Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Proper Valentine's Day ❯ An Amusing Celebration ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Someday I will own something of great importance. This will not be Harry Potter, as it is already owned by J K Rowling.
An Amusing Celebration
Hermione was perched in the top of the stands with Harry, Ron, and the rest of the Gryffindor house. The Ravenclaw/Slytherin match was on, and Ravenclaw were fighting furiously to keep the score in the game level. Although Barali O'Connell, the head of the Ravenclaw team was an excellent leader, their opponents had a new captain this year, and the Slytherin team had never been more dangerous on the pitch.
Smarter too, only three fouls had been called on them in the last hour and a half. Crabbe and Goyle's aim had rapidly improved since their last match, and the Ravenclaw team was getting pounded with alarming consistency. Barali's two beaters were hard pressed to keep their teammates in the air.
Madam Hooch's whistle shrilled the air, as the Slytherin team fired another shot past Reed. Charles Reed was a really excellent keeper, but was having a hard time with this match. The Slytherin Chaser lineup was just a lot better than anyone had expected. Not to mention female…
All three chasers were girls, breaking Slytherin's ten-year streak of all-male players. One was niece to their head of house, and it was widely accepted that Severus' features made a much prettier girl. Her snapping black eyes set in a pale, sharply-featured face were framed by glossy black hair down to her waist. The second was a pureblood witch on a cultural exchange from Egypt, with milk-chocolate skin, light caramel hair, and golden eyes. Either girl easily distracted the male players on the opposite team.
And the slight figure at the front was even more lightly built than Draco Malfoy searching the field above them, almost white skin, hair that had gone silver as a very small girl making her look like some kind of wind spirit, flying effortlessly through the air. She might not have attracted as much male attention, but Hermione was rapidly coming to realize that her body attracted certain types of women. Herself in particular…
Ryua Alba was the newest captain of the Slytherin team, much to the other captains' frustration. She was easily the best they'd ever had, and they'd all been having one hell of a time just to break even. Barali's team was no exception. And then Ryua and Snape scored two goals in quick succession, and his searching for the Snitch gained a certain frantic edge.
For a moment, the entire Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor side leapt to its feet in excitement as Barali dove for the Ravenclaw goal posts. He dodged a bludger, all three chasers, only to be met by the second cast iron ball. Draco nimbly plucked the snitch out from under him, and with an almost regretful air, snagged the unconscious Ravenclaw by the back of his robes. The unexpectedly chivalrous move somewhat lessened the Ravenclaw screams of outrage, and by the looks of many swooning girls in the crowd, upped Draco's chances of scoring that night tenfold.
“I can't believe they won again,” Ron groaned. “And I thought they'd be hard to beat before…”
“Yeah, the points are stacked up pretty hard against us…” Harry said, starting off into a long, drawn out, blow-by-blow description of the state of the house cup. Hermione, along with most of the girls and Neville, rolled her eyes and got up to leave. Once they started talking Quidditch, the boys were useless. Although they started down from the stands as a group, they all sort of melted off in their own directions, until Hermione found herself wandering along the edge of the pitch on her own.
The Quidditch pitch was actually kind of nice, she decided. Once it was quiet, and almost nobody around. The Slytherin house had already departed to celebrate, the other three too depressed to stick around the stands. The pitch was empty now, the last groups heading up to the school. She caught sight of Ron's tall, distinctively red-headed form flanked by Harry's messy black hair and Dean's close-cropped wiry curls, and decided she probably was supposed to follow her housemates back to the school.
She'd actually turned around and taken a few steps in the proper direction when she felt a strong, slender hand wrap around her upper arm and pull her forcefully under one of the stands. “What, leaving without any congratulations?” Ryua asked cockily, grinning at her.
“I… I thought you were already up at the school,” Hermione said, grinning ruefully. “Guess I should have known better, eh?”
“Better damn well believe it,” Ryua growled, pushing Hermione surprisingly gently against one of the massive supporting beams. “Because I'm in such a mood...”
“A mood?” Hermione gasped as Ryua's mouth fastened onto her neck, hot and wet and oh-so-welcome.
“Yes. A mood.” Ryua said, punctuating every few words with a light nip. “You try riding a long, slender, impeccably smooth piece of wood for an hour and see what happens.”
“This is why I don't play Quidditch,” Hermione chuckled slightly, gasping as Ryua nipped her neck.
“Well, I do. And right now, my blood is pounding, my brain feels like celebrating, and adding you into the equation makes me horny as hell to boot,” Ryua's body was hot from the exercise, pressing against Hermione, almost crushing her into the pillar.
Hermione moaned softly at her words, responding quickly to Ryua's own obvious arousal. Her hands rose quickly up Ryua's back, rubbing over the soft fabric of her Quidditch uniform. Cotton and silk didn't keep out the wind or rain, and none of the muggle waterproof fabrics were really that comfortable after sweating for an hour. Therefore, leather was the traditional material of the Quidditch wardrobe. The cotton robe overtop was purely for looks and team identification, and Hermione slipped the loose cloth off her shoulders, dropping it somewhere behind her.
“Quidditch clothes suit you,” she said breathlessly, pushing her back enough to really appreciate them. The Slytherin was clad in soft grey suede, the color a duller version of Ryua's hair and eyes. Arm and shin guards were heavier, black leather stitched onto straps and fingerless gloves.
“Glad you think so,” Ryua said, flashing a smile. “But they can be a real pain in the ass…” She was almost frantically working at removing the gloves, her hands itching to run unobstructed over Hermione's skin.
There was light coming from just one side of the stands, the one facing the stadium. Ryua was silhouetted against it, just a handful of her features picked out of the shadow. Hermione was facing into the light directly, the soft sunlight glinting off her soft curls, making her skin almost glow with light.
With a throaty chuckle of triumph, Ryua pulled her second glove off, dropping them haphazardly on her green robe, crushing Hermione to the pillar again, her mouth pressing hard against the Gryffindor's soft, yielding lips.
Hermione squeaked slightly, although her hands pressing into Ryua's back encouraged her not to stop. And she then made the discovery of how Quidditch uniforms were put together: they were laced up the back. This prevented any excess drag from buttons or laces on the bare front, and gave Hermione something to amuse herself.
Ryua's hand slipped down Hermione's chest, curving sensually over the generous curve, rubbing through the blouse and light sweater she'd worn to stay warm during the game. She absolutely loved the school uniform, especially on someone as incredibly female as Granger. The blouse was cut to fit her curves, arching out over her breasts, curving tightly into her waist, the white material somehow completely hiding any trace of a bra, leaving one guessing. The sweater was soft and clinging, the deep v-neck plunging down to a truly delicious depth, Hermione's breasts perfectly shaping it. And that devilish little skirt, fitted just perfectly at her waist, flaring out beautifully over her generous hips, skimming the tops of her knees.
Hermione slowly fumbled through the finer points of removing Quidditch wear, something she'd never bothered to pay attention to before. The shirt fell to just below one's hips, almost a second skin to keep air resistance low. She finally undid the knot, and had only unlaced a few holes when Ryua chuckled, catching her arms and pulling them down.
“As sexy as it may be to have you undo that bit by bit, I'm too impatient,” she murmured against her ear before pulling back. Shifting slightly, she slackened the remaining ties, and bent fluidly forward, pulling the supple suede off over her head.
“Well, fine then, ruin my fun,” Hermione pouted, eyes sparkling. “Come here, you evil girl.”
“Oh, with pleasure,” Ryua chuckled, moving forward again, her hands wasting no more time and sliding up under Hermione's sweater. She pulled it up over her head, kissing her deeply as she dropped it behind the pillar. Hermione's left hand slipped up into her already disordered hair, her right dropping down to trace lightly over Ryua's bra. She always wore one for Quidditch, as the lightning-quick direction changes got painful very quickly if she went without. Ryua shivered briefly as Hermione's cold fingers ran over her hot, damp skin, moving around to the front in search of a clasp.
Hermione smiled into the kiss as she felt Ryua tremble against her. It felt surprisingly good to get that kind of a reaction, even if it was only from cold. She flicked open the simple clasp, running her hands lightly over Ryua's breasts as she pushed it back, off her shoulders.
Ryua gasped as Hermione's fingers brushed over her skin, shivering again as they ran down her arms. “Damn… why are you so cold?”
“I've been sitting outside for an hour or more,” Hermione said, shrugging. “And mostly, it's because you're so hot from playing…” Taking advantage of this, she brought her hands around to Ryua's chest again, making the girl bite her lip. A little shyly, afraid of doing it wrong, she started to rub Ryua's small breasts softly, feeling her nipples standing out hard against her palms from the cold.
Ryua was glad that Hermione was feeling confident enough to do something on her own, and forced her impatient body to just enjoy what she was getting done and not insist on more too quickly. Slowly, she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a deep red bra that should not have been able to hide under a light cotton blouse. Magic solved all problems, apparently…
She might have done more, except that Hermione picked that exact second to finger a nipple, moving forward to softly kiss her neck. Ryua's skin was salty, a little damp under her chin and anywhere it was shadowed or pressed together, and still hot from Quidditch. Ryua shivered a third time, although it had nothing to do with cold this time. “Do that harder…” she whispered hoarsely, her hands tightly gripping Hermione's arms.
Hermione was about to ask which, and then realized that it probably wouldn't matter. She rubbed her fingers harder over the hard nub, and pressed her lips more firmly against Ryua's neck, moving slowly down over the tight lines of muscle. She reached the collarbone and paused, then bent slightly to take up Ryua's neglected breast in her mouth.
Ryua fell forward slightly, resting her hands on either side of the pillar to hold herself up. She moaned softly, her head dropping limply back. Hermione appeared to either like that reaction, or didn't think it was enough, because Ryua felt a sudden graze of pain, Hermione's teeth pressing suddenly down and withdrawing quickly. An almost explosive rush, she felt herself become hot and wet between her legs, letting out a groan.
“That wasn't too hard, was it?” Hermione asked softly, rising back up. Ryua hissed at the sudden cold air on her wet skin, then grinned.
“Oh, hell no. You'd have to bite a lot harder than that to hurt me.” Ryua whispered hoarsely. “But it felt very fucking good.”
“Oh, good,” Hermione said, blushing slightly. Ryua was fascinated to see the pink flush run down her neck and chest too, disappearing somewhere under her bra. Curious as to just how far down it went, or maybe that was just an excuse, Ryua reached up, unhooking the clasp on the front and sliding it down Hermione's arms.
Hermione twisted to shake it off of her arms, letting it drop carelessly to the ground behind her. She felt Ryua's hands slide smoothly over her skin, rising up her back into her hair, pressing her head back to her chest again. Hermione obligingly started to kiss over the soft, hot skin, gently exploring Ryua's pale chest. She lightly licked along the scar running down her flesh, feeling the slightly tighter, harder skin. A part of her wanted to ask what it was from, but didn't want to ruin the mood either. So she moved on, licking one small, hard nipple softly.
Ryua's head dropped down, lightly kissing the top of Hermione's head. “Oh sweet Salazar, Granger,” she moaned into her hair. “Don't stop doing that…”
Hermione grinned, and whispered, “Okay,” before she licked again, closing her lips around the pink bud. She felt Ryua stiffen against her, and she let her hands slide down her light body, moving over her stomach, pressing lightly against the tight muscles.
Hesitantly, she let one hand drift farther down, eliciting a gasp from Ryua. Hermione rubbed over it again a little harder, nipping lightly at the same time. She was rewarded by her jerking, pressing against her body tighter. “Should I take that to mean you like that?” she whispered, her lips rubbing over Ryua's tender breast.
“Hell yes…” Ryua groaned, trembling slightly. Her game adrenaline rush had started to transform into a completely different kind of heat, a much more demanding sort.
Hermione gently started to push Ryua's soft, fitted pants down her hips, moving them over the modest curve, her hands brushing over the two dimples on her lower back, curving around to the side. She caught the edge of silken panties with one finger, and started to tug them down too, one hand traveling shyly around between the two of them, brushing the light patch of hair hidden under her knickers.
Ryua bit her lip, forcing her legs to close long enough to step out of her pants, then pressed up against Hermione again, bringing the girl's head up for a hard kiss. She dove into her mouth, tasting the sweetness that was Hermione, with a slight hint of chocolate. “You've been eating those Chocolate Frogs again, hmm?” Ryua murmured, her lips brushing Hermione's.
“They're a good stadium snack…” Hermione whispered back, then tilted her head up to reclaim the kiss, teasing across Ryua's lips, drawing her back into her mouth.
Ryua willingly followed Hermione's teasing tongue, exploring through her mouth. She dropped one hand down to Hermione's hair, working through the thick curls, tilting her head to exactly the angle she wanted.
At least, until she felt Hermione's fingers brush lightly over her clit. “Fuck, Granger…” she gasped. “Warn me before you do that…”
“Hmm? Okay, I'm going to do this…” Hermione murmured, her fingers brushing over it again, adding a little pressure.
Ryua's hand left Hermione's hair, moving quickly back to the beam behind her for support. She leaned forward, nestling her face in Hermione's neck, her hips arching against her hand.
Feeling a little more confident now that she'd started, Hermione slid her first finger back slightly, surprised and more than a little turned on by the amount of hot, thick wetness she found. Ryua moaned into her hair, nuzzling at her neck encouragingly. Hermione started to move her finger around, not entirely sure how to find what she was looking for from this angle. Her last two fingers stayed back at Ryua's clit, softly rubbing it.
Ryua pressed harder against Hermione, one leg curling around her, opening herself more to her attentions. Hermione withdrew her hand briefly, slipping it back under Ryua's leg, resuming her gentle probing.
Hermione grinned to herself as she played with the Slytherin. Her other hand came up to rub over the closest breast, flicking over the nipple in time with the finger on her clit. Ryua shuddered against her, moaning. “Where did you learn to do this, Granger? I thought you were the sweet, innocent one.”
“Learned it from you, remember?” Hermione chuckled. “And I have a vivid imagination.”
“Oh…” was all Ryua could manage to say, before Hermione's fingertip slid unexpectedly inside her. She moaned, her teeth lightly biting into her shoulder.
“You like that?” Hermione asked quietly, her breath brushing against Ryua's ear.
Wordlessly, Ryua nodded, relaxing her jaw from Hermione's flesh. At least she did until Hermione's finger slipped a little deeper, and she bit down again, moaning against her skin.
Hermione wondered briefly how much room there was for her finger inside, and the came to the conclusion that there was naturally room for something a lot larger. Slowly, she pressed deeper, her other fingers curling down as much as they could. She brushed against a soft, yielding spot, and was rewarded by Ryua gasping, her head jerking to the side. “You're sure you haven't done this before?” she whispered hoarsely.
“Pretty sure,” Hermione chuckled, “Although I'm a quick study.” She pressed down again, making Ryua shudder, pressing against her hand. Still smiling, she slid her free hand under Ryua's chin, pulling her face over to kiss her.
Ryua lost herself in Hermione's soft, welcoming mouth, in her incredibly naughty little hand, in everything about her. Their soft skin rubbed lightly against each other, teasing and caressing, Hermione's body heating up to match Ryua's sweat-damp one. Ryua's breathing came faster and shallower, and she broke the kiss to keep from fainting, panting against Hermione's neck.
Hermione was faintly worried whether she was doing too much, but figured Ryua would let her know if she was. Her responses did seem to be good ones, at least… Acting on a sudden impulse, Hermione dropped her other hand down, brushing over Ryua's clit as her finger worked inside.
Ryua yelled, biting down on her neck to stifle it, her body shuddering hard against Hermione. She collapsed forward onto her, staggering, and Hermione grabbed wildly for her, trying to peer into her face. “Ryua?” she whispered, her eyes wide.
A light chuckle came from her, and Hermione relaxed slightly. “There's a reason this is normally done laying down, you know. Or at least kneeling…”
“Oh,” she said, and Ryua knew she was blushing. “So I did good then.”
“Yes,” Ryua chuckled, kissing her neck softly on the marks her teeth had left. “Yes, you did.”
“That's good, I wouldn't want you to get bored and go find someone else.”
Ryua raised her head up, looking down at the slightly shorter girl. She leaned forward, capturing her lips in a soft, thorough kiss. “No… unless you'd feel odd having a girlfriend in Slytherin.”
Hermione looked up at her, then her face broke into a big grin. “A… a girlfriend? Really?”
“Yeah… I guess,” Ryua chuckled. “A girlfriend.”
Author's Note:
Thank you all for my reviews and ratings!
Lilth: Thanks for reading, here's your update!
Danni: I'm so glad you liked it, even if it isn't Valentine's day anymore…
Fer de Lance: Wow, onto the favourites list? I'm so proud!
Someone: Glad you thought it was hot! Thanks for reading it!
King_Booze: Power to the lonely perverts, man! I hear you!
Shardae: Whew! Another post, aren't you proud? I am…