Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Familial Bonds ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dear Lily,
I'm sorry. Losing Mum and Papa has made me think. I realized that my treatment of you could have made me lose my sister too. I know I should have told you in person this summer but I didn't want you to think it was simply because of the feelings and stress stirred up from the funerals and dealing with the estate. And a bit of cowardice on my part if I'm being totally honest. It's much easier to get out the words when one isn't looking at the person wronged. I deeply regret that I allowed petty jealousy to overcome the bond we had before and I hope we can have again…
* * * *
After getting both boys fed and ready to face the day, Petunia and Vernon shifted their discussion to their living room. Dudley immediately began squirming to get down to his toys which Vernon allowed after a quick visual check to verify that nothing that could be destroyed by inquisitive infant hands would be in Dudley's reach. Petunia, when she noticed how Harry perked up with interest watching Dudley toddle towards his blocks reluctantly let him slip from her grasp to land gently on the floor.
“I called into work before bringing Dudley down,” Vernon murmured softly. “They said to take the rest of the week off and to call if I needed more time.”
“Good. That's good,” Petunia trailed off. Her gaze never left the two boys playing on the floor. Harry had crawled over to Dudley who was gleefully babbling in baby talk while gesturing wildly with and at the blocks. She had to smile when Dudley rather emphatically pushed a block over to Harry; he was obviously expecting the younger infant to participate in his games.
“We'll have to file all the proper forms today. The members of the Magical World is probably to busy celebrating or trying to cover up their activities but soon some of them will think about the political power Harry can give them. Caring for the orphan child of the people who gave their lives to defeat Voldemort? That's a good way for Voldemort sympathizers to get back into the good graces of the Magical World. We have to make sure we have guardianship before any one starts to plot.” Vernon started listing what he knew they needed to accomplish that day. “From what I recall James saying, I don't have much faith that any rich Death Eaters will stay behind bars for long and I doubt any of them will even be put on their version of probation. We'll have to have everything settled before they can bribe their way out of jail.”
“I'll do that, I mean file all the paperwork. Lily and I went over it as a precaution. I know all the forms necessary to ensure duplicates are automatically filed in the correct Magical Department. Their magic works against them; no one will need to handle the papers to file them and since it involves a minor, they need a special dispensation to unseal the records. Lily said it would be different if Harry was a muggleborn or if we didn't already know about magic but we're safe on that front.” Petunia never took her eyes of the boys but did reach over and grasped Vernon's hand. He, in turn, wove their fingers together before lifting her hand to his lips for a soft kiss.
“Do you need Harry with you?”
“Oh no! That's the last thing I need,” Petunia replied vehemently. “I'll be filling out forms all day and dealing with bureaucratic red tape. I can't imagine forcing a baby to accompany me with all that stress.”
“I see you point,” Vernon conceded. “In that case, I'll take both boys to buy the necessary bedding for Harry. After all, we aren't exactly equipped for another baby.”
“Oh!” Petunia straightened with a jerk. “I didn't even think of that!” She gave a slight sound of distress.
Vernon interrupted her before she could begin to recriminate herself. “You've got enough on your mind already; between the two of us, we'll muddle through.”
* * *
Two hours later, Petunia and Vernon left on their separate ways after bundling the boys up; Harry was wrapped up with some of Dudley's extra clothes. Vernon carefully reassured Petunia that he would be able to handle both boys. She, in turn, reassured him that she had all the necessary papers with extra copies at that and she was perfectly fine to take the train.
As Vernon pulled out of the driveway, he blessed his neighbors down the street who were willing to lend the Dursleys an extra car seat. He glanced in the rearview mirror and smiled at the image that greeted him. Both boys, though securely strapped in and barely able to see around the sides of the car seats, were babbling at each other, clearly communicating on behalf of the stuffed toy animals they each held. Vernon couldn't have been happier at their preoccupation as he navigated through traffic and kept one ear out for the change in the happy chatter that could provide forewarning for any potential screaming fits.
Reaching the baby depot store, Vernon was greeted with a quandary that Petunia and he had not considered. With Harry, the single seater stroller they had for Dudley was not enough. Vernon stood there next to the open car in the parking lot, the stroller folded out beside him, starring at the two boys in the back seat, his mind blank. He let out a quiet expletive then winced when Dudley cheered and clapped his hands; Petunia would kill him if she knew Dudley had heard him curse often enough to not only recognize the words but to laugh in response.
After standing there thinking for some time, Vernon admitted to himself that the current stroller was not going to automatically expand to fit his needs and he was going to have to carry one of the boys until he bought a two seater stroller. Hoping Harry wasn't the wiggler Dudley was, Vernon quickly unstrapped Dudley from the child seat then, before Dudley had a chance to realize that he was unrestrained, tied him into the stroller. After loading the diaper bag onto the back of the stroller, he freed Harry from his child seat. After locking the car, he girded himself and entered the store.
“Welcome! How may I help you?” A cheery salesgirl seemed to teleport to the entrance in order to ambush them as he walked in the door.
“Err, yes, um, stroller.” Vernon stammered slightly as he leaned away from the chirpiness that had to be drug induced. As the bouncy girl led him away, Vernon gave a mental shrug; if he had to brave the horror of a baby store, he could at least get the salesperson to do all the work.
* * *
That afternoon, after both Vernon and Petunia had returned from their respective expeditions, they agreed to discuss their new situation before it got any later in the day. While Vernon watched the boys and attempted to set up the larger playpen the enterprising salesgirl had sold him, Petunia prepared tea. After carefully picking up fully loaded the tea try, she arrived in the living room in time to see Vernon triumphantly placing first Dudley then Harry into the assembled playpen then frantically tossing in some toys as well as Dudley screwed up his face to cry. Vernon's sigh of relief as Dudley subsided and turned to amuse himself forced a smile onto her face.
When Vernon saw her placing the tray on the sitting room table next to the legal papers she had left there earlier, he quickly moved to join her on the couch. He gave a slight groan of relaxation as he sank into the cushions; this couch was build for comfort, not show, which was why they always had their discomfiting conversations while sitting on it. Petunia added to the sense of comfort when she poured two cups of tea, then handed one to him and kept the other for herself. They both paused for a moment to let the warmth seep through the porcelain into their hands.
“Well, I suppose first things first. The papers for guardianship were filed without a problem. We've been assigned a social worker at the CPS who can do magic. Her name is Eleanor Buchanan. She's who we're supposed to call if Harry does something unexplainable though she suggested always waiting to see what rationalization any witnesses will come up with on their own. Apparently, sometimes people do such a good job explaining away the magic that Obliviators aren't at all necessary,” stated Petunia.
“I assume from your calm manner, we don't have to worry about her telling Dumbledore anything.”
“The CPS is considered a muggle department; even the magical members are bound by the same laws of confidentiality as the muggle social workers. Even if something were to happen, Dumbledore still wouldn't be notified. After all, Harry doesn't attend Hogwarts yet so he has so say as headmaster and as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, he wouldn't be informed of a single under age incident which is all we should need Ms Buchanan for. Besides, when the woman took the job, she magically swore to uphold the laws protecting children to the best of her abilities. Part of that oath includes a bit about confidentiality and releasing information about a minor.” Petunia continued, “Oh, she's also helped me set up to get the muggle safe version of the Daily Prophet. We should be aware of that world for when Harry goes off to school.”
“Well, it seems like you accomplished quite a lot,” Vernon complimented Petunia happily. She smiled in response. “I was a little less successful though I managed to get a double stroller and a crib will be delivered tomorrow. I picked up a coat and basic clothes too. Should give us a little breathing room. Do we know what happened to all his clothes and toys?”
Petunia paused mid-sip. After setting her teacup back on its saucer, she spoke. “No, that was never mentioned. Well, I suppose we'll have to contact Ms Buchanan sooner than I had thought.”
A sudden, shrill screech made them jump up in alarm then relax when a laugh followed it. Dudley and Harry were gleefully whacking each other over the head with some of Dudley's soft, squishy plushies. Vernon settled back into the couch and wrapped an arm around Petunia's shoulders as they observed the two infants. Dudley and Harry, bored surprisingly quickly of their whacking game, were turning to other toys of Dudley's. Watching Harry happily chew on one of the alphabet blocks made another smile blossom on Petunia's face.
“Let's worry about the details tomorrow,” Vernon murmured quietly. “We can just celebrate Harry's survival today.”
Petunia's smile turned sad. “That sounds good to me.”
* * *
I'm sorry I took so long; all I can say it that I work retail so holiday and after holiday sale craziness goes from Thanksgiving to last week. Everyone's reviews did keep me motivated to write whenever I could so thank you. Your reviews always make me happy.
For the next chapter, I'm not quite sure what I want to do. I can either do snapshots of three or four instances in Harry's life or I can pick an age and do a chapter of Harry's life at that age. If you have an opinion, review and let me know. The chapter after that will be the letter and start of Hogwarts.