Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Love Story: James and Lucius ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A Love Story: James and Lucius
Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the Harry Potter Universe; they belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. Nor do I make any money from the writing of this story.
W A R N I N G: This is about male/male relationships. I'm letting you know now what the relationships WILL contain. So, if you are AGAINST such pairings, please find something else more to your liking, you have been WARNED.
Beta-read by: Jadwiga. Thanks hon! You're the best. Any mistakes after she has done her work are mine.
Chapter 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from the Harry Potter Universe; they belong to JK Rowling and Warner Bros. Nor do I make any money from the writing of this story.
W A R N I N G: This is about male/male relationships. I'm letting you know now what the relationships WILL contain. So, if you are AGAINST such pairings, please find something else more to your liking, you have been WARNED.
Beta-read by: Jadwiga. Thanks hon! You're the best. Any mistakes after she has done her work are mine.
Flames will be ignored
Notes: I wanted to do a story behind the story of how James and Lucius got together and what drove them apart.
Three years went by in a flash for James. He had finished university with a Bachelor's degree in Ancient Myths and Legends, (also known as Pre-History), and within those three years he had been secretly dating the Malfoy heir. Only his friends knew about his relationship with the handsome pure-blood.
What shocked James further was when Sirius told him that Snape and Lucius were best friends. His parents tried to find out who had captured his heart but it was to no avail and after six months of pestering him about whom he dating, they gave up.
To his utter enjoyment, Lucius had literally swept him off his feet on that fateful night not so long ago. When Lucius suggested to eat Japanese food (which was James favorite type of food), James merely thought of going to one of those—cheap—fast food places that served fortune cookies with bad predications of one's future.
Naturally, a lot of people went to those kinds of places if they wanted that kind of food—well, if you were a Muggle at least. Wizards didn't do `fast food' and neither did Lucius.
So, when James felt the familiar nauseating tug of a portkey, he never dreamed that he would be in Japan.
As it turned out, Lucius' family had several homes across the globe. The Malfoy family had investments with a few Muggle companies, which included Wal-Mart/Sam's Club stores, Macy's department stores, and Lowe's Home Improvement stores. James noted with mute fascination that Lucius had a thing for American as the pure-blood prattled on about the foreign companies.
And for almost a week the pair lost themselves in the splendor of Japan and each other.
Another door slammed in the usual quietness of Malfoy manor. However, the wizards that lived there were being anything but quiet.
“She's perfect for you. A good match-”
“I would rather drink poison than to be saddled with that conniving bitch as a wife!” Lucius roared. His magic crackled at the mere thought of being married to any member of the Black family.
He was still having nightmares about Severus just dating one. Merlin, he felt so bad for his friend, but if the idiot…er…the bloke made Severus happy, well he couldn't argue with it, only bite his tongue.
“You need heirs, Lucius. I won't be around forever and you certainly won't have any children with this boy you're seeing. Do yourself a favor, don't settle with him. Marry Narcissa and keep him as a lover after you get what you want with Narcissa.”
Lucius stared at his father. This wasn't the first time the older Malfoy had suggested such a thing. Never would Lucius consider doing something as degrading as having James as a `Mistress'. No! He refused to degrade himself or his boyfriend in that type of manner.
Now, don't misunderstand the younger Malfoy. Narcissa was beautiful beyond compare, but her beauty could only get her so far and it was definitely not enough to hold Lucius' interest longer than five minutes, especially when she talked. Her voice grated like fingernails across a chalkboard.
When Lucius saw James alone at his eighteenth birthday party, he was enthralled, and Lucius knew without a doubt that the youth had to be his.
Let's not forget they were at Hogwarts together, if only for a brief period of time, but James was not pleasing on the eyes back then. He was yet to grow into his awkward lean frame. Time would assist with the messy hair, thin body, and immaturity.
While the wild untamed hair remained, it added a sexy, daring appeal to the former Gryffindor. The circular wire specs also remained. They too gave an air of mystery of what really was behind those mesmerizing hazel windows.
The major (but subtle) difference was the completely filled-out lithe body. James was still slight but he now had muscles in the right places from playing Quidditch for so many years, and the biggest change was James' mind.
It finally caught up with his adult size body. While he was still shy and reserved on some things, he could make reasonable and logical decisions on other important matters.
All-in-all, in Lucius' opinion at least, James was perfect. His idea of the perfect spouse.
“No, Father, he deserves all of me not Narcissa,” Lucius replied and he was going to prove it.
Tonight, he was going to claim his heart's desire.
“Don't do any thing stupid that you'll regret later, Lucius,” Lucien warned, anger smoldering in his grey depths.
“The only thing I will regret is if I let you decide on whom I should marry!”
Lucien saw the signs. His son was in love but there was no way he was going to allow his only son to make a mistake that could cost him his family fortune by being with someone who could not give him heirs.
He had hoped—prayed—that this boy his son was seeing was his soul mate and this would be the end of it. Alas, he was not. Lucien had visited the Malfoy family tree over the years to confirm it. With a heavy heart, Lucien made arrangements with Octavious to save his son.
But little did Lucien know that while he was taking steps to secure the Malfoy family's future, Lucius was yet to bed his young boyfriend.
A mistake that will cost Lucius and James dearly.
oOo TBC oOo