Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A fox, a bird, and a Shaman's prayer ❯ A Prophecy of Immense Proportion ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
3A Prophecy of Immense ProportionThree months later"We can not make any decisions about the title until we know if she is pregnant or not. I've informed of you that a thousand times Larcin." An old man conveyed pacing around the office."Uncle, Thadd's will clearly stated that I was to receive all his properties, monies, and title. She hasn't shown symptoms, so clearly she isn't pregnant." Larcin said."I don't care what his will said. If my daughter-in-law is bearing Thadd's child, he will inherit the title. It was not Thadd's to give away, not while I'm still alive. I..." the old man is interrupted by the door opening as a circle of robed women enter. "Oh my dear gel, we were just conversing about you. Come, sit, and have a cup of tea.""We do not have time to sit and chat long, fore we are headed to the ancestral home, and Feylinn wished to stop here first Lord Draiman." One cloaked woman said stepping forward."What, what do you mean? Are you?" Lord Draiman inquired with hope shining on his face and in his voice."Oui Father Draiman, I am enceinte. Mais as vous know by mon 'usband's will; ze enfant will not inherit ze title or estates." Feylinn holds her hand up when her father-in-law tries to speak. "Non, whether it is a garçon or fille, ma enfant will not need anything mais ma nom et 'oldings. I 'ave gone back to ma maiden nom et ma enfant will bear it aussi.""I will hear of no such thing. My grandchild will carry my name. Please Feylinn, I know you two were having difficulty, but do not shut the babe out of my life." Lord Draiman pleaded."I would never do dat Father Draiman. I will give ze enfant votre famille nom if vous désirer, mais not as de last nom." Feylinn stated with finality in her voice."It will be as you wish child. Please send me news, so I know of the babe's birth." Lord Draiman concedes. Feylinn nods and the group of women apparate to their destination. "Against my better judgment I am going to see that everything is left to you and your family Larcin, just as Feylinn and Thadd requested. Now leave me." Lord Draiman shifts to gaze out the window as his nephew leaves the room.-----------------------------------
March 16, just before the witching hour, on the night of a lunar eclipse."Feylinn please, you need to push. Come now child listen to me." An older but beautiful dark haired woman pleads with the young pregnant woman in the bed."Mana marara (elvish=no child), please don't leave us. You must bring this marara to life." Another older beautiful woman with long silvery blonde hair implores.Feylinn gazes off in the distance, a vacant look comes over her face, and as she begins to speak her voice becomes gravely. "The child born to the lunar moon on the twelfth stroke shall live a rich but tragic life. A life full of magic and mystery, love and loss, be part and whole. The child will honor those before it and those after it. The House of EVIL will try to consume the House of WISDOM, try to destroy the House of COURAGE, and obliterate the House of LOVE, but Love of the Houses will conquer all. A curse the one will place upon the child that must be protected and together they will vanquish the House of EVIL. The child born to the lunar moon, shall live a rich but tragic life, and be the legitimate heir of the houses.""No wake up Feylinn. This is no time for your visions. Come Merl wake her up." uttered the first woman."Now Gana, you know she has no choice over the visions, love. Come my fey child, listen to our voices, and come back to us." Merl said in a soothing voice."Come now deary, you need to push. The wee lass wishes to meet her Gran-mère Gana. Come on just a few more." Gana said to the poor woman in the bed."And 'ow do you know 'tis a lass, Mère? The laddie may wish to behold Père Merl." Feylinn pants as she wakes from the vision. "Or even Mère Tara. Will dis enfant ever come?" Feylinn screeches as another contraction advances."Hush now sweetie, see look the head is crowning." Gana says as she brushes a wet cloth along Feylinn's head. "Come now Tara help the babe come out.""And what do you think I've been doing for the past seven hours? The marara has a certain hour she wishes to enter the world and we can not hurry her along." Tara replies holding the baby's head. As the clock begins striking the witching hour Feylinn gave one more scream, pushes the child out on the twelfth stroke, and sighs. Tara swabs the babe's face and they stare into each other's eyes with a flicker of knowledge of each other and many more significant things. As the final stroke grew quiet the babe finally breathed and let out a loud howl, letting all know she had come into the world. "Here granddaughter, here is your little girl." At the last stroke all three, Tara, Merl, and Gana stared at each other with worry in their face over the prophecy that they had just heard."Oh ma precious fille. 'Ow I've longed an' prayed so 'ard pour vous. I just wish your père was 'ere to see 'ow wonderful vous are." Feylinn says as she gently examines her baby. "Oh my. Look, she 'as an peculiar shaped birthmark on 'er right shoulder." Feylinn points out. "It's a Kenaz an' a Algiz linked to together." Feylinn expressed with awe as she remarked on the signs of the Runes."Do not reflect on Thadd now, what's done is done. You now have a little one to think on. Here let me see the mark my child." Gana scrutinizes the brand. "This appears to be unusual. I will contemplate her stars. In the meantime what will you call her?" Gana says coming to sit beside her."Yes child what will you name her?" Tara echoes as she sits on Feylinn's other side and looks up at Gana. The distress over the markings and foretelling, slightly evident in her voice."Since Ariana is named pour vous, Mère Tara; an I pour vous Mère Gana et pour Père Merl. She honors 'er forefathers wit each of 'er names. I like to present to you de new Marchioness of Gryphon an' ze Countess of Parcelcrest." Feylinn stops as the door opens and a older gentleman pokes his head in."Have I missed the introduction? Well do I have a niece or nephew?" The man says as he walks up to the bed with an woman following behind him."I was just getting ready to introduce your niece, Oncle Alfie, Tante Mina. I would like you to meet Lady Myrindra Rolena Craven." Feylinn gazes fondly at her little girl with a name she must grow into. "S’il vous plaît, send out de notices to de Post an' to 'er grandfather, I would appreciate it. See ma petit, vous 'ave many loved ones who will always care pour vous.""Come let us finish cleaning up the little one and you, then you both can get some sleep." Tara said as she took the babe."'And me Missy Li, mistress. Then we can finish up in 'ere." Cliona said as she and a few other house-elves began to straighten up."No I have her, but thank you anyway Cliona. Come, everyone out so they can sleep." Tara declares shooing everyone out. She gently cleans up the child and places her back into her mother's arms and watches them a moment before leaving.
Meanwhile downstairs...."So Feylinn had a vision before she gave birth?" Alfie asked in a worried voice. "Do you remember all of it?""Yes and we shall prepare for it." Tara pronounced coming into the room. "You needn't worry about that Alfie. With all of us behind her, Li, as Cliona is beginning to call her, will fair just fine. Come let us toast our new addition to the family." She motions to Gana and whispers. "On the next solar eclipse we must counter the prophecy with a protection spell between the three of us and the others." Gana nods.Later Gana and Tara looked into their new grandchild's stars and mapped out her future and fate as best they could. Neither liked most of what they saw, but knew they could not change it too drastically otherwise they would mess with the elements of nature, spirit, and earth. They plotted together of how best to place a protection spell on her and their family and went to tell Merl to contact the others.
March 16, just before the witching hour, on the night of a lunar eclipse."Feylinn please, you need to push. Come now child listen to me." An older but beautiful dark haired woman pleads with the young pregnant woman in the bed."Mana marara (elvish=no child), please don't leave us. You must bring this marara to life." Another older beautiful woman with long silvery blonde hair implores.Feylinn gazes off in the distance, a vacant look comes over her face, and as she begins to speak her voice becomes gravely. "The child born to the lunar moon on the twelfth stroke shall live a rich but tragic life. A life full of magic and mystery, love and loss, be part and whole. The child will honor those before it and those after it. The House of EVIL will try to consume the House of WISDOM, try to destroy the House of COURAGE, and obliterate the House of LOVE, but Love of the Houses will conquer all. A curse the one will place upon the child that must be protected and together they will vanquish the House of EVIL. The child born to the lunar moon, shall live a rich but tragic life, and be the legitimate heir of the houses.""No wake up Feylinn. This is no time for your visions. Come Merl wake her up." uttered the first woman."Now Gana, you know she has no choice over the visions, love. Come my fey child, listen to our voices, and come back to us." Merl said in a soothing voice."Come now deary, you need to push. The wee lass wishes to meet her Gran-mère Gana. Come on just a few more." Gana said to the poor woman in the bed."And 'ow do you know 'tis a lass, Mère? The laddie may wish to behold Père Merl." Feylinn pants as she wakes from the vision. "Or even Mère Tara. Will dis enfant ever come?" Feylinn screeches as another contraction advances."Hush now sweetie, see look the head is crowning." Gana says as she brushes a wet cloth along Feylinn's head. "Come now Tara help the babe come out.""And what do you think I've been doing for the past seven hours? The marara has a certain hour she wishes to enter the world and we can not hurry her along." Tara replies holding the baby's head. As the clock begins striking the witching hour Feylinn gave one more scream, pushes the child out on the twelfth stroke, and sighs. Tara swabs the babe's face and they stare into each other's eyes with a flicker of knowledge of each other and many more significant things. As the final stroke grew quiet the babe finally breathed and let out a loud howl, letting all know she had come into the world. "Here granddaughter, here is your little girl." At the last stroke all three, Tara, Merl, and Gana stared at each other with worry in their face over the prophecy that they had just heard."Oh ma precious fille. 'Ow I've longed an' prayed so 'ard pour vous. I just wish your père was 'ere to see 'ow wonderful vous are." Feylinn says as she gently examines her baby. "Oh my. Look, she 'as an peculiar shaped birthmark on 'er right shoulder." Feylinn points out. "It's a Kenaz an' a Algiz linked to together." Feylinn expressed with awe as she remarked on the signs of the Runes."Do not reflect on Thadd now, what's done is done. You now have a little one to think on. Here let me see the mark my child." Gana scrutinizes the brand. "This appears to be unusual. I will contemplate her stars. In the meantime what will you call her?" Gana says coming to sit beside her."Yes child what will you name her?" Tara echoes as she sits on Feylinn's other side and looks up at Gana. The distress over the markings and foretelling, slightly evident in her voice."Since Ariana is named pour vous, Mère Tara; an I pour vous Mère Gana et pour Père Merl. She honors 'er forefathers wit each of 'er names. I like to present to you de new Marchioness of Gryphon an' ze Countess of Parcelcrest." Feylinn stops as the door opens and a older gentleman pokes his head in."Have I missed the introduction? Well do I have a niece or nephew?" The man says as he walks up to the bed with an woman following behind him."I was just getting ready to introduce your niece, Oncle Alfie, Tante Mina. I would like you to meet Lady Myrindra Rolena Craven." Feylinn gazes fondly at her little girl with a name she must grow into. "S’il vous plaît, send out de notices to de Post an' to 'er grandfather, I would appreciate it. See ma petit, vous 'ave many loved ones who will always care pour vous.""Come let us finish cleaning up the little one and you, then you both can get some sleep." Tara said as she took the babe."'And me Missy Li, mistress. Then we can finish up in 'ere." Cliona said as she and a few other house-elves began to straighten up."No I have her, but thank you anyway Cliona. Come, everyone out so they can sleep." Tara declares shooing everyone out. She gently cleans up the child and places her back into her mother's arms and watches them a moment before leaving.
Meanwhile downstairs...."So Feylinn had a vision before she gave birth?" Alfie asked in a worried voice. "Do you remember all of it?""Yes and we shall prepare for it." Tara pronounced coming into the room. "You needn't worry about that Alfie. With all of us behind her, Li, as Cliona is beginning to call her, will fair just fine. Come let us toast our new addition to the family." She motions to Gana and whispers. "On the next solar eclipse we must counter the prophecy with a protection spell between the three of us and the others." Gana nods.Later Gana and Tara looked into their new grandchild's stars and mapped out her future and fate as best they could. Neither liked most of what they saw, but knew they could not change it too drastically otherwise they would mess with the elements of nature, spirit, and earth. They plotted together of how best to place a protection spell on her and their family and went to tell Merl to contact the others.