Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing Elements ❯ Head of the House of Potter ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Harry Potter. I do not make a profit off of this fanfiction.
Summary: Betrayed, alone, and lost, Harry finds himself stuck in an awkward relationship with a Malfoy, friends gone. But when a mysterious girl and four new guards come into the picture, Harry finds his hands full with responsibilities and questions. And who are these new guards exactly? A new trick devised by Voldemort? Dumbledore? Or are they the spies of another group? One thing's for sure, this year hasn't even started and already Harry's hating it. Pairings are Harry/Draco, Sesshomaru/Kagome, Silas/Inyx, and Elliot/Vira
Head of the House of Potter

Harry soon arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. Stepping off the bus, Harry walked inside and headed toward Tom, the bartender.
Tom smiled, showing off a pair of crooked teeth. “Ah, Mr. Potter, it's been awhile. How may I help you?”
Harry nodded, acknowledging him. “I would like a room until September first.”
The man nodded enthusiastically. “Of course, of course. That'll be twenty galleons please.”
Harry handed him the money for the room, and took the key from Tom's hand.
Harry took a hold of his things once again, and dragged them up to his room, laying it on the bed. His room looked just like the one he had received the last time he stayed here in third year. The walls were a pealing gray, and the floor could barely pass as wood anymore. There was a desk by the dirty window which actually had a rather nice view of Diagon Alley. The only nice, clean thing in the room was the king sized canopy bed.
Harry glanced down at his watch. It was only eight in the morning, so he grabbed his vault key out of his trunk and headed to the back of the establishment.
Once he entered Diagon Alley, he walked briskly over to Gringotts, and stepped inside. Walking toward the nearest goblin, he said, “I'd like to go to my vault.”
The goblin looked down at him. “Do you have your key, sir?”
Harry nodded and handed it over to the goblin who looked it over before nodding.
A second goblin came from behind the first and led Harry over to the entrance to the vault room. Unfortunately, they were stopped when yet another goblin came over, wearing an expensive black suit.
“You are Mr. Potter, yes?”
Harry nodded, confused.
The goblin smiled, showing a pair of yellowed teeth which only served in making him look all the more sinister.
“Well then, could you please follow me to my office? There are some matters I'd like to discus with you. Griphook, could you wait here?”
The goblin nodded, and Harry followed the other through another door that Harry hadn't even noticed.

The goblin sat behind a desk, and gestured for Harry to take a seat in the chair in front of him.
“Now, Mr. Potter, you are familiar with your school vault are you not?”
Harry sat up straighter in his chair, realizing the importance of this conversation.
“Yes I am, sir,” he replied.
The goblin chuckled. “Good, good. However, you have just recently turned fifteen correct?”
“Yes I have.”
The goblin nodded absentmindedly as if he had already known the answer. “Terrific. Now, Mr. Potter, there is a law that applies to you. Not you personally mind you. It states that if a pure blood or half blood is an orphan whose guardian is not a godparent or a witch or wizard, then they automatically become their family's Head of House. They inherit all of the family's vaults, properties, and investments. With me so far?”
Harry nodded slowly, still taking everything in.
“Well, as you are the last of the House of Potter, I will soon perform a small ceremony that will turn everything belonging to the family to you, and make you the Head of the House of Potter. You were also granted the Head of the House of Black since the last three of the family is a criminal, married to a suspected criminal, and is disowned. However, there is an age limit placed on by the first Head. Therefore, you will not inherit until your seventeenth birthday. Now, if you feel yourself ready, I would like to perform that ceremony,” the goblin stated.
The boy stared blankly at the creature, shocked that at the meager age of fifteen, he was to become a House Head. Nevertheless, he responded, “Yes, of course.”
The goblin stood up and motioned for Harry to follow him through a back door.
The room had a single light which was in the middle of the ceiling, lighting up a small square where a low table lay. On top of the table sat a large stone basin that looked very similar to a Pensieve.
The goblin stood on one side with Harry on the other.
“I will need three drops of blood to call up your family ring.”
He nodded, and bit his thumb, creating a small cut. He squeezed his finger three times to produce the desired amount of drops needed into to basin. As the last drop fell in, the basin glowed a stunning white. Not a moment later, a small yellow gold band floated from the basin and toward Harry.
“That,” the goblin informed him, “is the Potter family ring. You'll see the crest engraved on the top.”
Harry twisted the ring over and, just as the creature had said, was a small crest. It was a skinny crescent moon sitting gently on a thick line with a big ball at the end. On the right and left sides of the moon were even smaller crescents facing downward with medium sized balls lying on top of them and small balls at the end.
“That crest will tell you much of your future, Mr. Potter,” the goblin said as he watched Harry slip the ring on his right ring finger.

After leaving Gringotts, Harry went over to Flourish and Blotts - still shaking the goblin's words out of his head - to get his books for the coming year.
He quickly gathered up all the books he would need, and was just going over to the counter when a small forest green book caught his eye. He plucked it off the shelf it had been on, and opened it to the first page. The words - if you could call them that - were in another language but beautifully scripted. However, just as Harry was going to close it to put it back, the words scrambled before his eyes into the English language.
He closed it, and placed it on top of his school books. Harry paid for them all, and, after getting the cashier to shrink his books for him, headed back to the Inn. He had some reading to do.

It was my fifteenth birthday this day. Father woke me earlier than usual. He informed me that there were important matters he needed to discuss with me. As such, he took me to his study and had me sit in the armchair across his desk.
“Daughter, I wish very much that I did not need to tell you this, however I find myself in an awkward position so I must. In two years time, you and the other three will be sealed into Hogwarts. I cannot tell you why, but I am sure you will figure it out. You are an intelligent witch, love.”
Father had given me my birthday gift soon after - this very journal - but it did little to lessen the shock. I was to be sealed into a school, into stone, for a number of years unknown to me.
I wonder if the others have been informed yet. No matter, either way I shall find out what it is the four of us must do in the future. That is why, I am sure, we are being put into stasis in two years. Now I just have to find out what it is Vira's mother Saw.
I. S.

© 2008 Inyx Dawn