Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ ~~Harry Potter Meets Vampire~~ ❯ (2) ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I walked into the Great Hall with my two guards lumbering at my sides. Shoving other students as we walked by. I saw at my seat I have come to know really well. Tonight the vampire was going to choose his two students. I didn’t really care who he was going to choose. As long as it wasn’t me. I had better things to do then become a feeding puppet for a vampire. I would like if Potter was chosen though. Then I wouldn’t need to deal with the prat. I ate in silence. Though, he who must not be named, has a lot of supporters that are vampires. I had heard from father that he who must not be named was creating a pact with the vampire leader, since their race was being hunted and killed at a phenomenal rate. Could it be that this vampire was also one in the pact?
Tch. Why did it matter to me anyways. As the food disappeared I looked up at the teachers. The vampire wasn’t among them. To be excepted. Vampires don’t eat food. We are their food. When all the food vanished Dumbledore stood addressing the students.

“As you all know. Today Professor Kiba will be choosing two students.” Everyone watched eagerly as the door on the side opened, showing a what seemed to be an annoyed vampire. He walked into the hall and up to Dumbledore. He seemed like he was holding back from killing anyone. Dumbledore looked across the large hall and then motioned for Professor Kiba to address the students.
Standing he moved too the middle of the table standing straight and looked forward. He spoke.

“When you are called please come and stand in front of me.” He said his gaze not swaying.
“My choice is based on what I know about you and who you are. Skills and abilities do not matter for I will properly train them to their best anyways.” He made his point very clear while taking a glance at someone I couldn’t see.
“Now since I don’t want to hold this out for longer then it has to be I’ll announce the two now. The two students I will teach is the very famous Harry Potter,” I looked quickly at Potter his face showed shock and disbelief. “And the Pureblood Draco Malfoy.” As I heard my name I could feel something clutch my heart twisting it painfully. I could feel the anger rushing to my head. Potter was walking slowly up to the front his eyes averted from everyone. I stood making a mental note to call father when I had the chance.

I heard Professor Kiba call my name. He was kidding right? I was staring up at him. He turned his head to look at me. His eyes piercing my walls easily. I had built up over the years to keep people out of my mind. Its as if he didn’t know they didn’t exist. For that second I could feel him inside my mind poking at my memories and feelings. I quickly stood averting my gaze from him. As soon as I looked away I felt him leave. I looked at Ron and Hermione. Ron’s face was in shock, and Hermione was staring at me with a sympathetic look. I gave them a quick smile before walked up towards the teachers. Who was the other student again? I couldn’t think after he had said my name. I looked at Professor Kiba again avoiding his eyes. He was looking at someone else. In the direction of the Slytherin table. I saw Malfoy walking up too the teacher as well. His eyes were fixed on Professor Kiba glaring with all his might. Does this mean Malfoy was the other student? I have to live with him for… for how long was this anyways? Dealing with Malfoy was enough on regular basis but having to share one teacher for the year?
‘This year better end quickly.’ The boy-who-lived thought to himself. He found himself already in front of the new teacher who was leering down on him. The vampire turned as soon as Malfoy was standing next to me. Walking out the door he had entered from. Not bothering to see if they were following.

“Students will continue classes like always. This set up has the approval of both of the students guardians. So please return to your dormitories now.” I watched as Dumbledore walked over too me and Malfoy signaling for us to follow.

Malfoy’s parents agreed on letting his kid be taught by a vampire? I can understand my case the Dursleys could care less on what happened to me. But for Malfoy it had to be a whole different case. He was from a family of Purebloods. Wouldn’t his parents want him to be taught by the top teachers in the whole world? Or something like that.’
My thoughts drifted as Dumbledore led us though winding halls of the school. We had walked up a lot of stairs when we finally stopped at a door that had carvings in the stone lining it. The carvings were of wolves and a moon was carved nicely at the very top. Dumbledore opened the door letting us go in first.

‘Why didn’t Professor Kiba bring us himself?’ I thought walking into a small hall. For a few steps was a hall and another door. Dumbledore pulled out his wand, pointing it at the doors handle.

“Lucifel.” The door clicked and opened showing a small living room. He walked in sitting us down on a black leather couch. That sat in front of a blazing fire.

“You’d best remember that name. It’s the password on getting in and out.” Pausing in front of us he let out a sigh.
“Professor Kiba will be with you in a second. He had to take care of some business first, before attending to you. I’ll check back tomorrow to see how you have settled in.” With that said he strolled out leaving us to fend for ourselves.

My blood lust was getting so bad. At dinner I had barely managed to keep myself in check. I could hear all of the their blood pounding through their veins. Tempting me. Testing me. I walked downstairs after I had heard Dumbledore leave. Yes, downstairs. The place we had been placed in was a large two story tower. There were I guessed about ten rooms in all. I hadn’t really gotten a chance too look at any of the other rooms except mine, the kitchen, living room, and the large bathroom. I hadn’t even bothered too look in the small library that was here. Nothing would be of use to me there.
I walked into the living room. I saw the two boys sitting at the leather couch. The living room was large enough to suit my tastes. It had blood red carpet that was oddly soft. Spreading until the fire place. Where a small block of black marble covered the open area of the fire place so the place wouldn’t burn down. The fire place was made of black marble too. Elegant, but too simple for me. The only thing that decorated it was a picture of a half moon that was carved into the middle top. On one side of the fire place was a small table with two chairs. Made of sandalwood. Most of the furnishings were made of sandalwood. Making the rooms smell beautiful.
I walk silently up behind the boys and blew softly on their necks. I saw the Goosebumps rise and the boys both jumped from where they sat.

“Jease you would think your parents would teach you more about teaching their children about not letting their guard down.” I said smirking at their surprised faces. The blond sent me a death glare. If looks could kill…
“Your going to teach me? You don’t look a day older then me, even if you are a vampire!” The blond shouted at me. I walked and sat at the black arm chair that was on the side of the fire place at stared at the boy.

“You should never judge a book by its cover.” I stated. I faced the other boy.
“If I’m right your Potter, Harry no?” I questioned while motioning for them to sit.
“Yes, I’m Harry Potter.” He said. Sitting back down as far as he could away from the other boy. I laughed in my mind and went to question the other.
“And then you must be Malfoy, Draco.” He glared at me a bit and responded.
“Yes I am. What’s with your way of saying our last name first?” I was taken aback by the question.
“Am I doing it again?” I sighed.
“I’m sorry, I had lived in Japan for a part of my life. They always say last names first. I apologize before hand. I have a lot of habits I have gained over the years. I have lived around the world and gained a lot of different traits. So if you don’t understand me please tell me. Or I wont know.” I explained to them.
“Now before anything else I need to feed.” I saw them both cringe.
“It wont really hurt. But for the first time it’ll be surprising and a bit painful. Nothing I’m sure you both cant handle.” I said smiling at them. I stood and walked in front of them.
“You know, I’ve never tasted a Pureblood before. My father said they were too good for my taste.” I made a face showing my disgust for my father. Lifting the chin of the Malfoy boy. I could feel his hate and fear rushing off of him in waves.
“Relax boy. It’ll be quick and painless. I promise. Plus I wont take much since its your first.” I reassured him. Some of the fear faded away but was still there.
“All you need to do is relax so you wont constrict the muscles. It’ll hurt more that way. Breath slowly.” I instructed him, slowly moving my head down towards his neck. I heard his breath hitch when I placed my fangs on his neck. My lust was getting stronger by the second. I could hear the pulse from everywhere beating in my ears.
‘Relax’ I sent when I bit into his neck. I drank the life force that kept me living. It was wonderful. Pleasure tingled throughout my body. I hadn’t had a drink since that time Dumbledore had found me. The boy’s blood was like candy. I drank until I forced myself to stop. I didn’t want the boy to collapse on his first. I licked the two holes I had made and watched them slowly close up.
The boy was tired now. His eye lids were falling. The only thing keeping him awake was his pride.

“Sleep.” I commanded. Almost at once his eyes closed and his breathing smoothed out.
“Is he going to be ok?” I turned to the Potter. He was staring intently at the Malfoy. More or so his neck.
“He’ll be fine. He just needs rest now. I didn’t take much.” I stared down at him eyeing his neck. My hunger couldn’t be satisfied by only one or two pints. For me I needed about only four or five a week. Any more then that would be simply for pleasure of drinking it. I took a step towards him now. Hearing my movement he tried to make himself smaller.

“It wont hurt. Plus I’m sure you heard Malfoy here moaning in pleasure. Vampires don’t just kill. The nicer ones will make sure your last moments are the most pleasurable of your life.” I smiled nicely at him. Hoping to gain his trust. It was true that vampires try to pleasure the human. At least the nice ones did.
I leaned down towards the boy bearing my fangs. He shifted and let me have more access his neck. I smiled and bit down. His blood filled my mouth. Filling me with the taste of what I loved most. Fear. I felt his emotions and thoughts as well. This was the first time he had ever met a vampire. He also thought that he liked my hair.
Well I liked my hair as well. It was long and black. It reached my lower back. Flowing down in streams. My whole being was perfect in my sense. I had muscle that could not be seen. I liked to surprise people with my strength. My face was beautiful like my mothers. But I had my fathers eyes. Piercing black eyes. Vampire eyes. My figure I had also gotten from my mother. It was slender but still held that invisible strength. My brothers always liked to tease my about it too. It always annoyed me to no end.
The boy fell asleep as soon as I took my fangs out. After licking his wound, I picked up the two boys and walked down the hall, up the stairs, down another hall, and too the side was a door. Opening it I walked in. I hadn’t gone in this room yet. It had a large poster bed in the middle with drapes. A sandalwood dresser. A picture of wild horses hung above the dresser. Another two doors and a balcony. I placed the two now sleeping boys onto the bed not bothering to change them or put them in separate rooms. I went back to my room. Falling on my bed. I fell asleep in seconds.

Someone was holding me… it was warm. I can feel their breath moving my hair. It’s a guy. I pushed with my arms trying to get away. Opening my eyes I saw… nothing really. My glasses were gone. I saw a blurry patch of blond, pale, and black and green.

‘Where am I again?’ I questioned to myself.
‘That’s right. Professor Kiba choose me and Malfoy to be his students… wait. Professor Kiba has black hair. If its not him that’s holding me. Then it has to be…’
“MALFOY!” I shouted. Struggling against his grasp even more. I saw his eyes slowly open and then widen as he saw what position they were in. He quickly let go back up.

“What are you doing Potter!?” He spat out. Glaring at me and wiping his hands on his robes.
“Nothing! I woke up with you holding me. You’re the one who wouldn’t let go!” We both blushed and tried to dismiss that fact. We silently agreed to not speak a word about this to anyone.
“Where is Professor Kiba?” I asked him looking around the room.
“How should I know. I just woke up too you know.” He scowled at me. I got off the bed and looked around. There were three doors. Walking to the first one I found a closet. It was filled with beautiful silk robes and dresses of every color.
‘I’ll come look at that later.’ I closed the door and went to the next. In this one was a large bath room. It had a large shower made of black stone. The floor was made of pure marble that was pitch black.
‘Defiantly coming back here.’ I thought and closed the door.
“Hurry up Potter.” I heard Malfoy tell me. He was at the last door walking out. I quickly ran over to him. For some reason I didn’t want to be left alone. We checked three of the other rooms in the hall. One was a hot spring(how they got that in here I’ll never know), another was a library, and the last was a spare room. The last room was at the end of the hall. We both walked over.

“Well, go in.” Malfoy told me.
“What? Why me?”
“You’re the one who wanted to find Professor Kiba in the first place. So you go in first.” I sighed opening the door. Only to find a small hall.
“What?” Malfoy pushed me aside and went though himself. I followed. He stopped at another door after a couple feet. Pushing it open. The room was dark. The only light that was in the room came from a small fire place that had nothing but embers left. Our eyes adjusted to the dark slowly. I could hear someone breathing and it wasn’t me or Malfoy. I walked into the room. There was a bed on the other far side of the room. I walked over. Not really thinking. I could hear Malfoy’s feet following me. This side of the room barely had any light at all. The breathing was coming from a person on the bed. The person had his legs hanging off of the bed. One hand rested on their stomach. It had to be Professor Kiba. I walked slowly over. Looked at the person. It was him! But something was different… I walked over to the other side of the bed looking from the top. I could see the top of his head. There were ears. Not just any kind of ears. Wolf ears! I heard a small swishing sound. I gasped. Something I shouldn’t have done. For as soon as the sound reached the Professor he sprung up. His wolf ears pressed tightly to his head. A wand was pointing to my head. The room burst with light.
I saw nothing for a while. The light blinded me for a second. Opening my eyes I saw Malfoy on the ground staring up at the Professor. He really did have wolf ears they were pitch black, save some white fur inside of the ears.. Now they were up right. His wand was gone again. His eyes were slits showing he was angry.

“What are you doing?!” I heard the swishing sound again. Looking down I saw a long black tail that seemed very iterated. For it was swishing back and forth slowly.
“Well?” He glared at both of us in turn. I spoke first.
“W-we were looking for you.” His eyes softened a bit and he calmed down. Taking a breath.
“You should have knocked.” He said stretching. He felt the top of his head.
“Oh god. You’ve seen them!” His eyes widened a bit. I saw his tail drop behind him.
“What are you?” I head Malfoy question. Professor Kiba sighed.
“Well I better tell you.” He made us sit on his bed and sat himself Indian style.
“I’m part Wolf Demon. To put it plain and simple. Half vampire and half wolf demon. My mother was a pureblood Wolf Demon who my father had, well, raped. So she ended up having me. Not that she ever hated me for being born. It was my father who hated it. So yea I’m part wolf. Got a problem with that?” He asked glaring a little. We shock our heads.
“Good. Now lay down I’m going back to sleep.” He some how made us both lay down on his bed. Pulling us both up to his chest he fell asleep after putting the light out. I felt his breathing slow and even. He was asleep.
‘He’s part wolf demon? I didn’t even know that demons were real.’ His arm was tightly wrapped around my waist. I could hear Malfoy shifting in the professor’s grasp. I heard him gasp. Looking over I saw that the professor’s arm and wrapped around Malfoy enough that he was on half of the professor. I saw Malfoy glare at me with hatred. I was cracking up in my head. From what I knew. Demons were stronger, a lot stronger, then humans. They weren’t really supposed to be messed with. So not wanting to end up where Malfoy was I made myself as comfortable as I could and fell asleep.