Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Balancing Without A Net ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I do not make any money from the writing of this fanfiction.

*By the way, this story completely ignores Sirius’ death and the Horcruxes. That’s why it’s Alternate Universe – for that, and, you know, time travel.
*Some of you may have noticed that I put Weaseley’s Wizard Wheezes in Hogsmeade instead of Diagon Alley, as it is in canon. This was done on purpose, but I do appreciate that people are paying that much attention to my story that they notice ^_^

Warnings: Abuse – physical, sexual, and emotional. Male/Male slash.

Chapter 3

Harry wandered down the Alley, wondering why that day seemed to be the day for meeting people who made him miserable or uncomfortable. He found himself outside the pet shop, hesitated a moment, then remembered he needed supplies for Hedwig and went in.

The animals showed no particular reaction to the nekoshin, at which Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He walked past the owls to the shelf that contained the birds’ supplies. As he gathered owl treats, he noted a display of crup puppies, which some ‘intelligent’ clerk had placed next to a large glass container containing several kneazle kittens. Naturally, it was very loud in that area.

He spotted one crup that was not making a commotion, but was sitting calmly watching everything around him. The little puppy was a handsome fellow with deep chocolate fur and lively, curious eyes. Harry remembered from his third year magical creatures class that crups were bred to interact specifically with wizards, and as such were very intelligent – not on the same level as a familiar, of course, but they did make excellent pets and guardians of wizarding children. Harry reached a hand into the display and picked up the puppy. The crup barked happily and snuggled close, and Harry felt his heart melt. As a child growing up in the Dursley household, Harry had often longed for a pet of some kind, but it was the one thing Petunia had put her foot down about whenever Dudley whined – she refused to clean up after any sort of animal. Harry knew Fred and George wouldn’t mind, as the two liked animals, but he had a feeling he’d have to protect any animal he brought home from being experimented on by the twins…

Harry’s gaze drifted to the kittens. There were two – the littlest ones – that sat quietly side by side. Harry shifted the puppy to the floor, and noted with approval that the crup immediately sat by his feet, tail wagging furiously. He reached into the glass container and pulled the two kittens out. Both began to purr, and Harry felt his heart soften more. He glanced from the cats to the puppy; three new pets seemed like a bit much, but for once Harry wanted to follow his wants, not his head. He shifted the kittens to one arm, and bent down and picked up the puppy with the other. None of the animals voiced an objection at being in close vicinity to one another, and Harry smiled.

He made his way to the checkout counter, purchased the animals and all the supplies needed for them, as well as Hedwig’s supplies. In the crup’s case, he also had to pay for a license, as the animal would have to be under a Disillusionment Charm around muggles due to the forked tail. He had the supplies sent to WWW, and put the crup on a leash so he could walk with him. The kittens had evaded all attempts at putting collars or leashes on them, but one was perfectly happy to climb into his robe’s pocket while the other decided his shoulder made a fine perch. Harry was a bit cautious about walking, but after a few steps, realized the kittens were comfortable, so he began to make his way back to the Apparition Points to Hogsmeade Village.

Phoenix song made Harry look up. What was a phoenix doing in Diagon Alley?

The breathtakingly-beautiful creature dropped out of the sky to hover before him, much to the shock of all around him. Harry, however, recognized an old friend.

“’Lo, Fawkes,” he said softly.

Sweet song-notes rang out, and Harry smiled at the cheerful greeting. Fawkes dropped lower, and Harry hesitantly offered his right arm, since one of his kittens was perched on his left shoulder. Fawkes settled on his arm readily enough, surprising the nekoshin: the phoenix was not heavy, which was startling considering the size of the magical bird. The phoenix peered at the animals in Harry’s possession and trilled at them. To Harry’s further surprise and amusement, all three animals meowed or barked back.

“Fawkes!” Albus Dumbledore’s stern voice made Harry flinch. Just when he though his day was getting better…

“Harry, my boy, how are you?” Dumbledore’s voice now sounded like the kind, grandfatherly old man Harry had trusted once.

Harry steeled himself, and turned to face Dumbledore. “Professor,” he greeted softly.

“I was worried when I saw the article in the Prophet, Harry. Why did you not write to me?” Dumbledore’s eyes were piercing.

Harry looked down at the crup that sat at his feet, tail not wagging in the least. “I didn’t want to bother you, sir. Remus explained to me what nekoshin were, so I’ve gotten along alright.”

His meek answer apparently satisfied the old man, for he said, “Just know, Harry, that you can always come to me with your questions. It is not a bother, I assure you.” The headmaster radiated trustworthiness and goodwill, and Harry saw the approving looks on the faces of most of the people around him.

“Yes, sir,” he answered.

“Good. Come, Fawkes. I’ll see you at school, Harry.” Dumbledore began to walk down the street, then realized the phoenix hadn’t followed. “Fawkes!”

Harry turned his head slightly to look at the phoenix who looked quite like he didn’t want to move. “He’s calling you,” he whispered to Fawkes. The phoenix responded with a sort of acknowledging trill, but didn’t even twitch a feather.

“It seems you wish to stay with young Harry,” Dumbledore said thoughtfully, showing no sign of the anger he was feeling at the phoenix’s disobedience. “Very well, come back to the school when you are ready.” He turned and continued to walk down the Alley.

Harry cocked an eyebrow at the phoenix. Fawkes had visited him before, but always when Harry was alone; this was the first time the phoenix had acted openly. “I’m going back to Hogsmeade, Fawkes. Meet me there?” The phoenix trilled his assent and vanished in a flurry of fire, startling Harry once again when the flames did not burn the wizard. Shaking his head at the way his day had gone, Harry took a firmer grip on his new pets and apparated.


The Hogwarts Castle spirit guardian, Maiamari, turned away from the scrying mirror to face her companions. “Well, my friends?”

“Beautiful,” a handsome blond dressed in crimson and gold breathed out.

“Absolutely breathtaking,” another equally-handsome blond, this one dressed in green and silver agreed.

The spirit rolled her eyes. “To use a phrase from this century: well, duh. Any submissive destined to be with you two would of course be beautiful. My question referred to the person, not the appearance.”

“Quiet,” the one in crimson observed. “Shy.”

“Powerful,” the one in green purred in open pleasure, and the one in red rolled his eyes.

“Obviously pure of heart, or the phoenix wouldn’t have gone near him, much less sat on his arm.”

“Playful, or he wouldn’t live in a shop devoted to pranks,” the one in green said, his eyes gleaming in interest.

“Or call Fred and George Weaseley his brothers,” Maiamari agreed.

“I like them,” the one in red said. “Were they mine?”

“Mmm,” Maiamari hummed in assent. “It was a near thing, though. Their cunning nearly made them yours,” she said to the one in green, “but they have a fondness for muggles, like their father.” The man sniffed, and his companion rolled his eyes again.

“Shall we fetch the girls?” the one in red asked. “I want to do something about that headmaster.”

“Yes,” the other man growled. “I do not like him. He shows many of the flaws of those that belong to me, and none of the redeeming characteristics.”

“He wasn’t so unpleasant when he was younger,” Maiamari said in a sad tone. “Before power made him lazy and arrogant, he was a decent man. Now, though…” She trailed off, and sighed. “Get the girls. I need to alter your manner of speaking – language has shifted - and inform all of you of what’s happened here in the last five hundred years.”


“Great MERLIN!!”

Fred and George’s shocked cries woke Harry out of a sound sleep. It was two days before school started, and the brothers had told Harry to sleep in, as it was one of the last chances he’d have in some time.

Harry stumbled groggily out of his bedroom into the room that was connected to all of the bedrooms, a sort of half-living room, half-kitchen, narrowly avoiding stepping on Selena and Lunaris, the two female kittens whose favorite game had become tripping their human.

“Whassamatta?” he asked, not yet fully awake.

The twins thrust the front page of the Daily Prophet at him. Harry blinked his eyes to clear his vision, thankful once more that his nekoshin Inheritance had eliminated his need for glasses, then his jaw hit the ground as he read the giant headline: