Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Immortal Raven ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own HP or SPN, wish I did though.
Chapter 3
Harry grinned as he pulled up in front of the old house; it was good to be home. It had been a while since he'd been back and though he kept in regular contact by phone it just wasn't the same. Bobby was just about the only friend he had anymore and he was fine with that. He tended to stay clear of other hunters, not wanting them to realise what he was. Of course that didn't mean he hadn't run into a few over the years. Thankfully only one had ever mistaken him as something to be hunted, having seen him heal in minutes from a Wendigo's attack. John Winchester had been one persistent hunter and he had been sad to hear of his death even if it meant he was safe.
Things had gotten weird lately and that was saying a lot coming from him. He'd run into more demons in the last six months than the entire time he'd been hunting and that could not be a good thing. And didn't help that Bobby had been cagey in his replies when he asked the older man for theories on what was happening. Bobby definitely knew something about what was going on and he was determined to get answers.
The unfamiliar black Impala parked out the front didn't give him pause, he knew of only two other people who came to Bobby regularly, John Winchester's sons. He'd never met them but he'd heard enough to be wary of their skills. He turned the bike off and yanked his helmet over his head; he only wore the stupid thing so he wouldn't get pulled over, not like a crash would kill him. He grabbed his bag and headed for the porch only to pause as a tall dark haired young man opened it, a gun held unobtrusively down at his side. Now that he was paying attention he could feel a sort of tension in the air and the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. Something was wrong.
“Bobby in?” He called calmly, making sure his hands were in sight.
“Who wants to know?” Was the answering question thrown his way.
“Harrison Grim. And you are? Though from the car I can narrow that down.” Wrong thing to say as the gun came up.
“Take it easy. If you're who I think you are, I met your Dad once in Colorado while working.” Harry hinted, just in case he was wrong. The gun lowered slightly.
“You're a hunter?”
“Yep. And you're one of John Winchester's sons.” Harry responded, getting a nod.
“I'm Sam.” The other hunter answered, letting Harry onto the porch and then into the house. Harry blinked at the change of lighting and then stared at the man who had nursed him back to health.
“You look worse than I did that day Bobby.” He teased and Bobby groaned.
“Shut it Grim.”
“Bad hunt?” Harry dropped his bag by the door.
“You know the drill kid.” Bobby nodded towards the devils trap and Harry sighed but walked through it making the other three men relax.
“Seems like you met Sam, the other one's Dean.”
“Figured that. Are you okay?” Harry pushed and Bobby rolled his eyes.
“Pushy Brit. I'll live.”
“Bobby?” Dean asked staring at Harry.
“Dean, Sam this is Harrison Grim. I knew his godfather way back and he sent Harry to me after some....trouble in England. Kids one of the fastest learners I've ever taught to hunt.”
“Awe, you do love me!” Harry teased with a wide grin.
“So what are you doing out this way?” Bobby asked and Harry shrugged.
“What, I'm suddenly not allowed to visit?” Harry threw himself down on the rug, sprawling comfortably on the worn material much to the Winchester's amusement.
“Been nearly six months since you last showed up.”
“You been out there lately? I've been up to my scar in possessions! It's like the world's gone nuts. I've had five hauntings, nine demons and one black dog in the last three weeks Bobby. I'm dead on my feet.” He shot Bobby a glare as the hunter choked on a laugh, getting them confused glances from the uninformed.
“You hear about the Roadhouse?” Bobby asked and Harry frowned in thought.
“That the place that burnt down last year?”
“It was a hunter's bar.”
“You know I never go near those places Bobby.” Harry pointed out and his mentor nodded, he'd been the one to tell Harry to steer clear of them after all.
“Yeah well it was done by demons. Few days later they opened a Devil's Gate.”
“I'm guessing that's as bad as or worse than it sounds? That's the reason for all the demon activity?”
“Well doesn't that just suck. Suddenly going back to England sounds fun.” Harry drawled, accent thickening slightly only to wince as Bobby kicked him.
“Don't even joke about that brat. You're a pain in the neck but I like you being alive. Speaking of...any?”
“Nope. Not a sign, thankfully. Maybe they've finally given up.” Bobby just gave him an unbelieving stare and Harry shrugged. Bobby didn't need to know about the unmarked grave in Washington that was all that was left of the last wizard to track him down. His mentor slept better when he didn't know how many times Harry had been found and then had to deal with the finder.
“You said you met our Dad?” Sam asked, wanting to steer the conversation into areas he could follow. It was obvious Bobby cared about Harry but then why never mention him to them? Bobby stared at Sam and then cracked up.
“Oh they met all right.” He managed to get out through his laughter and Harry actually looked like he was sulking.
“Ended up hunting the same thing in Colorado only you boys know what your Dad was like. Imagine his reaction to Harry saving his ass and then walking off.”
“What? The wendigo was dead and I needed to patch myself up. He looked fine to me.” Harry grumbled.
“What happened?” Dean asked.
“Bloody prat pulled a gun on me, that's what! Started firing off all these questions and expecting me to answer them. Yeah right.” Both Winchester's winced at that, their Dad would not have taken that well.
“Then what?” Sam asked and harry grinned.
“You can park a bike deeper in the woods than a truck. I decided enough was enough and took off, could hear him swearing for miles! I know he tried to track me down a few times but I'm pretty good and staying hidden.” Harry shrugged again and Bobby grinned, that was an understatement.
“Despite that I was sad to hear of his death, he was a good hunter.” Dean tensed but there was genuine emotion in Harry's grey eyes, not the usual pity or weird hero worship. He relaxed and gave the younger looking a hunter a small nod.
“So, are you going to tell me why you three were so on edge when I showed up?” Harry asked Bobby as he helped the man clean up from dinner. You didn't need to be a medi-wizard to see the exhaustion and faint pain lines that graced the worn face.
“Sorry kid. It really was a bad hunt. There was this kid, he could get into people's dreams and manipulate them. I ended up in hospital unable to wake up.”
“Guess I'm glad I wasn't here for that.” Harry shivered slightly, despite the time that had passed Azkaban had left its mark on his dreams.
“Yeah.” Bobby answered softly. Harry frowned and went to his bag, digging around for his kit.
“Here.” He handed Bobby a small bottle.
“Dreamless sleep potion. There's two dosses in there, anymore and you risk addiction. Besides, it's actually bad to go without dreaming for too long.”
“Harry I can't take this.”
“Sure you can. You need the sleep Bobby and I can always brew more if I need it. I don't know what you saw but it must have been bad and I can help.” Harry shrugged and Bobby nodded.
“Alright. Thanks.” Bobby tucked the bottle into his pocket and went back to washing up.
“So what do you think of the boys?” he asked and Harry closed his eyes, going over everything again in his mind.
“Dean would literally do anything to protect Sam. Sam...I don't think he likes hunting as much as his brother but there's something keeping him in the life. There's....it's like a cloud of grief and fear hovering around them. And something else...something about Sam. He's not a wizard or anything but there's this sense of...suppressed power about him. Whatever it is makes my skin crawl. But Dean...death is hovering close by.” Harry opened his eyes to find Bobby staring at him sadly.
“Can you do that mind reading trick Sirius told me about?” Bobby asked and Harry nodded, unsure. Despite everything Bobby rarely asked about his powers.
“Then do it. I think you need to know what's going on and maybe you can help those boys.” Bobby told him and Harry nodded slowly.
“Look me in the eyes and think only of what you want me to know.” Harry instructed and their eyes met.