Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Harry Potter and (the rest of) The Beast Within ❯ Chapter (IDEFK): The Beast Unleashed And Hearts Broken In Two ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


I'm running out of ways to say I don't own Harry Potter. You know what I'm not running out of? Dirty laundry. If you offer to wash my socks, I may be generous and let you threaten to sue me over what I don't own.


Chapter (IDEFK): The Beast Unleashed And Hearts Broken In Two

It was yet another beautiful day at Hogwarts, and the third through seventh years were almost to Hogsmeade again. “Honestly, Harry, I’m fine!” Sapphire groaned, exasperated. “I’ve just got a feeling something will go awry while we’re here.” Harry looked worriedly over at his girlfriend, still nervous. Usually when she had a feeling that something bad would happen, something bad DID happen. She’d had a bad feeling about going to Hogsmeade two of the other three times they’d gone, and both times she’d been right. She usually didn’t tell him about these premonitions...at least, not on purpose. He had always been able to tell by her actions. Today, there was a grimness in her expression that her smile couldn’t hide. What would go wrong THIS time?

“If you’re sure, Sapphire,” he sighed in defeat as he sought out her hand. “If you’re sure.”

“Trust me, Sapphire, you’re going to have a great time!” Hermione butted in. “The Three Broomsticks,” she prattled on, bringing a smile to Sapphire’s face. “is THE best Inn in the country, and they always have an unlimited number of kegs of Butterbeer in the basement.” Sapphire’s eyes flew wide open.

“Hermione,” she squeaked, “you DRINK?!” Harry and the others burst out laughing as a hefty blush crossed the younger girl’s face.

“Butterbeer has hardly any alcohol in it,” Hermione answered in a soft, embarrassed tone. “So little that a human would explode of drinking too much before getting drunk.” Sapphire smirked and gave Hermione a playful roll of her eyes.

“I was kidding. You’d rather DIE than break a rule so small as ‘No passing notes in class,’ so I SERIOUSLY doubt you have it in you to be a teenage alcoholic.” Hermione gave a relieved laugh as they crossed the cobblestone street. “If you should ever be ready to try REAL alcohol, I’d have to say see if you could get ahold of some Cranberry Wine from my homeland…but not till you’re of age.” Now everyone else’s eyes bugged, staring at Sapphire. She rolled her beautiful blue eyes again. “You forget that I’m nearly twice Harry’s age in Earth years,” she sighed, shaking her head. “Yes, I’ve had alcohol before, but I’ve not had enough to get drunk. I’m not like my Lican sister Fira.”

“Fira?” Harry asked as they entered The Three Broomsticks.

“She drinks like a freakin’ fish.” They all sat down at a table in the corner. “Her intoxication has been good as well as bad for us. She has a tendency to fight better when tipsy, and during the war, she led raids that recovered over a hundred prisoners, most when she was close to blacking out. Many of our people are alive today because of this.” She looked sternly about them, and added, “Even so, humans should NEVER act like her. While she’s not exactly a disgrace, she’s gotten us into a good deal of trouble many times in the past.” At that moment, the bartender, Madam Rosmerta, reached their table.

“Why, you’ve brought a new friend, Kids!” she chirped, extending a hand to Sapphire. “What’s your name, Sweetie?” Sapphire gently shook the woman’s hand.

“Sapphire,” she answered.

“Good to meet you. So what can I get you all?

“Butterbeer please!” they all said in unison. Well, all except for Sapphire. She just snickered at her friends predictability.

“Okay, that’ll be one, two, three, four...five Butterbeers.” She turned to leave, then suddenly remembered that there was now a sixth in their little circle. “I’m sorry, Dear.” She grinned sheepishly. “You didn’t order. What can I get you?” Sapphire glanced over at the menu across the room.

“I’ll have a lime and soda, please.” Rosmerta smiled and nodded, heading back to the bar. Everyone stared at her.

“Lime and soda?” Ginny asked quietly, confused at her older friend’s choice.

“This may be the best pub, but it isn’t my first.” Rosmerta soon returned with a huge tray holding five large tankards of Butterbeer, and a glass of clear fizzy soda. The friends thanked her, and set into their drinks. A soft smile crept over Sapphire’s face as she took her first sip of her soda. “I haven’t had one of these in years!” she sighed happily, her eyes closed in contentment. Harry reached over and took her hand, smiling back. “Care to try some, Harry?”

“Only if you’ll try the Butterbeer.” She smirked shaking her head.

“All you had to do was offer...” she sighed, sliding her drink over to him as he handed his to her. She took a hesitant drink, then pulled back. “That’s actually pretty good!” she exclaimed, handing it back to him.

"Wanna trade?” he asked after taking a sip of her soda.

“Not a chance,” she mock-growled. “Hand over the soda and no one gets hurt!” The whole table burst into laughter as Harry, feigning terror, handed it back to her. She took another drink glaring over at him, though for some reason it couldn’t squelch the grin in her eyes. Suddenly, there was a great squeal outside. Sapphire set her drink down on the table with a clunk and raced out the door.

“Is this what she was talking about?” Harry wondered aloud as he and the others left the table. “We’ll be right back, Rosmerta.” Harry called out as they left. The first thing they saw was Sapphire, kneeling on the ground next to an injured kitten, while Crabbe and Goyle stood nearby. Seeing Harry, Sapphire gently handed him the cat, and stormed up to the two boys. “Oh...crap...” Harry muttered hoarsely as he looked the creature over. She had a handful of major scratches, but the worst of it was her left hind leg. It appeared to be broken. “...she’s gonna KILL them!” He handed the cat to Hermione as he and Viktor raced over to hold Sapphire back. She held up a hand, and they stopped.

“I’m not gonna lose it, Harry,” she growled, not breaking eye contact with the two thugs. “I’m just gonna teach them a lesson they’ll never forget.” With that, she leapt at them, arms outstretched. In midair, she shifted into her snow leopard form, and landed heavily on Goyle’s chest, kicking her right hind leg out, and leaving a long, deep gash in his left leg. Crabbe lashed out with a punch that cut her lip and was thrown back to the ground, and she raked her claws along his left leg in the same manner. Sapphire wiped the index finger of both hands through the blood dripping from her lip, then, muttering in her native language, she jabbed the bloody fingers into the boy’s wounds. Right before Harry’s eyes, the wounds healed in seconds leaving a pair of wicked scars and a reminder that his girlfriend was neither human nor harmless.

Once the pain was gone, Crabbe and Goyle roared and lunged at Sapphire. Suddenly, they fell to the ground clutching their previously wounded legs, crying out in pain. The scars had suddenly become bright red and opened up, bleeding down their legs, but when they fell back, they closed and dulled. Again, the pain passed and they again leapt at her. The same thing happened. “I hope for your own sakes you cut this out before you really hurt yourselves,” Sapphire growled at the two bullies rolling on the ground in agony. “Personally, I could do this all day, but then again, I’m on the giving end of the fight.”

“What did you do to them?” Harry asked walking up behind her bewildered.

“You might call it a curse,” she said, still not taking her eyes off the pair, “but to my people, it’s just a lesson. They will never again be able to hurt someone like this again. Every time they try, those scars will open and bleed, causing enough pain to dissuade them from their plans.” She grimaced. “Think of it as negative reinforcement.”

Harry just stood there, baffled. Could Hagrid have been right? “Are you sure they deserve that, Sapphire?” he asked quietly.

“I can sense a great deal of evil in their souls, Harry.” She sighed, retrieving the kitten from Hermione’s arms and slowly walking back into the tavern. “I did what I thought was best.” The others stood there staring at one another for a moment, then finally headed back into the building. When inside, they went back to their table, only to find a couple of coins where Sapphire had been sitting. They looked everywhere for her, though they found nothing.

“What do you suppose is wrong with her?” Ron asked worriedly. Harry shook his head, staring at the partially emptied glasses and coins.

“I don’t know. Something made her leave our company, and even pay for her own drinks without finishing them. She must think we’re mad at her or something.”

“But why would we be mad?”

“Not necessarily we, Ginny,” Hermione said softly as Harry headed off toward the castle, walking as though he were in great pain. “Perhaps she’s worried about how HARRY feels right now. After all, she acted pretty violent, though I’m certain she was holding back. Perhaps she got wind of how angry Harry got at Hagrid when he called her a monster.” She sighed, staring at Harry’s retreating figure, then beckoned the others to follow. “She’s probably feeling like a monster right now, and the last thing she needs is to be alone with herself.”


When Harry reached the castle, he was shocked to see Sapphire backing Malfoy up against a tree. He could tell by the way that her tail fur was bristled that she was angry. Harry ran toward them.

“If you EVER, and I mean EVER come near me again, I swear on the memory of my people I’ll do MORE than just break your nose!” she spat, holding him up to eye level by the collar of his shirt.

“SAPPHIRE!” Harry shouted. She dropped Malfoy and spun around to face Harry, her eyes wide, full of fear and shame. Without warning, Sapphire leapt into the air and flew off toward the tower. Harry’s friends came racing up behind him, staring at the sky as she flew to the tower.

Harry raced into the castle. Again, they followed, Viktor staying behind just long enough to help Malfoy to his feet. The blond slapped his hands away, and stormed off, so Viktor raced to catch up with the others. By the time they reached the room she’d been staying in, it was empty but for her belongings and the necklace he’d given her, lying on the bed, and a piece of parchment beside it. The blue ink was still wet, so she couldn’t have been gone long. Harry picked it up and his eyes bugged.

“Dear friends...” he read aloud in disbelief. “I’m more than sorry that I’ve disappointed you. Perhaps it’s better this way. I don’t know why this has happened, but clearly there’s nothing else I can do. Hermione, I know I probably scared you when we first met, and I apologize. You’ve become more of a friend to me than I’d have ever imagined. Ron, you’ve shown loyalty and courage beyond your years, and certainly uncharacteristic of your species...STAY THAT WAY. Viktor, you’ve proven yourself to have a good heart, and I know that if you try, you can make great changes in the world. Ginny, I wish I could’ve stayed to watch you grow, for I’m certain you’ll become a fine young woman as you age. Remember that the world is at your command, and all you have to do is seize it. Harry...” Tears began to roll down his cheeks and he let the letter fall back onto the bed. Hermione picked it up and passed it around as the young man sat down on the window sill.

Harry, it read, the paper stained with tears. ...Know that I love you more than life itself, but perhaps Hagrid was right about me. I’m eternally sorry, Harry...Goodbye. Sorry. Whysorrywhy … Idon’tunderstandwhythis … whyis this … why … notagain … itcan’thappenagain…
