Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and (the rest of) The Beast Within ❯ Chapter 8: Crystal Clear ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


(NM)MNK: Read this with a huge shaker of salt and a barf bag, folks, because reading over it makes me gag.

Oh, yeah! I own Harry P— (retches violently) Sorry. Guess I just couldn’t swallow that one!



Chapter 8: Crystal Clear

Crystal sat in a tree, staring at her twin sister Sapphire sparring with Azalea. Suddenly, she felt eyes upon her. She glanced over behind her, noticing a young man sitting at the base of a nearby tree, his charcoal pencil skating across a sketchpad. He didn’t even notice her eyes upon him until he looked up again. Their eyes met. His face turned bright red. He quickly dropped the pencil and turned the page. Curious and not just a little miffed that he had been spying on them, Crystal slid down from her branch, not noticing her mantle get caught on a rough spot and tear a bit. She headed over to the young man, and stood before him, her arms crossed, eyes narrowed.

“You got a death wish?” she snapped. Confused, he shook his head. “Then why were you spying on them?” He had the guts to look at her as if she were crazy, and say,


“You were watching Sapphire and Azalea while you did whatever the Hell it was you were doing with that pad of paper. Now what’s your problem, huh?” she growled deep in her chest, trying to ignore what her heart was saying. Her heart was saying ‘Good GOD, he’s CUTE!’ For it was true. He had long, dark hair swept into a ponytail, and a muscular build with heavily tanned skin. As for her instincts, well...they were saying ‘Great. Sapphire’s got another admirer. Just what I needed.’

“I believe the question is, ‘What’s YOUR problem?’” the young man said softly, turning back to the other page and handing her his sketchbook. She looked warily at him for a moment, then looked down. She almost dropped it in shock. There, in various pencils, was a perfect rendition of her sitting in the nook of the tree limb, her back against the trunk and her tail hanging loose, slightly curled. The only difference was in her face. Instead of being full of envy and malice, a demure smile graced her features, and the anger was gone from her sparkling eyes.

“You weren’t watching them?” she asked quietly, still stunned. “They’re over there fighting in mid-air, and you’re not watching them?”

“I found you to be more interesting than a play fight.” He shrugged, still speaking softly with that thick accent of his. She went to sit, but he stopped her, pulling her torn mantle aside.

“What in bloody Platyao?!” she groaned as he pulled his wand out, and pointed it at the tear. “I just got this...”

Vestis reparro,” he muttered, causing a spark to leave the tip of his wand, mending the cloth in seconds.

“...mended?” she finished, staring at the corner of her mantle, still in his hand. He released it with a smile, and gestured for her to sit beside him. “Thank you. What’s your name?”

“Blaise,” he answered, admiring her beautiful sparkling eyes. “Yours?”

“Crystal,” she answered, getting lost in his deep brown eyes. “Crystal Agate. Are you a student?” He nodded. “I’m just passing through with my step sister, Azalea. She’s the one over there with black and pink hair.”

“And the other?” The scowl returned to Crystal’s face.

“That’s my damned twin sister, Sapphire,” she snorted. “Little minx.” Blaise’ eyes widened in shock.

“What do you mean?”

“Okay, I take that back. She’s not a minx. She just ACTS like one.” Crystal growled again. “She always has had this huge entourage of guys chasing after her and she wants NOTHING to DO with them! I’m beginning to think she’s GAY! And here I am, I practically have to club a male over the head just to get him to look at me twice!! WHAT the HELL is with THAT?!” A knowing look entered Blaise’s eyes, as he cautiously put a hand on her knee.

“If it helps any, she’s not gay. The short, black-haired kid that went after her on his broom is her boyfriend, Harry Potter.” Rage entered her crystalline eyes, and Blaise began to wish he’d kept his mouth shut.

“Boyfriend, eh?” She snorted. “Yeah, that makes me feel better. I’ve been looking for a relationship since I came of age, while she’s been HIDING from them for the same amount of time, and now SHE’S got one and I don’t. Yeah. I’m fine with that.” Blaise could hear the hurt, the envy, the sadness in her voice, though she masked it with rage. “She’s so beautiful,” Crystal sighed. “Why wouldn’t the guys chase her?” She turned to her companion. “Why haven’t YOU been chasing her? You don’t smell like you have! Why not?”

“It’s simple, Crystal,” he said quietly, avoiding her eyes. “She’s not my type. Besides, you’re much more beautiful when you’re not glaring at everyone and everything.” Her eyes bugged. Did he just say...?

“Did you just call me beautiful?” she asked in shock. He blushed a deep red, and nodded. “I’m not even human! I’m a warrior, bred to KILL humans! And you think I’m BEAUTIFUL?!”

“I figured you weren’t human,” he said softly. “What are you?”

“I’m a Salzain...my race comes from another planet. We were evolved from a jungle cat known as the Ozarro.” She searched his face, the specks in her eyes growing pink with confusion. “Doesn’t that bother you?” He looked up at her and shook his head, smiling shyly. “I could kill you right now if I wanted to!” she cried, leaping to her feet, standing over him. “Aren’t you afraid?!”

“I don’t fear death.” he said quietly. “Just as I don’t fear you. I know you wouldn’t kill me for no reason, because you know in your heart that you are NOT the monster you want people to think you are.” He stood and pulled her close.

“What do you fear?” she asked quietly.

“...Rejection,” he answered after a moment. “I have a tendency to avoid meeting people and being around people, because they might hurt me. Just like they might hurt you.” He finally looked up at her. There was want in her eyes, though her face showed uncertainty. He carefully pulled her closer, and hesitantly leaned forward. Even more hesitantly, he laid his lips to hers in a gentle, nervous kiss. She surprised him by wrapping her arms around him and moaning into the kiss. He pulled back and eased them to the ground, holding her close as he lay beside her. When she finally opened her eyes again, to stare into his, Blaise gasped in shock.

“What?” Crystal asked, almost hurt.

“Y...Your eyes...changed color!” She rolled her now black-specked grey eyes.

“They change with my moods sometimes,” she answered.

“Why?” She stiffened, a memory of a torture chamber and a hypodermic needle of clear liquid flashing across her eyes.

“I’d...rather not talk about it,” she whispered, rolling onto her other side, to prevent him from seeing her eyes becoming specked light blue with tears.

“I understand,” he said softly, holding her closer than ever. Clearly she had her fair share of secrets, and he wasn’t going to pry them out of her. “I understand.”


About a week later, Draco Malfoy sat on a couch in the Slytherin common room, fuming, and watching the flames dancing in the fireplace. He still sported the handprint that Sapphire had left on his cheek when she found out that he’d been spying on her training with her stepsister Azalea. Blaise stared out the window that showed the life of the lake outside, admiring the sight before him. One of the mermaids swam past, winking at him with a flirtatious smile on her face. He blushed heavily, and turned to look at the grandfather clock standing by the window. Suddenly, he was aware of Draco calling his name.

HELLO! EARTH TO BLAISE!” Draco growled. Blaise turned and looked at his fellow Slytherin. “Did you even hear a word I said, or were you too busy flirting with that damned mermaid again?”

“For your information,” Blaise grumbled, “I have NEVER flirted with a mermaid. What’s YOUR problem?!” It was then that he noticed the slap mark on Draco’s cheek. “You were hitting on Sapphire again, weren’t you.” Blaise fought back the smirk.

“No, she caught me watching her beat the crap outa her stepsister.” He glared at the floor. “Why?” he asked no one in particular. “Why does she prefer that loser Potter over me?” Blaise could hear the heartache in the young man’s voice, and see the pain in his eyes. “I’m smarter, more powerful, better looking...”

“Says you. I’ve heard she loves him because of the way he TREATS other people, not because of his intelligence, power, and looks. Not to mention he treats her like a woman, not a notch in his belt.” He glanced up at the clock after hearing it strike the hour. “Shit! I’m gonna be late!” He grabbed the jacket he’d brought to the common room with him, and raced toward the door.

“Got a hot date with the mermaid?” Draco sneered.

“Nope.” Blaise smirked back. “Got a hot date with Sapphire’s twin sister!” He slammed the door, leaving Draco staring after him, mouth opening and closing like a fish and eyes bugged beyond normal human limits.

Blaise struggled with his jacket as he raced down the hall, a huge grin on his face. He wished he could’ve had a camera with him, so he could’ve taken a picture of the Great and Egotistical Draco Malfoy looking much like a large mouth bass in a net.

Finally, he reached the front steps of the castle only to find...

Nothing. Had she stood him up? Was it all just some big joke? He looked around one more time, then sighed, and turned to head back to the common room. Suddenly he heard a someone let out a wolf whistle.

“Hey handsome!” a beautiful female voice catcalled. “Lookin’ for me?” He looked up in shock. Crystal sat on the edge of the roof next to a gargoyle, one knee drawn to her chest, the other leg hanging off the edge of the roof. She leapt down, and landed nimbly right next to him.

“How did you get up THERE?” Blaise asked, flabbergasted. She just shrugged and grinned,

“I have my ways.” He carefully took her arm, linking it with his own, and they headed off to the village.

Finally they caught up with the other students, who were also heading toward Hogsmeade. Blaise groaned, noticing how slow the herd was moving, and that they were packed too tightly to squeeze through. “We’ll never get there at THIS rate!” Crystal stopped in her tracks and wrapped her arms around him.

“Wanna bet?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll bet we can get there in five or less minutes. Whoever loses buys drinks.” He laughed at her mischievous nature, and admired the purple sparkles in her grey eyes.

“There’s no way!” She tightened her grip on him, and said,

“Just hang on.” Suddenly, she leapt into the air, and they were soaring toward the village.

“WHAT THE HELL?!” Blaise squeaked, seeing the ground rushing past. “WHEN DID YOU LEARN HOW TO FLY?!”

“When I was two.” Crystal smirked, landing softly outside the three broomsticks. He stared at her in shock.

“When you were WHAT?!” he squeaked as they walked toward the Inn.

“Two earth years old.” She chose a booth in the far corner, while he went up to the front and ordered a couple of Butterbeers. Soon he returned, handing Crystal her drink. “You forget already...I’m not human.”

“I know that, but how could you learn something like that so early in life?”

“I’m of a race known as the Salzains. We’re from Planet Vegeta. I looked like I do now when I was only three Earth years old. We mature rapidly and age at a dead slow pace.”

“How old are you now? If you don’t mind my asking...” he added hastily.

“Not at all,” she answered, then thought a moment. A worried look crossed her face. “You’re eighteen or older, right?” He nodded.

“Nineteen this February...Why?”

“I was born just under thirty-five Earth years ago,” she said softly, staring down at her hands, folded in her lap. Blaise got up and sat beside her, holding her close. “I’m probably twice your age!” she whispered, looking up at him, her eyes losing their purple specks and gaining blue ones. “Doesn’t that bother you?” He didn’t answer. He just leaned toward her and laid a gentle kiss upon her lips.

“I never was much into other relationships...I just didn’t see anything worthwhile in the women around me. Then YOU came along.” His voice grew husky, and he held her tight. “You changed everything for me, Crystal, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.” Finally reassured, Crystal relaxed.

The couple spent the rest of the hour sitting in the booth, drinking their Butterbeers, talking about anything, everything, and nothing in particular. Soon, though, it was time to go.

Blaise and Crystal, having finished their drinks, left the tavern hand in hand. They were walking up the street toward the school, when Blaise heard a familiar voice. He stiffened. He had to get Crystal out of there, fast. “Y...You know what?” he stammered, turning around. “I think I left my jacket at the Three Broomsticks. C’mon.” Crystal burst into laughter.

“You’re WEARING your jacket, silly!” she giggled, turning him around. Suddenly, she stood stock still as her grey and purple eyes met the navy blue eyes of someone she knew, oh, so well. She growled as the flecks in her eyes grew bright red with anger. “YOU,” she snapped.

Sapphire stared back at her twin sister, confusion in her eyes.

“What about me?”

“You just HAD to follow me here with your little harem, didn’t you?!” She shook off Blaise’ arm, and advanced menacingly toward Sapphire.

“HAREM?!” Sapphire’s eyes narrowed. “These are my FRIENDS!” Finally, Harry recognized Blaise.

“Please tell me that’s not your sister,” he pleaded to his girlfriend.

“That’s my sister all right.” she snapped. “My TWIN sister. What are you doing here, anyhow?” Sapphire tacked a few non-english words onto the end, and Crystal’s eyes widened in anger.

What did she call her?” Ron asked quietly, hiding behind Viktor.

She called her a moping little kid,” Hermione whispered back.

“It appears that hiding insults behind our native language won’t help here, you little TRAMP,” Crystal hissed. Sapphire’s eyes burned bright blue for a moment, but she closed them and breathed deeply. When she opened them again, she struggled to keep her face impassive.

"Give it up, Crystal,” Sapphire said in a quiet, but firm tone. “I’m NOT going to let you control me this way. You know very well I gave up fighting the year the war ended. I’m NOT going to FIGHT you.”

“Oh,” Crystal snarled, “you’ll fight Azalea, but not ME?! Am I not GOOD enough for you, you little BITCH?!”

“We weren’t fighting, Crystal. We were sparring. There’s a difference.”

“What are you doing hanging out with a SLYTHERIN?!” Ron growled, knowing that the sisters’ dispute wouldn’t get settled any time soon.

“RON!” Hermione squeaked. Sapphire turned to look at him.

“A what?” she asked in confusion.

“There are four sects (more commonly referred to as the ‘Houses’) that make up the student population of Hogwarts,” he explained. “Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. We five are from Gryffindor. He’s a Slytherin. The students are sorted into their houses according to their personality types. Gryffindors are known for their bravery and their habit of following the right path, Hufflepuffs are known for being kind and gentle, Ravenclaws are known to be intelligent and just, while Slytherins are most commonly known for their power-lust. There’s not a witch or wizard from Hogwarts that went bad and didn’t come out of Slytherin.” Out of the blue, Crystal shifted into a creature much like Sapphire’s leopard form. She was also a snow leopard, but her fur was a darker yellow and her spots were grey with tiny flecks of other colors mixed in, making them look like diamonds. Her upper fangs hung a good four inches over her lower lip, and her grey eyes had gained more red specks, making them appear almost all red. She roared and leapt out at Ron. Sapphire shoved him out of the beast’s path, taking her Leopard form. She was slightly bigger than Crystal in this form, and as in her birth form, she was more powerful.

Sapphire threw Crystal to the ground, where she went rolling for a moment, before lying still, splayed out in the dirt. She didn’t move. Blaise rushed to her side, but she leapt to her feet and charged at her sister. Sapphire didn’t even flinch. The others finally gained their senses, and scrambled to get out of the way. Just as Crystal reached only a foot away from her sister, Sapphire jumped into the air, allowing Crystal to sail past harmlessly. Sapphire landed a few feet away, having shifted back to her birth form in mid-air. Crystal had charged right into a wall, and struggled to regain her birth form. She struggled to her feet and glared over at her sister, holding a hand over the deep gash on her brow that was causing her beautiful dark blonde hair to run red.

“Be thankful that Blaise and Azalea are also living in that castle, you little hussy,” she snarled, her eyes burning with hate, “otherwise this whole COUNTRY would be leveled tonight, starting with YOUR TOWER!!!” With that final threat, she leapt into the air, and began a swift, yet shaky flight toward the castle. Within moments, she was out of sight. With a regretful glance at Blaise, Sapphire followed the others down the cobblestone road, heading back to Hogwarts. After a few moments, Blaise followed at a distance.


Sapphire was sitting in the window, staring out at the night sky, when she heard a knock at the door. She slowly trudged over to answer it, and let Harry in the room. They sat down on her bed, staring off into space. There was silence for a while as they sat there in each other’s arms. Finally, Harry spoke.

“What happened?” he asked. She sighed, and began the long, painful tale.


Blaise finally made it back to the Slytherin common room, and opened the door. Draco Malfoy was still sitting on the couch, moping. He looked up when he heard the door open, and looked the other student over in shock. His clothing was disheveled and was spattered with dirt, bringing the blond to think that he knew what happened. But when he looked up to Blaise’s face, he was a little alarmed. The brunet looked like someone had just torn his heart out and stomped it to pieces.

“Don’t tell me she dumped you for not being a good enough shag!” Draco said in shock. Blaise glared over at him.

“She didn’t dump me,” he snapped. “We had a FINE time until Sapphire showed up.” He collapsed in the leather armchair beside the couch.

“What happened?”

“When Sapphire and her gang showed up, Crystal tried to kill her.” Draco’s eyes widened as Blaise gave the basic story. Blaise’s brows knitted together in deep thought. “I wonder...” He was cut off by a knock at the door to the common room. Draco got up and answered it, wondering who would knock. He squeaked and backed away in fear as Azalea entered the room.

“You...You’re the one who hit Professor Snape!” he whimpered, backing up against a wall. Azalea rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch he’d just vacated, unaware that Snape watched from the shadows. She was too concerned and worried to be concentrating on chi at the moment.

“You must be Blaise,” she said softly, looking over at him. He didn’t even look up, but nodded. “Sapphire told me about what happened, and she thought that you should know what’s going on.”

“I was there,” he replied curtly. “I SAW what was going on. Crystal hates her sister, and Sapphire’s just a self-righteous--” Azalea drew her arm back as if to slap him. He flinched; she saw the look in his eyes. Obviously he was blinded by Love.

“Sapphire is not self-righteous, Blaise,” she said quietly, gently allowing the threatening hand to fall and light gently on the arm of his chair. “She was trying to do the right thing. There’s much more going on than you’re aware of.” He glared into the fire as Draco sat at the opposite end of the couch, curious.

“Yeah?” Blaise snorted. “Like what?” Azalea sighed and began a story much like the one Sapphire was explaining to Harry, and Iris and Peridot were explaining to the others, not far above them.


“When Sapphire and Crystal were born, they were almost impossible to tell apart. The only way to know was to look in their eyes, for Sapphire had navy eyes, and Crystal had emerald eyes. Originally, Crystal’s name was ‘Beryl.’ Not long after they were born, it was discovered that they were what are known as ‘Licans.’ This means that they were born blessed with the powers of a Salzain woman named Lica.” She quickly explained the Licans to them.

“So why aren’t her eyes green anymore?” Blaise asked.

“Patience, boy” she answered. “Patience.”


“Anyhow, the year those two were born, Iris’ and my father, a widower, married Sapphire, Crystal, and Peridot’s mother, a widow. The twins were growing fast, becoming more alike every day. Unfortunately, trouble was brewing on the smallest continent of our planet. Our Lican sister Ambrosia, foresaw a great battle coming in eighteen years. The enemies’ land was poor, and the droughts, floods, famines, and pestilence wrecking the land made it even harder to find food. We Licans had been trying our best to help them out, but they had become bitter. Ambrosia foresaw a war between the two continents that would last over a year. We knew that we’d need every one of those years for training, so naturally, we began training everyone capable of throwing a punch, not a day after the prophecy. That included the twins. They were nearly inseparable for those first seventeen years, but everything changed when the war started. They’d been raised according to the principles that would keep them alive: ‘Humans are the enemy. There are no humans in our country. Keep them out of our country or they will kill those you love.’” Blaise opened his mouth to protest, but she cut him off. “We all know that that’s not true here. The only reason we told them that was because the girls had never sensed the evil in a spirit before, and wouldn’t be able to recognize it. What we told them was the simplified version of the old ‘Shoot first, then roll ‘em over and check to see if they’re a foe’ rule. It’s part of what kept them alive.

“Finally, the war started, and it dragged on forever. About a week before the enemy forces retreated, Sapphire and Crystal were separated. Crystal was sent to guard the coast, near the Badlands, and Sapphire was sent to guard the inlands. When things calmed down there, Sapphire’s army was sent to the Badlands, where Crystal was stationed. When they finally got there, on the last day of the war, she was greeted by an ear-piercing shriek of agony coming from one of the abandoned mines in the area. There, she found her sister strapped to a table, while a human male injected her with some unknown clear chemical. Crystal had gone mad from pain, abuse, and neglect, so she most likely didn’t know that it was Sapphire who drug her mutilated body from the mine, slaughtered every human inside, and nearly won the last battle single-handedly. When she found Crystal, something inside her mind snapped. She transformed into that Leopard form you saw...” Draco’s eyes bugged again. “...and tore the rest of the humans to pieces, leaving only one standing. Well, sort of standing. It was an old man with a brightly polished shield. She had knocked him down and was about to rip out his intestines, when she saw her reflection in his shield. After staring at herself for a moment, she returned to her birth form, and sent him home with a ship load of corpses and a warning that if his people ever tried something like that again, NO ONE would come back alive.” Azalea sighed.

“Sapphire spent every waking moment from then on in Crystal’s room. She showered while they cleaned and bandaged Crystal’s wounds, but other than that, she never left. She sat at her bedside all day, and at night, she slept across the threshold of the door. She did everything she could to help facilitate Crystal’s recovery…but unfortunately, there was nothing she could do to combat the chemical warfare that had started in Crystal’s bloodstream. The chemical caused her sweet, gentle temperament to change to one of anger and pure malice. Her beautiful green eyes faded to grey, and gained strange flecks in the irises that changed color with her moods. Even when she was in her leopard form, her spots and eyes had changed. Her hair grew darker as well, and her blood grew a darker, redder color than the plum purple it had been before. She was suspicious of everything and everyone, filled with hatred and rage, which eventually led others to start avoiding her like the plague. This only fueled her anger, and as her old friends flocked to stay with Sapphire, whose temperament and personality had hardly changed, her hatred, envy, and rage all found someone to blame it on...The twin sister she’d loved so much only a year before.” Azalea turned to stare into the flames, her eyes half-closed with pain. “That’s why we came here. We didn’t come to visit, like Sapphire, Iris, and Peridot did. We came because someone told us that the witches and wizards here might have a cure for the illness those humans inflicted upon her.” She sighed.

“She shouldn’t be alone right now, Blaise,” Azalea said softly. “Will you go to her?”

“Where is she?”

“The East tower continues down into the basement. There are two rooms here...one on the left, and one on the right. Her room is on your left. You should know it because she brushed her hand against the door as she went in; it left a trace of blood on the wall.”

“I can tell that despite your lack of shared blood, you know her better than her own twin sister,” Blaise said softly, standing up.

“Only because of how much we have in common, boy.”

“What do you have in common?”

“We’ve both been hurt, we’re both suspicious of everyone, and we’re both full of anger. Not to mention we could both be easily nicknamed ‘Hates Everything.’ And one more thing before you leave.” He looked back. “If you ever doubt that she can be helped, or that she has feelings for you, remember this: A young human she befriended during the war betrayed her. He’s the one that allowed her to be captured, and tortured. Travis was a charming young man, but he turned ugly within moments. She hated humans with a passion for years, Blaise.” She looked seriously into his dark eyes. “And yet she loves you more than life itself.” He went into shock. “She doesn’t have to tell me anything about how she’s feeling...ever. Her eyes are too emotional. If you ever doubt her love for you, just look into her eyes.” Her green eyes narrowed in warning. “And if I EVER find out that you’ve hurt her...I’m not like Sapphire. I WILL KILL you in the most PAINFUL way POSSIBLE!”

“You needn’t worry, Ma’am,” he said softly. “I have no intention of hurting her. EVER. Thank you.” Just as he stepped out the door, he felt a hand light gently on his shoulder.

“Just call me Azalea, okay?” She smiled, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He nodded, and left.


Blaise passed Professor Snape in the hallway, and gently knocked at the door to Crystal’s room. He didn’t hear an answer, so he slowly opened the door. She lay on her bed in the corner, curled up in a ball, not moving.  Blaise raced over to her side and called her name...she was out cold. He stumbled out the door and over to Azalea’s room opposite the other.


“Blood loss?” a shrill, bossy voice asked disbelievingly. “You call this BLOOD LOSS?! By all rights she should be DEAD!” Crystal tried to turn her head to the side, but found it to be too difficult to manage in her current state. What was her current state, she wondered, doing a mental count of what hurt, what didn’t, what should, and what shouldn’t, all without opening her eyes. Possible slight Concussion. Left shoulder and hip...probably sprained. Left wrist, maybe a sprain. Ribs...most likely a couple bruised, maybe one or two cracked even. Overall state of her head...Aching like nobody’s business. She turned her senses to the other people around her, listening in. She felt a wave of energy wash over her, leading her to think she was being checked for the extent of her injuries. “What HAPPENED to her?!”

“She and Sapphire got into it in Hogsmeade.” Azalea’s voice answered. “Physically, she got all the damage, but Sapphire is emotionally just torn up about this. And Crystal, don’t you DARE start yelling at me.” Seeing that Azalea knew she was conscious, Crystal forced open her eyes, and looked around. Blaise sat at her side, and gently took her right hand in one of his own.

“Are you alright, Crystal?” he asked nervously. She rolled her eyes.

“What do YOU think? I’ve probably got a concussion, bruised and/or cracked ribs, a sprained shoulder and hip, and my head feels like someone cracked my skull open and pulled my brains out with a pair of pliers.” Blaise flinched slightly.

“Well you’re pretty close on that,” the shrill voiced nurse snapped as she bustled over to the bed. “You received a concussion, BROKEN your left wrist, cracked three ribs and bruised seven more, dislocated your left shoulder, loosened the bones in your left hip joint, and you split your brow wide open. You nearly died of blood loss, young lady!”

“Died?” Crystal asked in confusion. “But I flew back to the school and made it to my room fine...”

“Leaving a trail of blood all the way there!”

“You passed out from blood loss in your room,” Azalea said softly. “Why didn’t you come here? Or even to me so I could have DRAGGED you here?”

“I was ashamed, Azalea,” Crystal answered, turning her eyes to the wall. “I lost a fight and fled...I was weak.”

“YOU ARE NOT WEAK!” Azalea yelled, standing up so hard she knocked over the chair she’d been sitting in. “Don’t you DARE give me that load of shit Crystal Agate Gemasia! I ALMOST LOST YOU!” Her voice cracked, as did the furious look on her face. She sat down on the edge of Crystal’s cot, and looked forlornly down at her, a few tears sneaking down her cheeks. “Just because you lose a battle...” she croaked, accepting the tissue that Blaise handed her. “...doesn’t make you weak. Tis better to flee the battleground when you’re losing, than to go down in flames. Think about those you’d leave behind, Hon.” She dried her eyes again. “You’re the only person I’ve ever really befriended over the last ten years, because you’re the only one I can STAND!”





(NM)MNK - This chapter was left incomplete and won’t be completed, but I can tell you the gist.


The fight with Sapphire should have been insufficient to injure Crystal to the extent of Madame Pomfrey’s examinations. In fact, if we apply the logic of superhuman fighting/superhuman bodies, one could argue that the worst of it should have been some bruising and bleeding.

After Madame Pomfrey treats Crystal’s injuries, Crystal rests and Azalea calls Iris, Peridot, Sapphire, and Dumbledore to Madame Pomfrey’s office for a discussion. After the others are caught up, the question is raised whether Crystal is injured more easily and more grievously than she should be—she is, and it’s happening more and more frequently. This is followed by whether Crystal, when injured, is healing at the rate she should be, which she isn’t. The group come to the conclusion that something is interfering with her health and ability to heal, and it’s just getting worse. This is followed by a reminder that her moods are unstable—she angers too quickly, falls to depression too easily, and lashes out at everyone around her without much provocation as if she feels attacked by everything and everyone. At Dumbledore’s questioning, the others admit that Crystal was never like this before she was captured, and it’s gotten worse by the year. Someone, I can’t recall who, says that it sounds like the results of a curse or perhaps a poison. Peridot asks how their enemies would have gotten ahold of such a thing, but no one has any answers. (Gee, past-self, I wonder why. Maybe because that makes as much sense as makeup on fish, or aliens at Hogwarts.)

The discussion breaks up with Dumbledore offering to have his brightest minds look into possible causes and cures, Sapphire promising to stay away as much as possible and not antagonize Crystal, and Azalea vowing to not let Crystal out of her sight if at all possible. Lastly, someone puts a charm on Crystal to monitor her health, moods, and energy for fluctuations. The chapter would have ended with Blaise sitting by her hospital bed, watching her sleep, and being a little emo kid because I wrote this as an emo kid who needed therapy.