Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and the Knights of Slytherin ❯ HP5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Harry Potter and the Knights of
Fan-fiction by Bizmarck
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter etc. It's just a fan-fiction, read and enjoy.
(Chapter 5)
Just outside the National Museum of Antiquities…
Illuminated by the soft yellow glow of the streetlights, an old lady strolled casually down the late evening street. Slowing, she allowed her small poodle time to sniff at the base of a tree. Smiling slightly she looked around the most abandoned inner city, many would consider two am to be an odd time to walk the dog, though she enjoyed the quiet, and felt safe in the museum quarter of London.
`This part of the city was totally different at night' she thought to herself.
“Grrrrrrr” came a growl from the small dog, suddenly looking down the street.
“What is it dear?” asked the old lady kindly.
She and the dog both gave a yelp simultaneously as two objects came flying past, low, and only meters away. She ducked low as another two figures flew past, screaming as the tree next two her suddenly exploded into flame. She stayed down, grabbing her small dog, not noticing the final two figures who flew past moments later.
The world rushed past as Harry recklessly gave chase; he swung low past a lamppost, ducking past a moving truck to swing around in front of it as Snape and the large Death Eater turned another corner. Straightening up Harry swung left as a lamppost in front of him exploded, hit by a stray shot from the large Death Eater, sparks flying in all directions. Flying nearby Ron lined up a shot and fired at Snape, the green fireball just missing their former teacher, exploding on a building in the background. Snape accelerated, ducking into a tree lined boulevard, and staying low between the massive oaks. There was considerably more traffic on this road and Snape skimmed low over cars, breaking left at an intersection into oncoming traffic, just missing another truck. Harry gained altitude and swung around the corned, the large Death Eater had needed to break hard to catch the corner and had also gained altitude. Harry lined up a shot, the large man ducking just in time as the building immediately behind him gained a new icy façade. Accelerating low he fired back. Ron swung around the corner low, his broom loosing some straw as he clipped a car. Coming together Ron and Harry flew level for a while; the two figures ahead of them weaved through traffic so as not to give their pursuers a clear shot. The two Aurors were still following, though seeing the exchanges up ahead were unsure about whom the enemy was. The two death eaters approached a bridge over the Themes, skimming left they ducked through some trees then flew down to the waters surface, cutting under the bridge and weaving through the bridge's supports. Ron and Harry followed, dodging another shot that exploded on the rivers surface, sending up a large column of water.
Behind them the Aurors manoeuvred to get through, coming out from under the bridge at high speed in an attempt to catch up one of them struggled to avoid a loose shot from the Death Eater, the spinning disk clipping his broom and smashed it, the young man was thrown forward, hitting the surface of the water hard at high speed. His companion, a young witch, immediately halted to assist, a ways away she saw the other four figures duck back into the built up area on the other side of the river.
Ron and Harry gained altitude so that the ever-wilder shots from the large Death Eater did not hit any muggles. They had flown into a busier area of London and the muggles below scattered at the strange site. Ron ducked below a shot, the explosion behind him causing glass and chunks of concrete to rain on the hapless people below.
“We have got to take him out before he kills someone!” yelled Ron above the noise, as the swept low again around another intersection.
“Get ready to shield your eyes!” called Harry, looping even lower through the crowd before gaining altitude rapidly. Ron fired a weak, but dazzling, spell towards the two Death Eaters, drawing their attention. Harry was falling back a bit but fired a massive shining star that streaked towards the intersection immediately in front of the two fleeing men. The magic was too far away to deflect or counter and only Snape recognised the ploy, breaking hard into a tree just before the spell discharged. Ron ducked behind a bus as the world turned white, the massive flare shined more brilliant then the sun, completely overwhelming the senses of everyone in its immediate area. Even Harry, who had shielded his eyes, was momentarily stunned.
Emerging from behind the bus Ron spotted the floundering large Death Eater, having slowed dramatically to avoid hitting anything while blind. Zooming forward Ron fired a spell, just before it hit however the enraged wizard conjured his most powerful destructive spell, firing blindly in rage. The fireball streaking off and hitting a high open-air footbridge, obliterating a large section of it, mercifully no one was standing in that exact spot. The large Death Eater was hit square by Ron's spell, going immediately limp, then spiralling down on the out of control broom, finally landing heavily on a parked car, crushing in the roof.
Ron turned to head towards where Snape had to be but was suddenly stopped by a scream from the footbridge that was hit. The steelwork had begun to yield, with the platform buckling to one side. Most people had already scampered off, though 5 still remained, disorientated by the blast.
“Harry!” called Ron, as one of the hapless pedestrians lost his grip and fell. Ron dove across and caught the young man with his hand, immediately beginning to descend down to the ground. Harry came rushing in and caught another couple with a levitation spell just as they began to fall. But could only watch on in horror as the last two began to fall.
“Ron!” called back Harry. Ron let go of his broom and caught one of the others with his own spell, his other hand still holding onto the young man he positioned himself awkwardly on the broom. It appeared as if the last girl was about to hit the ground when she was suddenly caught by another flying figure, Snape had immerged and caught the girl around the waist. Swooping down he roughly dropped her onto the grass, raising back up he stopped, momentarily scanning the falling walkway, after which he made brief eye contact with Harry, who was momentarily stunned. Harry then began to lower the couple quickly, Snape was about to head off down the street as four Aurors came into view, flying quickly from the other direction, Harry dropped the two to the ground and smiled, Snape was trapped. The older man seemed to come to a quick conclusion, muttering something he suddenly flung the staff he was holding, it spinning quickly towards the incoming Aurors. Harry could only watch as it flew down the street, the Auroras moved to avoid but it was too late, another flash of light and a tremendous force-wave enveloped them all in a tremendous boom. All the windows for a block were blown out. Cars were overturned and people thrown to the ground, the four Arours being smashed out of the air roughly. Though the impact was spectacular there was no heat involved, and somehow the force spread variably, causing many injuries, but nothing serious. Ron had remained in place, struggling to maintain the levitation spell while he descended, Snape shot the two another look before turning to head down a side street.
“Go get him Harry!” called Ron. Harry, not needing any further encouragement, dove after Snape, the two disappearing into a narrow ally.
The two figures dashed past buildings at an ever increasing speed, ducking in and out of narrow alleys Harry was amazed at his former teachers abilities with the broom, he never would have guessed that Snape was so proficient as he swooped right, arcing up to have his feet just skim the walls of a building as he took a ridiculously sharp turn. Snape looked back occasionally but neither fired on the other. They entered a high rise commercial district, increasing in height, weaving through the buildings Snape was unable to shake the former Gryffindor seeker, Harry however was also not making much ground.
Looking ahead Harry spotted his chance, Snape was flying left and Harry could tell he was about to swing right as another building loomed in front of them, the corner building was still being built and Harry saw a clear path he could take through the still open building. Ducking through at high speed, Harry weaved through the pillars, narrowly avoiding tools and materials, seemingly exploding through an opening at the other side. Snape turned just in time to see Harry immerge, shocked. he turned his broom away automatically, slowing slightly, the reflex not allowing him to raise his wand. Harry had no plan of attack, and no time to think of one, his speed and angle did not allow him to turn effectively so he could also not raise his wand. Seeing Snape close to a large plate window he simply reacted, letting go of his broom he launched himself at Snape, flying through the air, more then 15m above the ground, Harry caught Snape around the middle, the momentum carrying the two through the window into a large bookshelf, Harry used the last second to conjure a shield spell that automatically covered him and whatever he was touching, the slightly toughened two wizards demolishing office furniture as they rolled roughly to a stop, Harry losing grip of Snape and the older wizard coming to a stop a few meters away. Both were considerably shaken up, but Snape made it to his feet first, stumbling backwards he pointed his wand shakily at Harry, his disarmament spell missing Harry and blowing over a desk behind him. Harry made it to his feet and fired his own spell, causing Snape to throw himself behind a heavy filing cabinet. Harry quickly stumbled across to a column, collapsing against it, both wizards paused to catch their breath, breathing heavily, silence returned to the office.
Harry sat there, grimacing slightly as his bruised and battered body recovered enough to start sending pain signals to his brain. Despite the discomfort the young man smiled, he had stopped Snape from steeling the staff, and now here he was, one of his greatest desires currently in play, to square off one to one with the man that killed Dumbledore.
`Well this is it' thought Harry with grim determination…
Authors note:
I so hope the J.K.R does a chase scene on brooms in the last book, would be such a cool thing, well I hope you liked my attempt at it.