Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Fights, One Nights, and Realization ❯ The Story ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 1
Succori wakes up to the smell and sound of bacon frying on the stove. She rolls over onto her back and
takes a deep breath. She opens her eyes to see Ginny and Hermione still asleep in their beds. She threw off
the covers and swung her legs off the side of the bed; she stretched and yawned before getting up and
putting on her silk robe and heading downstairs for breakfast. She walked into the kitchen to see Mrs.
Weasley cracking eggs into the frying pan. “Smells great Molly.” “I hope you're hungry; breakfast will be
done in a bit.” “Thanks Molly.” Pretty soon the rest of the household woke up and headed downstairs. Fred
came into the kitchen in a daze, not realizing that anyone else was awake. “Good morning, nice boxers”
said Succori giggling. Fred blushed and ran back upstairs to change. Finally the rest of the gang came
downstairs and sat around the table. Mrs. Weasley placed a large plate of food in front of each of them,
“Dig in; don't be shy.” “Thanks Molly, it looks great.” After breakfast they gathered in the living room to
discuss what they were doing that day. “I don't know about you guys, but I'm about due for a swim, and a
decent tan.” “Sounds like a good idea to me.” “Okay, I'll go put on a suit.” The gang went back upstairs to
change. The boys were done in no time and sat around the living room waiting for the girls. Ginny was the
first to come down. Harry looked her up and down, she had chosen a hot pink bikini with a white shirt, and
she had a towel thrown over her shoulder and her hair held back with sunglasses. Next was Hermione, Ron
looked up and his jaw dropped, her once bushy hair was now flowing straight down her back, she was
wearing a purple bikini that clung perfectly to her every curve, and was making Ron drool. Fred nudges
Ron out of his daydream when George taps him on the shoulder, he turns around and there's Succori,
wearing a light blue bikini and blue jean cutoff shorts; her dark blue hair put back in a clip. Fred's eyes
nearly popped out of his head when he saw her, George broke him out of his trance when he leaned over
and whispered, “I call her; she's mine.” “What's yours?” asked Succori, “Oh, nothing, just guessing who'll
get to the lake first.” “You're on! First one there wins and losers do dishes with no magic!” “You are so
on!” Succori took off down to the lake, the thought of swimming energized her; the rest of the gang was
catching up, Fred right behind Succori. “What's wrong boys? Can't even beat a girl?” Fred smiled and sped
up, he reached Succori and they were neck and neck. Succori looked over at Fred, Wow; he is so muscular,
so tanned. Look at that smile, and those eyes… What's this? I'm falling behind? I don't think so. Just as
Fred ran ahead of her, the blue haired girl darted forward and dove into the lake. Wow; she is an amazing
athlete. No wonder she made the Quidditch team. I really like her; too bad George called her first. Hello,
numskull, she's a person not an object, and if she ever heard you even think of her like property to be
called she would kill you! It doesn't matter, she probably likes him and not me anyway, I'm probably
just in the way of their flirting. Fred does a cannonball right on top of Ginny. “Fred, you asshole, what'd
you do that for?” “Just felt like you needed it I guess.” “So Succori, who's doing dishes tonight?” “Well,
seeing as you'll be doing them for a week, I think you should go youngest to oldest. Ginny first, then
Harry, then Ron; which one of you is younger?” “George is.” “Right then, Ron, George, and then Fred. All
settled? Good. Now it's time for a little fun!” the gang played water games and swam for several hours
before Succori decided it was time to tan. Ginny and Hermione agreed and followed their friend out of the
water to where their beach towels were spread out on the ground. Succori managed to cover herself in
tanning oil before lying down and closing her eyes. Ginny and Hermione rubbed oil on each others' backs
and lay down. The boys gawked a bit, shook their heads, and went back to swimming. Pretty soon the girls
dozed off and barely remembered to turn over every couple of hours. The boys got an idea, “Harry, Ron,
you know what to do. George and I will take care of Succori.” “Right, meet you in the water.” “Or hell.”
The boys broke apart and went up to where the girls were lying in the sun. Suddenly, each boy grabbed a
girl and threw her over their shoulder, Ron and Harry ran with Ginny and Hermione kicking and screaming
to the water where they jumped in, still holding onto the girls. Succori was still fast asleep, George counted
to three, and they pounced. Fred threw the girl over his shoulder while George held her feet. “Let go of
me!” the boys laugh and then George gets a kick upside the head. Succori swung free and George fell to the
ground and Fred kept on running. “Last chance, let go.” “Alright.” Said Fred right as he dropped the
squirming girl into the water. She came up sputtering and coughing, “Fred, you little shit! I'll get you for
this if it's the last thing I do!” “Bring it on babe.” “Did you just call me babe?!” “Maybe.” She walked
dripping out of the lake, anger etched on her face, “No on calls me babe!” “Wow; I'm soo scared. What are
you gonna do about it sweetheart?” “Okay, that's it! I've had it, and you're going down!” Fred starts to
laugh, Succori runs toward him, her muscles flexing with every movement, the sun shimmering on her
body; Fred stops laughing and takes off running. God! I'm not sure I can outrun her, even if she is just a
girl. You know, I heard that.Did you now? Yes, I did. And you know, I believe there is a hint of fear. Not
a chance. Besides, haven't we already discussed the privacy of our minds? Oh cry about it why don't
you. It is my gift and no slug like you is going to make me stop. Besides, you're afraid of a girl.I am not.
Are so and you know it.Whatever, now get out of my mind! Have it your way thickhead.At least I'm
finally getting through to him that girls are just as good as boys.Fred tripped and fell, Succori was
coming up fast, too fast, and she couldn't stop. She hit the stump that had tripped Fred and a >< CRACK
>< was heard just before she went rolling and didn't stop until she was lying on top of Fred. “Well, you
know how much I like you this way babe, but your knee is in a very fragile spot.” “Sorry.” She rolled off
him and lay there, face up, panting for breath. Fred sat up and the others arrived soon afterwards. Wow,
silly me, I must have hit my leg on a rock. Maybe if I just sit here the pain will go away. Just as everyone
stumbled over to the two, Fred looked over at Succori and fear filled his eyes. Succori's eyes were closed
tight against the pain she felt, and was wondering why it hadn't gone away yet. Ginny was next to see, she
screamed and buried her head in Harry's shoulder. Succori opened her eyes at that and saw the gang staring
at her. She bit back the pain, trying to act as though it wasn't there. “What are you all staring at?” (She still
hadn't looked down at her leg to see what was causing all the pain in case her friends saw and asked about
it) “Please tell me you're kidding.” said Fred anxiously. “Why would I be kidding, and what would I
possibly be kidding about?” “Please tell me that you can feel that. Cause if you can't, then we are in even
more trouble then we thought.” “Feel what?” “Look at your damn leg Succori!” Succori looked down at a
horrible sight, her right knee was twisted at an odd angle, and her upper leg bone was stuck out, as was the
one in her shin. Blood was steadily pouring out of the wounds and Succori was getting light headed from
the loss of blood. “Oh my God.” “What do we do? We can't move you, and we can't magic you.” “Fred,
stop mumbling over there and apparate back to the house, get your mum and send for Madame Pomfrey,
she's the only person I trust.” “But…” “Don't `but' me, shut up and go!” Fred nodded curtly and
disapparated with a >< POP >< “What can we do to help?” “Hermione, could you get my things? And the
rest of you please stop looking at me, you're making too big a deal out of this, and if you don't stop you're
going to make me panic, which will make me lose more blood, see, now you've gotten me all worked up!”
Succori took a couple of calming breaths and closed her eyes, when she opened them the gang was still
staring at her. “Please don't look at me like that, it's getting annoying.” They looked away, only to sneak
glances every couple of minutes. Succori gave up and lay back down with her eyes closed and keeping her
breathing steady. Hermione brought Succori her things and the injured girl used her towel as a pillow. Well,
I'm sure I look absolutely stunning now that my bones are sticking out and I'm covered in blood. I
swear, if this stains any of my clothes, I will destroy something! Then she passed out unnoticed, as
everyone thought she was trying to block out the pain.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Weasley was sitting in a chair drinking her tea when Fred apparated in front of her. “Fred
dear, you ought naught do that; I could have spilled my tea. Where are the others?” “Down by the lake,
Succori's hurt. She sent me to get you and to send for Madame Pomfrey. She says you can come too if you
wish.” “If I wish?! She is like a daughter to me, of course I wish!” She set her tea down and strode towards
the mirror hanging on the wall beside the fireplace. “Magic mirror on the wall, show me Poppy, from the
Hall!” the mirror clouded before showing a scene of Hogwarts' hospital, Molly called out several times
before Madame Pomfrey came into view, huffing and puffing. “Yes Molly, what is it?” “Poppy, Succori's
been hurt and I'm going to need your help.” “Right, I'll be there in a second.” She disappears from view,
gathering equipment as she passed it, before the mirror clouded over and cleared, showing Fred his own
reflection. Seconds later, green flames burst forth from the hearth and Madame Pomfrey stepped out of the
grate. “Where is she?” “Follow me.” Fred headed out the door, “Why don't we just apparate, darling?””
“Oh, right, forgot. Everyone grab hold.” They apparated back to Succori and the gang with a >< POP ><.
They reappeared a few feet away from the others, who were busy staying out of Succori's way as she
struggled with the pain and a fever. Madame Pomfrey knelt down beside the distressed girl, “Molly, I need
water, hot water, and Fred's help.” Fred stepped forward as Molly and the girls went to fetch and boil
water, “What do you need me to do?” “Just make sure she doesn't struggle and comfort her while I try and
fix this leg.” “Okay, I can do that.” Madame Pomfrey turned back to Succori and started talking, “Succori?
Dear, can you hear me?” Succori lay still as a rock and did not reply. “She's telepathic isn't she?” “Yes.”
“Good.” Succori? Succori, this is Madame Pomfrey. I need you to talk to me.Hello, lovely day for a
swim, isn't it?Um, yes, lovely. Can you feel any pain?I have a bit of a headache, and I think I have a
bruise on my leg. It feels like someone's poking it. Why?Because you passed out from the blood loss.
Blood loss? Why am I bleeding?You broke your leg.How?I'm not sure, but you should remember as
soon as you wake up.When will that be?Well, I was hoping that you would wake up if I contacted you. I
need you awake if at all possible. Right, why didn't you just say so? With that, Succori opened her eyes
and stared up at the faces around her. Then she felt the pain, her face turned ghostly white and her eyes
glowed blue as her ice powers tried to take over. “Succori, darling stay with us. I can't help you if you're
frozen.” With an effort, Succori fought her instincts and let her power ebb away. “Good girl, now I know
you're in a lot of pain, but I need you to talk to Fred.” Fred stepped forward and took Succori by the hand.
Hey Cori, how are you? Oh fine thanks, especially with a broken leg and two bones sticking out. How
are you? No cause for sarcasm. Look, I'm really sorry you fell and got hurt, but it was sort of your fault.
Oh really? How so?You shouldn't have chased me. And you shouldn't have thrown me into the lake!I
was bored, what can I say? You are so immature!Thank you. So, how's it going?I don't know, but it
really hurts. Thanks for being here with me. No problem. Madame Pomfrey starts to drive the bones back
into position, Succori blinks away a tear and Fred, noticing something for once, squeezes her hand to
comfort her. You can squeeze my hand if you want.That's okay, really. I'd just break it and then you
would have to go through this too. I don't think it would be quite as painful.After several minutes of
hard word and a lot of magic, the bones were back in place and mending. Madame Pomfrey waved her
wand and the wound began to bandage itself. “Well, I think that should do it. Now, back home and into
bed.” Fred helped her to stand on one foot and then picked her up. “Let go of me please.” “Nope.” “Please,
you do remember what happened last time you didn't let me down.” “Yes, I remember, and I am still not
going to let you down.” “Why not?” “Because, I did this to you and I am going to make up for it by being
your transport service. Where do you want to go first?” “Oh alright, take me to my bedroom please.” “As
you wish.”
Chapter 2 (I'm just too lazy to put it on another sheet of paper.)
It is several weeks later and Succori is feeling much better, though her conscience troubled her greatly. I
can't believe I am resorting to this! Doing what?Dating George to make Fred jealous. And he doesn't
even know we're dating yet! Oh, that. Why did you resort to that exactly?Because, Fred completely
ignored my other attempts to get him to ask me out! I had to do something! But that? I mean, it's kind of
low.I know, but I really like him, and I really want him to notice me. I figured jealousy would be the
best way. Yeah, right after breaking your leg. Very intelligent.Oh, shut up.Then George comes in and
sits down beside her. “Hey Cor, how are you?” and before she could even reply he leaned in and kissed her,
soft at first, then harder as she recovered from shock and joined the make-out session, thinking : What the
hell? If I'm gonna date him I might as well kiss him and pretend he's Fred. This had been going on for a
minute or so when Fred opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks. What the hell is going on here?
I'd better say that out loud… “What the hell is going on here?” George broke away and looked up at his
brother, “Oh, hey Fred. Don't scare me like that; I thought I was in trouble.” “You are in trouble. What the
hell do you think you're doing with her?” “Making out, or I was before you barged in and we started
having this absolutely pointless conversation; I thought that was kind of obvious though. So, if you'll
excuse me…” he leaned back down and started kissing her, she kissed him back, Fred couldn't believe his
eyes. So it's true, she never likedme, it was always George and I was just in the way. I get it now.
Succori, what are you doing with him?George asked me out, about a week ago. I said yes.That's it
then? I don't see anything else it could be.Fine. Fred left the room, slamming the door behind him.
George, shouldn't you go and talk to Fred, explain the situation a bit?Why? It's really not all that hard
to understand, there's me, there's you and there's kissing. Not exactly a hard concept. He's your brother
and he's obviously upset about it. You should talk to him. Why?What doesn't he get about that? I'm not
sure. What are you doing?Kissing you. No, I meant the action a little farther south.Oh, whoops. Sorry.
I guess you turn me on more than I thought. Well, I don't think I'm quite ready for that step just yet, so
why don't you put “him” away.Oh come on he wants to come out and play. No, not yet.Oh come on.
Please. It'll only hurt for a minute I promise. Don't push me.Okay, I won't make you. Thank you for
understanding. It really means a lot to me.Does it turn you on? It might. Now shut up and kiss me.Yes
ma'am! The two continue this until lunch was ready and Ginny brought up Succori's lunch on a tray.
“Nice to see you finally dating someone Succori, but could you lay off for a second and eat?” “Oh, right,
sorry. George, would you care to get off of me for five minutes please?” “Sorry babe, you know I just can't
get enough of you.”
A week later and George is fed up with going without sex.
Succori had transported herself onto the couch in the middle of the night so as not to miss anything the next
day, (she hated being left out and had found that being locked in her room had made her miss far too much
for her liking) and had just gotten settled and hidden under a blanket when she heard someone coming
down the stairs, and someone else at the back door. Succori watched the figure of a Weasley walking
across the living room and open the back door. “Hello, nice of you to come and see me.” “Shh. I don't want
to wake anyone up.” Succori recognized the voices of George Weasley and Anita Patterson, a girl from
Ravenclaw known widely as a slut. The two kissed and Succori's heart stopped for a moment. It's okay
Succori, calm down. Yes, calm down, maybe she came onto him or something. “I've missed that; how
about a quickie on the couch?” “Sounds good to me.” Just keep calm. Keep calm? Keep calm my ass!
He's cheating on me! Why do you even care, you're just using him to get to Fred anyway? Maybe I was,
but now I really did like him. And he's cheating on me! That'sitI'vehadenough!Succori was so angry
that her thoughts rang through the house, waking Fred. I wonder what's going on out there. I'd better go
and make sure Succori's not in trouble. He got up, noticing on his way out that George wasn't in his bed,
I wonder what he's done now, Fred hurried down the stairs and stopped in horror at the bottom, just out of
George and Anita kissed again and were making their way to the couch, Succori sat straight up and threw
off the blanket. “What the hell do you think you're doing George Weasley?” “Succori! Um, shit, well, I,
uh… shit.” “What's wrong George? Anita swallow your tongue?” “Hey—“ “Stay out of this bitch. Well
George, go on, try to talk your way out of this one.” “She came onto me, it's not my fault.” “Oh stop your
blubbering you sorry bastard. I heard every word.” “Really? What are you gonna do about it? You're laid
up in bed, the worst you can do is dump me.” “Oh really?” “Yes, really. So you can just sit back, shut up,
and enjoy the show.” He turned and went back to kissing Anita, who was fairly used to people watching her
do what she did best. Fred couldn't stand it any longer, he stepped forward, “You pig, how could you do
that to her?” “Easily. Watch and learn bro.” “I'm gonna kill you—“ “No Fred, I can handle this.” But Cori, how much could you possibly do from the couch? Don't worry about me, just sit back, shut up, and
enjoy the show.Is that supposed to be funny? Let me handle it. Don't worry, I can take care of myself.
Succori stood up carefully, making sure not to put any weight on her broken leg. Her eyes glowed a bright
ice-blue and she lifted up into the air, her right leg became a mass of solid ice, and she floated gently back
down to the ground. With her eyes still glowing, she made her way over to the two, they stopped kissing.
Anita looked frightened and George sneered. She turned to Anita and punched her in the face, the girl fell
with a cry and a thump in a heap to the floor. George stopped sneering and a flicker of fear crossed his face
as Succori turned to him. Without a word she kneed him in the balls and punched him in the face as he fell.
“Don't ever treat me like that again. No one should have to go through the pain of a one-night-stand. And I
won't either. This is why I didn't sleep with you, I knew you would leave as soon as I did. You came for
one thing, and now you're going, without it.” She turned away from the shivering form of George's
unconscious body, the ice melted into her leg, supporting the bones and strengthening them, and her eyes
turned back to their normal blue and stopped glowing. She tried to make her way to the couch, but she was
shaking so badly that her legs gave out, and she collapsed in a crying heap on the floor. Fred ran over to her
(kicking George in the gut as he passed) and picked her up. He carried her over to the couch and lay her
down. Why would he do this to me?Succori, are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't understand why
he would do this to me.George thinks of girls as trophies, possessions. He was going to keep you while
you were useful and dump you later. He was determined to get you in bed; in the meantime he thought
he would sleep with all his other whores. I'm sorry he did this to you. I should have stopped him. There's
nothing you could have done. Don't worry about it. I'll be okay.Fred sat down beside Succori and held
her in his arms. She lay there and cried with her head in his lap for a while before whipping away the tears
and starting to talk to Fred. They talked about anything and everything, and by the time they finally fell
asleep they knew everything about each other. And Succori had completely forgotten her problems with
Chapter 3 (still too lazy to put it on a separate piece of paper)
George woke up the next morning with a start, suddenly remembering what happened (and why his groin
hurt so much). Anita had run out after she woke up from Succori's punch, leaving George moaning on the
floor. George looked around the living room and saw Fred lying on the couch with his arms wrapped
around Succori, and her head laying on his chest. “What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?” “Well
I was sleeping. What do you want George?” “I want you to get away from my property!” “She isn't an
object to be owned George.” “Whatever, I called her. You know the rules.” “What do you mean `called
me'? and what rules? What the hell is going on?” “Go on Fred, tell her.” “Tell me what?” “Back in
Hogwarts, if we saw a girl we liked or, or wanted to shag we called her. Whichever one of us called her
first, got her. If the other interfered,” “he had to date a person of the other's choice. And I choose,
Hermione Granger! If you don't shag her by the end of the weekend, you're finished.” “No, George, I don't
play your stupid games anymore. I want to be with Succori, and I would never date my little brother's
girlfriend.” “Newsflash, you are.” “No, he's not. I can't believe you two, using girls for your own pleasure.
And you tried to use me.” “No, Cori, I wouldn't. I tried to stop George. I—“ “Enough, just how stupid do
you think I am? I won't fall for your games again. Besides, anyone who thinks I am property, and that they
can just call me and get me, they've got another thought coming.” Succori waves her wand and transports
herself back upstairs to her bedroom. When she was out of sight Fred turned angrily to George, “Now look
what you've done. You don't care about anyone but yourself. I love her, and you just ruined any chance for
me to be with her. I hope you're proud of yourself.” “I didn't know she meant that much to you…”
whispered George in regret as Fred retreated up the stairs after Succori.
Succori floats into her room and sets herself down onto the bed, she is now crying uncontrollably when her
cat jumps onto her lap and seats herself, purring calmly. “How could I have been so blind and stupid?”
What happened?Succori played back what happened last night and that morning to the white cat in her
lap. I'm sorry you and George didn't work out. I'm not. It brought me closer to Fred. Right before I
realized the truth about him.So you want to be with Fred? I did. Before I realized he was no different
from his idiot brother. Give him a chance to redeem himself. Perhaps there is more than what meets the
eye. But he uses women, same as George.Did he use you last night when he stayed up late into the night
talking to you, telling you everything that was part of his life now? I don't guess so.And in all that time
last night, did he ever once mention that playing this game of George's was a part of his life? No.So,
perhaps you judged him too quickly. Give him a second chance. I guess you're right. I do need to give
him another chance. I can't just walk away from love. That is, if he even wantsme.He spent the entire
night with you, he came to your rescue when you fell and when George cheated on you, and he has
taken complete care of you since you broke your leg. I think he wants to be with you.
Chapter 4
Fred head up the stairs and stops outside Succori's door. He gathers his courage and knocks on the door.
“Come in.” comes Succori's voice from behind the door. Fred takes a deep breath and opens the door. “Oh,
it's you. what do you want?” “I want to talk to you about what happened.” “Go on.” Look, I know what I
used to do was wrong, and I haven't done it since. I'm sorry if you think I am that childish, I'm sorry if I
hurt you. I just wanted you to know that. good-bye. What you're leaving? Yes, I am sorry to have caused
you so much pain, and now I will leave you to find someone special to spend your time with. You idiot,
that someone special I want to spend time with is you. I've been throwing out hints since we graduated. I
only dated George because I couldn't have you. But after all I've done to hurt you, I don't deserve you.
Youshould find someone that won'thurt you, whichwill spend their life with you, loving you. Fred, if
I've learned anything these past couple of weeks, it's that the only person I want to spend the rest of my
life with, is you. You are the man I want to wake up to every morning, you are the man I want to hold me
when I'm scared, and love me til the end of time. I love you Fred Weasley, and I won't take no for an
The End