Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Supernatural Magic ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them.
Thanks for all the great reviews!! That was the first time I've ever done a chapter that sticks so much to the episode so glad you all that it was good.
Now how much of the truth will Evan reveal?
Chapter 6
Evan kept his back to them, his hands gripping the windowsill so tightly his knuckles were white. He was honestly scared about how they would take his revelation. Evan knew what Hunters thought of magic users, would they believe that he was different? That there was a whole world out there that they knew nothing of? He wanted them to accept him but he knew the odds of that were slim. He'd leave, change schools and never see them again but he would not fight them.
“I don't understand Evan. You say you can use magic but that you haven't made a deal for it?” Sam's voice held pain but also a pleading for Evan to explain. He sighed and turned to face the brothers, unsurprised that Dean had placed himself protectively in front of Sam.
“I guess I should tell you that my birth name isn't Evan Black, though I do have a legal claim to the Black name. I can't tell you my real name, it's too dangerous. Most of what you know about me is the truth, or as close as I can make it without making my true identity obvious to anyone knows about the war in England. Both sides still have their supporters and there are those on both sides who would either like me dead or `controlled'. The war was based on ideals. Riddle believed in pureblood supremacy, much like a magical Hitler really. Anyone who disagreed with him was fair game to his troops. I've been fighting against him since I was a child. I am the last of my family due to the war. The terrorist trouble in London was the war; it was just the government's way of keeping magic from the muggles.” Evan paused and the brother's exchanged looks.
“Muggles?” Sam asked for them both.
“Non-magical people. You both would be classed as muggles. I find it a rather derogative term, as if we're better just because we can use magic. Wizards and Witches have lived alongside normal people for centuries. Merlin was one of us. Magic can do just about anything you can imagine, it's incredible and scary. Children are identified by age eleven and then offered a spot in one of the many schools scattered across the world leaving magic untrained can be dangerous. I once apparated to get away from some school bullies and I'm lucky I arrived in one piece. I'm not making a lot of sense am I?” Evan looked down at the ground.
“Your magic is internal and can be used for pretty much anything. Merlin was like you. There are schools all over and children have to be trained or they can be dangerous. The terrorist attacks in London were actually the result of a magical war. Sound like what you were trying to tell us?” Dean asked and Evan looked up before nodding.
“I'd also say you were very important in that war if you know have to live under an assumed identity.”
“You could say that.”
“Have you ever...killed with magic?” Sam asked worriedly and Evan shook his head.
“I've done a lot of physical damage, even some permanent transfigurations but when it came to killing I used a knife or gun. There are three spells called the Unforgivables. One allows the caster to control the victim; another causes pain beyond belief and the third kills the target. They cannot be blocked and there is no counter curse. You can learn to resist the controlling one, I can. But the other two...there is only one person to ever survive the killing curse and that was only because his mother sacrificed herself for him, activating ancient blood protections so that the curse rebound when he was eventually hit with it. Killing with magic, it marks you soul even if you don't use one of those three to do it. I've seen what it does and I will never let that happen to me.” Evan knew he was rambling a lot but the brother's seemed able to follow so he didn't really care. Talking about himself in the third person always felt weird though.
“So couldn't you have used magic to heal me?” Dean asked and Evan smiled at him.
“If I could I would have done it at the hospital. One downside of being friends with non-magical people. Having to watch you suffer when hurt or sick. Most of the healing spells and potions rely on the patient having a magical core. I even looked into linking us so that my core could fuel the healing but there was no way to maintain the link long enough. Though didn't you notice the sudden lack of pain?” Evan grinned and Dean's eyes widened.
“That was you?” Dean was surprised but now that he knew it did make sense.
“Yeah. I couldn't heal you but I was not letting you die in pain.” Evan shrugged.
“Jess?” Sam asked softly and Evan took a step towards him but Dean was still in the way.
“I swear I tried Sam. But injuries caused by demons are very resistant to magic. If that had been done by a knife I could have saved her. The demon was not impressed when I magically threw it out the window though. I've gone up against demons before but never one that powerful; he was way more powerful than me even if I drained my core. I knew Jess was in trouble because of the wards on campus but I hadn't thought to leave myself a back door so I could apparated, instead I had to run to your apartment and it was too late.” Evan fought the tears for the loss of Jess, not realising that the sight of gathered tears actually helped Dean relax a little. Evil didn't generally cry over people dying. Dean moved so that he was no longer fully blocking Evan from Sam.
“So do you fit any of the stereotypes?” Dean asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere a little and Evan laughed.
“Well I can fly a broom, I used to use a wand all the time and I use a cauldron for potion making. What do you think?”
“You can fly? Cool.”
“Says the guy who's petrified of flying.” Sam grinned shakily at Dean who elbowed his brother.
“So...are you guys okay with this? I'll leave if you want me to and you'll never see me again.” Evan swallowed hard as he offered that. He didn't want to leave them.
“I guess a guy you can fight of Reaper's could be handy.” Dean shrugged and Evan felt a thrill of hope.
“You're our friend Evan, magic or not.” Sam told him earnestly and Evan grinned.
“You took that better than I thought you would.” Dean looked up at Sam as his brother spoke. Evan had left them the day before, needing to get back to his classes and they had wasted no time in putting Nebraska as far behind them as possibly. The trip had been silent except for Dean's music and this was the first chance Sam had gotten to talk to Dean about Evan.
“What do you mean?” Dean tried to act clueless but Sam glared at him.
“Yeah well, he hasn't done anything to hurt us. The opposite actually. I would have sworn that Reaper was going to kill him but he refused to let it get me. And if you check the crime statistics they all went down when he started at Stanford and again at John Hopkins, supernatural activity dropped to zero as well. I'm not saying I trust him fully, I mean we don't even know his real name. But I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Dean shrugged.
“Doesn't mean I won't be keeping an eye on him though.” Sam nodded, he'd expected no less but he was glad Dean was giving Evan a chance. He'd seen how the thought of Evan being something they hunted had shocked and hurt Dean and that was the last thing Sam wanted. He liked the fact that Dean was so open and close to one of his friends though Evan wasn't quite as normal as he'd once thought.
“How are you dealing with the whole magic thing?”
“Okay. I guess I always knew there was something different about Evan and looking back on it there were some odd things but I just didn't want to see. But I know he's my friend and that's what matters. Knowing what he tried to do to help Jess...it helps. He risked his life to try and save her, knowing he was facing a demon more powerful than he is and he still did it anyway. I'm glad he finally told us. Would you have really stopped him from leaving he refused to say anything?”
“Of course, though I get the feeling he could have gotten away easily. I think the only reason he didn't was he didn't want to lose you as a friend.” Dean answered and Sam shook his head.
“Us Dean. It's pretty obvious he considers you just as close a friend as me. He dropped everything once I told him what had happened and he even threatened Dad for not answering! Whether you believe it or not he cares for you.” Sam told his brother. He hated that Dean couldn't see that someone could like him just for being him and Sam knew part of it was his fault but the majority of the blame lay with their father.
It had been a few weeks since Evan had left the Winchester brother's and he had to admit he missed them, a lot. Sure he'd talked to both of them on the phone but it wasn't the same. He'd only seen them once briefly since Nebraska and that had been to do a thorough medical scan of Sam and to tell Dean that yes his brother was definitely what muggles called psychic. That had been a shock, especially since his gift was manifesting as visions and dreams of the future. Memories had flooded back at that but he'd shoved them aside. So far everything Sam had seen had apparently happened except for some where the boys had changed things. Sam was nothing like Trelawney thankfully and he didn't give prophecies. He'd seen the fear in Sam's eyes as he'd scanned him and had subtly skimmed his surface thoughts. His heart went out to Sam who was petrified that Dean would be afraid of him. Evan knew Dean would never abandon Sam, no matter how his powers developed and he'd tried to convey that to Sam but the other had been too scared to believe him fully.
He'd gone again to France to see Madam Pomphrey about the pain Sam's visions caused him and she had promised to see what she could come up with. It was nice that he had been able to show himself to the kindly nurse once she'd left England to work at a small hospital in France. She'd always done her best for him when he'd been under her care and it was good to have someone who had known him during the war that he could talk to.
Maybe he should leave school and ask to travel with the boys for a while? He would like to spend more time with them and surely having a wizard with them would be very helpful. Then again he'd probably take the fun out of hunting for Dean by making it way to easy. He'd seen the way Dean had reacted to hunting; the older Winchester lived for it and the lives he saved. Sam was a lot like he'd been after fifth year, fighting for revenge. It was a dangerous thing to do but he was hopeful that Dean and their father, if the man ever showed up, could keep Sam grounded.
Evan knew it would never happen though; he'd still kept too many things secret for them to ever allow him to travel with them. Maybe if he was ever able to tell them the whole truth about who he was then he could join them. A flare of hear made him look down to find that his half of the charm he'd given Sam was glowing. Sam at least was in mortal danger. He grabbed his bag and apparated instantly.
“Why didn't you just leave that stuff in the car?” Dean asked as they walked back into their room.
“I said it before, and I'll say it again—better safe than sorry.” Sam answered as Dean opened the door. They both stopped as they saw the outline of a figure standing near the window, too bulky to be Evan.
“Hey.” Dean called out as Sam turned the light on. Both brothers' froze as they looked at the familiar figure.
“Hey boys.” Dean and John hugged and then John looked at Sam.
“Hi Sam.” Sam dropped the weapons bag.
“Hey Dad.”
“Dad, it was a trap. I didn't know, I'm sorry.” Dean started to explain.
“It's all right. I thought it might've been.” John told his eldest son.
“Were you there?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, I got there just in time to see the girl take the swan dive. She was the bad guy, right?” John asked somewhat rhetorically, knowing his boys would not let that happen to anyone but the bad guy.
“Yes sir.” They answered in unison.
“Good. Well, it doesn't surprise me. It's tried to stop me before.” John told them.
“The demon has?” Sam asked, was their Dad that close?
“It knows I'm close. It knows I'm gonna kill it. Not just exorcise it or send it back to hell—actually kill it.” Sam and Dean's eyes went wide at that admittance.
“How?” Dean's question earnt him a smile.
“I'm workin' on that.” Was John's cryptic answer.
“Let us come with you. We'll help.” Sam offered, ignoring Dean's warning look.
“No, Sam. Not yet. Just try to understand. This demon is a scary son of a bitch. I don't want you caught in a crossfire. I don't want you hurt.” John told Sam as he moved closer to his youngest.
“Dad, you don't have to worry about us.” Sam argued and John smiled.
“Of course I do. I'm your father. Listen, Sammy, last time we were together, we had one hell of a fight.”
“Yes sir.” Sam agreed not sure where his Dad was going with that.
“It's good to see you again. It's been a long time.” John said and Sam relaxed.
“Too long.” Sam agreed and they hugged. Despite the fight they'd had Sam had really missed his Dad the last few years. When they pulled apart all three of them had tears in their eyes. Suddenly John and then Sam went flying across the room to slam into the first solid object in their paths.
“No!” Dean screamed only to go flying as well. All three screamed in pain as the attack continued. Sam managed to look down as a feeling of warmth spread over him. He could just make out the charm Evan had given him glowing against his skin. The attack stopped briefly as a loud crack reverberated through the room.
“Evan!” Sam managed to scream as the wizard appeared in the middle of the room.
“Sam!” A Daeva went for Evan who actually managed to dodge the attack.
“What are they?” Evan asked as he watched the room warily.
“Shadow demons.” Dean answered and Evan grinned.
“Then I guess I should provide a little illumination. Shut your eyes.” John hesitated but shut his eyes when his boys did; they obviously knew the man despite his appearing out of thin air. Evan raised his hand above his head and called his magic.
“Lumos Maxima!” He cried and a blinding light appeared above his hand. As soon as the light was stable he lowered his hand and moved to Dean's side as he was the closest.
“Dean come on.” He pulled Dean to his feet and gave him a shove in the direction of the door.
“Dad!” Dean called as he staggered blindly in the direction Evan had pushed him.
“Over here.” John called.
“I've got him, go Dean.” Evan called as he grabbed John's arm.
“Easy sir.” John tensed as the stranger pulled him up and then let him lean on him.
“Sam go, straight ahead, your bags in front of you.” Evan's eyes were shut just as tightly but he had the advantage of using his magic to navigate. They all stumbled out of the apartment and then downstairs to where the Impala was parked.
“All right, come on. We don't have much time. As soon as the light's out, they'll be back.” Sam urged but Evan shook his head.
“As long I'm connected to it that light won't go out on its own.” He told Sam.
“And who are you?” John asked, leaning against the car now instead of the stranger.
“Evan Black, Mister Winchester. I went to Stanford with Sam. I better patch you three up. Why is it every time I see you, I end up putting my classes to practical work?” Evan opened his bag and began pulling out bandages and a stitching kit.
“Not the best place to be doing this but it'll do. Who's the worst hurt?”
“Dad.” Dean answered so Evan went over to him and John backed off.
“Dad let him help. He's a medical student, near top of his class.” Evan shot Dean a look.
“Did you hack my grades?” Evan mock glared.
“Maybe.” Dean answered. Evan shook his head and put his things on the Impala's roof, not the best table but it would do.
“Look Mister Winchester I may not like you but I won't hurt you.” Evan told him as he got out the antiseptic.
“And why don't you like me?” John challenged.
“Let me think about it...oh yes now I remember. How about ignoring the calls saying your son was dying? Or not being there when Sam lost Jess or hey kicking Sam out in the first place? I'm sure I can come up with more if you'd really like me to.” Evan was none too gentle as he cleaned a shocked John's wounds. Sam muffled a laugh behind his hand. Seeing Evan going at their Dad like that was amusing, even Dean was smiling slightly.
“Dad it's okay, really. Evan's saved us a few times. He's been my friend since the first year of college.” Sam told his Dad, seeing he was still uncertain about letting Evan work on him.
“You have a lot of friends who appear out of thin air?”
“Just the one I know of unless...Becky?” Sam asked and Evan laughed.
“No, though she does know about me. She was the first friend I made after moving from England and I was still a bit of a mess from the war. Please hold still unless you want crooked stitches?” Evan ordered John who finally held still and let him work.
“Any idea who set those things on you?”
“Yeah, but she got dragged out a seventh story window so it couldn't have been her controlling them back there.”
“Hate to point it out but that wouldn't kill me so...”
“Great the bitch could still be around.” Dean growled, suddenly more alert as he scanned for danger.
“Other than a few people on the street I can't sense anyone. No one with any skill at magic either.” Evan fell silent as he finished up on John and then turned to the brother's.
“Who's next?”
“Sammy.” Dean answered instantly. Evan didn't bother to argue, he'd seen how protective Dean was of Sam and knew he wouldn't relax until the younger had been seen to.
“You're lucky, no stitches.” Evan told Sam as he cleaned the scratches and used butterfly bandages on them before moving on to Dean.
“So am I going to find out how he appeared and why falling seven stories wouldn't kill your friend?” John asked as Evan repacked his supplies. Evan raised an eyebrow and looked at Dean.
“He uses magic, but not like we've seen. He's not evil Dad. He saved me form a Reaper in Nebraska and he tried to save Jess form the demon.” Dean rushed to explain as John's hand went for a gun.
“You faced the demon?” John stared at the young man in shock. He looked to be Sammy's age with grey-blue eyes and brown hair. He was also shorter than John's boys, maybe 5'10” and was lithely built.
“More like magically shoved him out a window while he was distracted, grabbed Jess and ran. That thing would have killed me in an actual fight.” Evan admitted with a shrug.
“How did you get your power if Dean believes you're not evil?” John questioned tensely.
“I was born with it just like my whole family. Just because you're a Hunter doesn't mean you know everything that's out there and we prefer to remain hidden. Too many witch hunts over the millennia for most of my peoples comfort. That light spell may not take a lot to maintain but I have been up for the last three days working on assignment so I'd prefer to cut it soon.”
“Sure. Thanks for another save Evan.” Sam said, smiling at his friend. Evan grinned and pulled him into a brief hug before doing the same to Dean to the others amusement. Dean tried to glare but it didn't really work.
“Lets go.” Sam looked at his Dad hopefully but Dean shook his head.
“Wait, wait. Sam, wait. Dad, you can't come with us.” Dean said and Evan stepped away, knowing it was a family discussion.
“What? What are you talkin' about?” Sam looked at Dean, hurt and confused by his brothers reaction.
“Sam! Listen to me! We almost got Dad killed in there. Don't you understand? They're not gonna stop, they're gonna try again. They're gonna use us to get to him. I mean, Meg was right. Dad's vulnerable when he's with us. He's—he's stronger without us around.” Dean told his brother and Evan winced as he listened. It wasn't fair that the family had to stay apart to be safe but he could see Dean's point and apparently John could too.
“Dad, no. After everything, after all the time we spent lookin' for you—please. I gotta be a part of this fight.” Sam begged, a hand resting on his Dad's shoulder.
“Sammy, this fight is just starting. And we are all gonna have a part to play. For now, you've got to trust me, son. Okay, you've gotta let me go.” Sam stared at him with tears in his eyes before eventually patting his shoulder once and backing towards Dean. John stared at them for a bit and then turned and walked to his truck.
“Be careful boys. Thank you for the help Black.” Evan nodded as John got into his truck and drove away.
“Come on.” Dean gave Sam a gentle push towards the car.
“Want a lift anywhere Evan?” Dean offered.
“You mind? I'd like to get further away before ending the spell.” Evan said uncertainly and Dean nodded.
“Get in.”