Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Psych Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Drink The Skele-Gro ❯ 25. Trouble Lurking ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This whole detention arc should have no more than five more chapters in it. I don't know about you, but I'm just excited that this story has some sort of plot at the moment.
Honestly, Filch should have known that putting Shawn in detention with Fred and George Weasley, as well as Lee Jordan, was a profoundly stupid idea. Lee and Shawn were bad enough by themselves (Fred and George were always together). Sticking the four troublemakers in the same room allowed them to create a sort of synergy. It was only experience that made the caretaker confiscate their wands for the evening, setting them in plain view on the desk before him as he watched the students labor with their tasks. Still upset that he was not given the go ahead to use his preferred methods, the squib forgot that there was a fifth troublemaker at that school. Unfortunately for him, mischief-makers stuck together, even if one was a poltergeist.