ground as it ran at a dead sprint for the forest that surrounded the school. » § « The cat in front of him instantly hackled up, chikushō of course she would realize that he was an animagus. Knowing he only had one shot he burst out between two students legs racing for double doors. Seeing the doors slam shut he skidded to a stop just shy of slamming into them. 'Kuso, Tseng's right I am slipping.' It had been far too long since he had to sneak through a magickal world. He had been working for Muggle Secret Services and the American CIA way to long, they had to make money to survive someway and that was the best job Vincent had found so far. Turning he found several wands pointed at him as the teachers stood up at the head table; a woman in all pink with a toad like face looked like Christmas had just come early. "An unregistered animagus." She said in a very sickly sweet voice. Vincent found himself snarling bearing his teeth at them his hackle going up as his demons were all screaming to be released to protect themselves from these threats. Sitting up slightly at the Gryffindor table Harry looked at the strange wolf that had been cornered by the entrance doors. Something was very familiar about the wolf, black with brilliant glowing crimson eyes. No sooner had he looked at the eyes then he saw a man in black leather and a crimson cloak. "Your real father..." A voice whispered to him. Standing up he looked over to Neville seeing he was already standing as was Fred; both boys were looking back at him with both brilliant glowing blue and violet eyes, he in turn was looking back with glowing acid green. Not needing to say a single word the three moved Neville and Fred taking off at a dead sprint towards the door; something inhuman powering them at a speed that was key word inhuman. They had heard the strong locking spell knowing there was no way a simple alohomora would open them. That left one option…Break the doors down. "Oh yeah!" Fred shouted, reaching a certain point before the door both he and Neville stopped just long enough to coil their bodies down and then launch off with enough force to shatter the stone under them. Twisting in the air the two slammed into the same door knowing they needed to go after the same door. They hit with enough force the thick wood splintered heavily and sheered right off its hinges crashing to the floor with an ear splitting bang and sliding several feet across the entrance hall. Groaning the boys sat up gripping shattered shoulders. "This never used to hurt...Wait..." Fred's eyes returned to their normal color seeing Neville's had too. What the hell had they just done? Vincent was frozen to the spot his crimson eyes looking to where the door had been before two Makoro fueled boys slammed into it with the strength of SOLDIER 1st. Two hands gripped his fur and started to drag him out of the room. Ripping himself from the grip he looked back being met with acid green eyes. "Go dad..." Did he seriously? Vincent was frozen to the spot, did this kid just call him dad? Seeing the wolf wasn't moving Harry growled his eyes flashing. "GO!" Jerking out of his shock Vincent turned tail and ran instantly going for the shadows and out the front door where he was greeted by a golden Fenrir. Breathing deeply Harry's eyes returned to normal though the perfect emotionless mask remained on his face as he turned eyes meeting twinkling blue. » § « Twinkling blue eyes looked over the three boys currently sat before him, two of which had just been brought up from the Hospital wing being treated for shattered shoulders, cracked ribs and a broken arm in Fred's case. What he had witnessed down in the great hall had been beyond even his comprehension. When the wolf had been locked inside he had instantly become aware of the three boys standing at the Gryffindor table. Knowing that his fellow professors would have the unknown animagus covered he had focused on them; Harry had his back him so he was unable to see him but he had seen Neville and Fred, both had brilliant glowing blue and violet eyes. None of them had spoken but they seemed to be communicating as both Neville and Fred had nodded to Harry before sharing a look and taking off at a dead sprint towards the door. The speed in which they ran was inhuman; there were no spells out there that could have increased their speed to that extent. He honestly nearly had a heart attack when he watched the stone under them shatter when they both launched at the doors and then watching doors he knew for a fact could take the full brunt of a troll and remain untouched, sheer completely off their hinges and splinter heavily when the two boys slammed into them. Harry had been curious during all this; keeping his back to him the young boy had walked up with a confident stride as if the entire adult population didn't have their wands pointed at the wolf. Walking up he had grabbed the wolf and drug it out before yelling at it to go. When Dumbledore had approached them to make sure they were alright he was startled to see Molly's words were true. Harry had met his eyes, his face and eyes perfectly devoid of any and all emotion. Now the three boys sat before him were sitting silently all exhibiting the same personality traits they were rumored to. It had hit suddenly and it was startling to see it take form; Harry who had been shifting almost nervously in his seat had suddenly stilled his pose going completely relaxed. His back had straightened and he gracefully crossed one leg over the other at the knee his arms coming to cross loosely across his chest, his face blanking of all emotion. On top of it all his eyes hard started to glow green, though it was not nearly as bright as Fred and Neville's had been at the hall. It seemed like when Harry's stance changed the other two followed shortly after. Neville who had been shifting very nervously in his seat had gone suddenly still and sat up straight in his chair his eyes confidently meeting the four adults in the room though he had remained silent. Fred had gone from looking bored to suddenly shifting as if antsy, his fingers tapping out a beat like he had to move something. "Man!" Speak of the devil; standing up Fred moved back behind the chairs that they were sitting in and started to pace his arms thrown back behind his head. Neville opened his eyes and slid a glance at Harry a soft almost parental smile on his lips. Harry in turn raised a single black brow the very slight tilting of his lips before looking back to where Fred was still pacing. "Just like a puppy." He said softly causing Neville to nodded and chuckle softly. "Hey not you too!" Fred said moving over pointing at Harry. A very soft chuckle left Harry as he gave Fred an endearing look. "Fred sit down." Neville said not looking to him; Fred gave an exasperated sigh "Whatever..." He sat back heavily in his chair slumping down some. Albus turned slightly to regard his two head of house judging their reaction; Severus and Minerva were both watching the two with varying emotions. Severus was perfectly blank having slipped into spy mode; that was the reason he was called up here, his talents for reading people were well rounded from years of playing a double spy. Minerva was up here due to these were her boys and she needed to see the changes for herself. Hearing a throat clearing Albus returned his attention to the fourth occupant in the room; he honestly was not pleased to have this specific teacher in their presence. Dolores Umbridge was the Ministers right hand and had weaseled her way in as DADA professor due to Ministry order; this was going to prove to be most troublesome. She had invited herself up to this meeting insisting that the aiding of the escape of an unregistered animagus was a ministry matter. "Professor, I believe we have waited long enough." She said giving the three boys a forced sickly sweet smile. "Now boys, would you be so kind as to tell us who that animagus was. I promise no harm will come to them if you reveal who they are." Neville and Fred both shared a look; honestly they had no idea who that wolf had been, something deep inside them had reacted to the energy and body movements of Harry. It was as if deep in their subconscious they had understood every word being silently communicated from the silent golden boy. Sensing something the two glanced over to Harry seeing him watching them from the corner of steadily brighter glowing eyes. Those eyes shifted instantly both boys knew what it meant. 'Do no talk' nodding just slightly the two returned to their original positions both keeping completely silent. Umbridge's smile faltered seeing the three boys were not speaking at all. "Come boys, is your Hogwarts schooling worth this?" Dumbledore frowned and cleared his throat, only he was allowed to dictate who was expelled from his school. He opened his mouth to remind the Professor what her station was but Harry beat him to it. "Forgive me Professor; I do not find how you have come to the conclusion that the wolf was an animagus. You did not have the time to cast the necessary spells that is required to test if a person is indeed an animagus. For all you know it could have been a wolf from the Forbidden Forest that had wandered in at the smell of food, or a pet of one of the new students that did not read over the pet rules. He was discovered under the Hufflepuff table which received the most amounts of new students today and he exited the table between two of the newly sorted." Albus felt his brain whirling as he regarded the young boy before him; Umbridge was beside him sputtering unable to come up with a rebuttal against that. Honestly Albus couldn't have come up with a response to that either; Harry had covered almost every hole...Almost. "Why did you three assist this wolf if it was not an animagus?" He asked blue eyes twinkling like hell behind his half moon spectacles. He didn't know why he was anxious to hear the answer to this, it was rare to speak with someone this analytical. "The wolf was frightened and had been backed into a corner, would a animagus not have tried to slip away or transform to protect themselves? This wolf had exhibited the standard signs of a wild beast that had been cornered. A wolf of that size pinned as it was was a very great risk to the students in the hall if it decided to attack. It was prudent that it be given an escape route to protect the students, which was the most honorable method." Surprisingly it was Neville who spoke up, brightly glowing dark blue eyes meeting each and every professor's gaze before returning to meeting Dumbledore's. Albus was absolutely thrilled, another hole had been expertly covered there was only one left. "Tell me boys, what spell was used to increase your strength in such a way?" This time it was Fred who spoke up; he was bouncing in his seat a brilliant grin on his face. "No spell professor, simple physics.. That door has been loose on its hinges since last year. It simply came down to knowing where to hit the door to knock it loose the rest of the way. Since it was the top most hinge it was easy to dictate where to hit to use the weight of the door against itself to pull it the rest of the way free; the weight is also what carried it away from the door frame across the entrance hall." Fred turned smiling brightly to Neville almost as if expecting praise. Neville gave a small smile and nodded before turning back to the professors. Honestly the three prominent Professors were absolutely floored; if this were Hermione Granger they could have expected that type of response, but from these three… "They are lying." Albus turned to where Umbridge was standing that sickly sweet smile on her face though her eyes were burning with anger. » § « "Hey…Partner…This thing it got any bite to it?" "Hogwarts technology at its finest." "Ohhhhhhh so you made it." "If nothing else its...flashy." "Ohhh good..." "You'll love it...I know." "Looks like today we're turning in early." » § « A massive explosion rocked the castle sending paintings crashing from their hooks to the floor. The shock-wave could be felt clear up to the Headmasters office where the alarms were screeching, the shakes rattling the many trinkets that littered the room. » § « Albus stood up quickly his wand already drawn. "You three go back to your common room; Minerva, Severus, Delores." The three professors did not argue as they all rushed from the room wands all drawn. Shrugging Fred stood up and started to head down; he wasn't going to complain that damn Umbridge was giving him a very bad feeling. She had been looking at them like a wolf does its prey seconds before striking the killing blow. The three boys walked out into the hallway and smirked seeing two figures resting against the wall opposite them. "George, Dean.." George pushed himself off the wall, that 'I just did something bad and got away with it' smirk firmly in place. Laughing his twin rushed over and clapped him on the shoulder, "You'll have to tell us what you two did...We felt it all the way up here." "Oh I know yo, we were waiting for you down the hallway. You can thank Dean here...He's the one that made it." "Good work you two, your timing was perfect." Harry said giving them a small grin his eyes returning to normal once more. "Of course yo!" Laughing the group of five all headed back towards the Gryffindor common room. » § « Slipping out the front doors Blaise smiled despite himself; he should have known those two would naturally migrate to each other to cause havoc and leave it to Reno to find someone to blow something up. He knew those two would not be caught, they were too good as their jobs to ever be caught by the likes of these imbeciles. While Dumbledore was very observant he was way out of his league with what was unraveling in his own school. For now the teachers had control over the awakening Turks and SOLDIER; that would not last once Rufus and Sephiroth fully awoke. SOLDIER would only listen to Sephiroth since Lazard had not been reborn; his Turks would only respond to Rufus and himself. Dumbledore would quickly lose his greatest pawns in this war against the foul creature known only as Voldemort. Oh yes he knew this was all a giant game that they were being used as pawn pieces for; he was not Director of the Turks because he was a pretty face to show off to the board members. Sephiroth would not react well when he discovered that he was once more being used as a pawn for a powerful man's living chess game. Reaching the Forbidden Forest Blaise slipped in among the trees his body melding with the deep shadows cast from the new moon; bright steel eyes sweeping the forest for any sign of movement. He was not worried about Valentine finding him, the man was a Turk. Well...A very out of shape Turk, he would need to also retrain Vincent. It would seem whatever had been his current job had deadened some of his natural Turk instincts. Hearing nearly silent footsteps through the forest, wrapping his fingers around his wand he slowly turned steel black eyes falling on the massive form of a golden wolf...No not a wolf a Fenrir. He couldn't stop the giant smile that crossed his face, but fought back the pressure building behind his eyes. "I should have seen this coming, you were obsessed with the creature." With a soft pop he found himself having to tilt his head back slightly to look up into the beautiful blue eyes of his beloved. "Tseng…" Not waiting for a response Cloud grabbed hold of the young boy pulling him into a bone crushing hug kissing him desperately. The young body reacting in kind wrapping arms around him returning the kiss just as desperately. Thousands of years of grief slammed into him all at once; to this day he blamed himself for Tseng's death. He should have been home, should not have taken that mission to the mainland with Vincent; they knew the Turks were being hunted...Reno and Tseng were the only Turks still alive by that point. Cissnei, Elena, Rude and Rufus had all been brutally murdered in cold blood. Shivering hard Cloud broke the kiss simply clutching the man he loved to his chest. The sight of Tseng body laid out across their living room floor a single bullet to the chest being the fatal blow to this day still haunted his dreams. The house had been destroyed and three men lay dead around the house showing Tseng had not gone down without a fight. Too many people he loved had fallen because he was not able to protect them. "Cloud...The whole point is not to send me back to the Life-Stream." Tseng's voice was strained as he was having difficulty breathing, Cloud's SOLDIER strength crushing his chest. Flushing slightly Cloud loosened his hold but did not release the boy. "You're short you know that." Tseng snorted at that shaking his head slightly; leave it up to Cloud to say something like that. Pulling back slightly Tseng ran his fingers gently through the soft spiky hair; "Enjoy it while you can, I'll be back to my full height soon." "How long have you been awake?" Cloud asked his eyes taking in the new form of his beloved; he was darker than before though it looks like patches of skin were turning lighter slowly returning him to his natural ivory tone. His eyes were wider showing western heritage instead of his past Wutai blood line; his face was slightly different not quite as sharp as before. His hair was much shorter, just long enough to be pulled back into his normal ponytail. He felt skinnier, most of his muscles built up from years as a Turk were not there, but that would return as the Makoro in his body started to work once more. "About two month now, around the end of June I started getting flashes of my old life in dreams. As July passed they started to become more frequent, so I locked myself in my bedroom and spent most the day trying to force those memories back up to figure them out." Cloud couldn't help but smile; that was something his beloved Turk would have done, he hated mysteries and would spend days trying to unravel them. "It wasn't until I heard someone in my memories say my name that everything came crashing back; I still have a lot of holes from before I became Commander of the Turks, everything though from that point on is crystal clear." Sighing softly Tseng looked back towards the castle; he did not want to go back; not now that he had those strong arms wrapped around him once more. "I don't have a lot of time...Reno and Rude decided to have some fun right before I slipped out of the castle. The teachers will be swarming the halls looking for students that are out of the common rooms." Cloud's arms tightened around him; he did not want to let his Turk go, not now that he finally had him once more. "Do you have to?" He knew he did but he wanted to stall as long as possible. "Trust me; I don't want to go back as much as you do. I would not be as inclined to be worried about breaking curfew but, there is a new Professor here, a Ministry official that can ruin things for us. It's best to stay on as low a profile as possible until the rest awaken." That was going to be easier said than done. His Turks would naturally start falling back into their rolls much as he had; the attention seeking SOLDIERs, well...That was a completely different story as tonight proved. "Don't worry, you know where I am; I know you won't allow anything to happen." Reaching up he ran his fingers along the soft skin of Cloud's cheek. He missed him so much; it was surprising that either of them had even looked at each other. He would never regret allowing himself to get close to the blond; it had started out as simply speaking to each other from across the bar when he and his Turks would come to 7th Heaven. Slowly they had discovered they had quite a bit in common and a friendship had built upon it. Their relationship had jumped to the next level on a long mission for Rufus to handle a rebel group that was rising up trying to destroy the slowly rebuilding ShinRa. He would never regret taking the passionate blond to his bed that lonely night. Turning his head into the hand Cloud nodded slowly releasing the boy. Stepping back Tseng took a deep breath; he knew if stayed there any longer he would not be able to leave. Reaching into his robe pocket he pulled out a thick bundle of parchment and held it out. "These are for Valentine; the names of all those that have been reincarnated, their current names, house, ages, family, and associates. I'll have the class list tomorrow when I receive my own; Slytherin and Gryffindor tend to share classes...I swear that crack pot fool that runs this place has a sick sense of humor worse than ShinRa." Smiling despite the fact he was going to losing his beloved for the night Cloud looked down at the extensive list. "Can take the man from the Turks, but never take the Turk from the man." Smirking Tseng cocked his hip slightly setting his hand on his hip. "I'm not Director simply for my good looks." Sighing softly Tseng moved back up to Cloud wrapping his arms around him tightly kissing him deeply trying to pour all the emotions he was feeling into that one kiss. Cloud responded deepening the kiss even more his arms wrapping around the now smaller man. Breaking the kiss the two pulled away, "I'll see you later, I'm going to try and keep those boys in line..." Smirking Tseng held up the chain that held his wedding band on it. Cloud's eyes went wide as he checked his neck and chest; sure enough that sneak of a Turk had stolen the ring from his neck. "I believe this is mine." Tseng said softly an evil glint coloring his eyes a more steel grey. Slipping it around his neck he tucked it under his shirt, "Until I regain my former size and can wear it properly. Oh and Cloud..." Tseng stopped at the tree line turning back just slightly that evil glint sending a shiver down Cloud's spine. "Something to help you sleep…This body is untouched..." Smirking darkly as he saw those beautiful blue eyes darken in lust he turned heading back towards the castle. » § « Stepping in through the portrait hole the small group was all chatting excitedly. Fred and George were prattling on about their new joke inventions; many from what George was saying was used in their little diversion explosion. Dean had been the master mind behind the devices; they would leave no magickal signature behind as the detonation mechanism was muggle made and the spells used were invented by the twins themselves and so were completely unknown to anyone in the world. "Think we might have over done it with the actual C-4 yo." George said stepping in first. "You actually used plastic explosives..." Harry said dryly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at George. For some reason hearing not only he had some managed to get his hands on plastic explosives but felt the need to use them was not surprising. It didn't seem to be surprising to the others of the group as Fred actually laughed and Neville simply rolled his eyes. "Harry?" Looking up Harry smiled faintly seeing Ron and Hermione were both still up waiting for them, as was almost everyone else from the dormitory. 'Oh great...Here came another interrogation.' Harry thought to himself bitterly. Blinking Harry shook himself mentally, when the hell had his thoughts gotten so dark? The more this summer was progressing the more he found himself becoming irritated with those around him; Ron and Hermione especially. Ron's almost constant jealousy and needing to prove himself was hitting a nerve deep within him; and it wasn't just an irritation nerve. There was something more that came with it, the feeling of ultimate betrayal and heart ache. Hermione's constant show of her superior intelligence and bossiness and Mother Chobocoing was grating on his nerves. 'Wait...What the fuck is a Chocobo?' Ron and Hermione quickly moved up to the group; Ron was looking at his brother with something between awe and jealousy. "How the bloody hell did you two do that?" He asked looking between Neville and Fred. Rubbing the back of his head Fred gave his little brother a sheepish smile. "No idea to be honest, I don't even remember hitting the door." He shrugged and started to do squats where he stood needing to burn off some energy. Not willing to deal with playing twenty questions at the moment Harry broke away from the group heading for the boys dormitory stairs. "Harry?" Stopping on the bottom step Harry resisted the urge to growl; instead he pushed the emotion back behind the newly discovered wall and turned face perfectly emotionless. Hermione stood looking at him with a worried expression on her face. "Harry, will you please talk to us...What is going on? You are changing into someone we don't know anymore." Harry simply shrugged turning his eyes away; he knew he was changing but something about the changes felt right, like this was who he was really supposed to be. The small group below still talking about the 'prank' George and Dean had pulled off seemed to have no problem with his new attitude. "It's better this way Hermione, it lowers the risk of any of you getting hurt now that Voldemort is back." He didn't give a rats ass to what the hell the Ministry said about him or Voldemort; he knew that the man was back and that was all that matter. If he had to take the man on completely by himself he would. "Harry please..." This time he did sigh and turned leveling her with the iciest glare he ever did, brilliant glowing feline-like slitted eyes locking with Hermione's. Gasping Hermione stepped back some feeling tears building in her eyes; those eyes scared her...They were so cold. Turning away Harry moved up towards his room, he didn't know why he was trying so hard to push Ron and Hermione away. Something deep inside of him was telling him it was the only way to keep them safe. » § « To say that Harry was in a bad mood the next morning would have been an understatement. Last night had been the worst he had ever experienced. Just like every night since July his nights had been plagued with dreams of people he did not know; of events and places that he had no clue if they ever existed. Normally these dreams were always the same; happy visions that would turn to horror that would leave him in a cold sweat. Last night though...There had been no happy dreams. Harry shuddered violently willing his stomach to remain where it was now that he was no longer trying to bring it up. Green...Horrible burning green. The feeling of blades ripping through his skin laying him bare and open; a cold metal table under his back, metal restraints locking his wrist and ankles in place. Needles being pushed under his skin injecting a substance that felt like his veins were burning. A high oily laugh always broke through the green haze; a voice equally as oily would be speaking to him. "Don't worry…..Oth, you are special. You will become a living god!" Sitting at the back desk of Defense against the dark arts Harry frowned at the horrible book in front of him. 'Oth' that had been the last part of the name he knew everyone in the dream kept saying; what was the rest of it! No name came to him that ended in Oth, well Hoth maybe but that was something out of Star Wars. Seeing something set down in front of him Harry blinked to see a can of...Was that a muggle energy drink. Blinking as something familiar clicking in him he quickly looked up seeing Blaise moving to where Malfoy was sitting across the room from him. Looking at the can he found a small post it note stuck to the can. You look like you had a rough night...This will help. T. Blinking rapidly Harry looked back to Blaise, it was his hand writing but why was it signed T? Shrugging Harry didn't even think that it was given to him by a Slytherin. Popping the can Harry dipped his head back allowing the light green liquid to slide over his tongue. Almost instantly he melted back into his chair and threw his head back all the way chugging the liquid crack. He had never had energy drinks before but something about them was so familiar. Finishing off the can he instantly started looking for a second one; there was always a second one. Seeing one floating from across the room it took all his self control not to leap across the desk and grab it. Grabbing the heavenly can full of liquid crack he smiled leaning back in his chair chugging this one as well. He completely ignored Ron and Hermione as they sat down beside him to busy savoring the flavor of this haven in a can. "Harry where did you get a muggle energy drink?" Hermione was watching him curiously seeing he was chugging the thing like a man dying of thirst. Not lowering the can Harry looked to her and shrugged before going back to concentrating on swallowing. "Harry! How can you just drink something you found..How do you know that someone didn't poison it or lace it with some potion." Harry once more shrugged crushing the now empty can effortlessly with on hand. "So far I feel fine; better than I did a few minutes ago actually." Moaning happily he stretched out folding his arms behind his head his eyes roving around the room. Parvati was playing around enchanting a piece of paper to take the shape of a bird and soar around the room. Laughing lightly he watched as students tried to swat at it or in Goyle's case throw another piece of paper at if from behind him. He was grateful that no one had approached him about what the Daily Prophet had been saying about them. He had seen them last night out on the tables around the common room but people had been more interested in the feat of strength Fred and Neville had shown in the great hall. Today people had been avoiding him because of the dark aura he was giving off; hopefully people would keep away from him the rest of the day. He honestly didn't know what he would do if they approached him right now about that lying piece of shit. Watching the paper bird soaring over towards the front of the class he frowned seeing the bird burst into flames. Hearing soft giggling behind the whole class turned as almost one seeing that horrible ministry official in pepto pink lowering her wand, that Gaea awful smile splitting her ugly face. "Good morning children." She purred and started to walk forward her wand pointed at the chalk board at the front of the classroom. "Ordinary Wizarding Levels examination, O...W...Ls...Commonly known as OWLs." Harry flinched with every sound of her voice; the high pitched squeak that accompanied it left his for some reason over sensitive eardrums ringing afterwords. He was happy to see he wasn't the only one. Neville looked like he was in pain and Dean which surprisingly was wearing dark sunglasses inside was frowning slightly. In front of him he could see Malfoy leaning over to Blaise rubbing his ears. Blaise looked like he was ready to strangle the fat toad at the front of the classroom. Seeing a book float onto his desk Harry looked down at it and honestly felt his brain cells screaming in protest. This defense book was for children! And not their type children, he meant like five year old children. Glaring at the book he resisted the urge to hit it with Fira; that would bring him some enjoyment to watch this horrid book burn. "You will be following a carefully structured Ministry approved Defensive Magick." Hermione flipping through the book confused raised her hand. "Yes?" Lowering her hand Hermione looked up from the book still completely confused. "There is nothing in here about using Defensive spells." The horrid woman actually laughed at that giving Hermione an endearing look; as if she were looking at a stupid ignorant child. This started to set Harry's nerves a flame, he despised people talking down to someone else. "Using spells? My dear I don't know why you would need to use spells in my class." "We won't be using magick?" Harry resisted the urge to rolls his eyes at Ron, really sometimes the boy was just daft. "You will be learning the theory of Defensive Magick in a safe secure environment." Umbridge gave them all that false sickeningly sweet smile of hers. Oh he couldn't just sit by and say nothing this was just fucking retarded. "What use is that? Theory does not teach what is needed in a situation where the use of force is required." Umbridge actually turned her back to him. "Students will raise their hands if they wish to speak in my class." Her voice was clipped, thankfully loosing it's sickly sweet tone that was grating on his ears. Green eyes started to glow pupils starting to slit as Harry's face blanked of all emotion once more. Ron noticed this and nudged Hermione, both of them now watching him curiously. There was a small tic in Harry's jaw showing he was clenching it though that was the only outward sign of his growing irritation. "It is the view of the Ministry, that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get your through your examinations! Which after all is what is school is all about." Oh this was painful, his poor brain cells were screaming in agony to how shitty that explanation was. His eyes seemed to glow with an unnatural light, bright enough he was forced to take his glasses off as the glow reflected back. he noted as he glared at Umbridge that she was crystal clear; almost to inhuman sharp clarity. The next words he spoke felt like they were coming from someone else; in a voice deeper than his own. "Theory is what you teach children that are too young to perform the necessary spells; to revert back to that method with young adults that have already mastered the basic theory is simply holding them back and putting them in danger for when they enter into the outside world. Out there, people will not think twice about if the person they are facing off against only knows the theory. No if they discover that they will use it against them as it is a weakness. Your precious Ministry's logic is as flawed as your teaching plan." Harry was actually glaring darkly at Umbridge now, the words simply flowing from him. "A composer does not study his field and compose a symphony the first time he picks up a pen. A Cadet does not study the art of war and become a SOLDIER 1st class the first time they pick up a sword…" He froze blinking as he realized the last part he just said. Everyone was now staring at him as if he truly was insane; everyone except Blaise, Neville, Dean and surprisingly Malfoy. "Harry is right, to send a student out with only basic knowledge when you have the power to teach them what they need to defend themselves. You are setting my fellow students up for disaster and that is dishonorable." Neville shook his head, he agreed completely with Harry on this. Umbridge seemed unsure of what to say, though that was quickly covered up by one of her horrendous smiles. "My dear..." She was looking at Harry with this look of pure loathing. "Whoever would wish to harm children such as yourself." "Really?" Harry asked looking at her like she was the stupidest creature on the planet; honestly he was starting to suspect she was. "Child rapist." Dean said crossing his arms over his chest. "Murders." Neville piped up leaning back in his chair. "Child slave runners." Blaise threw in next. "Voldemort." Harry threw in last. He looked around as the class fell silent; of course, they would ignore the rest but focus in on the Voldemort thing. There was actually a tic in Umbridge's jaw as she seemed to stutter for words before finally stepping forward her jaw seeming to have regained the ability to move 'Shame...Maybe if I make her angry enough she's clench it hard enough it will crack.' Harry couldn't help the almost sadistic smile that crossed his face, the green eyes starting to shine with a very faint hint of silver. "You have been told that a certain Dark Wizard is one more at large. That...IS...A...LIE!" Oh now she was calling him a liar, clenching his jaw Harry resisted the urge to...Why did he feel the urge to summon something to run the bitch through and end her incessant nonsense. Ron was watching Harry carefully, a deep frown crossing his features as Harry blurted out it wasn't a lie. As he did his eyes glowed brighter and what appeared to be several strands of silver appeared in his hair. "DETENTION Mr. POTTER!" Oh that was the last straw, Harry stood up eyes blazing with an ice cold fury that would have Voldemort scurrying for the nearest door. "Then Cedric simply up and died of his own accord!" "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." "It was murder!" "ENOUGH!" That last bit was screamed in such a high pitched voice it sent Harry crashing back to his seat clutching his ears as all he could hear now was painful ringing. Several others in the room were also clutching their ears biting back tears of pain. After she seemed to calm down she returned the mask for fake sweet to her face. "See me later..." » § « The rest of the day was hell on earth, Harry's eyes had not returned to normal the brilliant green glow as prominent as it was in DADA; silver ring on the far outside of the eye while the pupils remained feline-like. He had tried wearing his glasses once more but found he could no longer see out of them. Ron had kept watching his friend closely; so far no other changes that he could see. Though it was only minor it was strange to see single strands of Harry's hair had turned shocking bright silver. They were very few and were almost invisible among the wild hair but for him it had been as clear as day as he saw them turn silver. Reaching Umbridge's office Harry slowly pushed the door open; he wasn't going to grace her with the common courtesy of knocking. His face was a perfect emotionless mask as he walked into the horrible pink room. It had looked so much better when Remus was here...This was just disgusting. He tried desperately to keep from flinching at the annoying sound of all those damn moving kittens in the plates that lined the wall of the office. "Ah Mr. Potter, please…Have a seat." Umbridge motioned towards a table where a piece of parchment was already sitting a top the white lace. Moving over to the chair Harry sat down and reached into his bag to pull out a quill, it was pretty damn obvious he was going to be writing lines. "No Mr. Potter, you'll be using a very special quill of mine." With deliberate slowness as if she was delivering the most precious of torture devices to her unsuspecting prey she laid it down across the parchment. Instantly Harry could feel the dark magick pouring off in waves; narrowing his eyes he looked over the feather. So this was how she was going to play... "You didn't give me any ink." Let's see if she would give something away. Watching her he saw a sick sadistic smile that was frightening familiar she turned back to him. "You won't need ink dear." That didn't bode well, picking up the quill he felt the dark magick responding to something deep in him. "What am I supposed to write?" "I must not tell lies." Oh that was pathetic…Okay he would play along for now. "How many?" "Oh as many as it takes to sink in." She giggled and moved away keeping her back to him. Frowning Harry slanted glowing eyes down to the paper setting the pen on the paper he wrote out the first line. Pain raced across the back of his right hand (he had for some reason started writing left handed over the summer) looking down a small sadistic smile crossed his face seeing the words being carved into the back of his non writing hand. Almost instantly the wound healed over not even leaving a red mark. Turning back to the paper that sadistic smile only grew watching brilliant red blood with a glowing green hue began to eat through the paper and the table below it. So this was designed to torture the writer by carving what they wrote into the back of their hand...No doubt it was designed to heal but the heal would lessen with each time the line was written. Smirking he saw that Umbridge was still looking absolutely smug with her back to him. Looking to the quill Harry saw that the tip was starting to eat away just as the paper had. Oh wouldn't that just piss her off...Figuring the slight sting was well worth seeing her face Harry quickly scribbled out the next few lines watching in satisfaction as the wound on his hand healed as if it was never there not even leaving the skin red. The paper was melting as the blood ate away through the table leaving 'I must not tell lies' embedded in her table. "Um...Professor..." Looking up from where she was reading a book he watched with sick satisfaction as her eyes went huge seeing Harry holding up a quill that the whole bottom half had eroded away. Standing up quickly she moved over and grabbed Harry's right hand seeing he was holding the quill in his left hand. The back of his right hand was perfectly flawless not even a single ounce of red marred his hand. Looking down to the paper her eyes flew open seeing the words had eaten through the paper and her table. Pulling his hand away Harry stood up but stooped down in front of her so they were eye to eye. For the first time she noticed that his eyes were feline-like. Smiling darkly Harry leaned in close a voice not his own speaking once more. "This little pathetic attempt of punishment has done nothing but garner me great amusement...Until you reach the level of the sadistic pleasure of Hojo." He flicked the quill into her face. "These little punishments will do nothing more than waste your time and mine...You Professor...Have met your better..." His eyes flashed with a challenging light. "Bring it...On..." Standing up he turned and swept from the room shutting the door behind him. Smiling sadistically he started to laugh...A deep haunting insane laugh. He couldn't help it...This was to good and way to funny...That and it would creep her the fuck out!